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Odd Decorating Choices


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Visited a lady today who had a full length mirror installed on the wall across from her toilet.


It was not a tiny bathroom or very small home. I can think of a lot of other places a full length mirror might have provided a more flattering view.  So why was it there?   I don't know, I wasn't going to ask!!


What have you been surprised by?

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Thirty five years ago, we were looking at condos in the Denver area.  The ad was great:  New carpet.  Updated kitchen.  Updated garage.  Lots of storage.  Shows well.


The reality:  *EVERY* update was tacky tacky tacky.  Bright yellow walls with *electric blue* carpet.  Kitchen cabinets with yellow plastic insets (instead of glass).  And paintings on velvet of Elvis in every room.  Three hundred colors of nail polish on the bathroom counter.  And the big update in the garage (how does one update a garage, anyway?) was the spectacularly painted Ford Bronco.  


That was just a disaster of decor.  I've had worse situations for "showings" or architecture, though.  But this thread is about decor.  I could probably take a look around my house and see a few things that would qualify.  LOL 

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How strange!  I would definitely not want to look at myself in that position!  :D


One of the strangest things I've seen was in a house we were considering buying (until we went inside!).  They had turned the front hall closet (so immediately when we walked into the house) into a little toilet area (no space for anything except the toilet).  There was not even a door on it.


In hindsite, I realize it was a very old home, and sometimes when they began adding indoor bathrooms to the old homes in our rural area, which up till then just had outhouses, they'd put them in the basement.  There was usually no room on the main floor unless they actually added on a room.  So maybe this was just the cheapest option for them to have a toilet on the main floor.  But you'd think they'd at least put a door on it!


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That is less shocking than going into a friend's master bedroom while pet sitting to find a mirrored headboard and mirrors on the ceiling above the bed. I know people do this and have been in hotels with this but I would never have guessed she would be the type to want that

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How strange! I would definitely not want to look at myself in that position! :D


One of the strangest things I've seen was in a house we were considering buying (until we went inside!). They had turned the front hall closet (so immediately when we walked into the house) into a little toilet area (no space for anything except the toilet). There was not even a door on it.


In hindsite, I realize it was a very old home, and sometimes when they began adding indoor bathrooms to the old homes in our rural area, which up till then just had outhouses, they'd put them in the basement. There was usually no room on the main floor unless they actually added on a room. So maybe this was just the cheapest option for them to have a toilet on the main floor. But you'd think they'd at least put a door on it!

Hehe, I had a friend in middle school who had a toilet in his kitchen. No door but 2 Walls on each side as if it had been a small pantry Edited by hjffkj
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One time we went to look at a house and everything looked fine until we got to the master bedroom. There in the middle of the bedroom was a raised platform, about 3 stairs going up on each side - and sitting on the platform was a toilet. :scared: No walls, just parked there like a monument.


I guess they really wanted it to be a "throne."

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Some people like mirrors for their light-and-space effects more than their look-at-your-reflection effects. (It might explain the ceiling placement!) Or, possibly, in small homes 'across from the toilet' would be a solid option for a bathroom mirror -- and then maybe it felt like 'that's where it's supposed to go' even with s larger floor plan that no longer required it.

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We once toured a home with a realtor that had two toilets in the master bathroom. Across from each other. No, one was not a bidet. It was his and hers toilets. So you could face each other and chat while you did your business. 


I about died laughing. And no, we didn't put an offer on that house. It was SUCH a weird house. Garage style cabinets in the kitchen, a shower curtain dividing the kitchen from the living room, and the living room was sunken, with concrete floors, with rugs painted on them. Not real rugs, not regular painted concrete. But it was painted to look like rugs were there. But weren't. 


Strangest house. 

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One time we went to look at a house and everything looked fine until we got to the master bedroom. There in the middle of the bedroom was a raised platform, about 3 stairs going up on each side - and sitting on the platform was a toilet. :scared: No walls, just parked there like a monument.


I guess they really wanted it to be a "throne."

Wowza. That's awkward.

