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Anyone else have a newly minted voter this year?

Lady Florida.

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This doesn't count as politics. At least I don't think so. 


Ds is 18 and he voted for the first time today (Florida primary). It got me thinking about how we make a big deal about milestones when they're little, then forget about the adult milestones they reach. Driving, of course, is a big one. There are the graduation and/or off to college milestones. Then voting. 


We're not big on formal rituals in our family, but these kind of things help me understand cultures that have formal rituals welcoming young men and women to adulthood. It almost (just a teensy-weensy bit, but not really) makes me wish I did like that kind of thing.


My facebook feed was filling up with friends also posting about their first-time voters. I'm always glad when I see young people get excited about voting and who are interested in the democratic process.



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DD turned 18 last year and today's was her first primary. She voted absentee because she is away at college.


It was my first primary, too - I did not become a citizen until a few days after the last presidential election (bummer)

Having grown up in a country without free elections, this is a huge deal to me.

Edited by regentrude
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My poor oldest turned 18 one day after our primary. She was sad not to be able to vote, but we have a runoff in May for several local candidates, so she can vote then. And there is the big election later this year!

In some states, those who will be 18 before the general election are eligible to vote or caucus in the primaries. I convene my precinct caucus and I've had a few 17 year olds over the years, which is legal here.

Edited by LucyStoner
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My younger ds turned 18 in January, but we early voted, so it wasn't a big deal. I probably should have waited until yesterday, though, so he could get the whole experience. When my older son voted for the first time in 2012, the poll workers would yell, "First time voter!" and the whole place would cheer and clap whenever a new voter showed up. My son was really embarrassed at first, but after he saw it happening with other people, he thought it was cool.

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Yes, we have a nineteen year old. It isn't his first vote since he has voted on local issues after he turned 18, but is his first presidential vote. We take these things seriously around here so the first time he voted, we had ice cream afterward. This year, we'll do cake but later in the evening. He has already registered for fall classes and will be on campus so long that day he won't be able to commute back here before the polls close so is voting absentee ballot as he did in the primary. We'll have belated cake and ice cream for he and his brother who turns 18 in September and will also have to vote absentee.

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My 17 and 18 year voted in the primary a couple of weeks ago. The people working the polls shook hands of the new voters and made a big deal of them voting. I was a bit emotional.


I thought I'd be going over with my 17yo, but she wanted to do this on her own! I talked her through what to expect and we looked at the sample ballots together beforehand. 


Knowing our polling site, I doubt that they made a big deal of it, but they did give her two "I Voted" stickers. Due to budget cutbacks a lot of sites didn't have stickers this year, and people missed them.

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My younger ds turned 18 in January, but we early voted, so it wasn't a big deal. I probably should have waited until yesterday, though, so he could get the whole experience. When my older son voted for the first time in 2012, the poll workers would yell, "First time voter!" and the whole place would cheer and clap whenever a new voter showed up. My son was really embarrassed at first, but after he saw it happening with other people, he thought it was cool.

Our poll workers are like this so I'm sad that the boys will have to vote absentee due to being away at school. Everything here is so festive, such a celebration of the right to cast one's vote. Since we are in a small, agricultural township with low population, it is not uncommon for coffee and tea to be available to all of the voters, and candy for the new voters. It is a very special day here. Love it!

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Yes, and it makes me incredibly depressed that THIS is her first presidential election. :/ What choices. :/


On the swing side - hoping that the discussions we've had will spur her to take an active interest in local and national politics throughout her life! Whatever can be said about this election - it has been IMPOSSIBLE to ignore!! (Unlike the previous presidential election, which I admit, I snoozed through...)


Apparently (this may be state dependent? I don't know) if the person turns 18 before the presidential election in November, they could vote in the Primary (even if they weren't 18 yet). I didn't know this, so she missed getting to vote in the primary. :/ Ah well.

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Ds was old enough to vote for the first time this year. We discussed the primary quite a bit. He had a candidate and planned to vote, but decided against it yesterday. Dh and I both offered to take him with us. I'm hoping he will vote in the general election next fall. We don't agree politically, but I do want him to start!

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