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Ben definitely not dead, and think it was a fitting ending to Han. After spending his entire life running, he makes a heartfelt appeal to his son. His estranged son. Oh how I cried. The look on his face. The knowledge. He knew what was coming but he'd do anything for Leia. Oh the pain and sorrow and love. A true connection instead of running. A hero's death.

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Kylo Ren is definitely not dead.   :001_smile:  












Okay, well, he'd better come back as a super-turbo-charged Voldemort-like villain and then HIS death had better be epic. No redemption arc for the guy who killed Han Solo. Ugh, I feel so cheated. I thought his story would end happily by the end of the 3rd movie. But there's no happy ending once you've killed Dad and if they try to bring him back to the light side, it's going to be hollow.


Ugh again. If they'd even had Han die accidentally while trying to save his kid's life, that would be preferable to an out-and-out murder.

Edited by musicianmom
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To me, the most convincing evidence that Rey is Luke's daughter came when Maz said "This lightsaber was Luke's, and his father's before him, and now it's calling to you." She is in the direct line of succession, and that's why the lightsaber flew to her and not Kylo Ren when he was trying to draw it to him — they may both be the grandchildren of Vader, but she is Luke's daughter while Ben/Kylo is only his nephew. Also, R2D2 reacted to Rey in a way he didn't even react to Leia, so Rey must be more closely related to Luke than she is to Leia.

As to why Rey wouldn't remember Luke if she were his daughter, I think there could be a couple of possible explanations. Someone could have erased her memory when she was taken to Jakku, for her own safety, or her mother could have been kidnapped or ran away while she was pregnant, or while Rey was just an infant, and Luke never knew what happened to them, or believed that they'd been killed.

Edited by Corraleno
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Okay, well, he'd better come back as a super-turbo-charged Voldemort-like villain and then HIS death had better be epic. No redemption arc for the guy who killed Han Solo. Ugh, I feel so cheated. I thought his story would end happily by the end of the 3rd movie. But there's no happy ending once you've killed Dad and if they try to bring him back to the light side, it's going to be hollow.


Ugh again. If they'd even had Han die accidentally while trying to save his kid's life, that would be preferable to an out-and-out murder.


Well, Han did die trying to save his kid's life. He knew there was still a tiny bit of light left in him, and he tried to bring that out of him, for Leia's sake. He risked his life out of his love for his son and for Leia, and (IMO) he did die a hero. 


And I do think there will be some sort of redemption for Kylo Ren, but in a Snape/Vaderish way, and I think it will have something to do with Leia. Either dying while trying to save her, or dying in her arms, or telling her he loves her and is sorry, or something. I don't think they will let Han and Leia's child be unrelentingly evil.

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Well, Han did die trying to save his kid's life. He knew there was still a tiny bit of light left in him, and he tried to bring that out of him, for Leia's sake. He risked his life out of his love for his son and for Leia, and (IMO) he did die a hero. 


And I do think there will be some sort of redemption for Kylo Ren, but in a Snape/Vaderish way, and I think it will have something to do with Leia. Either dying while trying to save her, or dying in her arms, or telling her he loves her and is sorry, or something. I don't think they will let Han and Leia's child be unrelentingly evil.


As much as I hate to say it, I hope this is not true. If so then the next Star Wars movies are just going to be the same story/plot line as 4-6 with dad turning back to the light at the last minute. For this reason alone I hope that Ben killing Han is what puts him in the permanent evil camp.


I'm hoping for a new story to be told in the next movies. This one had many parallels of 4 which I think was on purpose to show those of us that grew up with the movies that Abrams is going to be true to the initial story telling and get us on board with what's coming next which (hopefully) will not parallel the other movies. 

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There is a Han Solo:The early years in the works.


Can't be the same story. Kylo Ren doesn't have a kid. I'm sure Rey will play a huge part but what is their relationship?! Anyway, I think we will have a different story but Ben has to redeem himself in the end. He's a skywalker!