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We once toured a home with a realtor that had two toilets in the master bathroom. Across from each other. No, one was not a bidet. It was his and hers toilets. So you could face each other and chat while you did your business.


I about died laughing. And no, we didn't put an offer on that house. It was SUCH a weird house. Garage style cabinets in the kitchen, a shower curtain dividing the kitchen from the living room, and the living room was sunken, with concrete floors, with rugs painted on them. Not real rugs, not regular painted concrete. But it was painted to look like rugs were there. But weren't.


Strangest house.

I'd have been surreptitiously taking pictures with my phone for a laugh. I'm bad like that.

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That is less shocking than going into a friend's master bedroom while pet sitting to find a mirrored headboard and mirrors on the ceiling above the bed. I know people do this and have been in hotels with this but I would never have guessed she would be the type to want that


I would always visualize that friend from the 'birds eye view' after that.... not fair (they're just doing what everyone does) but that falls into "cannot be unseen" for me!


I only experienced it at one hotel, we were road tripping and just drove up ... this was pre internet days.  When we checked in I asked the lobby clerk if there was breakfast included and she laughed. Then when I saw the room I thought "oooh this isn't a tell your friends how nice it is hotel is it the other kind!!"

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We once toured a home with a realtor that had two toilets in the master bathroom. Across from each other. No, one was not a bidet. It was his and hers toilets. So you could face each other and chat while you did your business.


I about died laughing. And no, we didn't put an offer on that house. It was SUCH a weird house. Garage style cabinets in the kitchen, a shower curtain dividing the kitchen from the living room, and the living room was sunken, with concrete floors, with rugs painted on them. Not real rugs, not regular painted concrete. But it was painted to look like rugs were there. But weren't.


Strangest house.

I hope my link works.



the love toilet saturday night live

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The smallest bedroom in our current home was painted with 12" wide vertical stripes in alternating olive green and slate blue, with a 1" strip of white in between where it was taped. It felt like the walls were closing in. Oh, and either they didn't square up or the room is slightly off square, but the stripes tilted very visibly around the door frame. When we painted over it, it took three coats of primer and 2 coats of "one-coat" paint to cover them completely. If you look closely at the texturing in places, you can still see lines where the original paint beaded up along the tape lines.


It's also the only room in the house with a walk-in closet. The original plans for the home show a walk-through closet to the master bath, but for some reason they turned that space into a tiny room with a window and a wall closet. Also no outlets, because it was supposed to be a closet. We've considering turning it into a full closet and probably will when we have the money. That being said, it was super handy to put a bassinet and crib in when I had a baby. Not so close that I could hear every snort and grunt, but not way down the hall ;)

Edited by Forget-me-not
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We once toured a home with a realtor that had two toilets in the master bathroom. Across from each other. No, one was not a bidet. It was his and hers toilets. So you could face each other and chat while you did your business.


I about died laughing. And no, we didn't put an offer on that house. It was SUCH a weird house. Garage style cabinets in the kitchen, a shower curtain dividing the kitchen from the living room, and the living room was sunken, with concrete floors, with rugs painted on them. Not real rugs, not regular painted concrete. But it was painted to look like rugs were there. But weren't.


Strangest house.

I want to say this in the least sexist say possible, but maybe there's just no way. I think maybe a man got a hold of that house and was given free reign with it.
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We once toured a home with a realtor that had two toilets in the master bathroom. Across from each other. No, one was not a bidet. It was his and hers toilets. So you could face each other and chat while you did your business. 


I about died laughing. And no, we didn't put an offer on that house. It was SUCH a weird house. Garage style cabinets in the kitchen, a shower curtain dividing the kitchen from the living room, and the living room was sunken, with concrete floors, with rugs painted on them. Not real rugs, not regular painted concrete. But it was painted to look like rugs were there. But weren't. 


Strangest house. 


Okay, moment of honesty. I have to admit my master bathroom has two toilets. BUT THEY ARE IN SEPARATE ROOMS! I promise!!  I cannot even imagine...... I would like to go back and thank whoever designed my master bathroom because I personally have come to develop a love for his and hers toilets having now experienced them, but in the same room, much less facing each other, um yeah, pass. 


