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Who's planning for next year?

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Okay, I think I have narrowed things down for 10th grade:

Math:  Lifepac Geometry  (one more book to check, but strongly leaning toward Lifepac)

English:  Abeka Grammar and Composition IV, Abeka Vocabulary, Spelling and Poetry IV, Abeka English Literature (Medieval section)  (supplemented by other stuff)

History (Medieval):  Spielvogel Western Civilization (Medieval section) and DK History of the World (supplemented by other stuff)

Science:  Dinosaur Paleontology  (created by me with a variety of books)

French:  Galore Park So You Really Want to Learn French, Book 2

Git' Er Done:  Power Basic American Government  (supplemented by other stuff)


I think that's it.  Yay!




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All I know right now for sure is that 10th will be some form of Chemistry and Foerster's Algebra 2.


I can reasonably predict Danish 3 and Latin 3.

I am starting to look at our outsourcing options so I don't miss out, but anything homegrown can wait until March or so.

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Yes, I'm pretty much set because we have to register for a few things in January and December.


Here's ours for 12th grade in 2015-2016...


Algebra II -- online

Physics -- mom-designed

Ancient History -- local

Ancient Literature and Composition -- local

Readings in Modern Literature -- mom-designed

Psychology -- online
Art Studio II -- online


We're probably going to do a dual enrollment computer literacy course in there, maybe this summer.


I've purchased the physics materials, but the rest will have to be purchased or dug out from stuff we already own.


I have scads of stuff I need to sell since the end is in sight, and I've figured out my post-homeschooling career. I hope to get some listed on Amazon over the holidays.


So we're figuring two graduates in May 2017, one from high school and one from community college. That will be a month for me to bawl my eyes out behind closed doors!

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I'm planning for 11th!


All revolves around where his placement tests for CC come out & what classes he winds up getting a spot in there for DE.


But, our plans so far are:

This summer to prep for presidential election- US Govt with Dummy's Guide & current events


Then in the fall-


Modern World History- Great Courses lectures & lots of reading


Chemistry- Spectrum & dh just agreed to do the labs with him on the weekends! (We have a baby & toddler so I'm thrilled)


ELA- EIW writing & a Bravewriter class, & world lit, if he doesn't DE this subject


Math- precalc at home with ??? Or DE


Computer Science- DE or at home again MOOC


Environmental science elective-at home with a college text? Or DE


French- Galore Park or DE


a yet to be named Science elective based around a few Great Courses series (electronics, physics, cyber security)


And... First Tech Challenge club (& 4H & DnD group, but dropping our co op)


Oh, and SAT prep!

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I've got an idea of what I want to use for DS 9th/10th grade


U.S. History- TGC US History plus selections from a Primary Document reader, and Documentaries. We'll do some DBQ's and read a few books to try to stretch his reading abilities.

U.S. Government will probably be covered with Power Basics and Current Events/News coverage of the Presidential Race. (we may extend the current events for the entire year and give a half credit- this would include projects and writing).

Spectrum Chemistry

2nd Half of Geometry, not sure what we'll use yet and starting Alg II (just treading water really until I can get him into a CC class)

ASL2, hoping to find a tutor or an affordable online class otherwise we'll just continue to muddle along and he can take ASL at CC the next year

Some sort of Art. I told him he can take a couple classes at a rec center or I can design him a simple drawing course, probably Manga. Or he can pick a different elective.

English, we might continue with WWS 3 or do something from IEW both have worked/are working for us. (Lit comes from History).

That's 6.5 to 7 credits

And some serious PSAT prep at his request, I think the test scares him and he wants to be prepared.

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11th grade


Pre-Calculus (either Derek Owens or Wilson Hill)

Biology (Wilson Hill, Blue Tent or at the high school)

AP Latin with Lukeion if they accept him ( they do not offer the exam here so I understand if they wish to save the spots for those students who will take it)

US History

Medieval Literature (Kolbe)

Medieval History (maybe, Kolbe)

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I spent a bunch of time this fall reviewing textbooks and figuring out resources - and now I'm taking a big break. I think I actually own everything my son will need for 9th grade (famous last words!).


Math - Algebra 1

Science - Environmental & Earth Science

English - English 1

SS: World Geography & Cultures




Music Survey


I've even got all the stuff we need for 10th grade: sociology, world history, comparative world religions, biology, English 2, geometry, art appreciation ... yeah, I am a bit of an obsessive planner.