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I think Rey is Luke's daughter.  It has been a long time since I read the series but wasn't one of the female Jedi teachers/trainers at the school Luke had very mechanical.  I could swear she was kind of close to Luke in one of the books. I wondered if that maybe her mother.  


Otherwise, what a great movie.  

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This movie really upset my girls. The first thing the youngest said to me afterward was "Han died" and she burst into tears. My older girl cried so loud and long in the shower that a neighbor came over to see if everything was OK at our place.


My ds(9) didn't want to see it, even though we wanted him to. When we got to that scene, though, I was so glad that we had left him behind! He would have been very disturbed by that scene.

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I watched the movie Thurs night with family and then with some friends on Sat afternoon, so I've seen it twice. I can't stop thinking about it.


I used to be a huge Star Wars fan. I stood for hours in a snowstorm to see 4-6 for three weekends in a row on the 20th anniversary.


And then 1-3 came out, and while I loved them, I didn't really think about them a lot. And then when the Clone Wars cartoons came out and my boys fell in love with Star Wars it was like I lost the love. I wondered if it was because the boys loved it and it wasn't "mine" anymore? or was I just getting old or something? I really hated the Clone Wars cartoons. They didn't feel like Star Wars. I didn't connect to it anymore. Not even the movies. Nothing. The love was gone.


But after this past movie, my own love for Star Wars has come back. I think I didn't realize how bad of movies 1-3 were until something better came out after them.


This movie had all the charm and cheesiness of 4-6, but with the special effects of 1-3.


And I just adore Rey. I love her character. She's so perfect. She's tough but not hardened. She's soft but not weak. I love her. The actress has such an expressive face. Her earnestness, her fierceness, her intelligence are written all over her face. When she looks slightly disappointed that her loot is only worth 1/4 ration. When she's triumphant that she fixes something on the Falcon. When she cries because she knows the truth--no one is coming back for her. Asking for the equipment, "The one I'm pointing at! The one I'm pointing at!" Oh, everything about her was just perfect.

Edited by Garga
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And her scenes where she starts using the force are glorious. Turning the mind reading back on Kylo (he was being such a showoff about it, too! He needed the comeuppance!)


And when her force overpowers Kylo's and Luke's light saber goes to her! Ooooo! And she defeats Kylo in battle. She defeats him! I wonder if she'd have killed him if that earthquake hadn't separated them.

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Ben definitely not dead, and think it was a fitting ending to Han. After spending his entire life running, he makes a heartfelt appeal to his son. His estranged son. Oh how I cried. The look on his face. The knowledge. He knew what was coming but he'd do anything for Leia. Oh the pain and sorrow and love. A true connection instead of running. A hero's death.


Great, now I'm crying again.  


Thanks.  :lol: :lol:  






I have to admit that I'm a bit surprised that so many people are as upset as they are about HS's death.  It was something that a â€‹huge number of people were predicting for the movie.  Not that that makes it better in and of itself.  It was completely unsurprising for me, though, yes, it was sad; but there have to be things that happen in movies, kwim?  All the heroes can't live all the time.  

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And I just adore Rey. I love her character. She's so perfect. She's tough but not hardened. She's soft but not weak. I love her. The actress has such an expressive face. Her earnestness, her fierceness, her intelligence are written all over her face. When she looks slightly disappointed that her loot is only worth 1/4 ration. When she's triumphant that she fixes something on the Falcon. When she cries because she knows the truth--no one is coming back for her. Asking for the equipment, "The one I'm pointing at! The one I'm pointing at!" Oh, everything about her was just perfect.


:iagree: :iagree: :iagree: I took my 11 year old daughter (and teenage son) to this movie.  I LOVE that my dd had this character to watch.  She keeps bringing her up in conversation and googling for her gear!  My DH came home and ordered her a t-shirt and lego set for Christmas.  LOL.  Yay Rey!