When we were house hunting  I think the decorating choices that threw me off the most were 1) the Ted's Tavern of Taxidermy type house, where it was like Great White Hunter meets Cabella's decor with dead stuffed animals everywhere, including in one house a full size stuffed giraffe, or 2) the giant wall of crosses. Not one or two, or ten or twenty but like a hundred crosses on a wall. It was just.....too much. Even worse were the houses than combined both, and yes there were houses with both. People are fascinating. 


None of this can beat the love bird toilets though. 

Edited by texasmom33
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..... and the living room was sunken, with concrete floors, with rugs painted on them. Not real rugs, not regular painted concrete. But it was painted to look like rugs were there. But weren't. 


Strangest house. 


So I have to wonder.....if you have only painted rugs and own dogs, do the dogs still only choose to puke on the painted rugs, or is it moot to them at that point and ruins all their fun? It has always amazed me that in a house with 99% hard floors, dogs will seek out the area rugs. Or perhaps that's just my dogs. I'm sorry but I might have to adopt the painted rug trend. ;) 

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I hope my link works.



the love toilet saturday night live


:lol: :lol: Oh my gosh, that's hilarious!


We've lived in a few weird houses. The worst was what the kids ended up calling "the round house". It was one of those groovy modern homes with curved walls throughout. I think there were only one or two straight walls in the entire house. I HATED it. Thank heavens we only lived in it for a few months.


The toilets/bathrooms were private, though, so I guess it could have been worse. :)

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We once toured a home with a realtor that had two toilets in the master bathroom. Across from each other. No, one was not a bidet. It was his and hers toilets. So you could face each other and chat while you did your business.


I about died laughing. And no, we didn't put an offer on that house. It was SUCH a weird house. Garage style cabinets in the kitchen, a shower curtain dividing the kitchen from the living room, and the living room was sunken, with concrete floors, with rugs painted on them. Not real rugs, not regular painted concrete. But it was painted to look like rugs were there. But weren't.


Strangest house.

You win.

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One time we went to look at a house and everything looked fine until we got to the master bedroom. There in the middle of the bedroom was a raised platform, about 3 stairs going up on each side - and sitting on the platform was a toilet. :scared: No walls, just parked there like a monument.


I guess they really wanted it to be a "throne."

Maybe you win.


I saw something odd like that in one house. Master bedroom, door to bathroom which had the sink and the shower. The potty was in the bedroom. Weird.

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When I was a teenager my great aunt bought a new house. It was a custom built house that was hand built by the husband. When she moved in she had to redecorate the whole house but she decided to leave the hall bath like it was. It was so ridiculous. Gold and purple with ruffles and lace everywhere. Gold marble. Gold faucets. It was blinding when you turned the lights on. The best part though was the strange hole in the wall. When you walked in there was a double vanity across from you. At the end of the vanity, there was a partition wall and then the toilet. The partition wall was floor to ceiling and about 6 inches above the counter there was a pass-through hole in the wall to the toilet all trimmed out. I could not figure out what it was for. Turns out, the man who built it put that pass-through there for his wife. She requested it for her douche bag. :ohmy:

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We saw one house once that we fondly refer to as the "swinger house."  It had an amazing backyard - a huge pool over basically a wooded hilly cliff.  The pool was clearly heated and used year round, because it was connected to the master bath - you could swim inside it. Which was fun and all, but the master bath had floor to ceiling windows, and no window treatments, and no easy way to hang them.  The toilet faced the pool through one of these windows.  Someone had "updated" the master bathroom suite by painting the built-in sauna's cedar planks a bright, high-VOC & smelly white.


It was a strange and interesting house, until you got to the other side and realized someone had raised teenagers there.  I wonder how often they saw their parents on the throne.

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I want to say this in the least sexist say possible, but maybe there's just no way. I think maybe a man got a hold of that house and was given free reign with it.




It also had this weird pool....bigger than a normal hot tub, but smaller than a regular pool. And round. Think like a hot tub for a dozen people for size and shape. But a pool. 