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I will have two in high school next year. We just started talking about dual enrollment, AP classes in person, and AP online for her senior year. No classes at home.


My freshman  will take classes at a hybrid, maybe one with me, maybe one online, and Spanish with a tutor... it gets complicated. 


I will teach more middle school classes at the hybrid school as I let go and allow others to teach my kiddos. 

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Not me. DH wants to send eldest to the brick-and-mortar school one district over next fall due to constant  :banghead:  issues this year with attitude & lack of focus.  :boxing_smiley:

I'm just trying to survive day-to-day with her.  :sad:  One step forward, three jumps back.  :svengo:

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Next year for 10th grade dd the plan is:


American Government--Sonlight 


20th Century Literature--Sonlight

Precalculus--Khan Academy


Spanish III--All In One Highschool

Laboratory Science & Technology--4-H

Biology--two semesters dual enrollment at local 4-yr university

College Composition--dual enrollment

Business Algebra--dual enrollment

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I find myself yearning for this and the acceptance list threads around this time of the year. :001_wub:

We are normally always changing our minds but we might actually have much more fixed plans this time.


For 2016/17, to be split over 2 semesters at the comm. college:


Chemistry (w/lab)

Microbiology (w/lab)

Freshman Composition

Logic/ Critical Thinking (either a Philosophy or English credit)

US Government

Either Japanese or German (3rd sem for Jap, 2nd sem for German)

A music elective

Undecided on math -- might be a research project (if so, at home or possibly with a mentor) or discrete math (DE at uni/CC)

Programming (this might be at home, TBD)


One of the above, most likely programming, could be a spring semester or summer semester course for 2015/16 instead.

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 I saw this and thought (in a mild panic), I should be! Why aren't I planning for next year?!?!? I'm always planning for next year by December!!!


Then, I realized - I already pretty much know what we're doing next year and pretty much already have all the books, etc on shelves! Having one in her senior year this year, realizing that she's turned out fine and I don't have to second-guess every little step I make, over-think every tiny decision, has made a world of difference to my subconscious apparently! lol

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I've got 11th and 9th graders next year. Things are pretty well set, but they're still choosing their electives.



Precalculus - Chalkdust

English Language & Composition with AP exam - homemade using Momsinthegarden's guidelines

Physics I - Apologia

Spanish III - finishing Destinos (he's set to start it in a few weeks after he's done with Visual Link Level III and will finish it up next year)

Elective - not sure, maybe robotics?



USH in World Context Jamestown thru Reconstruction (.5 credit) - MOH plus Critical Thinking in USH and some Annenberg video lectures

US Gov (.5 credit) - probably Noble Experiment, but not sure



Algebra II - finish Video Text

English I - Literary Lessons from the Lord of the Rings, Vocab from Classical Roots, AG review

Biology I - Apologia

Spanish I - Visual Link level 1

Intro to Logic & Rhetoric (.5 credit) - Art of Argument and Argument Builder

Elective (.5 credit) - not sure, maybe One Year Adventure Novel or an animation online course


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This year my dd in 9th grade had really enjoyed her 'official' classes (history at a co-op and an online speech class), so she asked me if she could do all her classes that way.  Frankly, I am feeling burned out and the idea of outsourcing almost everything appeals to me.  And I think my strong willed dd and I would bump heads less often.  Also her older brother will be almost completely at the community college next year, so she'll be soloing a lot.  She's the youngest of 5.  I am pretty sure the local co-op is going to offer government and economics as a class. So she'll take that.  She may or may not also take Biology there.  If she doesn't we may try Biology with homeschool connections.  I am also looking at Memoria Press for their literature classes and perhaps Latin.  Latin could also be done via Homeschool Connections.  If she wants to do a pure writing class, I am also considering Brave Writer as an alternative.  We'll probably get a tutor for math (and to help with Biology homework).  It would be putting out more money for her than we ever did for the others, but she's the youngest and mama's getting old.  