This whole movie has just felt so emotionally charged.  Episode 4 was one of the first movies my parents took me to.  My dad died this year.  I got to share this movie with my kids on the 8 month anniversary of his death.  Han died!  I've cried like 20X this weekend!  :hurray: :lol: :001_wub:

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We loved it! We also had a great theater group to watch with as there was lots of clapping (at beginning, end, and when old characters appeared on screen) and laughing. I knew Solo was going to die but I still was unprepared to see it and cried. We absolutely loved Finn and Rey!! We've decided we will see in in theaters at least once more while on break. 


We've also already used these lines a few times. 


"We'll use the force."


"That's not how the force works." 

Edited by Joker
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I wonder if she'd have killed him if that earthquake hadn't separated them.


I like to think that she would have.


I'm always in the minority on these discussions - but I get so. tired. of. the Good Guy letting the Major. Bad. Guy. go in these situations. Like, they'll mercilessly kill dozens of hapless employees (Storm Troopers, in this instance) - but when they get to The Big Bad Guy, the Good Guy always lets him go, or at least, live (to preserve Good Guy's status as "The Better Person").


So. I like to think that - after the obvious signs that Kylo Ren was A Very Bad Guy that Rey would have sliced him right there in the midst of the fight. She'd just witnessed him murder his un-armed father, injure Finn - right in front of her very own eyes! I like to think that in the heat of it all, she would have remembered what a dangerous guy he was and ended him right then and there if she'd have had the chance. AND she'd have STILL remained The Better Person. 


I like to think that JJ Abrams felt the same way - hence the earthquake right at that particular moment to stop her before she got a taste for killing Bad Guys. Now she's off to learn with Luke to become the Better Jedi and she'll probably let him go next time. :p

Edited by hopskipjump
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Great, now I'm crying again.  


Thanks.   :lol: :lol:






I have to admit that I'm a bit surprised that so many people are as upset as they are about HS's death.  It was something that a â€‹huge number of people were predicting for the movie.  Not that that makes it better in and of itself.  It was completely unsurprising for me, though, yes, it was sad; but there have to be things that happen in movies, kwim?  All the heroes can't live all the time.  


For myself, I stayed away from all chatter and predictions about the movie, so I was not expecting it.  But, it's true, "there have to be things that happen in movies."  And, of course, it was important to the development of Kylo Ren's character. 


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Excellent movie. Exciting, well paced, and most importantly, FUN!






Regarding the death of Han Solo, DH and I were both certain he would be the one to die (Ford was almost certainly not doing a 2nd movie) but we were still both crushed. He didn't go out as I imagined, but I love that the rakish smuggler died while trying to bring his son home to Leia. It was a fitting end to one of my favorite characters of all time.


I did not like how they handled his death afterwards. Rather than just one brief shot of Chewie grieving, there should have been a scene of the two people who loved Han the most (Chewie and Leia) grieving together. I needed that scene and didn't get it. :(

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Excellent movie. Exciting, well paced, and most importantly, FUN!






Regarding the death of Han Solo, DH and I were both certain he would be the one to die (Ford was almost certainly not doing a 2nd movie) but we were still both crushed. He didn't go out as I imagined, but I love that the rakish smuggler died while trying to bring his son home to Leia. It was a fitting end to one of my favorite characters of all time.


I did not like how they handled his death afterwards. Rather than just one brief shot of Chewie grieving, there should have been a scene of the two people who loved Han the most (Chewie and Leia) grieving together. I needed that scene and didn't get it. :(


I agree that would have been perfect. My son commented that it was so fast paced that the quiet moments felt rushed to him. I didn't notice it at the time but I think he was right.


I wasn't surprised by Han's death, but didn't picture it like that either.  

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I think Rey is Luke's daughter.  It has been a long time since I read the series but wasn't one of the female Jedi teachers/trainers at the school Luke had very mechanical.  I could swear she was kind of close to Luke in one of the books. I wondered if that maybe her mother.  


Otherwise, what a great movie.  


I think Rey is Luke's daughter as well. There was one scene that has me questioning it, though, and that was when Kylo/Ben was unmasked and up close to Rey in the interrogation room. I thought there was some sizzling sexual energy between the two of them--at least that's how I read it. Did anyone else pick up on that?


