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I'm a terrible person. I must be.

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If I was a better individual, it would not bother me so much when my family asks me, one after the other, in succession, what we're having for dinner. If I'm totally honest, I don't even like to answer this question once. Maybe one of you can help me come to terms with my anger issues.


Is it because I don't often have a name for what I'm making, so I end up just listing off the various offerings --


"Well, let's see...we're having ground beef (holds up package of beef), mixed with rice (points to rice cooking on the stove top), onions, garlic, peppers, and maybe some white beans (all these are spread out on the countertop)."


Or is it because I feel that they are evaluating me, deciding whether or not they're going to *like* what we're having?


Or is it that I'm just an ogre!? Rowwrrrrr!


I feel like telling them,


"If you'd open your eyes and use your brains, you'd be able to FIGURE OUT what we're having for dinner!"





Okay that settles it. I'm definitely an ogre. :glare:

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Tell 'em it's a surprise.


Who doesn't love surprises. :D


I understand your feeling exactly and I'm not an ogre. Certainly not.


_itch, maybe. Put whatever letter you want in front of that. :D


Somedays I really, really want a personal chef and housekeeper. Is it too much to ask?

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No, you're not. Or I am :001_huh:.


That question annoys me to no end. And the follow-up about puts me over the edge. "Oh. What else are we having?"


And it seems like my boys perfectly space out asking me, so I'm asked 5 times. They never ask when everyone is within earshot, like it's some sort of secret.


I now answer the first one with "We're having [X]. Tell your brothers."

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No, you're not. Or I am :001_huh:.


That question annoys me to no end. And the follow-up about puts me over the edge. "Oh. What else are we having?"


And it seems like my boys perfectly space out asking me, so I'm asked 5 times. They never ask when everyone is within earshot, like it's some sort of secret.


I now answer the first one with "We're having [X]. Tell your brothers."



:lol: What amazes me is when they ask while everyone else is in the room, and then the next one asks not a minute later. "Didn't you just hear me tell your sister not a minute ago?" :001_huh:

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That makes me crazy, too. I've started telling them every night that it's some kind of goulash surprise or another item from the warped menu in my mind... at some point they're going to get it, aren't they? Aren't they?????


I've tried to be a good meal planner and put my dinner plans on the calendar so that I could just tell them to look there, but I change my mind a lot and, well, I just don't wanna. :glare:

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If I was a better individual, it would not bother me so much when my family asks me, one after the other, in succession, what we're having for dinner. If I'm totally honest, I don't even like to answer this question once. Maybe one of you can help me come to terms with my anger issues.


Or is it because I feel that they are evaluating me, deciding whether or not they're going to *like* what we're having?


When I was a teenager, I'd usually ask my mom what was for dinner. There were 4 of us kids, so I'm sure she heard the question a lot. For me, I usually asked because 1. I was curious, and 2. to either have the pleasure of anticipating a wonderful dinner or to mentally prepare for something I didn't really care to eat. We were not allowed to say "yuck", "ew" or any similar expressions (verbal or facial), or else we'd get "double portion", which we had to eat. We always had to eat a little of everything, even if we didn't like it. Now, as an adult, I eat a fairly wide variety of things, more than some people I know. I still have some things I dislike, but I can say that my siblings and I all learned the value of being polite at the dinner table, whether at home or at someone else's house.

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If it's in progress: "What do YOU think?"


If the evidence is not right in front of me: "Roast lizard."


I like the idea of saying, "Whatever you plan to cook." Except that I have one child who might just take me up on that, and the result would be something inedible and a huge mess in the kitchen . . .

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I thought mine were the only ones...


It doesn't bother me at all.

Yes, Doran, you are a terrible person. A terrible, terrible person. :D


Oh get real! I'm sure you put up with lots of crap in other areas that would send

me over the edge for sure.


It's just one of those annoyances that the empty-nesters say we'll miss.

yeah. right.

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If I was a better individual, it would not bother me so much when my family asks me, one after the other, in succession, what we're having for dinner. If I'm totally honest, I don't even like to answer this question once. Maybe one of you can help me come to terms with my anger issues.


Is it because I don't often have a name for what I'm making, so I end up just listing off the various offerings --


"Well, let's see...we're having ground beef (holds up package of beef), mixed with rice (points to rice cooking on the stove top), onions, garlic, peppers, and maybe some white beans (all these are spread out on the countertop)."