Oh, and the bath tub in that weird bathroom with the his and hers toilets was up on a platform, with steps leading up to it. with a giant mural on the wall of this gold medallion or something. 


Honestly, we decided the house was used for porn filming :)

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When I was a teenager my great aunt bought a new house. It was a custom built house that was hand built by the husband. When she moved in she had to redecorate the whole house but she decided to leave the hall bath like it was. It was so ridiculous. Gold and purple with ruffles and lace everywhere. Gold marble. Gold faucets. It was blinding when you turned the lights on. The best part though was the strange hole in the wall. When you walked in there was a double vanity across from you. At the end of the vanity, there was a partition wall and then the toilet. The partition wall was floor to ceiling and about 6 inches above the counter there was a pass-through hole in the wall to the toilet all trimmed out. I could not figure out what it was for. Turns out, the man who built it put that pass-through there for his wife. She requested it for her douche bag. :ohmy:


You know what, that is a term I am familiar with, but it is the first time I've heard it used for its actual, literal meaning in YEARS.  Many years.

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One time we went to look at a house and everything looked fine until we got to the master bedroom. There in the middle of the bedroom was a raised platform, about 3 stairs going up on each side - and sitting on the platform was a toilet. :scared: No walls, just parked there like a monument.


I guess they really wanted it to be a "throne."


We looked at a house with a "throne" toilet in the basement. The toilet was up on a platform, and it had a mural of a painted throne surrounding it, with unicorns on either side. Across from the toilet was mural of a dragon. It was actually kind of fun (but was in a bathroom, where it belonged).  :)

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How strange! I would definitely not want to look at myself in that position! :D


One of the strangest things I've seen was in a house we were considering buying (until we went inside!). They had turned the front hall closet (so immediately when we walked into the house) into a little toilet area (no space for anything except the toilet). There was not even a door on it.


In hindsite, I realize it was a very old home, and sometimes when they began adding indoor bathrooms to the old homes in our rural area, which up till then just had outhouses, they'd put them in the basement. There was usually no room on the main floor unless they actually added on a room. So maybe this was just the cheapest option for them to have a toilet on the main floor. But you'd think they'd at least put a door on it!

I kid you not, when dh and I were house hunting before we bought this house, we were excited to see a listing for a 7 bdrm 9 bath home in our price range. Until we went in.


They had installed a toilet literally in the middle of every single room in the house. Not off to the side like eventually they'd hoped to add walls and such. Right. In. The. Middle. Of every room. Including the kitchen. So instead of a kitchen island, there was a toilet.


Sooooo weird.

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This probably isn't all that strange, but we walked through a couple older homes that had step down showers. That seemed odd to me.

Ugh. This house we live in now is the first time I'd ever seen a step down shower. The tub edge is about 6inches above the floor and the rest of the tub is about 8 inches below the floor. I hate it. It's a major safety hazard IMO. I won't let older visitors use it. I know stairs are hard on them, but I still insist they use the shower upstairs that doesn't have this dumb design flaw. *I* have slipped many times getting in or out even being super careful to use the side bars for balance. Those kept me from actually falling, but not from slipping to begin with.

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One time we went to look at a house and everything looked fine until we got to the master bedroom. There in the middle of the bedroom was a raised platform, about 3 stairs going up on each side - and sitting on the platform was a toilet. :scared: No walls, just parked there like a monument.


I guess they really wanted it to be a "throne."

I want to say this in the least sexist say possible, but maybe there's just no way. I think maybe a man got a hold of that house and was given free reign with it.


So was this house in TX??? When we were looking at houses there we came across one like this--with the bathroom built into the bedroom, no walls. Except I think the one we looked at, the bathroom part was only one step up--like on a platform. And the funny thing was the realtor said the male owner (single) had wanted it that way.

