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What would you suggest for bedroom situation?


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9 kids ages:

20 boy

19 girl

17 boy

15 boy

12 girl

9 boy

7 girl

4 boy

3 girl


The two oldest were out of the home but have come back for the moment. Their room or partial room spaces were passed on and now we are scrambling to figure out what to do.


We have a master (upstairs)

Room 1 has 15 and 17 year old boys. Could maybe possibly hold the oldest boy but it would be very tight

Room 2 has 4 and 9 year old boys about 12x11 with a set of bunk beds. Not ideal for more kids especially with stuff.

Room 3 has the girls 3, 7 and 12 as well as a corner dedicated to my sewing machine. It's a pretty good size room. The 19 year old girl has only been home one night and she took the 7 year olds bed and the two little girls slept together. This isn't a horrible plan but the room really doesn't have space for her stuff. No dresser space etc. her suitcases are in the hall 😕

Downstairs there is a den that the 20 year old boy has been in for 1.5 months. It was previously the oldest girls room but she was away at college when the son came home from a 2 year mission and she told us to go ahead and give him her old room. It is small and has no closet so it would not easily accommodate more than 1 person. It also actually doubles as the den with a large desk/computer etc. this is proving to be a source of frustration for the oldest but there is really no other space for our computers/printer etc.


The oldest girl who just got home will likely be home until winter time but it could be as long as April. She was supposed to back to college in the fall but does not have enough money to and we can't help her at the moment so she will likely need to stay home and work while going online.


The oldest boy will be home until January when he goes away to school. He may then be back in July until the next January.


The 15 and 17 year olds get up at 5 am during the school year for an early class which makes it really hard to share a room with young ones. The oldest girl works early shift as early as 6 am a lot which also makes it hard to share with littles. Oldest boy is training for a triathlon and also is up early a lot unless he worked graveyard and then he needs to sleep long past the time the middle boys or they youngest ones get up. Sounds like the graveyard shift thing is over though so might not be relevant.


We've only known for a few days that the 19 year old girl wasn't going to be at college for fall term. So we are scrambling to come up with a plan.


I can see that there will be a lot of in and out and such with these older kids and I want them to feel welcome to come home and have a place for them. But there are 11 of us and when they leave we need the space 😂 so this is really tricky.


As an outsider, what would you see as a good set up/solution? Please note that we have an open floor plan with vaulted ceilings etc and there is NO other space that could be used as a bedroom. I'm not exaggerating here. There's nothing.

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Wow. How about the yard setup? Any chance of a temporary out-building or trailer? Still a LOT cheaper than rent somewhere...

We are on 1/2 acre lot which is huge for our metro area but not a lot of space. I love the idea of a camper/trailer but it would have to be borrowed and I'm really unsure where we would park it. Not sure we could get it in the back yard.

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Can you move your sewing stuff to your bedroom to make room for 19yodd?

Yes. Something like that is probably the most likely to happen. It's just still not ideal to have her in there with all the little girls. She's been away for a year and I wish I could offer her more privacy or at least only with closer in age siblings. But she has none 😂

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I would give the oldest girl her room (the den) back, especially since ds20 doesn't care for it.


I would keep the other three girls in their room.


I would keep the two younger boys in their room.


I would move the ds20 in with ds17 and ds15.  I understand there isn't a lot of room for him, but imho a 20 year old living at home shouldn't be picky.

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I don't know if anyone would come out alive, but.... could an area (the den?) become the family closet/storage? Would there be enough room for beds and people then? Technically it would them make sense to have rooms for older boys, older girls, and littles. Practically, however, I don't know.

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I would give the oldest girl her room (the den) back, especially since ds20 doesn't care for it.


I would keep the other three girls in their room.


I would keep the two younger boys in their room.


I would move the ds20 in with ds17 and ds15. I understand there isn't a lot of room for him, but imho a 20 year old living at home shouldn't be picky.