Given that 35 years of jokes that have ensued since Luke pursued his sister, you would think JJ Abrams wouldn't go anywhere near an "in the family" attraction.

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,I did get some chuckles out of chewie strutting and preening for the medic who was treating his wounds.

Oh yes! I wanted to come home and see who that actress was because she looked familiar. She had a role in Downton Abbey as one of those snooty rich people who talked without moving her jaw.


"It must have been very scary..."

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I think Rey is Luke's daughter as well. There was one scene that has me questioning it, though, and that was when Kylo/Ben was unmasked and up close to Rey in the interrogation room. I thought there was some sizzling sexual energy between the two of them--at least that's how I read it. Did anyone else pick up on that?


Given that 35 years of jokes that have ensued since Luke pursued his sister, you would think JJ Abrams wouldn't go anywhere near an "in the family" attraction.


I felt the same thing. But, it could also be that I've had the hots for Adam Driver since Girls. (Fans herself.)

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re: spoilers

This is exactly what we did last week.  It kept me in my happy little Star Wars bubble. 


I'm glad we saw it early, so nothing was spoiled. My daughter was playing Minecraft last night and in the chat someone yelled HAN SOLO DIES and quit the game.  :cursing:

Oh there is a special.circle.in.hell for that kind of nonsense.   :cursing:



re: Rey's parentage


To me, the most convincing evidence that Rey is Luke's daughter came when Maz said "This lightsaber was Luke's, and his father's before him, and now it's calling to you." She is in the direct line of succession, and that's why the lightsaber flew to her and not Kylo Ren when he was trying to draw it to him — they may both be the grandchildren of Vader, but she is Luke's daughter while Ben/Kylo is only his nephew. Also, R2D2 reacted to Rey in a way he didn't even react to Leia, so Rey must be more closely related to Luke than she is to Leia.

As to why Rey wouldn't remember Luke if she were his daughter, I think there could be a couple of possible explanations. Someone could have erased her memory when she was taken to Jakku, for her own safety, or her mother could have been kidnapped or ran away while she was pregnant, or while Rey was just an infant, and Luke never knew what happened to them, or believed that they'd been killed.

:iagree: or sent away, with Luke's knowledge, to protect the baby.  Squirreling the baby away for the baby's own protection is certainly one of the motifs of the hero(ine) with the thousand faces...  And Luke has been waiting all this time.  He certainly didn't see especially surprised when she showed up.




re: would Rey have actually killed the Very Big Very Bad Guy, or would she instead have pulled a Frodo:



I like to think that she would have.


I'm always in the minority on these discussions - but I get so. tired. of. the Good Guy letting the Major. Bad. Guy. go in these situations. Like, they'll mercilessly kill dozens of hapless employees (Storm Troopers, in this instance) - but when they get to The Big Bad Guy, the Good Guy always lets him go, or at least, live (to preserve Good Guy's status as "The Better Person").


So. I like to think that - after the obvious signs that Kylo Ren was A Very Bad Guy that Rey would have sliced him right there in the midst of the fight. She'd just witnessed him murder his un-armed father, injure Finn - right in front of her very own eyes! I like to think that in the heat of it all, she would have remembered what a dangerous guy he was and ended him right then and there if she'd have had the chance. AND she'd have STILL remained The Better Person. 


I like to think that JJ Abrams felt the same way - hence the earthquake right at that particular moment to stop her before she got a taste for killing Bad Guys. Now she's off to learn with Luke to become the Better Jedi and she'll probably let him go next time. :p



I hear you.


Amongst us mortals, I expect that's how it would go.


Within the epic....







That's not how the Force works.



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I was kind of disappointed by Carrie Fisher's performance overall and think her reaction was too understated.


As with Sirius Black, my mind did not want to believe Han was really dead and kept trying to imagine possible ways he could have survived. It was like "La, la, la. That didn't really just happen."

Edited by Word Nerd
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I was kind of disappointed by Carrie Fisher's performance overall and think her reaction was too understated.


