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Anyone voting early?

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Voting at the polls on election day is just too important to me, so I'd feel (struggling for the right word here) like I'd missed out on something by voting absentee or "early" (even knowing my vote "counts").


I guess "celebrating" election day is as important to me as any holiday. So I'll be in line with my little boy (and I'll let him help ink my ballot).


I'm just funny this way.



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I've lived outside the states for a number of elections and voted absentee. Early voting is an option here, but I think I'll vote on election day here.


There has never been much of a line here, in fact it usually takes longer to find a parking place and fill in the ballot. If lines were a problem I'd go for the early option or if a snow storm was on the way. That's always a possibility in our neck of the woods.


I think I'm trying to talk myself into early voting. My state is a foregone conclusion as far as the national election goes.

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We have Vote by Mail in Oregon. The ballots arrived last week and DH has already filled his out and dropped it off. I'm not a citizen, so can't vote.

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Bill...I know exactly how you feel. That is why I am struggling as to what to do. I've never had a long wait on election day...because I can go in the morning after "rush hour traffic." However, my friend is anticipated huge lines. Maybe he's wrong.







Lines have never been that bad where I live. This election could be different, but here I doubt we have a huge wait.


I'm shocked when I read of areas (as in Ohio) where there have been 10 hour waits in the past. If that's the way it was even I might reconsider my options.


But I actually feel a great sense of emotion when I go to vote. It sounds cliche, but I'm mindful of the lives that have been risked and lost to secure our right to vote, and being there in person really connects me with a sense of civil responsibility.


It's silly perhaps, as voting early or absentee is just as "responsible", but this is one of those areas where my heart rules. Maybe it's even selfish on my part, but I love being part of the process.


Good luck deciding.



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One of the many advantages of homeschooling!! I expect to find few lines here, if I arrive at the polls between 10 and 11 in the morning (after rush hour and before lunchtime).


But, many moons ago, when I worked full-time, I always voted absentee ballot for presidential elections because I hated waiting in line!

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Voting at the polls on election day is just too important to me, so I'd feel (struggling for the right word here) like I'd missed out on something by voting absentee or "early" (even knowing my vote "counts").


I guess "celebrating" election day is as important to me as any holiday. So I'll be in line with my little boy (and I'll let him help ink my ballot).


I'm just funny this way.




I understand this feeling. However, I voted early by mail.


We have a long, complicated ballot this year (I think I heard it was the longest ever?).


When I was making the decision to vote by mail, I had visions of hauling my 5 boys into the voting booth and having at least one of them touch something they weren't supposed to, resulting in me vote for the wrong guy (or issue) :001_huh:. My boys are well behaved, but I wasn't willing to risk my ability to keep 10 hands and 50 fingers from touching something they weren't supposed to, so I sucked it up and voted by mail.

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I vote absentee, and I sent in my ballot last week.


We still celebrate the day with a big dinner, red, white and blue decorations, and my boys' favorite part, A HUGE map of the US on the wall on which we color the states red or blue as the results are reported.


Boy, we sure will miss Tim Russert and his white board this year. :crying:

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I have never used the option of early voting...but, a friend of mine suggested that I do so with this election. He said the polls are going to be a mad house this election.




Thanks. Just wondering.



We almost always do early voting. Here in Shelby County, TN, there was a 3 hour wait last Wed., Oct. 15th, to vote as of 2:00 p.m. We'll go back later when we're armed with books and Ipods.

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One of the many advantages of homeschooling!! I expect to find few lines here, if I arrive at the polls between 10 and 11 in the morning (after rush hour and before lunchtime).


But, many moons ago, when I worked full-time, I always voted absentee ballot for presidential elections because I hated waiting in line!


Ahhh, but you don't live in a community where the average age is like 68! LOL!!


This would be one of the downsides to living next to a retirement area.... everyone does stuff at that time.


