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Keep YOUR pet in YOUR yard!!


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My neighbors have a dog door.  We like the neighbors and have spoken with them nicely about this issue.  They are genuinely confused as to how to fix the problem!!  Um, don't let him out the dog door while your at work???  I'm just so damned tired of dog crap in my mulch!!

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Does your town have leash laws?  Here if you can prove that someone's dog has pooped in your yard, with a picture for example, you can call the cops and the owner will get a ticket. In this case there would also be a ticket for not having the dog on a leash. And any dog not on a leash can be taken to the SPCA. You have to pay quite a bit to get your dog back and then you have a record with the local SPCA for allowing your dog to escape. On the third time of a dog being picked up without a leash the owner doesn't get their dog back. The SPCA is allowed to re-home it and the owner is not allowed to adopt any dog from the SPA at least.


We used to have a real problem locally with stray dogs, mostly cause by the students, but not all. The city took a very strong stand on abandoned or loose animals and now you almost never see a dog off a leash. The cops will ticket you if they see it.



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we've new neighbor who have a small dog!  it barks at everything.  it will sit at the end of our driveway and bark at us.  I hate that dog.  and I'm a dog person.  they don't control it at all. they have no clue about dog behavior or obedience and what is entailed in having a well behaved mutt.


there are other dogs on our street that run loose- the only one that previously ever bugged me (a lot) - was one that was so stupid, it would sit in the middle of the road while you try to drive, and would just look at you stupidly when you blasted on the horn trying to encourage it to move. 


for pooping - you might try asking them, each and every time you find their dog poop in your yard, how they would like to pay your bill for removing it from your property?  cash or check, or would they like to remove it themselves?  and tell them it's $20 for each time you remove it.  keep a log,  if that doesn't teach them, I'd take them to small claims over it - with the list and the letter warning them you were going to charge them for cleaning it up.  no judge will think you unreasonable.

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My neighbors have a dog door. We like the neighbors and have spoken with them nicely about this issue. They are genuinely confused as to how to fix the problem!! Um, don't let him out the dog door while your at work??? I'm just so damned tired of dog crap in my mulch!!

Or fence their yard? They sound too stupid to have dogs.

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Cats are the worst. I've seen way to many gardens that cost tons of money and labor to put in turned into giant litter boxes by cats because cat owners won't keep control of their cats. Your cat does not own the neighborhood. Keep it home. I remember thanking a lady walking her cat on a leash. First responsible cat owner I ever met.

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Cats are the worst. I've seen way to many gardens that cost tons of money and labor to put in turned into giant litter boxes by cats because cat owners won't keep control of their cats. Your cat does not own the neighborhood. Keep it home. I remember thanking a lady walking her cat on a leash. First responsible cat owner I ever met.


Cat owners who do not leash-walk their cats are not being irresponsible.  They are treating cats like cats.  Cats are not dogs.

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Today we had a loose German Shepherd following us down the road when we were riding our horses.  We are rural and the dog wasn't barking or aggressive so it wasn't too bad.  I HATE though the dogs that come charging out to the road after our horses as we go past.

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Dogs are one thing, but cats? Can't do much about cats.

Sure you can.  Have an indoor cat.  Don't get a cat unless you want an indoor cat. If you want the cat to have outdoor time, then go with it, just like people with dogs do.  If you don't want that responsibility then don't get a cat.  The neighborhood didn't ask for a cat, you did! 



My garage perpetually smells like cat spray, because they sneak in and spray my garage to mark their territory. It smells Horrible in there, so we have to open the garage every day to let the smell out.....then they sneak in again. It just got sprayed again a day or two ago by the striped cat across the street. (I chased it out but it was too late). I am not talking about a faint wiff of a smell, I am talking about knock you over smell.  We have cleaned and cleaned in there and can't get rid of the smell. It must have permeated into the concrete.  I dig cat poop out of my vegetable garden from a grey cat that I have to chase out of there all the time. The cats dig up small veggie starts by trying to cover their poop.  I can't sit on my outdoor furniture because it is Covered in cat fur.  It is from a white cat that sheds like no other cat I have seen.  The owners let it out at night I think, because I never see it out there during the day (only at night when I am closing up the house). 


I deal with the problems of other people who don't take care of their pets! Cats are not a community responsibility!

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  The owners let it out at night I think, because I never see it out there during the day (only at night when I am closing up the house).



Cats are noctural--- many only want to be out at night. 


I suggest you tell your neighbors about the issues. They may not realize, and can work to make things different. I would be horrified to know my cat was making such a problem. I'd keep her in the basement for a while, experiment with new litter types, spray her with water if I saw her  near your yard and whatever else I could think of.