As with Sirius Black, my mind did not want to believe Han was really dead and kept trying to imagine possible ways he could have survived. It was like "La, la, la. That didn't really just happen."


I agree.  I would have liked better closure with her and Han, etc., even though I know that was not the focus. 


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I was kind of disappointed by Carrie Fisher's performance overall and think her reaction was too understated.


As with Sirius Black, my mind did not want to believe Han was really dead and kept trying to imagine possible ways he could have survived. It was like "La, la, la. That didn't really just happen."

We didn't bury a body...

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I was kind of disappointed by Carrie Fisher's performance overall and think her reaction was too understated.



it seems her drug addictions and mental illness have really taken a toll on her.  (though I believe she's doing better.)  I've seen her in other things, and she was pretty much the same in those.


her face looked 'beyond her control' frozen.


I think it was an accomplishment for her to be doing well enough to do SW.

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it seems her drug addictions and mental illness have really taken a toll on her.  (though I believe she's doing better.)  I've seen her in other things, and she was pretty much the same in those.


her face looked 'beyond her control' frozen.


I think it was an accomplishment for her to be doing well enough to do SW.



Yeah, DH hadn't seen her since the old SW movies lol.  When she came on he was like :blink: ...'She did not age well.  And she sounds like she's smoked way too much.'  And I noticed the frozen face thing, too.  


I'm not saying that in a judgy way.  Hollywood is tough.  I don't know all of her story, but I know enough about how the industry can be in general to guess.  :/

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I loved it, but I have always loved it. I love the very IDEA of Star Wars. I liked the prequels and I found Jar Jar Binks no more irritating than Yoda, whom I found irritating when I was a tot of six years old, when I first saw the trilogy. I was born in 1977 but I didn't see IV and V until we saw them at a friend's or relatives before seeing VI in the theater. That was probably the first movie I ever saw in the theater.


I love it so much I cannot talk about it.


I think people lose sight of the bigger picture. I think Lucas has done something truly amazing with his work and I believe his approach to this will be vindicated in years to come. I think he has given our country something really great. Maybe I just can't stand to be disappointed after waiting like 32 years for this but I was happy. I didn't want perfect. I just wanted to know. I just wanted the story to go on.


I read the whole damn Iliad and can I just say, THERE WERE WEAK SPOTS.


You don't write nine full-length feature films and create them over four decades (ahem, I'm 38, came out right with episode IV) and have everyone happy.


I agree that Kylo Ren is ugly but so was his grandfather. 

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Yeah, DH hadn't seen her since the old SW movies lol.  When she came on he was like :blink: ...'She did not age well.  And she sounds like she's smoked way too much.'  And I noticed the frozen face thing, too.  


I'm not saying that in a judgy way.  Hollywood is tough.  I don't know all of her story, but I know enough about how the industry can be in general to guess.  :/


I think it helped. I don't know if you all know women who actually fought in multiple wars and lived in war zones, but let me tell you this... I do, and they look way, way worse!


If I look half as alive as she does when I'm her age I will be thrilled.


Just thinking of the head of the NGO where I worked in a certain war zone... holy crap. She looked years older than Fisher and acted much more tired and all she did was wine and cigarettes and she looked like hell. War will do that to you.


Not to say Fisher was acting the part.


But she was the right choice.


If I had stayed overseas I'd be smoking a few packs a day too. You try to get through your entire star system destroyed without drugs. I'd like to see it.

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I held my breath as I read the first line and started to cry when the music kicked in.


I cried silently throughout some parts of the movie and internally squealed through other parts.


I was very good though...no embarrassing fangirling and no audible sobbing!





Spoiler ahead:









I am sad to not see hf, cf and mh in a scene together. Luke did not even have one line!!!

Edited by happi duck
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Yeah, DH hadn't seen her since the old SW movies lol.  When she came on he was like :blink: ...'She did not age well.  And she sounds like she's smoked way too much.'  And I noticed the frozen face thing, too.  


