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Looking for the best movie ending .... evah.

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***Spoilers entirely possible (and wanted!) in this thread! If you don't want to read about the endings of the movies described herein, don't read any further. You've been warned!!*** ;)


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Okay, I watched a movie last night that I thought had a GREAT ending; I loved it. I wouldn't say it's the best one "ever" but it was quite enjoyable. I'm posting to ask what movie YOU think has had a great ending ... and I'm thinking the last 1-2 minutes, you know? Not just enjoyable in the way things turned out, but a sudden "finish" that really made you happy.


The movie I watched last night was 50 First Dates with Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler. The movie overall was good, although I loathed the crudeness in the beginning and then scattered throughout. But I really liked the story, and the dedication Sandler's character had for making Barrymore's character happy. The ending was wonderful with the look of joy on her face as she meets her daughter for the "first" time yet again -- the scenery was stunning too.


I also like the ending in Sense and Sensibility -- when Elinor bursts out in tearful joy when she realizes that Edward isn't married and then he speaks of his love for her. Ahhhhhh. Oh, and in Persuasion when Captain Wentworth writes Ann the note and leaves it on the desk, touching it as he stands and looking at her as he prepares to leave. She gets his drift, lol, and goes to read the note in which he declares his devotion to her. Sigh.


Okay, describe the last minute or two of YOUR favorite movie ending. (NOT your favorite movie, capiche? 50 First Dates isn't my favorite movie, but the *ending* was touching.)

Edited by Chika
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The ending of The Lakehouse is probably my most favorite...evah! I can't tell you about it, though, or it would spoil the movie. So romantic! And I love Sandra Bullock.



Okay, I'm going to edit my post to put "SPOILER ALERT" because I *want* to hear about the endings! That's kind of the deal with my post -- I realize a lot of spoilers will be included. If people don't want to read them, my warning will shoo them away ...


So, do tell!

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I love the ending to The Fugitive. There's something quite wonderful about the Tommy Lee Jones character giving Harrison Ford the ice pack. When questioned about not caring, Jones grins and says don't let it get around. Very satisfying ending for me. Two equals in terms of dedication, guts, and spirit can finally be on the same side.


I cheer everytime Elle tells Warner she can't have a bonehead for a husband if she expects to make partner before she is thirty at the end of Legally Blonde.


The end of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade...riding off into the sunset....


The final scenes of While You Were Sleeping...Jack proposing with his entire family 'helping.


And of course, the ending to It's a Wonderful Life. Sigh...


Fun thread.

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The ending of The Lakehouse is probably my most favorite...evah! I can't tell you about it, though, or it would spoil the movie. So romantic! And I love Sandra Bullock.


I loved The Lake House as well. Even got dh to sit through it several times. When he shows up at the house I cry.

Elizabethtown with Orlando Bloom & Kirsten Dunst. I thought the ending would be a nice road trip with "Dad", but it ended with a romantic kiss.

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1. Any Austen adaptation. You can ALWAYS depend on Jane for great endings!


2. Sliding Doors. Totally, TOTALLY tragic ending--until the VERY end. "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition." Ha!


3. Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. You've suffered through SO MUCH; you DESERVE the "happy" endings that you get with those books/movies.


4. Working Girl. When Melanie Griffith calls her friend (played by Joan Cusack) from her new corner office and says, "You'll never believe where I am," and then it cuts to Cusack in the secretarial pool raising her arms in victory.... Cue the Carly Simon anthem! Grrrl power!!


5. Shakespeare in Love. An indescribably GREAT ending.


6. Serenity. Kaylee and Simon finally hook up! Woohoo!


7. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. One of the saddest and yet most cathartic movie endings.


8. It's a Wonderful Life. I START crying when the young Mary whispers in Young George's ear. But when Harry toasts George at the end with, "To my big brother George--the richest man in town," turn on the waterworks.


9. Casablanca. Perfect.


10. Officer and a Gentleman. Love it, love it, love it. I'm not a Richard Gere fan, but at the end of that movie, in that uniform, picking up Debra Winger--wow.


11. The Natural and Field of Dreams. I love baseball movies anyway, but the endings to these 2 movies... WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!


12. The Return of the King. It was, like, six endings in one movie. And each one was better than the last.


13. Gallipoli. I know: I'm a masochist. But it couldn't have ended any other way, and it was so artistically beautiful, albeit so tragic and needless.


