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DD13, how to survive the summer with TWO broken arms??!!

Sara in AZ

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She fell down the stairs at my parent's house two days ago and landed on both hands. She was carrying her insulin pump and insulin and cradled them in her hands to protect them rather than drop them to catch herself, I guess. At least it was the end of our big summer vacation instead of the beginning.


Anyway, anyone been there done that? She's going to have casts on for probably the rest of the summer. I was told the permanent casts could be waterproof, so hopefully she will be able to at least get in a pool. Any tips for helping her manage daily tasks and stay entertained without losing her mind (or mine) for the next six weeks?!

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Oh,what a bummer:(


No help on daily tasks, I'd guess you'll have to help with bathing & hair care.


But to keep her busy, an Audible subscription if you don't have one already (load a fun series to start with) & try to get her into some new to her TV series on Netflix? Something with a LOT of episodes!

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Have you seen videos of people with no hands/arms who are talented artists? You could watch some artists on you tube and when she is feeling better, it might be fun to have a family art night or competition using feet only! Y'all could try writing, painting, even pictionary with feet only.


Daily care will partially depend on type of cast. Is it above or below elbow? I am guessing below since the waterproof kind is an option. In the past, I know you could only get that with a short arm(below elbow) cast.


Good luck to your whole family-it will be a trying time but hopefully you can find some fun ideas to try!

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Could you do "school" so that when her arms are free she can have a break?


Depending on how much hand use she has (e.g. can she write?), I can probably offer some suggestions for technology to get around some of the issue. 

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I am so sorry!!!! I don't have many suggestions, but prayers for her and all of you. Are her hands/fingers free at all? Full arm cast or to her elbow? Maybe when she feels a little better she can use a tablet (videos, you tube for topics she's interested in), lots of reading, also maybe doodling? I am sorry you are all going through this :(

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Oh, poor girl. If the casts aren't too heavy and she has doctor approval, I suggest daily walks starting with about 1/2 mile and increasing the distance as she heals. Definitely call the doctor for approval, though. I was allowed to walk with one broken arm and it saved my sanity.


I also like the idea of doing school now and giving her time off later on. Or, she can use audio books to get started on next school year's reading list.

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Great suggestions up thread.  Does she have a Kindle that does audio books?  Get an Audible subscription and maybe noise canceling headphones so she can listen to her book while still hanging out with the family in the same room.  My kids like doing this when they want to listen to a book no one else has any interest in but they don't want to be alone.  The kindle is light enough and small enough it could be carried in a pouch or in her cast sling.


You might look at some speech to text software.  She could start a diary and "speak" it into a laptop.  She could maybe also do some school work this way.  Maybe she could get a pen pal and "type" her letters through the software as well.





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Thanks for the commiseration and helpful ideas! The permanent casts are not on yet, so I'm not sure if they will go over the elbow or not. The splints do. I'm hoping she will be able to use her fingers a little. The splint goes between her thumb and fingers, and she's still in pain a bit, so not doing much for herself.


Sounds like it's definitely time to try out Audible! And my sister just started her on Gilmore Girls, so that will take up a good chunk of time. 😊


I love the family feet art idea. 😃 I am definitely going to Google that.


And speech to text is a fabulous idea. I'm sure she'd like to try that.


My aunt sent me a link for a bidet attachment for the toilet. I'm trying to decide if it's worth $350 to get out of that duty for the next 6-8 weeks.....😜

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My aunt sent me a link for a bidet attachment for the toilet. I'm trying to decide if it's worth $350 to get out of that duty for the next 6-8 weeks.....😜


That didn't occur to me. Might be worth every penny...


As a fellow mother of a diabetic, I am impressed to see her so willing to protect her insulin pump (though not with the outcome of broken arms). Those things are so expensive, they should have gold inside.


I hope she heals up quickly! As someone else mentioned, binge watching her favorite shows may be a good idea. It won't keep her down for long - as a teenager, I would mow the yard with a cast on my leg.