I'm not saying that in a judgy way.  Hollywood is tough.  I don't know all of her story, but I know enough about how the industry can be in general to guess.  :/


she was doing hard drugs during the original SW.  her brother was beyond furious with her, as she nearly od'd at least one time.  she is also bipolar.  I think she's beat the drug addictions - and is mentally stable.  (bipolar can be hard to control.) I do think she deserves some kudos as she had a lot of obstacles to overcome.  her mom looks better than she does.


I do recall her one time being asked about how normal was her childhood - her response was "how normal can your childhood be with Elizabeth taylor as a stepmother?"

Edited by gardenmom5
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xspoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler XXXxxXXXXXXxXXxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXxxxx

xxXx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x spoiler space spoiler space is that long enough?   ?????  how many rows of typing s.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



xstarts to make me think of some Scandinavian sweaters. . . ... . . . . . .  . .  , . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . .













Luke did not even have one line!!!



as someone said - "luke", as a character, had more screen time in ep. 3 of the prequels.



eta: to add spoiler space.

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I loved it, but I have always loved it. I love the very IDEA of Star Wars. I liked the prequels and I found Jar Jar Binks no more irritating than Yoda, whom I found irritating when I was a tot of six years old, when I first saw the trilogy. I was born in 1977 but I didn't see IV and V until we saw them at a friend's or relatives before seeing VI in the theater. That was probably the first movie I ever saw in the theater.


I love it so much I cannot talk about it.


I think people lose sight of the bigger picture. I think Lucas has done something truly amazing with his work and I believe his approach to this will be vindicated in years to come. I think he has given our country something really great. Maybe I just can't stand to be disappointed after waiting like 32 years for this but I was happy. I didn't want perfect. I just wanted to know. I just wanted the story to go on.


I read the whole damn Iliad and can I just say, THERE WERE WEAK SPOTS.


You don't write nine full-length feature films and create them over four decades (ahem, I'm 38, came out right with episode IV) and have everyone happy.


I agree that Kylo Ren is ugly but so was his grandfather. 

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Or, let's talk about Shakespeare's "minor" plays...

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re: Rey's parentage

:iagree: or sent away, with Luke's knowledge, to protect the baby.  Squirreling the baby away for the baby's own protection is certainly one of the motifs of the hero(ine) with the thousand faces...  And Luke has been waiting all this time.  He certainly didn't see especially surprised when she showed up.




I haven't been able to buy into the idea that Rey was intentionally stashed there.  In Star Wars, hidden babies go to good homes.  I have to believe that, if she was being hidden, something went terribly wrong.



I was kind of disappointed by Carrie Fisher's performance overall and think her reaction was too understated.


I would have liked to have seen a more... something Leia.  She was definitely more Carrie Fisher than Leia, but both have had a pretty rough 30 years, so I'll buy it!

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Things I enjoyed:

* The laughter. They made the movie funny. The prequels were so serious. When Poe first talks to Kylo Ren ("Who talks first? Do you talk first?"), I knew the movie was going to be fun. There were more memorable lines in this film than all the prequels combined.

* All the inside jokes. "You worked in sanitation!" I thought that was a great reference to the trash compacter scene, then it came up when Han suggested it later for Phasma. 

* The droid as the straight man- the scene where Finn is convincing Rey he's part of the rebellion and the droid gives him a lights-up.

* They took the pouty, angst-ridden teenage character that the prequels mangled and made him real. Lucas has been grumbling about these films (they didn't use any of his ideas), but J.J. Abrams showed how an unsympathetic character arc can be compelling when in the hands of the right director.


A few quibbles:

* The meaningful glances. Towards the end of the film, these went on too long.

* Captain Phasma dropping the shields so quickly. I feel there was more there that was cut.

* The pilot Poe. I wish they had done more with him. He helps Finn escape then disappears. His participation was supposed to make the flight sequence exciting, but since he didn't have a part in a good portion of the movie, it didn't seem to work.

* The Star Killer flight sequence. It tried to hard to mimic the original film which was distracting as there weren't any characters I was emotionally invested in.