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I guess I'm planning, reluctantly and in slightly panicked bursts.  We had a good talk about high school yesterday. I wanted to check in to make sure she didn't have any desire to try out the local Arts high school, since the deadline is coming up, but she thinks not.  She is really excited to turn 14 midway through 9th grade so she can start doing DE - she has her eye on Theater Arts and Equine Science classes for the 2nd semester of 9th grade. I'm thinking that's a good place to start with DE, with passion subjects, rather than core academic subjects. It will give her a chance to build confidence working on things she is very familiar with.  And, even though I know every college grade counts, I have less trepidation about starting with these, because if it's just too much and she has to drop, it doesn't leave a gaping hole in the schedule for a class she needs 4 years of.


She wants to self-study Geometry, which makes me very nervous, but I got a text and we'll start during spring this year, so if it's not working out I'll still have time to find an online class for 9th.  We picked Biology for her science (yay!) and I pretty much have that planned, and I think we're still on track for Ancients for history and lit, and I know what we'll use for Rhetoric/Composition. So it's pretty much planned out, I guess, at least the broad outlines.


I am thinking of doing the Oak Meadow Integrated Health & Fitness, and I have to figure out if I can pull off Spanish 2 at home.  Spanish 1 is going well, but I think we'll need at least on online assist for Spanish 2. Either that or I really need to brush up on the subjunctive!!

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What do you use for Japanese?  My kid is always talking about wanting to learn Japanese.  He should learn German, but he's stubborn. 



I find myself yearning for this and the acceptance list threads around this time of the year. :001_wub:

We are normally always changing our minds but we might actually have much more fixed plans this time.


For 2016/17, to be split over 2 semesters at the comm. college:


Chemistry (w/lab)

Microbiology (w/lab)

Freshman Composition

Logic/ Critical Thinking (either a Philosophy or English credit)

US Government

Either Japanese or German (3rd sem for Jap, 2nd sem for German)

A music elective

Undecided on math -- might be a research project (if so, at home or possibly with a mentor) or discrete math (DE at uni/CC)

Programming (this might be at home, TBD)


One of the above, most likely programming, could be a spring semester or summer semester course for 2015/16 instead.


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Not me. DH wants to send eldest to the brick-and-mortar school one district over next fall due to constant  :banghead:  issues this year with attitude & lack of focus.  :boxing_smiley:

I'm just trying to survive day-to-day with her.  :sad:  One step forward, three jumps back.  :svengo:


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  We considered brick-and-mortar. Or boarding school. In the end we decided to outsource, which has been a really good decision for our situation. There are still days I want to run away from home, though! Good luck deciding. Hang in there. You are not alone.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I still haven't finished planning this year! This thread is motivating me to look ahead though. Next year I'll have a 12th grader and a 10th grader. Some of the things I thought were going to work for 12th are clearly not going to work though. Putting my planning hat on....

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What do you use for Japanese?  My kid is always talking about wanting to learn Japanese.  He should learn German, but he's stubborn. 

The community college. It's perfect for him. Classroom experience (but still small enough for individual attention) with a native speaker sensei and LOTS of writing, speaking, listening etc. His group is working on a final skit incorporating (a friendlier) Godzilla in modern day Tokyo. :)

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I'm planning for 9th, and I hope I am on the right track. We have opted to use a diploma program in our state, and that makes it both easier and harder for me. Easier because everything is spelled out, and harder because there is a speech requirement, which will be a challenge


Pretty sure we are using:

Math - AOPS Intro to Algebra


Science - Biology using CK-12 flexbooks, and labs from the Home Scientist


Lit - We are going to use a home-brew world lit reading list of 25 books (required number for our diploma program). They will not all be discussed in depth, but most will be discussed since dd and I spend a lot of time in the car, and I read what she reads, lol.


Grammar - Analytical Grammar


Writing - I will require essays on some (8-10) of the books read, as well as some additional essays on history topics. DD has the bones of good essays down, she just needs practice to develop them further. One 10 page paper is required for the diploma program, so we will spend several weeks on that.


Vocabulary - Wordly Wise


ASL - www.lifeprint.com


Speech - The Optimist Club has a yearly speech contest. I am going to look into the nearest location.



Have it narrowed down:

History - either Study.com World History in preperation for the CLEP tests, OR

History of the Ancient World with the additional resources from PHP


DD has a friend who is using the CLEP tests heavily, and is interested in them, but I am trying not to plan my curriculum around them. I think I would prefer to use History of the Ancient World, but then DD would not be ready for the CIV 1 CLEP in one year. So, we need to discuss.