Yes this is the option 2. I do feel the same about both of them not being picky and honestly they aren't. The 19 year old is being sweet and lovely and says she doesn't mind bunking with the girls. The oldest boy was a little prickly about the computer stuff today which has me annoyed at him but I don't want to make a rash decision based on that.


The teen boys have their beds unbunked but they can be put together as bunks again and some room made for another bed. We do actually have another bed for her just can't figure out where to put it ;)

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I don't know if anyone would come out alive, but.... could an area (the den?) become the family closet/storage? Would there be enough room for beds and people then? Technically it would them make sense to have rooms for older boys, older girls, and littles. Practically, however, I don't know.

The laundry room does have family closet set up for all younger ones (3-9). I wish we had just had one all along but since we didn't the older ones have balked at doing it now. And honestly now that we have it for the youngers I see the downsides and I don't blame them.


I keep thinking the same, big boys, big girls, littles. Just trying to see how that would work.

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Yes. Something like that is probably the most likely to happen. It's just still not ideal to have her in there with all the little girls. She's been away for a year and I wish I could offer her more privacy or at least only with closer in age siblings. But she has none 😂


Could you combine the little ones?


So, something like:


Room 1: 9, 15, and 17 (Adding a 9 year old seems more doable than adding a 20 year old) 


Room 2: 3, 4, and 7 (Adding a toddler bed seems more doable than adding another twin)


Room 3: 12 and 19


Den: 20 year old?




Room 1: 3, 4, 7 and 9


Room 2: 12 and 19


Room 3: 15, 17 and 20


Den: Sewing and computer

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The laundry room does have family closet set up for all younger ones (3-9). I wish we had just had one all along but since we didn't the older ones have balked at doing it now. And honestly now that we have it for the youngers I see the downsides and I don't blame them.


I keep thinking the same, big boys, big girls, littles. Just trying to see how that would work.


Would you be willing to give the master bedroom to the youngest 4? Then the 3 oldest boys in room 3, 2 older girls in room 2, you in room 1. It often makes more sense for the adults to take a smaller room since there is less furniture / stuff / need for more space and it's big enough for more kids to share.


If that wouldn't work, I'd probably switch the 3 oldest boys and 3 youngest girls, give the oldest girl the den back and try to find somewhere else for the sewing machine either your bedroom or the den.

Edited by fullmoon
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I would give the oldest girl her room (the den) back, especially since ds20 doesn't care for it.


I would keep the other three girls in their room.


I would keep the two younger boys in their room.


I would move the ds20 in with ds17 and ds15. 


I would do this. What I would NOT do is give up the master bedroom. Parents need their space, especially if it has a bathroom. It will become less of a sanctuary if you give it up.

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Would you consider trading your master bedroom for one of the other rooms? I assume it is larger...

It's been consideration here and at our last home. Both have had en suite bathrooms and my husband especially has not wanted to give that up. Privacy/retreat you know? In addition, this situation is very temporary. Doing a huge change/disruption is not really feasible. Kids will be coming and going for years probably but it's only a year from now that I don't expect any of the older three to be living at home. (Oldest 2 at college and 3rd on a mission for 2 years). There is a lot of stress and pressure in our life right now and I can't really see adding in giving up our bedroom.

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We are on 1/2 acre lot which is huge for our metro area but not a lot of space. I love the idea of a camper/trailer but it would have to be borrowed and I'm really unsure where we would park it. Not sure we could get it in the back yard.

Have you seen the ways to transform a $300 storage building? My sister just did one, for under $500 WITH airconditioning...

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Can you build loft beds? I knew a family that had a room with one bottom bunk and two top bunks. There was furniture (a dresser and desk) under the top/loft bed.

Yes possibly. The more I think about this and look over suggestions and such, the biggest issue is just figuring out which room to use for whom and who to pair up. We can realistically fit beds in the rooms although some things would be needed to go (like a lounge chair and toys from younger rooms if we add anyone to their rooms). It's just deciding who should go where.