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So I have to wonder.....if you have only painted rugs and own dogs, do the dogs still only choose to puke on the painted rugs, or is it moot to them at that point and ruins all their fun? It has always amazed me that in a house with 99% hard floors, dogs will seek out the area rugs. Or perhaps that's just my dogs. I'm sorry but I might have to adopt the painted rug trend. ;)

They'd probably deliberately aim for the couch, bed, or wherever else was most disgusting and inconvenient ;)

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We looked at a cool old farmhouse that had fairies painted on the living room wall, a wood stove in the bathroom, a spooky well in the basement( you could hear water gushing in it) and old horse-stalls next to it, the fridge was in a weird corner with a shower curtain hiding it, a cat-door cut into the master bedroom, and the owners dad was buried in the front yard, even tho there's a spooky old cemetery next to it. Our son just about flipped out when we acted interested!

Wowza! That's like weird upon weird! These things are so memorable though and I wonder why people. And the design choices they make. The burial thing I can sort of understand, at least :)

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I kid you not, when dh and I were house hunting before we bought this house, we were excited to see a listing for a 7 bdrm 9 bath home in our price range. Until we went in.


They had installed a toilet literally in the middle of every single room in the house. Not off to the side like eventually they'd hoped to add walls and such. Right. In. The. Middle. Of every room. Including the kitchen. So instead of a kitchen island, there was a toilet.


Sooooo weird.


Well that certainly tops my story!  That's probably one of the strangest arrangements I've ever heard of!  

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I kid you not, when dh and I were house hunting before we bought this house, we were excited to see a listing for a 7 bdrm 9 bath home in our price range. Until we went in.


They had installed a toilet literally in the middle of every single room in the house. Not off to the side like eventually they'd hoped to add walls and such. Right. In. The. Middle. Of every room. Including the kitchen. So instead of a kitchen island, there was a toilet.


Sooooo weird.

Oh my! I wonder if the owner had massive bowel issues and felt this was cheaper long term than Depends?!

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When I was a teenager my great aunt bought a new house. It was a custom built house that was hand built by the husband. When she moved in she had to redecorate the whole house but she decided to leave the hall bath like it was. It was so ridiculous. Gold and purple with ruffles and lace everywhere. Gold marble. Gold faucets. It was blinding when you turned the lights on. The best part though was the strange hole in the wall. When you walked in there was a double vanity across from you. At the end of the vanity, there was a partition wall and then the toilet. The partition wall was floor to ceiling and about 6 inches above the counter there was a pass-through hole in the wall to the toilet all trimmed out. I could not figure out what it was for. Turns out, the man who built it put that pass-through there for his wife. She requested it for her douche bag. :ohmy:


You.totally.win. Truly, I never would have expected THAT.


:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:


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And here I thought the toilet surrounded by plywood "walls" in the middle of the basement of DH's college house was the weirdest bathroom arrangement ever. You had to use the utility sink across the room to wash your hands. But that was a college town rental. Real grownups weren't expected to use that toilet. :-)



The oddest decorating we encountered during our house-hunting was the very eighties carpet and "artistic" Playboy drawings framed in the bedrooms. We had to keep distracting the kids when we noticed them.

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I guess I've not actually been to anyone's home that was weird decorating-wise vs structure-wise, i.e. odd toilet placement. But now this thread reminds me of a print dbil sent us. It's the print seen here on this book. Dbil--an artist--was proud to have matted and framed it himself. And I guess he wanted to share a bit of art that he liked. At the time we just *could not* hang because it felt like eyeballs were looking back at us. Now I'm wondering if we should just hang the thing and embrace its oddity. Even though it goes with nothing else in our house. lol

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We looked at a house with a "throne" toilet in the basement. The toilet was up on a platform, and it had a mural of a painted throne surrounding it, with unicorns on either side. Across from the toilet was mural of a dragon. It was actually kind of fun (but was in a bathroom, where it belonged).  :)



Where we live the waste water (is that the right word?) actually leaves the basement about one foot above ground level. If we where to put a toilet in the basement the cheapest way to do so would be on a platform.




And here I thought the toilet surrounded by plywood "walls" in the middle of the basement of DH's college house was the weirdest bathroom arrangement ever. You had to use the utility sink across the room to wash your hands. But that was a college town rental. Real grownups weren't expected to use that toilet. :-)

When we moved into our current one bathroom house my dad offered to put a toilet in the basement. It would have been a similar set up. :p But not the middle of the basement.