If anyone has additional ideas about speech, I am all ears. She has to prepare and deliver a speech to an audience outside of her family, and theater performance (which she does) does not count.

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For ds grade 11 I think:


Calculus: Saxon?

History:TOG year 2 with our TOG co-op group

Physics: AP? probably through Aim Academy

English: Probably AP Lang. PA Homeschoolers?

Spanish 3: Continue with Homeschool Spanish Academy

Art: computer animation?

Health: Total Health

PE: daily fitness

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Oh lordy no! I'm focused on trying to survive this year. I have six students this year from kindy to 11th grade, and my oldest has been exceptionally difficult. Next year can worry about next year. :p


We do have a basic skeleton plan, as in the 4 year projection we started for each teen in 8th grade. It's changed every year, but we'll at least start with it when we're anywhere near ready. That's as far as I'll be until spring I think.

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Just starting to think about it for my dd15 who will be a junior next year. She will do a few classes at the high school (band and choir for sure, others possibly sign language and/or speech), some online (probably English and/or US History) and math, science and Latin at home. The online thing is what is prompting me to start planning, I want to go through what our options are for English and US History and see what would be the best fit for us. Because of her part time public school schedule, asynchronous classes are the best option, which limits our choices right off the bat.


I know we will do AoPS math, either pre-Calc or Stats and Probability

Science - DH and I would prefer Chemistry (since we both have Chem degrees) but she will probably want to do Astronomy or Oceanography

Latin - we will most likely continue with Lone Pine 200 as an auditor, which is what we are doing this year with 100


As for ds13, he is most likely going to take a gap year before starting at the HS part time. He was in public school thru 5th grade but because of our move from CT to IL when he was 8, he ended up being the youngest in his class by far. He would have completely missed the cutoff to start K by 3 weeks (late Sept birthday) but easily made the cutoff in CT, which is Dec. 31st. So he had kids in his grade that were a whole year older than him. It wasn't a problem, and he was able to do fine in school, but I really believe that he needs that extra year before high school. He wasn't too keen on doing an extra year of school compared to his public school friends, so I promised that we would only do writing and math formally and the rest would be project based learning. What that is going to look like, I have no idea yet  :confused1:



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Dd received good news about the summer program. On to the next step and waiting until April!


Sooooooo senior year is looking like it will happen next year :eek:


Math: ??????? options include AP Stats at home, university calculus 2 and 3

Science: ????????? options include AP Physics at home, geology and/or astronomy at home or at the university

English: Blue Tent Online Senior English (post-AP)

Social Sciences: AP US Government, AP US History, AP Macroeconomics (most likely all 3)

Foreign Languages: depends on what happens this summer ;) but she'll definitely have Arabic at the university plus another language at the university (Russian or Chinese) or with a local tutor (something unusual, see:summer)

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm supposed to be in serious planning mode, so it's good to see a thread like this, since we start back to scheduled learning in a few weeks.

This is all what we've got sorted so far:



Modern Times History & Literature Studies 


16yr old ds

NZ Math Course  (outsourced)

NZ English Course  (outsourced)

Greenleaf 20th Century Literature (selections)

Business Studies (dad directed)



14yr old dd

NZ Math Course (online)

Essentials in Writing

Essential in Literature

Business Studies  -  ties in with a delight led farming/live stock study







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My dd will be in 11th next year. She plans to dual enroll for most of her classes.



Fall / Spring


Comp I / Comp II (DE)

Sign Language I / Sign Language II (DE)

Intro to Theater / Intro to Stagecraft (DE)

Acting Fundamentals / Acting I (DE)


Astronomy / Geology (Teaching Company, etc.)

Algebra II (MUS)




Plus a long list of theatrical extracurriculars.

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Yes, I have begun planning 9th grade. Half the time, I plan on public school and the other half homeschool. Lol I'm totally freaking out. This is what I've got so far...


Eng. 1: Lit & Comp.- Excellence in Lit

Algebra 1- Foerster

Biology- CK12 w/ outsourced lab

Modern History- History Odyssey

German 2- GaVS

Band- marching and concert with local coop.

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11th, 9th, and 7th. I'm also exploring mixing in additional courses at the high school.


DS 11th:


Math: AP Calculus AB (hopefully at the school, but if at home, Chalkdust)

Science: AP Bio or AP Physics (at the school)

History: Western Civilization

English: AP English Literature

Foreign Language: Deciding if we continue to slog through Russian, or switch to Italian. Italian would be at the school.