Or is it because I feel that they are evaluating me, deciding whether or not they're going to *like* what we're having?


Or is it that I'm just an ogre!? Rowwrrrrr!


I feel like telling them,


"If you'd open your eyes and use your brains, you'd be able to FIGURE OUT what we're having for dinner!"





Okay that settles it. I'm definitely an ogre. :glare:


Jeez, remind me never to go to your house for dinner. Wouldn't want the kitchen lady to come at me with a knife like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.





Doran, I'm joking, of course. I hope this makes you smile a little. I have my own instant riler-uppers, so of course you're not an ogre.


Maybe you could just show them that little clip and explain to them in no uncertain terms that this is how Mommy feels when asked for the umpteenth time what lovely delectable culinary delight will be on the menu tonight.


Hey, Doran,













what's for dinner?



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Lol! I'm right there with you! :) My littler one even went through a phase (a little over a year ago -- but it lasted for several months) where she would ask (usually *immediately* after lunch) what we were having for dinner, and then when I told her, she would burst into tears and cry all afternoon, begging for a "peanut butter" and jelly sandwich instead. (2 things: 1) I don't know where she *ever* got the idea that she might get to have pb&j instead of the dinner I was preparing, since that has never been an option in our house. 2) Those scare quotes above were used correctly, Colleen! We *say* pb at our house, but we're referring to sunflower butter, due to ds' allergies!)


Dh and I also had a roommate (well, flatmate) in college who would come and stand in the entrance to our little galley kitchen each evening and watch me and backseat drive. "Are you really going to put X in there? Is that really the way to do that? What are you making? Do those things really go together?" In his case, lol, I think it was pretty much genuine curiosity. His mother was a competent but very limited cook, and his exposure to foods had been extremely narrow before coming to college and doing a little traveling. He was always very appreciative and complimentary of what I made (except on those few occasions when it really *was* disastrous, lol)...


But the questions! My ds just loves order, schedules, lists, knowing what comes next... Dd wants to know because of her dread of all things non-grain. Ds wants his life laid out on graph paper. The roommate was curious... Thank goodness dh just doesn't ask any more! ;)


BTW, tonight is roast chicken, homemade stuffing (from leftover cornbread when we had chili on Sunday), asparagus, cranberry relish... This disturbs ds, 'cause while he loves all those foods, shouldn't we be saving anything stuffing-related for Thanksgiving?!?!? lol... weirdo...

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If I was a better individual, it would not bother me so much when my family asks me, one after the other, in succession, what we're having for dinner. If I'm totally honest, I don't even like to answer this question once. Maybe one of you can help me come to terms with my anger issues.


Is it because I don't often have a name for what I'm making, so I end up just listing off the various offerings --


"Well, let's see...we're having ground beef (holds up package of beef), mixed with rice (points to rice cooking on the stove top), onions, garlic, peppers, and maybe some white beans (all these are spread out on the countertop)."


Or is it because I feel that they are evaluating me, deciding whether or not they're going to *like* what we're having?


Or is it that I'm just an ogre!? Rowwrrrrr!


I feel like telling them,


"If you'd open your eyes and use your brains, you'd be able to FIGURE OUT what we're having for dinner!"





Okay that settles it. I'm definitely an ogre. :glare:


Oh dear. I'm an ogre too. I can. not. stand. it.


Usually I don't know what we're having until 4pm-ish, so if I'm asked prior to this it makes me edgy. I could never post a dinner schedule at the beginning of the week. I couldn't handle even one negative comment about what is being served three days away.


I also know that my kids are trying to decide if they will like it. And with this many mouths SOMEONE is not going to like it, and I really don't like cooking anyway, so this sends me into a tailspin of grumpiness.


So....you are not alone....and possible a much nicer person about it than I am.

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That makes me crazy, too. I've started telling them every night that it's some kind of goulash surprise or another item from the warped menu in my mind... at some point they're going to get it, aren't they? Aren't they?????


I've tried to be a good meal planner and put my dinner plans on the calendar so that I could just tell them to look there, but I change my mind a lot and, well, I just don't wanna. :glare:


I know the feeling.



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"Fried Worms."


"Ooey gooey gopher guts."


