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anyone snowed in today?


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Schools were still on here. But I let the kids go sledding on the hill by the school. They're still not back. We don't ever really get snowed in just because we can walk to everything we need. This is just an icy mess. I can't believe they held school today, though all the surrounding districts and all my kids' activities are canceled.

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We were yesterday.  Went to the Y this morning but didn't make it inside.  Forgot some of the schools in the area are on Spring break and the parking lot was more packed than the last time they had a basketball tournament.  I guess everyone was sick of being stuck inside with their kids yesterday.


Decided after that & with the frigid cold a day off with kiddos watching movies was a very good idea.

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I simply refused to believe anything would happen. This was literally the first time all winter we've taken out the snow gear. Nothing fit anymore. Which... I'm still going to call it a win that I made the call back in November not to replace it for this winter. Hopefully no one will come home with too many "my boots were too small!" blisters. Also, I think I'll be able to wear the boots after this and I needed new winter books. So that's a win for me. I'm enjoying inheriting all my boys' shoes this year.

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We sort of are. In reality, I am very disappointed that this did not present a proper Nor'easter. It was largely a wintery mix, so all of the hassle, none of the beauty. I was looking for 6-12" of fluffy, white snow, not icy dregs at the bottlom of a milkshake. I shoveled out my chicken run and every shovel-full weighed about 40 lbs. It is snowing properly again as I speak, though.

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Kind of.  We got a few inches Sunday night and a possible 8 more today/tonight.  Road conditions are not good-low visibility and icy.  So we are not leaving the house and hoping DH makes it home soon.  It wasn't supposed to start until tonight.


Ready for spring. :toetap05:

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Mostly. We got about 6" but now it's pouring rain. It's supposed to switch back to snow later. The wind is supposed to pick up too. The governor enacted a travel ban for the whole state but my DH is an essential employee so he'll have to go in for his shift. The kids and I will be home and hopefully won't lose power when the wind gusts reach 60+ mph.

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Nope. It hit 91Ëš here 2 days ago, 90Ëš yesterday, and we're scheduled for 89Ëš-90Ëš for almost the next 2 weeks. And nope, I'm not down-under, but here in sunny southwestern U.S.


Yes, I know that probably sounds lovely to all the snow-shut-ins, but that is about 8 weeks EARLY for very unseasonably warm temperatures here. Which means, instead of having the usual 5-month long summer, we may be looking at summer temps for 6-7 months of this year...  :svengo:  :zombie:


Me, simultaneously sweating and crying -->  :crying:


Also, me, wondering how the heck we can swap a little weather back and forth and even things out a bit... -->  :confused1:

Edited by Lori D.
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Not snowed in, there really isn't that much out there, but we're pretending we are.


I figure if I went to all this trouble stocking up food, and work is cancelled, and DS's evening stuff is cancelled, I'm going to enjoy it.  I slept until noon, and now we're sitting on the couch doing math.

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Yep, snowed in here.  We have about a foot already but right now there's just a very fine, almost misty snow coming down.  I'm not sure if we're done or it's supposed to pick up again.  This morning it was all sleet and you could hear the ice pellets hitting the windows.

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We sort of are. In reality, I am very disappointed that this did not present a proper Nor'easter. It was largely a wintery mix, so all of the hassle, none of the beauty. I was looking for 6-12" of fluffy, white snow, not icy dregs at the bottlom of a milkshake. I shoveled out my chicken run and every shovel-full weighed about 40 lbs. It is snowing properly again as I speak, though.

I was also really hoping for at least 6inches of beautiful snow. This wintry mix was a huge disappointment. I just wanted one actual snow storm this year. We don't even need to shovel, the rain washed everything off the driveway. It is pretty icy out so I'm not going anywhere. Do had off work until 3 so he's getting ready now. I doubt anyone will show up for classes though.

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No way. This is not a big thing in our area. Yes, we're getting some snow, but it's a normal occurrence. 


I'm not exactly sure why it seems to come as such a huge shock to drivers, though. The morning commutes are always crazy with even just a skiff of snow on the ground.  :confused1:

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oh damn...now I think my DH is sick...symptoms seem like kidney stones (which he has had a few times)...that would be bad because there is no damn way to leave the house


that's no way to enjoy a day off...poor guy...

Wow! That's no fun at all!

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oh damn...now I think my DH is sick...symptoms seem like kidney stones (which he has had a few times)...that would be bad because there is no damn way to leave the house


that's no way to enjoy a day off...poor guy...

Yikes! I hope he's okay! :(

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Nobody likes a show-off. :glare:





;) ;) ;) ;)




Lori D has me beat by 20F! :)  But if this is it for cooler temps - we already had an unseasonably warm, rainy season - it will be a looong, hot summer. Not what this Scandinavian needs...

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oh damn...now I think my DH is sick...symptoms seem like kidney stones (which he has had a few times)...that would be bad because there is no damn way to leave the house


that's no way to enjoy a day off...poor guy...


Geht es ihm besser?


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So. Much. Snow.


Supposedly, we surpassed 24".  It's hard to tell with all the drifting and shoveling piles.  We didn't have a plow come by until 6 or 7pm, and he kept getting stuck trying to make it around our gently curved street.


I'm just relieved that we got less ice than usual and didn't lose power.