Electives: 2-3 from the following: Advanced Chorus, Graphic Design, Engineering 2, Digital Photography, Video Communication, Architectural Drawing, Visual Basic or other programming course.


DD 9th:

Math: Precalculus

Science: AP Biology

History: Western Civilization

English: Advanced composition with World Literature

Foreign Language: German 2 or 3 (German 2 would be at home, German 3 would be at the school).

Electives: 2-3 from the following: Drama, Studio Art, Painting, Drawing 2, Digital Photography, Culinary Arts 1, Biological Engineering, or Graphic Design.


DS 7th:

Math: Algebra 1 (at the school)

Science: Apologia Biology

History: World History 2 (Renaissance to Modern Times)

English: Vocabulary and Composition with Literature

Foreign Language: Chinese 1 (at the school)

PE 7: at the school

Electives: They have these elective wheels at the school...it will depend upon what they have available.

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Homeschooling in Belgium, Classical - Modern Languages Track, no transcript, exit exams in grade 12

Grade 9/10:


Dutch: literature www.lezenvoordelijst.nl, composition Nieuw Nederlands

English: ?

French: C'est bien ca + reading

German: Na klar + reading

Latin: Phoenix 3



Integrated Math: AoPS Intro to Algebra + ......?

Integrated Science: M&L Biology, IGCSE Chemistry, BJU Physical Science, No labs required


Geography : IGCSE Geography + IGCSE Global Perspectives

History: 1715-1910... Otherwise ??


For interest only: psychology, ethics, civics, world religions.

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I think we've got it nailed down for next year - I used this break to plan.  This is for 9th grade:



Environmental Science w/ lab & fieldwork focused on Watersheds & Forestry

English: Ancient Literature & Rhetoric

History: Ancients

Spanish 2

Integrated Health & Fitness/PE - using Oak Meadow's syllabus


If she continues writing at the furious pace she is this year, I will probably give her a Creative Writing credit or half credit. She easily spends 10+ hours a week working on several novels-in-progress at this point. We've talked about her doing a BW fiction writing class, or something like that, a short course. If she does that plus writing on her own I would definitely award credit.


Extracurriculars - horseback riding & theater

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If DD doesn't go to the brick-and-mortar, here's what I tentatively have planned for 10th:

American History (yr 2 of 2)

LA: Literature through Center for Literature (American Lit), Composition - ?? (still deciding on something w/me or an online class)

Latin 2 (Fourth Form)

Spanish 3 w/ La Clase Divertida
Algebra 2 - either w/me or WHA
Chemistry through Landry

She's asking for French 1 and/or Greek 1, and at least a semester of some sort of programming. I'll probably be outsourcing as much as I can so we don't butt heads as much. I just don't know what to do with a kid who doesn't handle the load I give her but asks for more (languages). I gave her the option of dropping Latin next year so she could do another language, but she wants to keep Latin (and Spanish) AND add one or two other languages.  :banghead:  She wants to go live with loesje so she can just do math & languages.  :biggrinjester:

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Meghan is doing Veritas Press Scholars Academy this year. But we will not be able to afford it this coming year-my medical bills, etc.


I looked into Connections Academy (SC) but I really do not wish to go that route.


I was thinking this:


Omnibus I primary and secondary (history, literature and religion)

Science live online with VPSA

Math with Teaching Textbooks

Brave Writer? With Fan Fiction, Nature Writing, the Myth one interspersed through out?

Some type of foreign language study?


What should I add?


(Or take away?)


DH went to her last therapy appointment, I was at rehab and she said that Meghan was definitely ADHD but she did not want to put her on medication because she would lose her appetite. Meghan weighs just under 70 lbs and is 12. So we have this to deal with too.

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She's asking for French 1 and/or Greek 1, and at least a semester of some sort of programming. I'll probably be outsourcing as much as I can so we don't butt heads as much. I just don't know what to do with a kid who doesn't handle the load I give her but asks for more (languages). I gave her the option of dropping Latin next year so she could do another language, but she wants to keep Latin (and Spanish) AND add one or two other languages. :banghead: She wants to go live with loesje so she can just do math & languages. :biggrinjester:



One can not choose much here, even the math science track still has:

Dutch, English, French, integrated Math, Seperated Sciences, History, Geography

But they have twice as much hours in Math, Science and Geography as dd will have.

