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Child drug into water by alligator at Disney World


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There are awful comments about the parents. Having a kid out at 9:30 isn't crazy, and the beach doesn't seem real there. No one goes in the water, but you stand there for fireworks. I would never have thought twice about alligators. How would someone be able to fight off an alligator? (Critical commenters).


But how are there no eyewitnesses? There has to be security footage.

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It's so heartbreaking. Disney feels so safe for people. I lived in FL for ten years and visited Disney often. I knew water anywhere was dangerous and still always felt safe at Disney because...It's Disney.


That sweet little child and that poor family are in my prayers.

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There are awful comments about the parents. Having a kid out at 9:30 isn't crazy, and the beach doesn't seem real there. No one goes in the water, but you stand there for fireworks. I would never have thought twice about alligators. How would someone be able to fight off an alligator? (Critical commenters).


But how are there no eyewitnesses? There has to be security footage.

Are you kidding? People are attacking the parents?! For being out at 9:30 when you're on vacation? I am beginning to think I need not only a news break but perhaps an electricity free and phone free week before I lose anymore faith in humanity.

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There are awful comments about the parents. Having a kid out at 9:30 isn't crazy, and the beach doesn't seem real there. No one goes in the water, but you stand there for fireworks. I would never have thought twice about alligators. How would someone be able to fight off an alligator? (Critical commenters).


But how are there no eyewitnesses? There has to be security footage.


On the FB comments, where I read the dad was holding her hand when it happened, someone said it was a movie on the beach.


And for goodness sake, it's DISNEY WORLD, who the heck puts their kid to bed early there?

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It's so heartbreaking. Disney feels so safe for people. I lived in FL for ten years and visited Disney often. I knew water anywhere was dangerous and still always felt safe at Disney because...It's Disney.


That sweet little child and that poor family are in my prayers.

I feel the same way. gators have to be 4' long in neighborhood ponds before animal control will even blink at them, but a real gator on Disney property seems unimaginable.


Years ago a gator surged underwater towards my then 2yo standing on the bank (not at Disney). At the time I didn't realize what it was. Once I realized what had happened, I was just sick. To this day (20+ years later) I remember it vividly. I cannot imagine what that poor family is going through.

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I feel the same way. gators have to be 4' long in neighborhood ponds before animal control will even blink at them, but a real gator on Disney property seems unimaginable.


Years ago a gator surged underwater towards my then 2yo standing on the bank (not at Disney). At the time I didn't realize what it was. Once I realized what had happened, I was just sick. To this day (20+ years later) I remember it vividly. I cannot imagine what that poor family is going through.

It's a body of water in Florida. Gators somehow find their way into virtually all bodies of water here. Golf courses are notorious for having them in the water traps/ponds. I would not get in the water in Florida after dark or walk near the shore, because gators will grab dogs, other animals, and people. These folks were obviously not familiar with that danger. I know there were no swimming signs, but there should be more of a warning than that!


As far as being out late with young children, we did that all the time, not just on vacation. We had lots of very special times as a family because we were flexible with bed times.


Praying for this family.

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It's just so horrible.


And my FB feed is now full of people who are judging the parents for a number of things that didn't seem to happen.  No, this child wasn't swimming in the lake.  No, this child wasn't away from his parents.  Yes, kids stay up really late at Disney World.  Yes, this could happen to any one of my friends who think it couldn't happen to them.


We've been to a few of these movies on the beach.  I never thought about gators stalking my children because.....Disney.  But, of course there are gators in the water.  Because.....FLORIDA. And I've been to various parts of Florida many many times.  I thought about the gators and snakes everywhere else.  But not at Disney.   If I feel horrible and stupid for never even considering that fact, I can only imagine what these parents are going through right now.

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I saw that story and shut down my Facebook for at least the rest of the day, if not the week. I'm in Orlando and between that, the mass shooting, and the shooting of the young singer all in the past week my heart and soul can't take anymore. 


I've lived in Florida my whole life. I worked for a summer at a camp in the Everglades. You still don't expect a gator to come up to you standing on the bank in a group. It's so incredibly rare....I wouldn't get in the water like they were, because I'm from Florida and know that gators are out there, but I also wouldn't expect to be attacked if I did, if that makes sense. 



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There are awful comments about the parents. Having a kid out at 9:30 isn't crazy, and the beach doesn't seem real there. No one goes in the water, but you stand there for fireworks. I would never have thought twice about alligators. How would someone be able to fight off an alligator? (Critical commenters).


But how are there no eyewitnesses? There has to be security footage.


When I was a kid, I know there were two kids that fought off an alligator in Florida, saving their little brother.

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I saw that story and shut down my Facebook for at least the rest of the day, if not the week. I'm in Orlando and between that, the mass shooting, and the shooting of the young singer all in the past week my heart and soul can't take anymore.


