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Prayers needed--Probation violated, jail immanent

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Ds16's PO is going to "violate" him--I don't want him to go to jail, but I can't stop the consequence.

No comments needed, just hugs and prayers. Pray especially that he won't lose heart, that this will not inspire anger but inspire change, and that my heart will just stop breaking at some point.



Sorry for the misspelled title.

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My dh is a juvenile probation officer.


I don't mean to pry, but it will greatly help your son if he is respectful to and honest with his probation officer. I'm not assuming that your young man isn't respectful, but I just know how PO's work.


Encouraging your son to take his consequences like a man (and I know it breaks your heart...I'm so, so sorry). I cannot imagine the pain and agony you are feeling.


Yet consequences like this really speak to a young man. Just love him, support him, and encourage him to do what is right.


I pray this isn't inappropriate. As a mother, my heart goes out to you.



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No, there's no hearing scheduled yet. My understanding is that in FFC, they can pick him up, then put him in juvie, and then they have up to 3 days to schedule the hearing. But I'm not sure exactly, because there's also a 3 Week rule, and I've forgotten how it works--I think the hearing has to be in 3 days, but the trial has 3 weeks to be set. So he could be in jail for his birthday (10/15).


I asked dh what he put in the email to his PO (responding to her email about violating ds), and he said he wrote that he shared her frustration, that we were partly to blame for not scheduling his appts (we were taking a small break due to my going back to work and juggling the schedule) as they should have been, and then he asked if there were any other steps she could take to let him know how serious this is, without actually arresting him (or having him arrested, more properly). I am hoping she feels there is something else she can do.


I have been on the computer most of the morning, and I will work with homeschooled ds in a few minutes--I just couldn't go to work today.


I know God's in control. I'm just having a really hard time with this. Thanks so very much for all the support.

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It sounds like you all are being as honest as you can w/ the PO. Is she a female PO?


If your son appears to be willing to take responsibility for his actions, it won't hurt him a bit.


My PO dh has put kids in jail at Christmas and on their birthdays, in some cases. It is not pretty. His goal for his kids is that they will never want to be on probation again. He has kids that were on his caseload, come back and hug him and thank him. I pray you are satisfied w/ your son's PO.


I pray you will find strength, grace, and peace. I pray your son will get through this as well.


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