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Things you irrationally hate


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Today I fully accepted the fact that I just hate going to the bank. It doesn't matter which bank or which branch, walking in the door makes me angry.


In fact, if I could choose, I'd rather go to the gynecologist than the bank.  


As far as I can tell, there's not really a rational reason for this. Sure, it feels like a waste of my time, but there are plenty of required life things that fit that description. And no, the customer service often isn't great, but same as above.


Anyone else have something they irrationally hate? Or is it just me?


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Snakes.  They're my number one.  I like pretty much everything else in nature (not counting mosquitoes, other biting insects, or farm varmints) - even help spiders when I can - but I can't stand snakes.


Nothing is rational about it, but such is life.  Two of my boys inherited it from me.  The third likes them.  If it weren't for other aspects of his life, I'd be suspicious that he was switched at birth.


I also don't like Dr appts, but that, to me, is rational according to my nature.  I like being in control - so do they - natural clash when things don't go as I think they should, esp since it's my body and all.

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Contractors in my house. Incompetent contractors with poor communication skills. Grrrrrrr.


ETA: by poor communication skills I mean not returning calls, communicating when they will be dropping in unannounced, and walking into my kitchen without knocking or announcing themselves. In no way is there a language barrier, and I just realized my post could have been read that way. This is more like discourteous, poor manners.

Edited by Spryte
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Fruit stickers

YES. And the plastic labels on clothes. Like cutting off rags isn't laborious enough, and then you miss one and walk around looking like a tool with it stuck to the back of your pants leg.

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When you reach for something on the top shelf of a cabinet and it just spins around until it moves far enough away that you can barely touch it with your fingers. Infuriating.


And no I will not just go get a step stool the first time. That's what makes it irrational.

Edited by BarbecueMom
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People who use the word winsome to mean winning. Here's the definition courtesy of Meriam Webster:


Definition of winsome

  1. 1 :  generally pleasing and engaging often because of a childlike charm and innocence a winsome smile

  2. 2 :  cheerful, lighthearted


I'm not usually the grammar police but this misuse just drives.me.nuts!!!!

Edited by chiguirre
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I hate it when people don't use the Oxford comma.  A lot.  Which means that every time I read a newspaper or magazine article there are little bursts of hate as my eyes linger on the places where commas should be and aren't.  Ugh.

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#newlyweds #ournamessquishedtogether #luckiestgirlintheworld

Every single overly posed "candid" selfie of everything this girl from high school and her husband do and post on Facebook. She's also an actress, so I think part of all the hashtags is building her brand for any followers. That just annoys me more.


Also "squad goals" and "relationship goals." Just no.

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Soft touch.   People these days tell children to touch softly.  No, eww!  It makes me feel so gross.  Firm touch only please.  Or better yet, no touch.


When things come out of the dishwasher dirty.  A fork with crud stuck to after going through the dishwasher is much worse than a dirty fork.


I agree with pp: talking on the phone & call-in radio.  I would extended that to interview situation where one person is being stupid instead of trying to provide genuine dialogue. 


I'm quirky, I have a bunch.  


I'm vegetarian, when something that is otherwise vegetarian has some small amount of meat added like bacon bits.  So I can't eat it.


*cough* my mother *cough*


When people offer my children food they can't have.  Then I have to be a meany and say "no, actually they can't have chocolate milk with their meal" and my kids cry.



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I don't feel that way about banks, but about doctor's appointments, yes.  I can't say I'd rather go to the gynecologist, though, because that's a doctor, too.  I hate hospitals, too, but for far more rational reasons, in my mind.  I've never had anything terrible happen at a doctor's appointment, but have had several bad experiences in hospitals.  They're not places most people visit for fun.


I also hate eating noises with a passion. 

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Another: the way that yell sneezers can sneak up behind you, do their jump-inducing extremely loud noise, and then act like it's normal, and the person who has nearly suffered a heart attack is over-reacting.

Not only am I a yell sneezer I'm also an almost fall down sneezer, I promise scaring the carp out of people is the last thing on my mind.... I'm usually hoping I don't bust a blood vessel, lol.

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Not only am I a yell sneezer I'm also an almost fall down sneezer, I promise scaring the carp out of people is the last thing on my mind.... I'm usually hoping I don't bust a blood vessel, lol.

This made me laugh out loud! :D

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Taylor Swift.



I feel that way about Sugarland. That twang in her voice just drives me bonkers. There are other twangy singers, but something about that particular one...

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Also, folding socks, bare feet, dirty fingernails, nails that need to be clipped, eating noises, sharing my drink, the sound of crinkling plastic, and being asked what's for dinner.

Hate that SO much. Yet it happens practically every day. Related hate: when I have fixed the dinner and the people lolly-gag in when they get around to it. It's like they can't arrive at the table until the very moment the food is ready. That always makes me feel like the hired help. Sometimes I even say, "Your dinner is served, Master."


Similar one DH asks me daily, "What's on the agenda for the day?" Like I have to report exactly what I'm doing. I'm vague every time, but he'll ask me again tomorrow.

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The sound of sniffing.

Weeds...there's this whole strange interaction with our garden that happens every year. DH always overplants. I would only plant my boxes, but DH must have his rows of potatoes. But the weeds get so insane in those rows, it looks like we *planted* Johnson Grass and thistles. By then, DH isn't invested in his darn potatoes anymore. So, the resident perfectionist is out there, pulling three foot weeds...

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Loud chewing.

Moist bread (gag)

People who make shuffle noises because they don't pick their feet up when they walk.

Being told information/facts that I already know by someone who assumes I don't know what they are telling me.




Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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