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Want Some Fun? Help Me Think Of Bad Baby Names.

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My SIL named her son Clarence. I'll never forget my first reaction when I heard it. But it's grown on us over the last 13 years!


I have a homeschooling friend of mine whose oldest son is named Blue, and whose youngest son is named....are you ready for it?....Roland Stone. They call him Stone.


Again...they've grown on me, as time has gone by but....my kids have VERY traditional names and it takes me awhile to get used to names that are unusual!

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Yeah, if I had known how popular Emma and Abbie would be, I would have chosen something else. I can't imagine my girls with any other names now though. :)


I have the same situation. :001_smile: I loved the names Olivia and Sophia before having children and so did many others it seems. And now they just fit my girls. Ah well. I'm not going to pick a name I dislike just because it's REALLY uncommon.

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Dante Wolfgang is one that I threatened my dh with for years. Actually, I've really grown to genuinely like it!


I've also threatened that if we have a boy/girl twins to name them Frank(enscence) and Myrrh because we like biblical boy names, but don't want to use names already taken by those we know. After 6 boys it's getting mighty slim picking to avoid the odd and unpronouncables!

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Earl (dh's grandfather)

Wiley (dh's uncle)

Wally (dh's dad)


any trendy my-son-is-a-bad-a** name like Ranger, Whip, Jock (oh wait that's the dog in Lady & the Tramp)

any I-smoked-a-lot-of-weed, dude name like Dune, Astral, Zodiac, Aquarius

there are some great names in the Bible: Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, Zedekiah, Hezekiah...



Friends of ours named their son Arson as a deliberate homophone for "our son". Hubs and I have already named his siblings: Assault, Embezzle, Racket, Burgle...

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My daughter is queen of really bad baby names. I'm handing the keyboard over to her now because this is definitely her forte'.












I like Thaddeus, Nicholai, Thatcher, and Stoddard kinda. Call me strange. And I bet there are some parenst with Wyatts on the board. This is a dangerous thread.:001_smile:

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Madysen, Emily, Haley, Sydney, Abby, Emma. I am practically tripping over all these kids with those names! They are everywhere! Not bad names, per se, but names I am personally...over.

I don't think this needed to be mentioned at all. I have one of those names. Although it is becoming more common now, when I was born there weren't many with my name. I really like it.

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Did anyone mention Bubbadiah?:lol: I think Tim Hawkins came up with that one.

When my anatomy partner, last name Sand, was expecting, here are some of the names we chose for the baby....






When I knew a family last name Blank, the impending arrival's name suggestions included:


Drew A.


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LOL! His name is Dan. So... "Nad?" or maybe "Leinad."


My husband had a good friend in college named Jeff Daniels. There were so many Jeffs that this particular guy went by Ffej Sleinad. To this day, everyone from that group of friends still calls him Ffej. He signs his Christmas cards to us that way. :)

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Friends of ours named their son Arson as a deliberate homophone for "our son". Hubs and I have already named his siblings: Assault, Embezzle, Racket, Burgle...






Robber, Larseny, Mister Meaner (:D)...


People are so twisted, aren't they?

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Oooh, fun. My last name is Hite. We joked with people about naming my son Dinam or Paris.


I think some of those listed already arre pretty universally unappealing: Adolph, Judas...

Some comedian has a bit about naming your son Jeeves (Seinfeld, I think.)

I did date a Damien in college, so I have heard of that one.


Zero and Kinko are hysterical.


I think Elizer would go well with their last name. ;)

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I like Thaddeus' date=' Nicholai, Thatcher, and Stoddard kinda. Call me strange. And I bet there are some parenst with Wyatts on the board. This is a dangerous thread.:001_smile:[/quote']


I know, I'm waiting for one of my kid's names to pop up.


I like Wyatt and Thaddeus and Nicholai.

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Not bad, but unique. Names of my friend C's kids.. Yes, real and legal names. Yes, all one family.

Exclamation Mark






Other unusual names of people I know





same family:

Misty Blu

Strawberry Field

Patsie and her twin Potsie (named after Aunt Potsie!)


This can't be real! Someone actually named a child Strawberry Field? And the others aren't much better. Those poor kids.

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I used to live in the deep south - you don't want me to get started...




Female (Fuh mah lee?)




Da'Von'Dre' Le'onne


Sha'Ni'Qua Da'Rae






Preshus (yes, that's right: precious)




Da'Ron (with the alternate spelling D'Ron)


I'm sure I could remember some more... but I'll spare the board.




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My daughter is queen of really bad baby names. I'm handing the keyboard over to her now because this is definitely her forte'.












Wyatt is a good name, I think. I have a good friend who is very southern and her first son's name is Sam Wyatt (first and middle) and he goes by both.

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When we were pregnant my dh insisted that "Alison" would be a great boy's name since my name is Alice...Alice's son. Get it? I kept saying it's a great girl's name but NOT a boy's name. Finally I just had to use veto power.


He also had Bono on his list for a boy.


And then I think not mentioned but should be on the list is any of the Southern double names...

Billy Bob, Jimmy Joe, Bobby Bill, you get the picture.

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Has anyone said Horace yet?


My grandfather's name was Frederick Horace. He went by Horace. Frederick isn't so bad, but my grandmother hated it. She often said, "I wouldn't name a dog either of those names!" So she called him Smitty all their lives together.



One of the best looking, most personable guys at our college was named Horace. He was born in the late 50's, so it was quite an unusual name for someone in our generation. Whew, he was easy on the eyes! :)

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My maiden name is Hofmann. 99.9% of the world spells it Hoffman, so I spent my unmarried life spelling my surname out loud. H O F as in Frank M A N N. At least my first name is easy. My sister's name is Jamie, and in the 60's and 70's that was pretty solidly a boy's name. She got put in boys' PE classes every year in junior high. No, not J A I M E, but J A M I E.


I determined to give my kids names that weren't difficult to spell. But in this era of "make your name as funky as you can", even Erica and Zachary have to spell their names. I am tempted to have them use alternative spellings like Airykhah and Tsakkarrie just for kicks.

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Wyatt is a good name, I think. I have a good friend who is very southern and her first son's name is Sam Wyatt (first and middle) and he goes by both.


I agree. Esp since one of my future sil's name is Wyatt. :) Very masculine, I think.


Oh, a family name here, that we have chosen not to pass on, is elbert with a z in front (in code in case anyone in the family tries to google LOL)

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I don't know if they're bad names, but I heard these names hollered on the playground over the weekend: Diesel, Rocket, Ranger, Gunner, and Fidelis. We live near a military base.


My husband has a friend from high school who's last name is Daniels. He named his sons Jack and Charlie.


My elderly neighbor is named Jack Daniell. To top it off, he is a pastor!

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This thread is hilarious :lol:


I know people with these names:


Manon (girl's middle name!)


Jeldrys (no, they're not siblings)


August (Auggie for short)

Pancracia (very old name)




Annnnnd...there it is...my son's middle name (almost his first name) finally made the list! :D

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