It really seems like the 19 year old girl should be the one with her own room (back). It's the reason she got the room to start with and is the only child to ever have their own room. But I don't want to kick out(from the room) my just settled 20 year old either. He is having difficulty adjusting back to the level of noise and chaos that surrounds him and I know he is thankful to have a space to retreat to.

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Put the 3yo in a trundle bed.

Move your sewing stuff to your room.

Curtain off part of the girls room to give the 19yo some privacy and acquire a used dresser for her clothes and put it in there where the sewing stuff was. Extra points if you can make her bed a loft bed with storage underneath.


It's not perfect, but gives a bit of privacy in what is probably a relatively short-term situation. Six months from now, things will look different.

Edited by AK_Mom4
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It is a pain when older children shift back home. We have just had ds21 shift home, he will be gone again in 2 months when his job starts up again, but he brought his girlfriend with him, which meant I quickly converted my half bedroom sewing room into a bedroom. ........( no sharing boyfriend girlfriend room here)...... now I find out that she is thinking of staying here for 9 months while ds is away for work..... argh, we were not consulted on this at all

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Oh,  and for now, could oldest son make a nest for himself in the garage, or a tent in the backyard?  At lease until weather changes?


My in-laws had bunk beds for two girls and a single for the oldest girl in one room, two singles for the middle boys in another...and part of the huge girls room had been walled off and a door attached to give oldest boy his own tiny room.  Those kids were b g g b b g


Both the oldest boy and girl, in your case, are only back home for a bit, and needs to make do. 

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It is a pain when older children shift back home. We have just had ds21 shift home, he will be gone again in 2 months when his job starts up again, but he brought his girlfriend with him, which meant I quickly converted my half bedroom sewing room into a bedroom. ........( no sharing boyfriend girlfriend room here)...... now I find out that she is thinking of staying here for 9 months while ds is away for work..... argh, we were not consulted on this at all


Unless she is a finance with a ring on her finger she needs to make other arraignments asap.  Not fair to ya'all to impose that much.

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I think I would leave them where they are. 


Put the bunk with the trundle in the girls' room for 12, 7 & 3 yo. Put a loft bed or a curtained off area with low bed (and underbed drawers for storage) for 19 yo dd. You'll have 4 kids with the space of 2 beds and 19 yo will get her own bed area. You'll probably have to find a new spot for your sewing machine.


20 yo keeps den. Other boys keep their rooms. 


Another option is to let the oldest "kid at home" have his/her own room, so the 17 yo in this case get the den as a treat for being the oldest. Then, the 20 yo has to share with the 15 yo. That way, the youngers don't get usurped as the oldest by adult children coming back home. When the 17 yo turns 18-19 and/or graduates high school, it would go to the next one in line. 

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I absolutely would keep the master as your private space.


Your oldest son lived out of a suitcase with a companion 24/7 for 2 years. He can adjust to the noise. I'd put him with the older boys, even though it will be tight. It will be motivation for him to go work hard and save up for the next semester of school, iykwim. If he is headed to BYU, he's likely going to be sharing an apartment with a ton of guys anyway, and tuition is cheap. 


I'd put the 19yog into the tiny room, only because it's the least disruption for the little girls. Oldest girl sounds like she may be out by winter semester anyway, and once she is gone your computer/printer room is back to normal.  It's also continued motivation for her to be up and out and going into the world.


The other room I'd leave alone.


With two minor switches, you're good to go.



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Why do you feel more strongly about your oldest DD having her own room, than about your oldest DS? Understanding that dynamic might help us make suggestions.

Good question. I don't think I actually do. It's just that she doesn't have a sister within 7 years to share with so it is just logistics. Putting the 20 year old with the 17 year old or even both teens seems better than putting her with all the girls

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Do you have a garage? Build out a temporary little bunk room for the oldest boy in the garage.

It it too hot here right now. We do have a garage room we could use but it has no air. It needs air anyways (we use it as a practice room) and so this is what I'm going to push for. We are having a family meeting in a few hours to sort this out :)

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I absolutely would keep the master as your private space.