I understand. I don't live anywhere close, and I'm feeling sucker-punched with all the bad news coming out of there.  A girl I've known she was born pointed me toward the singer's death -- because it was a favorite of hers. She's been following the girl on YouTube for several years and was looking forward to seeing her in person.  Then the next night, MORE shootings in the very same city. And now this poor family and their toddler.

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There are awful comments about the parents. Having a kid out at 9:30 isn't crazy, and the beach doesn't seem real there. No one goes in the water, but you stand there for fireworks. I would never have thought twice about alligators. How would someone be able to fight off an alligator? (Critical commenters).


But how are there no eyewitnesses? There has to be security footage.



Not only that, but they were from Nebraska.  It's not a big leap to say that us Midwesterners don't think a whole lot about dipping our feet in water.... Nothing lurks under the surface here.

And staying up until 9:30 on vacation?  Of course!!!!!


That poor, poor family.  Can you even imagine?????  :( :( :(

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It's just so horrible.


And my FB feed is now full of people who are judging the parents for a number of things that didn't seem to happen.  No, this child wasn't swimming in the lake.  No, this child wasn't away from his parents.  Yes, kids stay up really late at Disney World.  Yes, this could happen to any one of my friends who think it couldn't happen to them.


We've been to a few of these movies on the beach.  I never thought about gators stalking my children because.....Disney.  But, of course there are gators in the water.  Because.....FLORIDA. And I've been to various parts of Florida many many times.  I thought about the gators and snakes everywhere else.  But not at Disney.   If I feel horrible and stupid for never even considering that fact, I can only imagine what these parents are going through right now.



I think sometimes people, in their hurry to reassure themselves it couldn't happen to THEIR kid, do something stupid, like assign "blame" to the other parents to make themselves feel more confident that if they do everything perfectly THEIR kids will never have anything awful happen.  


The tragic thing is that accidents are exactly that - accidents.  No one foresees the scenario happening and it happens.  


I just wish compassion would win over the compelling need to justify why it can't happen to your kid.... Instead of saying, "Well *I* would never...." maybe people should say, "How heartbreaking and how awful those parents must feel.  Lord have mercy on those poor parents, that they not put too much guilt on themselves and that they can come to some sort of peace......."  :( :(

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And people are already parent blaming.  The child was a foot in the water on vacation.  Half of adults now choose not to have kids and they sit around and blame those who do have them for every little thing.  I'm personally sick of it.

Edited by Attolia
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I saw that story and shut down my Facebook for at least the rest of the day, if not the week. I'm in Orlando and between that, the mass shooting, and the shooting of the young singer all in the past week my heart and soul can't take anymore. 




(((Katie))) I've visited Orlando several times, my heart is with all of you. It's been such a happy place for so many, this week is too much. 


Not only that, but they were from Nebraska.  It's not a big leap to say that us Midwesterners don't think a whole lot about dipping our feet in water.... Nothing lurks under the surface here.



Yup, mid-westerner here. We really don't think about alligators up here. Before we lived in Louisiana, I had no clue how prevalent alligators were in populated areas. Golf courses, okay. Regular lakes and rivers, okay. Near the Grand Floridian, wouldn't think about it. Were there warning signs on the beach about alligators? We had those all over parks in LA, so at least you knew the possibility existed. 

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When I was a kid, I know there were two kids that fought off an alligator in Florida, saving their little brother.

Of course there have been successful attempts. I phrased it poorly in my dismay at reading the horrible comments. The father tried to fight the alligator. He's not a bad parent because someone, somewhere, was successful fighting off another alligator. Alligator wrestling isn't a good/bad parent skill. He didn't feed the child to the alligator in an attempt to save himself or for entertainment.

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Being from the West Coast it would never occur to me not to go in the ocean unless you were concerned about sneaker waves.

It's a fresh water lake. I have seen the signs hundreds of times, but somehow "alligators" didn't pop up as reasons why not to go in the water. Brain eating amoeba, bacteria, lake junk, duck lice and poop, boats (the lake is used for transportation between parking areas and resorts with ferries and smaller boats), and a general avoidance of liability for people swimming, yes.

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Speaking of no swimming signs... To me no swimming means "no swimming", not that you can't put your feet in and wade up to a foot of water. Better signs are necessary for all of us Midwesterners when we go to Florida. I remember the first time we went to FL, and went out to see alligators. I had no idea they go after people, or how fast they are. I knew nothing of alligators, and the how big the risk was.


That poor family :(



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My husband works at Disney, and was part of the team that responded. He got home a couple of hours ago and was very tired and sad. I agree with Kgrok. It has been a very hard week in Orlando.