"Monkey brains."


"Baked Frogs."


"Belly button fuzz, toe jam, and a side of ear wax."


A few of my standard answers. I too hate to answer that food question. Answering this way usually alleviates my tension and they laugh too. If they push itthey hear, "I know you won't like it, I don't want to know that you don't, If you say that you don't like it I'm gonna give you an extra serving of it."




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I usually answer that we are fasting for dinner. :D


Then they are just happy that I am actually making food.




I say the same thing. And usually, dd asks when I'm getting the ingredients out. For instance, I'll set out spaghetti noodles, sauce and a package of ground chuck to defrost. "Mom, what's for dinner?" :glare: "Nothing. It's a night of prayer and fasting." And she wonders why I'm having her do the Beginning Thinking Skills book.

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My answer, if the food is in the midst of preparation:


A. Food.


Q. What kiiinnddd of food?


A. Good Food.


Q. What kiiiinddd of good food?


A. The kind that makes you healthy.


you get the idea.


What annoys me, for some reason, is GS9 saying 'this is great chicken', and it's PORK!

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OMG. I'm not the only one??!! My day is made. I can now live with myself. Thank you. I thought I was an awful person because I say things like, "Mealworms and cow guts." or "Doll hair mixed with furniture polish." I then go into internal remorse because I wasn't very sensitive. (And I wonder why they roll their eyes and get sarcastic with me.)

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My answer, if the food is in the midst of preparation:


A. Food.


Q. What kiiinnddd of food?


A. Good Food.


Q. What kiiiinddd of good food?


A. The kind that makes you healthy.


you get the idea.


What annoys me, for some reason, is GS9 saying 'this is great chicken', and it's PORK!


:lol: You just reminded my of my boys 2nd favorite follow up question:


"Do I like it?"


I always answer with "Yes. You love it."


When do you think they'll notice I never tell them they don't like it?

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I now answer the first one with "We're having [X]. Tell your brothers."



I like this response. :)


Really, how many times can you answer this question in one night. I'll use this one next time and see if it at least cuts down the questioning just a little......


Also, snail sandwiches are pretty good. :lol:

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What annoys me, for some reason, is GS9 saying 'this is great chicken', and it's PORK!


I had to laugh at this; my son calls everything chicken!


My standard answer is "chicken" (even if we're not having chicken). When pressed as to what kind of chicken, my answer is "cooked chicken".

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she would burst into tears and cry all afternoon, begging for a "peanut butter" and jelly sandwich instead...Those scare quotes above were used correctly, Colleen! We *say* pb at our house, but we're referring to sunflower butter, due to ds' allergies!)



:D I was running along the waterfront the other day and had to laugh aloud when I saw a sign that warned people to watch for "ice" on the boardwalk. That's "ice". Not just ice, but "ice". LOL

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Guess I'm not the only one who gets annoyed hearing this question. One ds is genuinely curious when he asks--he's the one that'll eat anything. The other asks in order to decide how big a lunch he should have--he's the picky one.




:D I was running along the waterfront the other day and had to laugh aloud when I saw a sign that warned people to watch for "ice" on the boardwalk. That's "ice". Not just ice, but "ice". LOL


This funny reminded me of the sign in the restroom of a local restaurant:


Employees must "wash hands" before returning to work


Ds wondered if this meant they weren't really required to wash? Eww! Actually he thinks it's funny because he's come to realize that people seem to think quotation marks are to be used for "emphasis." :tongue_smilie:



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No, you're not. Or I am :001_huh:.


That question annoys me to no end. And the follow-up about puts me over the edge. "Oh. What else are we having?"


And it seems like my boys perfectly space out asking me, so I'm asked 5 times. They never ask when everyone is within earshot, like it's some sort of secret.


I now answer the first one with "We're having [X]. Tell your brothers."


Oh my, I didn't realize that other people have this same conversation!! LOL! I dread it every night.. especially coming from my 8 yos, who likes almost nothing I ever make for supper. Unless we are getting takeout (which is extremely rare!), he is not happy with the answer. I don't know why he bothers asking! :confused:



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My answer: Food, why do you ask? Have I EVER NOT fed you?



I've said these words, too!


Now, however, that question is banned from our home. Banned. Dc can move on to find another habit to irritate me! :lol:

Edited by Aggie
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