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Also...once she feels a little better (not as achy, in pain etc), some of her time could be used in learning about others? From your name I believe you are in AZ? There's a disability center in Tempe (not sure where you are), wonderful place to visit and learn about people who deal with a permanent disability. Or, if she can use some fingers...try to type cards for kids with cancer or some other serious illness, help you put a small care package together and take it to a nearby hospital? (She could help you shopping for items etc, just to keep her busy). Making cookies together (or at least trying your best), some cards and take them to a nursing home? Sometimes putting things a little in perspective can help. Yes this stinks for all of you. But hopefully it'll go by soon? There's folks out there, different ages...their illness/condition doesn't go away :( Does she have any interest in another language? Maybe Duolingo to learn some Spanish if she's interested? What about learning a little bit of cooking? She might not be able to help much with the process...but, reading recipe, planning grocery list, actually going to the store to look for ingredients... that's also part of the learning process? I wonder if she'll be able to use fingers at all? If she can... there's connect the dots geared towards older kids, some really neat books/images (landmarks, animals, all sorts of themes). Just trying to brainstorm ideas...our 11 yr old fractured her arm a couple years ago and I happened to be looking at some pics taken the day after, it brought back memories...I feel bad for your dd :( But, this too will pass. I hope pain is managed very soon!!!

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My dad broke both arms when I was 8 (fell off a ladder from the roof, instead of rolling, put his hands out to stop himself). My mom took over shaving all that stuff and had to go buy some shirts with larger arm holes. He still  went to work after the 1st 3 weeks I think. Kind of fuzzy, I was little, but I remember him getting dressed for work and carpooling with a friend. 


If she can use her fingers later, maybe some painting, depends on her mobility/pain. Outings would be great once she is up to it. Museum, park, movies, etc. 


I would do the bidet totally. I have a link to ones a lot less than $350, let me find them. (eta: ok here is one: https://smile.amazon.com/Brondell-PureSpa-Temperature-Water-Bidet/dp/B01FNEN8BU/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1467147756&sr=8-2-spons&keywords=bidet+attachment&psc=1 and we have like these, but they may not work with her situation: https://smile.amazon.com/SmarterFresh-Sprayer-Premium-Stainless-Shattaf/dp/B0108GMCWY/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1467147756&sr=8-8&keywords=bidet+attachment ).


Second or third the kindle and speech to text. If she can use a mouse, maybe look for some online school work she could start now.


Edited by Um_2_4
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BTDT with elder DD when she was 10. Made a sharp turn with her bike and was plowed into from behind by DS on his bike. She went flying over the handlebars and landed on her hands.


Definitely get the waterproof casts, for swimming as well as showering. Once she gets used to them and is no longer in pain, you'll find she can still do a lot of things.

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Also...once she feels a little better (not as achy, in pain etc), some of her time could be used in learning about others? From your name I believe you are in AZ? There's a disability center in Tempe (not sure where you are), wonderful place to visit and learn about people who deal with a permanent disability. Or, if she can use some fingers...try to type cards for kids with cancer or some other serious illness, help you put a small care package together and take it to a nearby hospital? (She could help you shopping for items etc, just to keep her busy). Making cookies together (or at least trying your best), some cards and take them to a nursing home? Sometimes putting things a little in perspective can help. Yes this stinks for all of you. But hopefully it'll go by soon? There's folks out there, different ages...their illness/condition doesn't go away :( Does she have any interest in another language? Maybe Duolingo to learn some Spanish if she's interested? What about learning a little bit of cooking? She might not be able to help much with the process...but, reading recipe, planning grocery list, actually going to the store to look for ingredients... that's also part of the learning process? I wonder if she'll be able to use fingers at all? If she can... there's connect the dots geared towards older kids, some really neat books/images (landmarks, animals, all sorts of themes). Just trying to brainstorm ideas...our 11 yr old fractured her arm a couple years ago and I happened to be looking at some pics taken the day after, it brought back memories...I feel bad for your dd :( But, this too will pass. I hope pain is managed very soon!!!

These are some really great ideas. Thank you!