I prefer voting early because it's WAYYYYYy easier to take the kids. They do early voting in the Town Hall Meeting chambers, so there are chairs for the kids to sit in vs at the regular place - not a chair in sight.


Couple that i'm there paying the water bill already.. it makes sense! LOL!

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I am not for early voting. Here is why:

How do you know the person that is voting on paper is the actual person voting?


Here in Indiana we have to show our drivers liscence (or state id card) to vote. This cuts alot of voter fraud out of the picture here in Indiana.


I have to wait until election day. I gladly wait! :D



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I am not for early voting. Here is why:

How do you know the person that is voting on paper is the actual person voting?


Here in Indiana we have to show our drivers liscence (or state id card) to vote. This cuts alot of voter fraud out of the picture here in Indiana.


I have to wait until election day. I gladly wait! :D


HEre in Florida - you can vote absentee by mail, but our early voting is actually just like going to the polls. They set the machines up from now thru the Saturday before election day.


You don't go to your normal place - each county has a limited number of places open, but they actually do MORE checking of ID at early voting vs election day. i was surprised!


Signatures on absentee ballots are supposed to be checked against the registration records...... supposedly anyway.

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I am not for early voting. Here is why:

How do you know the person that is voting on paper is the actual person voting?


Here in Indiana we have to show our drivers liscence (or state id card) to vote. This cuts alot of voter fraud out of the picture here in Indiana.


I have to wait until election day. I gladly wait! :D




I am missing the logical jump from early voting to fraud. One still goes to a polling place and signs in. :confused:

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I voted absentee a couple of weeks ago.


I would have loved to go to the polls but I am an 8 hour plane ride away from my polling place so...;)


I will be getting up around midnight to watch the returns though (I plan on going to bed early sleep a few hours and then sleep again in the afternoon) I am really excited about this election:)

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I am not for early voting. Here is why:

How do you know the person that is voting on paper is the actual person voting?

Not all early or absentee voting is done by mail, and requirements often differ for each. For example, some states do not permit first time voters from voting absentee by mail. Each state has their own requirements and procedures.


In Oregon (which is entirely vote by mail), every signature is checked against the one on file.

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I might vote on Wednesday since the early voting is held where I take one of my sons to martial arts. I heard the wait today was 40 minutes. If I go on election day, I'll have to take all 4 dc but the lines might be shorter since a lot of people early vote here. I'm not sure at this point. It is exciting for the kids but they cannot go into the booth with me and I have to pray that they act good while we are at the elementary school!! It went well last time but there was no waiting.

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We will be early voting probably next week sometime when dh is home. We are in the turmoils of moving (we are military so we will be keeping our address as a permanent one plus no one will actually have moved by Nov. 4th). One reason for early voting is that we live in coastal Florida and could still ave a tropical storm or hurricane by Nov. 4th.

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I feel the same way; we always go first thing in the morning (OK, after showers/breakfast) and take the kids along. I can't miss out on that!


Voting at the polls on election day is just too important to me, so I'd feel (struggling for the right word here) like I'd missed out on something by voting absentee or "early" (even knowing my vote "counts").


I guess "celebrating" election day is as important to me as any holiday. So I'll be in line with my little boy (and I'll let him help ink my ballot).


I'm just funny this way.



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I am not for early voting. Here is why:

How do you know the person that is voting on paper is the actual person voting?


Here in Indiana we have to show our drivers liscence (or state id card) to vote. This cuts alot of voter fraud out of the picture here in Indiana.


I have to wait until election day. I gladly wait! :D




When we were military, we voted absentee all the time. They didn't have a problem knowing who we were, because we requested one absentee ballot in our name and we returned one absentee ballot in our name, signed.


This time, though, I will vote early at the polls, in person. Show my voter registration card, etc. I'll miss going to the polls on election day, but it will result in a smoother day for me and for others if I vote early.