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I kid you not, when dh and I were house hunting before we bought this house, we were excited to see a listing for a 7 bdrm 9 bath home in our price range. Until we went in.


They had installed a toilet literally in the middle of every single room in the house. Not off to the side like eventually they'd hoped to add walls and such. Right. In. The. Middle. Of every room. Including the kitchen. So instead of a kitchen island, there was a toilet.


Sooooo weird.

I don't think "weird" is a strong enough adjective for that.


DH says he would hate to have done the plumbing. I'm just trying to picture a scenario where that would make sense and where they wouldn't have stopped at some point while doing the plumbing.

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And here I thought the weird wallpapering and painting in the bathrooms of our first house were bad. Y'all definitely win!


Our hall bath, with large beige tiles on the floor and white tub, had been wallpapered in an orange/yellow calico print on beige background, which was not my favorite, but not totally hideous in and of itself. The kicker was the border paper (white background with blue and pink flowers) that they had run vertically over every seam in the other wallpaper.


In the master bath, tiled on floor and halfway up the walls in a Williamsburg blue, they had painted the walls hot pink then sponged (very badly) over it in gray and white. By badly, I mean they had big drips all over, and didn't do the corners or edges of the walls, so it was "framed" in the hot pink.


The rest of the house had a different color of long shag carpet in every bedroom (green, purple, mixed brown/gold/orange, what used to be white---house was built in the early 70s) and the living room had been redone at some point with blue carpet and a border of those geese with big blue bows on their necks (I'm guessing the late 80s). We bought it (very cheaply) in the late 90s.

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It's not unusual in the Midwest to have an extra toilet or block shower in the the basement or utility area (washer/dryer). This is most likely if it's a 1 bathroom home. I think it was planned to help with the bathroom overflow of a small family home. If you were desperate enough, to the basement you go.


We have both and they are right across from the canning kitchen...no extra walls and toilet is a tiny concrete closet with saloon doors. Thank you 1950s. 


My grandmother had her utility toilet on a platform next to her washer. It had a flowery green shower curtain you could pull in a circle around you. It always gave me the creeps but my Grampa kept all his soda in an old latch pull fridge down there so there were snacks. 



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And here I thought the weird wallpapering and painting in the bathrooms of our first house were bad. Y'all definitely win!


Our hall bath, with large beige tiles on the floor and white tub, had been wallpapered in an orange/yellow calico print on beige background, which was not my favorite, but not totally hideous in and of itself. The kicker was the border paper (white background with blue and pink flowers) that they had run vertically over every seam in the other wallpaper.


In the master bath, tiled on floor and halfway up the walls in a Williamsburg blue, they had painted the walls hot pink then sponged (very badly) over it in gray and white. By badly, I mean they had big drips all over, and didn't do the corners or edges of the walls, so it was "framed" in the hot pink.


The rest of the house had a different color of long shag carpet in every bedroom (green, purple, mixed brown/gold/orange, what used to be white---house was built in the early 70s) and the living room had been redone at some point with blue carpet and a border of those geese with big blue bows on their necks (I'm guessing the late 80s). We bought it (very cheaply) in the late 90s.


Wow. I just want to ask them "why?!!!".

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It's not unusual in the Midwest to have an extra toilet or block shower in the the basement or utility area (washer/dryer). This is most likely if it's a 1 bathroom home. I think it was planned to help with the bathroom overflow of a small family home. If you were desperate enough, to the basement you go.


We have both and they are right across from the canning kitchen...no extra walls and toilet is a tiny concrete closet with saloon doors. Thank you 1950s.


My grandmother had her utility toilet on a platform next to her washer. It had a flowery green shower curtain you could pull in a circle around you. It always gave me the creeps but my Grampa kept all his soda in an old latch pull fridge down there so there were snacks.

Basement bathrooms are actually kind of useful. The middle of the floor thingy is a little worse though ;)

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