14. Viva Zapata and On the Waterfront. There's something about those old Marlon Brando movies. Man, could that guy end a sad movie on a high note.


15. Atonement. Oh, Lord, I was a soggy, weeping mess. But I was FLOORED by that ending. It haunted me for weeks until I finally convinced my DH to see it with me. Then I was purged--and HE was haunted! :lol:

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11. The Natural and Field of Dreams. I love baseball movies anyway, but the endings to these 2 movies... WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!




I LOVE these two movies, but especially The Natural!!!!! The ending is perfect. (Baseball and Serenity in the same post. I gather we would enjoy watching movies together.)



Oh, oh, oh...I thought of another...


Darn, the phone rang and interupted my thoughts. I've lost it. It was a good one, I know it was. :glare:

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Homeward Bound


I still tear up when the old golden retriever comes over the hill.


I admit I do this too. Every time.

Green Card -- Gerard Depardieu is such a lout in this badly-acted movie, but the ending IS a good one. Or at least I thought so the first time I watched it! Not so impressed the second time.


A Wedding For Bella -- This one wasn't stunningly surprising, but a feel-good ending all the same.


And then Bella, more recently. Tears, tears, tears. This is an excellent movie all around, with an endearing, fantastic ending.

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I'm with Nick and Zack's mom--The Usual Suspects ending is brilliant.


But I think my favorite is The Scarlet and The Black. The Nazi who has been trying thru the whole movie to catch the Priest in the act of working for the Resistance is caught in the last few minutes. Ok, so far pretty typical ending. Then the miracle--Right before the credits, a written part comes on the screen. It says that the priest visited the Nazi in prison for years. Years. Finally the Nazi totally repented and became a Christian (he had been an atheist, I believe). Based on a true story.

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Yes, everything everyone said . . .


Okay, maybe not in the same league as all the others, but I bawl at the end of The Sixth Sense, when the boy's in the car with his mother and she finally realizes that he really does see dead people, and he tells her all about seeing his Grandma. I cry. every. time.


Also, Shirley Temple's The Little Princess, where she finds here daddy at the end.


Oh yea, and the original The Miracle Worker. "Wawwaa". Oh my gosh, how I cry.


I know there's more. I'l be back . . .

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I'm not sure I can describe either without major spoilers.


Dirty Pretty Things -- too complicated to explain... though a great ending. So I'll pick two others.


Being There -- as I recall, you hear people discussing Chance's running for president as you see him walking towards, and then on, water.


Say Anything -- Lloyd and Diane are on the plane and he helps talk her through her fear of flying. He tells her that you know everything will be alright when you hear the seatbelt ding. They're waiting for the ding, waiting for the ding, waiting for the ding...





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Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" has the best ending.


The stone is rolled away...He is risen!


I especially like the way we just see Jesus' profile...first His face, with no more bloodstains or injury, and then just His pierced hand down at his side as He walks away from the tomb.

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Well, I almost said I Am David. Actually the few minutes leading up to the ending are simply fabulous, but the very very last bit ends up subtracting some of the fabulousness. The actual reunion with the mother is just a tad cold. Have you seen this yet?


It seems to me I recently bawled my eyes out at the end of Rudy. I hadn't seen it in years, and I don't even remember it completely, but I remember feeling quite satisfied with the ending.

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I think I'm just repeating ones that have already been mentioned:


The Sixth Sense

Lost in Translation (what was whispered???)

The Usual Suspects :D

Bridget Jones's Diary (don't you just love when she runs out in the snow in her underwear?)

Murder by Death (campy, but fun for fans of mystery books)


Adaptation (Chris Cooper was amazing in this one)

Iron Man

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#1 - Yeah Stacia, I wouldn't have thought of that until I read your post: "The Sixth Sense" - I'm an oldies freak but this one would be the all time ending to top all endings in my mind, at least if your into being totally shocked, wow, that one blew me away like no other movie had before or has since. Even though I know the ending, it still shocks me when I see it, it's so well done.


#2 - "Casablanca" - best good-bye scene and parting line ever


#3 - I would have to add "Wizzard of Oz" - Dorothy waking up to see all of these people around her that were the characters in her dream. We've all seen it so many times you forget how great it was for it's time, and still is.