Yes, every time we are at the hospital for one of our kids, I always think about the kids for whom their hospitalization is much worse...so many more awful things can happen besides breaking an arm or having an endoscopy (two recent examples fr our family.)

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If you can't get waterproof casts then try these.  We used it one summer and had good luck(only had one leak but that was user error!) with it for the entire time we had a cast. It was well worth the money! Made showering and swimming much nicer(waterproof casts weren't an option for us).

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My dad broke both arms when I was 8 (fell off a ladder from the roof, instead of rolling, put his hands out to stop himself). My mom took over shaving all that stuff and had to go buy some shirts with larger arm holes. He still went to work after the 1st 3 weeks I think. Kind of fuzzy, I was little, but I remember him getting dressed for work and carpooling with a friend.


If she can use her fingers later, maybe some painting, depends on her mobility/pain. Outings would be great once she is up to it. Museum, park, movies, etc.


I would do the bidet totally. I have a link to ones a lot less than $350, let me find them. (eta: ok here is one: https://smile.amazon.com/Brondell-PureSpa-Temperature-Water-Bidet/dp/B01FNEN8BU/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1467147756&sr=8-2-spons&keywords=bidet+attachment&psc=1 and we have like these, but they may not work with her situation: https://smile.amazon.com/SmarterFresh-Sprayer-Premium-Stainless-Shattaf/dp/B0108GMCWY/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1467147756&sr=8-8&keywords=bidet+attachment ).


Second or third the kindle and speech to text. If she can use a mouse, maybe look for some online school work she could start now.

That sounds awful for your dad! My mother has carpul tunnel surgery on both arms at once when I was about that age...4 kids with one in diapers. I don't know how she did it!


Thanks for researching bidets for me! I think I will definitely follow up on that.

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If you can't get waterproof casts then try these. We used it one summer and had good luck(only had one leak but that was user error!) with it for the entire time we had a cast. It was well worth the money! Made showering and swimming much nicer(waterproof casts weren't an option for us).

Cool! I should have expected something like this to exist.

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But to keep her busy, an Audible subscription if you don't have one already (load a fun series to start with) & try to get her into some new to her TV series on Netflix? Something with a LOT of episodes!

I can't see the OP's dd's age, but if she's a teen don't forget the free weekly audiobooks from SYNC this summer. (ETA: I see age in the title now - check the SYNC books then. They're for teens but some books cover more intense subjects.)


And I'm really sorry this happened to her! Maybe you should school through the summer and give her 6 weeks off afterwards when the cast comes off? At least she'd be busy...

Edited by nd293
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We like Scribd instead of audible. You get 3 e-books and 1 audiobook per month, for 8.99 a month. If she could "flip" pages on a computer, ipad, phone, etc that may be a good choice to get both audio and ebooks.

Edited by Rubix
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My brother was in two casts for a summer from a roller blading accident. One cast was up to his shoulder and the other to his elbow, they didn't have waterproof casts at that time. I don't remember how he handled it.


I do not recommend sticking a metal coat hanger into the cast to scratch dry skin, he really scratched up his arms.

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My aunt sent me a link for a bidet attachment for the toilet. I'm trying to decide if it's worth $350 to get out of that duty for the next 6-8 weeks.....😜


We have a bidet it was like $30 their are tons of choices so I'm sure you can find one that she can work for a reasonable price.



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My aunt sent me a link for a bidet attachment for the toilet. I'm trying to decide if it's worth $350 to get out of that duty for the next 6-8 weeks.....😜


Yes, yes it is.


Also...once she feels a little better (not as achy, in pain etc), some of her time could be used in learning about others? From your name I believe you are in AZ? There's a disability center in Tempe 



If someone tried to make me see the bright side of 2 broken arms this way, I'd knock them silly with my cast(s), but  OP's dd is probably considerably nicer than me  ;)

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If someone tried to make me see the bright side of 2 broken arms this way, I'd knock them silly with my cast(s), but OP's dd is probably considerably nicer than me ;)

Lol! It's all about perspective. I'm all for pampering her, special treats etc etc. But if she was my dd I wouldn't want her being frustrated, grumpy etc for the whole 6 weeks. It'll make her more miserable, and everyone else in her family. Maybe trying to find a tad of positive, not from what happened to her, but just realizing that others have it worse will help her feel a little better.
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These are some really great ideas. Thank you!