I think Rey is Han and Leia's daughter. Here's why:

* It mirrors A New Hope, like much of The Force Awakens story. Darth Vader knew Luke was his son, but doesn't reveal it until The Empire Strikes Back. Ren knows Rey is his sister.

* Han and she had a great connection. Han, who didn't get along with anyone (even Leia), let Rey mess around with his ship. Also, when Kylo Ren reads her mind, he says about Han as a father, "He would have disappointed you, too."

* The lightsaber calls to Rey because she is a granddaughter of Anakin, the original maker.

* Luke as the father makes the story line more messy, one of the many drawbacks in the prequels. The subsequent movies would need to explain not only Rey's backstory, but also Luke's falling in love, losing his love, and abandoning his child along with his training of Ben Solo. It takes the story away from Rey and Ben, and makes it about Luke. It also doesn't seem to fit the Jedi Knight monk-aesthetic that Luke seems to have adopted. Rey as Leia and Han's daughter is neater.

* This introduces a dark side element to Rey. She wants to destroy Kylo Ren for killing her father.

* Kylo Ren was supposed to kill Rey as part of his turn to the dark side, but he chose not to. He stashed her on the planet in the hopes that she would not survive as he could not kill her himself. It adds more to the scene where he's struggling with the light; it's not just his parents, it's his sister. That's why he's particularly interested in her when the troopers talk about the droid getting help from a girl. He keeps her rather than the droid when trying to find the map. He tells her he can teach her. 

* So why don't Han and Leia recognize her? They believe their daughter died when Ben Solo turned. It also mirrors A New Hope in that Anakin believes his wife and children dead until Luke is revealed.

* Finally, in the next film, Kylo Ren says, "I am your brother," again, mirroring The Empire Strikes Back. It doesn't have the same impact if he says, "I am your cousin."


Other than Rey's parentage, I'm also interested in:

* What is Finn's story? It sounds like there's a new protocol for storm troopers. Did it go wrong? Will Finn lead a rebellion among the storm troopers?

* What compelled Ben's turn?

* More Captain Phasma and more Poe. 

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* All the inside jokes. "You worked in sanitation!" I thought that was a great reference to the trash compacter scene, then it came up when Han suggested it later for Phasma. 


Yes, I enjoyed how they brought it back around. When he said he was in sanitation I thought it was just to show how removed he was from any knowledge of the weapon itself. Later, when he was asked if there was a trash compacter, I loved the way he said, "Yes there is." 

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:iagree: :iagree: :iagree: I took my 11 year old daughter (and teenage son) to this movie.  I LOVE that my dd had this character to watch.  She keeps bringing her up in conversation and googling for her gear!  My DH came home and ordered her a t-shirt and lego set for Christmas.  LOL.  Yay Rey!


This whole movie has just felt so emotionally charged.  Episode 4 was one of the first movies my parents took me to.  My dad died this year.  I got to share this movie with my kids on the 8 month anniversary of his death.  Han died!  I've cried like 20X this weekend!  :hurray: :lol: :001_wub:


It was similar timing for me; my dad died in April. I still remember my Return of the Jedi merchandise that he got me. I teared up at the opening word scroll. He would have loved this movie.

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Things I enjoyed:

* The laughter. They made the movie funny. The prequels were so serious. When Poe first talks to Kylo Ren ("Who talks first? Do you talk first?"), I knew the movie was going to be fun. There were more memorable lines in this film than all the prequels combined.

* All the inside jokes. "You worked in sanitation!" I thought that was a great reference to the trash compacter scene, then it came up when Han suggested it later for Phasma. 

* The droid as the straight man- the scene where Finn is convincing Rey he's part of the rebellion and the droid gives him a lights-up.



YESS! The laughter! We have been quoting the movie so many times since seeing it (and we've always quoted the original movies frequently) - and last night we tried to think of any quotes from the prequel movies - and came up blank! (Except for annoying quotes, whining voice: "Ani!" or whining voice: "anything little Anakin Skywalker ever said - ever." or some annoying JarJar garbled nonsense (the kids sometimes do this when they are trying hard to annoy me).


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