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Help Me Identify this European Candy


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My DH brought the kids back some candy from a trip to Germany. One of my DDs said she loved it so much she wanted to marry it. I'm trying to find it to buy her some more, but unfortunately she ate them all and I can't remember what it was and my internet searching is not coming up with anything. Maybe the candy was sold in Germany but isn't German. 


What it is:

Individually wrapped squares. They are wrapped like a present and not like in a little baggie. They are brightly and deeply colored in colors like red, blue, green, gold- sort of like Christmas shades or jewel shades and not primary or pastels. 


They are not Haribo, but are a gummy texture. It's a soft gummy, and not hard like a bear.


They are fruit flavored and the colors of the wrapping differ according to flavor. I'm not sure about the fruit flavors but maybe apple, blueberry, raspberry, etc. They weren't mixes of fruits. 


Any ideas? When I search German gummy candy all I get are Haribo or fruit slices and these are nothing like that. Her birthday is coming up and I want to surprise her. 

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Sorry. It's none of those. It's definitely not Turkish Delight. We have family in Turkey and get that all the time. It's not taffy. Taffy is chewy and this has no chew to it. None of the HItschler I've seen look like it. And it's not Marzipan. It's definitely a fruit jelly/gummy type of candy. They might have been rectangles instead of squares, but definitely small little box like shapes. The packaging was attractive and more grown up than little kid looking. 


DH would have picked it up at a common gas station, drug store, etc. He didn't go shopping in fancy candy stores. He got it during the Oktoberfest season, but I don't know if it could be seasonal. I want to say that the candy itself looked a little layered and they had a yellowish/off white-ish color. I don't think the actual candy was brightly colored like a skittle or starburst.

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Still need help, or was one of the above the answer? My DH works for a German company, and he offered to ask everyone there, if you have not found out what it is yet.


That is so kind of him. Thank you. I'm usually a good searcher but this is stumping me!

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I agree that it sounds like Maoams.  Here's a picture of the packaging



These have a very similar texture to American starburst candies, same individual wrapping as well.  They have a less intense flavor though.


ETA- this is what the individual candies look like in their wrappers


Edited by Monica_in_Switzerland
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Are they similar to aplets and cotlets? 


Yes, they looked more like that than most of the other suggestions.They had no solid pieces of fruit and no powdered sugar on the outside, however, and not the texture of Turkish Delight which I think is a little drier. There may have been some crystalized sugar on top, but I can't be sure, and if it was it was very fine. DD doesn't like Turkish delight or gummy bears, so it's weird for her to love whatever these are.

Edited by Paige
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OK, so are they wrapped like a package in a wrapper that is a flat piece of paper, or sealed with seams (which is not how you wrap a package)?


Flat paper, but they are similar to Ritter in that they are shiny, deep colored, and not cartoon like.

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I have searched so many candy stores now online that I'm debating whether I should fill a cart at one. :lol:


I hope you find it.  If anything, just so I can know!  There may be a slim possibility that it is a regional/celebratory thing.  We've eaten candy from all of our travels and the one I miss the most is a mild black licorice rope filled with marshmallow.  It was so soft..I have found similar, but nothing that comes close to it.

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What about Bohme fruit flavored caramels? They are chewy-ish, individually wrapped with a fruit picture, and uniquely German.


Bohme Frucht-Karamellen would be the search term.  Doughnuts to dollars you can buy them on amazon. Yep!


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You all are great but it's none of these. I'm going crazy. I actually had one in the house until maybe last week. I saw it in DH's secret stash while cleaning up which reminded me to get it for DD and he must have eaten it! I even gave in and asked DD if she remembered what it was and risked the surprise but she's no help. All it did was make her want more. She'll be 13 and has never wanted to marry anything like this!  :drool5:


My brain is melting from trying to search and remember. I've tried google images and google shopping for German/ Germany gummy/jelly candy and haven't seen anything. I'll try Oktoberfest in case it is seasonal. I think, but you all know how bad eye witness memories are, that the candies are wrapped in a double layer with a gold base and then the dark color to indicate flavor wrapped around the top. You can see the gold on the ends without opening it. Does that help? DH sent me a picture of his packed suitcase with all the candies he brought us but luck has it that this candy must have been under something else. I see Happy Hippos, Kinder Surprise, Haribo, etc., but none of the ones I want. 

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Cavendish and Harvey mixed fruit drops? https://cavendish-harvey.de/en/products/individually-wrapped-confectionery/


ETA: these may be hard rather than soft, though.


Lutti Fruitinettes? https://www.monmoreconfectionery.co.uk/lutti-fruitinetts-3kg


Verduyn Fruity Caramels? https://www.monmoreconfectionery.co.uk/fruity-caramels-3kg


Edited by KarenNC
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