# 4 - Breakfast at Tiffany's - Audrey looking for her lost kitty in the rain....*sigh*, I have to go watch it now:tongue_smilie:.


Oh, so many great movies...

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:) That's one of my all-time favorite movies, and most people have never heard of it.

Back when I lived in Michigan (until 1994), there was an independent theater near us that showed all the best movies I ever saw... lots of foreign films and independent filmmakers, and just plain good stuff.... That's where I saw it originally -- and twice, before its run was over!!


Most of my favorites were all from that era and that theater... Strictly Ballroom, Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen, and a bunch of Japanese movies by Juzo Itami that I thought were just fantastic except that there was a LOT of sex in them and I hesitate to recommend them in general lest anyone think "oh well a homeschool mom recommended them so they must be clean...." :lol:

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If you really like surprises, watch "The Village". Great ending.


One of my all time favs that I haven't watched for years (not a kid movie) is "Against All Odds" with Jeff Bridges. I love that movie. Like the ending too!


Hey, how about POC3, when you sit through all the credits...............and see the last few seconds????


And I love the HP, OotP, at the very end when the kids are all walking to the train, and our favorite six gather together in a pack, and Harry tells them how they've got something to fight for.

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At the moment, my favorite ending belongs to The Chorus, a French movie - when the teacher is leaving the school, with paper airplanes zinging out the window toward him, and when he decides to take Pepinot with him after all (this will sound ridiculous if you haven't seen the movie, but if you have......:))


And Strictly Ballroom, OF COURSE!!!! Everyone on the dance floor, Scott and Fran.....if you haven't seen it, you MUST!!

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5. Shakespeare in Love. An indescribably GREAT ending.


13. Gallipoli. I know: I'm a masochist. But it couldn't have ended any other way, and it was so artistically beautiful, albeit so tragic and needless.


15. Atonement. Oh, Lord, I was a soggy, weeping mess. But I was FLOORED by that ending. It haunted me for weeks until I finally convinced my DH to see it with me. Then I was purged--and HE was haunted! :lol:


AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm a sucker for a happy ending. I just can't take the sad endings! I want happily ever after dagnabbit! These are on my worst ending ever list!


I think you are a genius in every other way, but you are not allowed to bring the movies to my movie night parties :D

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The Natural and Field of Dreams. I love baseball movies anyway, but the endings to these 2 movies... WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!


For the Love of the Game. Costner is near the end of his career as a major league pitcher. The whole movie is told through flashbacks as he meets and loves Kelly (Prentiss? Travolta's wife, I think). He's having an amazing game for his last appearance, but they're splitting up, she's moving to London with her job, flight's delayed, she's in the airport lounge "forced" to watch this amazing game. As she's waiting for her flight later, he walks up to her seat, telling her he's giving up the game and they're kind of kneeling together.


Sports movies do it for me too. Rudy where he finally gets to go on the field in the last game of the season because all the players on his Notre Dame team so respect this little walk-on (Sean Astin) that they give their shirts to Coach Ara Parsegian for Rudy to wear. And he makes a key play -- he's the only player ever to be carried off the field (on team shoulders) in ND history.


Remember the Titans where Denzil Washington is supposed to integrate the football team at TC Williams in Alexandria, VA, high school. He and the other coach finally work together near the end of the season to lead this team to victory, and good triumphs over evil ;) as they win.


North and South has an excellent ending. :D;) (the BBC version, not the Civil War version:tongue_smilie:)


I liked 10 Things I hate about You when she writes a sonnet to Heath Ledger's character. That was fun.

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Homeward Bound


I still tear up when the old golden retriever comes over the hill.



Oh, yeah! Shadow!!!!


There is a Bing Crosby film, Little Boy Lost, about a father searching for his son in post-war France. Crosby is convinced a small boy is NOT his son, since the caretakers have prompted the child to remember stuff (in hopes of getting him a home) then at the very end, as Crosby is about to leave France, he leaves a stuffed animal for the boy in an office. The child sees it and recognizes it as his long lost toy! It is really Crosby's son! So touching!

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11. The Natural and Field of Dreams. I love baseball movies anyway, but the endings to these 2 movies... WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!



Have you ever read the book "The Natural"? Completely different ending!


I read once that students have been failing tests on the book because they watched the movie instead. There are several other discrepancies.

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