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I registered permanent absentee when we moved here. Frankly, I don't want to have to juggle the kids while I'm voting. I think back fondly to the days when my olders were in school and the youngers would just sit under the booth while I voted. Those days are gone and it just isn't worth the stress or the inevitable annoyance that would be caused to others. Yeah for mail-ins!

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I've always been a purist about voting on election day....but this year, with 3 small boys and, I'm guessing, LONG lines, I just can't face it. If I just had one kid, I'd make him suck it up for the sake of the lesson in democracy, but as it is I'm far too outnumbered :D

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Is voting early different from absentee ballot? I have used absentee ballots in the past when I went to grad school out of state, but the requirements for an absentee ballot state that you must physically be out of the state on Election Day. There are usually a couple of other requirements also. Generally, absentee ballots are not handed out for the purpose of early voting.

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Is voting early different from absentee ballot? I have used absentee ballots in the past when I went to grad school out of state, but the requirements for an absentee ballot state that you must physically be out of the state on Election Day. There are usually a couple of other requirements also. Generally, absentee ballots are not handed out for the purpose of early voting.


Requirements vary by states.


Here in Florida, early voting is the polling places being open early - 8-5 Monday -Saturday. Allowing for more time to vote.


You can still do absentee - i have no idea what that entails here in FL because i've never done it.


In CA you do not have to be out of state to vote absentee. I did it often there because my polling places wasn't easy to get in/out of. I stopped when they moved it right around the corner from my house.

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Is voting early different from absentee ballot?


Early voting allows for any registered voter to fill his ballot at a designated polling place during the several weeks leading up to the election. Where I live, an area with many retirees, early voting is popular because people do not want to wait in line. States vary in their rules and regulations concerning voting. Here is a website that breaks down the variations by state.

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Dh and I are both planning on voting early. He works downtown, so he'll have an easier time going two blocks over to vote than standing in line close to home on election day. I think I'll vote early so I can take the girls to MIL's house and I won't be gone as long. Ds will come with me to see the voting process here in FL. I know there were lots of lines here today, but I'm hoping it calms down in the next couple of days. I don't want to stand in line on election day.


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I always try to vote early -- ya never know when there might be some horrible disaster/sickness/car accident that prevents you from going to the polls on the last day.


it's funny how i procrastinate for almost everything else, but vote ASAP ;)


Our county actually encourages people to vote early -- it makes their job on election day a lot easier.


we'll spend election day making phone calls/going door to door to people who waited till the last minute and forgot :D

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I was going to vote early, although I hadn't considered it as such, just absentee voting. I'm kinda leery of doing it now, with the voter registration fraud, but dh says legitimate voters don't have to worry...that they're just removing the phony registrations. I have my ballet, since I sent for it some time ago, so I can either send it in or drop it off on voting day.

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Is voting early different from absentee ballot? I have used absentee ballots in the past when I went to grad school out of state, but the requirements for an absentee ballot state that you must physically be out of the state on Election Day. There are usually a couple of other requirements also. Generally, absentee ballots are not handed out for the purpose of early voting.

I think (someone correct me if I'm wrong) this is the first year that Ohio allows absentee voting even if you're not out of the area/state.

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I was going to vote early, although I hadn't considered it as such, just absentee voting. I'm kinda leery of doing it now, with the voter registration fraud, but dh says legitimate voters don't have to worry...that they're just removing the phony registrations. I have my ballet, since I sent for it some time ago, so I can either send it in or drop it off on voting day.


By law, all the phony registrations had to be turned in, and they were marked by the registration sources as either clearly fraudulant (one section) or suspicious (another section). The ones that were verified (the third bunch) go through just fine with the usual checks. Sometimes, of course, there's no suspicious ones to flag, but if there are, this is how it is proscribed by law that they be handled.


I didn't even think about getting a ballot and sending it in. We did that when we weren't in state, but I do like going to the polling place. I like how it feels. And THIS year, I get to vote in the oldest city in TN. Very cool!

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