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Nope. I read Monday evening that Cuomo said all 62 counties are in a state of emergency, and I thought he was smoking crack then, and I still think he is. They canceled school on Tuesday, but I bet the only reason they did that was because the gov said it was a state of emergency (they've kept the schools open plenty of other times under similar conditions). Which then meant Celery didn't have OT and Speech, and also meant no swim&gym at the Y because they are daycare for a bunch of the school kids if there's no school. And I'd signed up the kids for Lego Club at the library for the first time ever for 6pm in the evening, and that got canceled... but they were the only branch out of the 20+ branches in our county system that are open on Tuesdays to close early (they closed at 6pm instead of 8pm - the branch we usually go to stayed open till 9pm like usual, etc).


We walked to the playground 6 blocks away yesterday where the kids played in the snow piles made by the plows. And after we walked back I shoveled the sidewalk and driveway. There was about 1ft of snow. Maybe that would be a lot of snow elsewhere, but this is Buffalo - 1ft of snow does not an emergency make. Kids took turns going on a bicycle ride around 5-6pm with my wife (she has snow tires, and one of the kids' bikes has snow tires, hence the turn taking). According to the weather service, visibility could drop as low as 1/2 mile, so that wasn't bad either. I wouldn't have hesitated driving anywhere yesterday - the streets looked fine, plows did good jobs, etc. 


More snow today, and visibilities possibly as low as 1/4 mile (it's windier) - still not terrible, school has another snow day, no library closings thus far today. 

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Nope. I read Monday evening that Cuomo said all 62 counties are in a state of emergency, and I thought he was smoking crack then, and I still think he is. They canceled school on Tuesday, but I bet the only reason they did that was because the gov said it was a state of emergency (they've kept the schools open plenty of other times under similar conditions). Which then meant Celery didn't have OT and Speech, and also meant no swim&gym at the Y because they are daycare for a bunch of the school kids if there's no school. And I'd signed up the kids for Lego Club at the library for the first time ever for 6pm in the evening, and that got canceled... but they were the only branch out of the 20+ branches in our county system that are open on Tuesdays to close early (they closed at 6pm instead of 8pm - the branch we usually go to stayed open till 9pm like usual, etc).


We walked to the playground 6 blocks away yesterday where the kids played in the snow piles made by the plows. And after we walked back I shoveled the sidewalk and driveway. There was about 1ft of snow. Maybe that would be a lot of snow elsewhere, but this is Buffalo - 1ft of snow does not an emergency make. Kids took turns going on a bicycle ride around 5-6pm with my wife (she has snow tires, and one of the kids' bikes has snow tires, hence the turn taking). According to the weather service, visibility could drop as low as 1/2 mile, so that wasn't bad either. I wouldn't have hesitated driving anywhere yesterday - the streets looked fine, plows did good jobs, etc. 


More snow today, and visibilities possibly as low as 1/4 mile (it's windier) - still not terrible, school has another snow day, no library closings thus far today. 


We got more than one foot of snow.  It's a much different story where I am.



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Right. I'm not saying that Cuomo is crazy for calling a state of emergency... I just don't get why he called a state of emergency in all 62 counties. 


I think the forecasters were saying it was going to be worse.


They predicted it wasn't going to be as bad where I am than it turned out being.  So I dunno...they didn't get something right.


They rarely cancel school here.  They've been closed for 2 days.  I wouldn't be surprised if they don't open tomorrow either.  The tricky thing with the area I live is it is densely populated so there is nowhere to put that kind of snow.  We just don't tend to get a lot of snow.

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I think the forecasters were saying it was going to be worse.


They predicted it wasn't going to be as bad where I am than it turned out being.  So I dunno...they didn't get something right.


They rarely cancel school here.  They've been closed for 2 days.  I wouldn't be surprised if they don't open tomorrow either.  The tricky thing with the area I live is it is densely populated so there is nowhere to put that kind of snow.  We just don't tend to get a lot of snow.


Our forecast was pretty much spot on.  Stores and services are closed again today because the roads are so bad.  We're not densely populated, but I think all the drifting is causing trouble.

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Right. I'm not saying that Cuomo is crazy for calling a state of emergency... I just don't get why he called a state of emergency in all 62 counties.

I am guessing a state of emergency allows him to park all the tractor trailers safely,instead of calling emergency personnel out and having miles of stopped traffiC along the interstate.

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I have eighteen inches in the windswept portion of the yard. 28 inches in the lee and did not bother measuring drifts. Glad its light and fluffy,but the sun is warm and melting the snow already.

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We got a foot of snow, but we're pretty used to it here.  PS was 2 hours late.  We've decided not to take dd to her Art class because, with the reduced time, it wouldn't be worth it to drive in.


DH got up early, used our tractor to snow blow and push snow with the bucket.  We were all cleaned up by 7:30.  

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Our forecast was pretty much spot on.  Stores and services are closed again today because the roads are so bad.  We're not densely populated, but I think all the drifting is causing trouble.


Our forecast was pretty close... I think we actually got more snow than predicted, but I'm not sure. It's hard to tell how much fell today/last night, because of the drifting. I just shoveled another foot of snow, but I think only half of that was snow that fell, the rest being drifts from yesterday's, but I'm not sure.. 



I am guessing a state of emergency allows him to park all the tractor trailers safely,instead of calling emergency personnel out and having miles of stopped traffiC along the interstate.



Sure, but they're not stopping traffic on the interstate:




Calling a state of emergency when conditions aren't emergency conditions and aren't predicted to be emergency conditions makes people more skeptical in the future, so then people are more likely to ignore it when there is predicted to be a real emergency.

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