(And dd will have more foreign languages hours then the math science track)


But I feel sorry for you!

It is hard to imagine how our homeschool would look like if we would live in the USA...

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Bittersweet! For the first time since 1999, I am NOT planning for next year! Second homeschooler graduating, and the baby is very happy in public middle school, with no intention of returning to Mom's classroom ;-) This board was such a great resource through the years, and I recommend it to many people.

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DD/10th's 11th grade is very loosely planned now.

-Science Shepherd biology w/ labs

-Oak Meadow world history

-lit is TBD and The Power in Your Hands (composition), or possibly English at the CC

-OYAN's science fiction extension

-AoPS as far through the alg as she gets

-Spanish 2 with Breaking the Barrier


-Civil Air Patrol


DS/11th will most likely be in brick and mortar for 12th. I'm not planning anything for now.

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In the planning stages here for 10th grade:


Math:  DO Algebra 2

English:  Based loosely on EIL, outside class plus extras here

Latin:  Outsourced

Science:  Probably Miller/Levine Biology that I put together, but maybe Oak Meadow Biology - I bought old used copies of both textbooks and like M/L better

AP Psychology - PA Homeschoolers

History:  US History, maybe homegrown with SAT subject test or BYU US History (looking to cover CA A-G requirement)

Spanish - continue where she is, but this is an extra - probably will not put on transcript


Still considering an AP English class, but may wait until 11th.  Also considering some kind of online writing class - maybe creative as she loves to write


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Now that youngest dd is back home, I guess I'm planning again (older two are off to college! :svengo:)


The plan is to outsource virtually everything. :lol:  This would be for 10th grade.


English:  Center for Lit American Lit (assuming the Center for Lit class I have her signed up for spring semester goes reasonably well)

              LToW online class??


Math: Algebra II.  Either AoPS Intermediate Algebra online, or Wilson Hill, or maybe WTMA if by some miracle they offer an AoPS Intermediate Algebra next year


Science: Chemistry at CC


German: at CC


US History: at CC


Elective: not sure yet.  Maybe some kind of art class if I can find one.


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Okay, here are my tentative thoughts for my dd next year.


Math - Math U See Algebra or Saxon algebra 1

English and Lit - essentials in writing and essentials in literature,or oak meadow English

Art - outsourced art class

Foreign Lang- Rosetta Stone Spanish or BJU Spanish

Science - Dive or oak meadow...or ...

History - ???? No clue

Music -band and piano


As you can tell, I have it all together ( I wish)

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I enjoy reading these threads.


I did NOT get a lot of books listed over the holidays (summer project), but I did pull out some books, bought some books, and have a rough list of what I need to buy. I don't work in the summer and won't know what my college kid's books are until then, so I'll probably buy the high school books over the next few months when the budget isn't quite as lean. I can't buy both high school and college books during the summer. Last time buying homeschool curriculum (sniff!).

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about 1/2 done..


DD - 7th grade

Math:      tlast bit AoPS Geom + AMC10 contest prep + NumTheory.  Probably won't start Alg 2 - we'll see.

Science: HS Chem w/ DS - text TBD

History:   SotW 3 & 4

English :  WW 8 + writing TDB

CompSci courses TBD

German : Rosetta Stone German + have to find other stuff to go w/ it


DS - 9th grade (oh my)

Math:      finish up AoPS Geom + Alg2 (unless he decides to take the AMC10 and prep for that as well).

Science: HS Chem w/ DD - Text TBD

History:   HotMW

English :  TBD

German : TBD

feels like I'm missing something here.  He's taking a basic programming course, so he's seen what I consider the minimum of that.  I doubt he'll be interested in doing more.  Not sure what else to stick in.


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We talked about next year many times during break. So it looks like dd will jump ahead and be a senior next year :eek:


She's thinking of three or four classes each semester with one year-long class (outsourced English). Two classes will be at the university. The other one or two will be with me at home or with a tutor in the case of an additional language. Semester classes will be one or two languages (depends on what happens this summer), one math, one or two sciences, US gov and US history and .... (She kept listing classes to take. I just nodded my head :lol:)


Decisions will be made after March/April when dd finds out about summer plans.

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