Your oldest son lived out of a suitcase with a companion 24/7 for 2 years. He can adjust to the noise. I'd put him with the older boys, even though it will be tight. It will be motivation for him to go work hard and save up for the next semester of school, iykwim. If he is headed to BYU, he's likely going to be sharing an apartment with a ton of guys anyway, and tuition is cheap.


I'd put the 19yog into the tiny room, only because it's the least disruption for the little girls. Oldest girl sounds like she may be out by winter semester anyway, and once she is gone your computer/printer room is back to normal. It's also continued motivation for her to be up and out and going into the world.


The other room I'd leave alone.


With two minor switches, you're good to go.

The boy is headed to byu-I in January for winter/spring track. He is working his tail off at multiple jobs to prepare to go. Girl is on fall/spring and paid 100% of her first 2 semesters. She's staying home for fall as she doesn't have enough for this term. She will either be home until April or might go on a mission in January or so.


I am with you though as wanting to disturb the other rooms as little as possible as this is all going to be fluid and flexible for the next little while.

Edited by busymama7
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Would this work:


2 youngest boys & 2 youngest girls together in the big bedroom.

Boys 15,17 as is.

Girls 12,19 together where the younger boys are now.

20yo in the den as now.  When he isn't there, little boys or the 19yo could move in.

Could the sewing machine move into the master bedroom?

Could you downsize the computer area so it's laptops and one printer/scanner and no need for a big desk?  And if so, could it move out into the general living area?  We have our printer/scanner on top of a small cabinet in the dining room.

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Guess I'm wondering why the oldest girl should have a greater claim on the "own room" than the oldest boy.  Seems to me that he's established in there now and there's no point moving him out unless it's going to make things easier for everyone.


Maybe move him in with the teen boys when he returns next July.  I didn't realize at first that the teens didn't already have their beds in bunks, so there would be room for another bed in there.

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Guess I'm wondering why the oldest girl should have a greater claim on the "own room" than the oldest boy. Seems to me that he's established in there now and there's no point moving him out unless it's going to make things easier for everyone.


Maybe move him in with the teen boys when he returns next July. I didn't realize at first that the teens didn't already have their beds in bunks, so there would be room for another bed in there.

She really doesn't and I stated upthread that I didn't want to move him as he is already settled. It'a just where to put her? As sharing with the girls is not only a space problem but a logistics one too due to rising time and such. Plus I just don't want her to have to although she's been bunking in there for a couple days and being really sweet about the whole thing. Obviously if I felt she had greater claim or something she'd be in there already 😕 Edited by busymama7
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Would this work:


2 youngest boys & 2 youngest girls together in the big bedroom.

Boys 15,17 as is.

Girls 12,19 together where the younger boys are now.

20yo in the den as now. When he isn't there, little boys or the 19yo could move in.

Could the sewing machine move into the master bedroom?

Could you downsize the computer area so it's laptops and one printer/scanner and no need for a big desk? And if so, could it move out into the general living area? We have our printer/scanner on top of a small cabinet in the dining room.

There isn't room in the master for my sewing stuff but packing it up in the garage is a on the table so to speak.


The huge desk for computers is mostly a storage area as it is laptops anyways and the printer and no one uses the computers in the room (family rule). I would be happy to remove the desk but my husband is attached to it. It doesn't fit it our room or it would be there already for his work space. The desk used to be in the family room until we were gifted a sectional sofa about a year ago that allows for us all to have seating in there now which is great. The desk was a temporary fix until we could figure out a better space for computers but we haven't done that yet in no small part due to lack of funds. There is a bay window in the kitchen that I want to do a built in space for computers and printer. But that doesn't solve the issue of that ginormous desk 😕 it was his dad's...😉

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What if you put your oldest two together in the den (and empty everything else out of that room). Each gets a loft bed and desk thing like a dorm room. I know they are a boy and girl, but I don't think that has to matter. Then the rest of your house stays the same as they go in and out.

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