Yes, every time we are at the hospital for one of our kids, I always think about the kids for whom their hospitalization is much worse...so many more awful things can happen besides breaking an arm or having an endoscopy (two recent examples fr our family.)

Same here. Years ago our 2yr old had a spiral fracture...needed a spica cast (covering leg and around waist), we had CPS involvement and all. He had that cast for 6-7 weeks. I cried the first couple days...the idea of keeping a toddler immobile for so long just sounded hard! But knowing there was an end to it truly helped. Will pray for peace in your home, peace and well recovery for your dd, and for both her arms to heal perfectly :)
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Oh how miserable! :(


Yes to the bidet. I wish I'd bought one before having my last two kids. Then and every month I think about it. I would vote WORTH IT from both of your perspectives. No 13 year old wants her mom having to wipe for her. Bidet foreverrrrr!

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Lol! It's all about perspective. I'm all for pampering her, special treats etc etc. But if she was my dd I wouldn't want her being frustrated, grumpy etc for the whole 6 weeks. It'll make her more miserable, and everyone else in her family. Maybe trying to find a tad of positive, not from what happened to her, but just realizing that others have it worse will help her feel a little better.

This DD is actually pretty stoic. Other than the initial trauma of if all, she has really not vocalized any complaints and has been really patient. That may change as the summer drags on....


I am pretty ok with her sitting around watching a lot of Netflix, but I think the struggle is going to be keeping the rest of the kids from doing that,too. They're going to be the ones jealous of her! We're in Arizona, though, and we don't have a pool, so I can't really send everyone outside. I like the idea of getting out of the house a lot. Time to make use of our science center/planetarium membership for sure.

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We have a bidet it was like $30 their are tons of choices so I'm sure you can find one that she can work for a reasonable price.



Totally getting something like this. I never thought I'd be grateful for her constipation issues....just hold it for a few more weeks, dear! ðŸ˜

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I'm so sorry this happened.  Lots of hugs to both of you!  If it's in your budget, the Great Courses Plus has a lot of great courses to stream.  They offer a monthly subscription option.  As another poster mentioned, she could study now and take time off later when she feels better. 

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She did have a good day. 😊 She saw the orthopedic doc and had a removeable waterproof brace put on the right arm. The left arm is still tender and swollen, so that cast will go on next week, and it will have to be over the elbow, not waterproof. So that's a bummer, but she is already experiencing a little more independence with that right hand. She can feed herself, at least. We bought a bunch of cheap tank tops and easy to pull up elastic waist shorts, and that bidet attachment is supposed to arrive tomorrow. So things are looking up. 😊

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Oh my!  Poor child!  Well, first I would say this is the time to spoil her.  Anyone in that situation needs to be given as much leeway as possible to do whatever they want.


I agree with a Netflix subscription. Let her Binge-watch a series right now. It really is okay to binge-watch in this situation.  And, although not ideal at all, if it is too hard to keep the rest of the kids from the TV, let it go.  (This is from a mom that is very opposed to children sitting in front of the TV for many hours).  This situation of two broken arms is just so awful, I might let it slide and let the whole family binge-watch series on Netflix.  It could become a one of those memories that people remember, like, " Remember when _______ broke her arms, we all watched the whole series of __________"


Personally, I would not do school.  It just seems too much, "Yep, broke both my arms, and my mom decided it would be a GREAT time to do school through watching courses on TV."  I just think there are certain times in life you make exceptions to the rules, and this might be one of them.



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My aunt sent me a link for a bidet attachment for the toilet. I'm trying to decide if it's worth $350 to get out of that duty for the next 6-8 weeks.....😜

Check Amazon for these. I'm on my phone so I can't link, but there's several options for under $50.

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