Please thank your DH for all he does.  It is so appreciated by those of us that couldn't do it.  :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Not only that, but while Alligators are ambush predators, usually they stay away from really noisy, well lit, lots of people areas. Like, say, Disney World. If it had been a pond in Animal Kingdom or a water hazard on a golf course, yeah, there might be gators, but I'd no more expect one at the Grand Floridian than riding the water slides at Blizzard Beach!



DD wonders if the gator had been getting fed by humans, either intentionally or inadvertently. That's a real risk with alligators, and it sounds like it was a small enough gator that it might have been seen as "cute" not that long ago.

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Not only that, but while Alligators are ambush predators, usually they stay away from really noisy, well lit, lots of people areas. Like, say, Disney World. If it had been a pond in Animal Kingdom or a water hazard on a golf course, yeah, there might be gators, but I'd no more expect one at the Grand Floridian than riding the water slides at Blizzard Beach!



DD wonders if the gator had been getting fed by humans, either intentionally or inadvertently. That's a real risk with alligators, and it sounds like it was a small enough gator that it might have been seen as "cute" not that long ago.



In one article I read, it may have been the one linked here, it said that they are having trouble with people feeding alligators. Again, I think it is people from other areas of the country that just don't understand the risk.




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I saw this last night just as I was going to bed. So sad.


Those of us who live in Florida (or Louisiana or parts of Mississippi) know that ANY body of fresh water, even man-made, even at a Disney resort, can have alligators. Visitors wouldn't be expected to know that. The sign said No Swimming but didn't say why. Reports say the child wasn't swimming, just wading in the water. If anyone should take the blame it should be Disney. They want to keep the illusion of a happy place so instead of giving an alligator warning they just say No Swimming. Most bodies of water that might have a gator or gators will have explicit signs like one of these


The Florida Wildlife officer said in a press statement that they already found and examined four alligators and found nothing. That means there are at least five in the lake.


Such attacks out of the blue are rare, but it's also mating season and alligators are very aggressive during mating season - something else visitors wouldn't be expected to know. 

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It would never occur to me that would be something to worry about in that setting. 


It also strikes me that maybe it wouldn't be something that is really a significant risk.  Sometimes there really are freaky accidents and things that are so abnormal, it would make little sense to worry about them or change behavior.  There was a young woman about five years ago here who was killed by coyotes in a park.  Well, that is pretty darn unusual, it really isn't much of a risk of going to parks to hike, and to think of it that way wouldn't be reasonable.


Culturally, we don't seem to be very comfortable with the idea that there can be accidents and death and things we can't control, or that sometimes there are no real answers.



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I think sometimes people, in their hurry to reassure themselves it couldn't happen to THEIR kid, do something stupid, like assign "blame" to the other parents to make themselves feel more confident that if they do everything perfectly THEIR kids will never have anything awful happen.  


The tragic thing is that accidents are exactly that - accidents.  No one foresees the scenario happening and it happens.  


I just wish compassion would win over the compelling need to justify why it can't happen to your kid.... Instead of saying, "Well *I* would never...." maybe people should say, "How heartbreaking and how awful those parents must feel.  Lord have mercy on those poor parents, that they not put too much guilt on themselves and that they can come to some sort of peace......."   :( :(


Or victim blaming anyone. People who have been raped, for another example.  :(

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I am a little surprised at that as well. I'm used to seeing them all over in Florida, especially knowing that there HAVE been gators spotted in some of the Disney lakes. For that matter, I'm thinking the Port Orleans boat guides between the resort and Downtown Disney explicitly mentioned the possibility of seeing gators in the canals.

Edited by dmmetler
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There are awful comments about the parents. Having a kid out at 9:30 isn't crazy, and the beach doesn't seem real there. No one goes in the water, but you stand there for fireworks. I would never have thought twice about alligators. How would someone be able to fight off an alligator? (Critical commenters).


But how are there no eyewitnesses? There has to be security footage.

Especially since they were from NE. Depending on which side of the state they were from, it was either 7:30 or 8:30 back at home. And they were on vacation. 

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I saw this last night just as I was going to bed. So sad.


Those of us who live in Florida (or Louisiana or parts of Mississippi) know that ANY body of fresh water, even man-made, even at a Disney resort, can have alligators. Visitors wouldn't be expected to know that. The sign said No Swimming but didn't say why. Reports say the child wasn't swimming, just wading in the water. If anyone should take the blame it should be Disney. They want to keep the illusion of a happy place so instead of giving an alligator warning they just say No Swimming. Most bodies of water that might have a gator or gators will have explicit signs like one of these


The Florida Wildlife officer said in a press statement that they already found and examined four alligators and found nothing. That means there are at least five in the lake.


Such attacks out of the blue are rare, but it's also mating season and alligators are very aggressive during mating season - something else visitors wouldn't be expected to know. 

Yes, and he was wading where it was just a couple inches deep. I would have thought that would be safe! I would not have taken that to be swimming. 

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