I love having pet cats. I firmly believe that many (though not all) cats are happier if they can go outside to explore.  Keeping a cat in the house all the time is like keeping a dog in the house all the time.... it's do-able but not kind, and makes some cats very neurotic. 


I like having a cat outside, both because it makes her a lovely indoor companion, and also because she keeps mice out of my camper.

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I do not enjoy your outdoor cat. And I don't give two shakes about your cat's happiness. I should not have to clean hair off my lawn chairs before I sit in them. Dogs and cats belong indoors or on a farm!

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One of our dogs kept getting out.  One neighbor got upset about it and sent an email.  She said her cats were scared of her.  I am sure they were, but they are in MY yard more than hers, so I was a little irritated.  


We did fix the issue and our dogs don't roam anymore, but her cats still run all over the place.



Dogs are one thing, but cats? Can't do much about cats.


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Cats are noctural--- many only want to be out at night. 


I suggest you tell your neighbors about the issues. They may not realize, and can work to make things different. I would be horrified to know my cat was making such a problem. I'd keep her in the basement for a while, experiment with new litter types, spray her with water if I saw her  near your yard and whatever else I could think of.


I love having pet cats. I firmly believe that many (though not all) cats are happier if they can go outside to explore.  Keeping a cat in the house all the time is like keeping a dog in the house all the time.... it's do-able but not kind, and makes some cats very neurotic. 


I like having a cat outside, both because it makes her a lovely indoor companion, and also because she keeps mice out of my camper.

I have never met a cat owner who was actually willing to do something about the damage the pet causes.  When I have said something in the past to the ones in my neighborhood, they think that outdoor cats are happier and that makes the family happier. They say their cat howls to go outside and they can't sleep or handle the howling, so they let it out.  


I have even had one cat owner tell me that it couldn't be her cat, because they let him out into a fenced yard!?!?  Ummm, well cats climb over the fence and then leave me picking up the mess.


I have had another tell me that cats don't make a mess because they bury their poo.  Yep, They bury it in my Veggie garden!


I have had another tell me that they buy special food to reduce the cats poo, so it can't be thier cat causeing problems in my yard.  I wan't talking to her about poo, I was talking to her about the spraying in my garage.


I had another tell me that cat messes aren't  a problem to clean up, so why worry about it. She said she never had to clean up outside from her cat. She had a rock landscaped yard, so her cat wasn't using her yard to go poop, it was using my garden!



Nope, I don't bother trying to talk to cat owners anymore.  The ones who understand, raise indoor cats from the time they are kittens and then the cats doesn't expect to treat the neighborhood like its personal litter box.  The others owners may realize that their cats are  pooping, spraying and leaving fur covered furniture, but aren't willing to stop it, by retraining the pet to be in an indoor cat. 

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I do not enjoy your outdoor cat. And I don't give two shakes about your cat's happiness. I should not have to clean hair off my lawn chairs before I sit in them. Dogs and cats belong indoors or on a farm!

I get it , and I sympathize but at the same time this is a little like saying 'I can't stand loud kids , children should be seen but not heard! " Having neighbors is part of being in a neighborhood.

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I have never met a cat owner who was actually willing to do something about the damage the pet causes.  When I have said something in the past to the ones in my neighborhood, they think that outdoor cats are happier and that makes the family happier. They say their cat howls to go outside and they can't sleep or handle the howling, so they let it out.  


I have even had one cat owner tell me that it couldn't be her cat, because they let him out into a fenced yard!?!?  Ummm, well cats climb over the fence and then leave me picking up the mess.


I have had another tell me that cats don't make a mess because they bury their poo.  Yep, They bury it in my Veggie garden!


I have had another tell me that they buy special food to reduce the cats poo, so it can't be thier cat causeing problems in my yard.  I wan't talking to her about poo, I was talking to her about the spraying in my garage.


I had another tell me that cat messes aren't  a problem to clean up, so why worry about it. She said she never had to clean up outside from her cat. She had a rock landscaped yard, so her cat wasn't using her yard to go poop, it was using my garden!



Nope, I don't bother trying to talk to cat owners anymore.  The ones who understand, raise indoor cats from the time they are kittens and then the cats doesn't expect to treat the neighborhood like its personal litter box.  The others owners may realize that their cats are  pooping, spraying and leaving fur covered furniture, but aren't willing to stop it, by retraining the pet to be in an indoor cat. 


Wow, you've had 5 conversations about cats that all ended up that way? I honestly don't think I've ever had to complain to 5 different neighbors in my life.  That's too bad, I'm sorry for your experience.


I know not everyone likes cats.  To me it's just..... I don't know. It's like knowing some people are terrified of dogs.  It won't stop me from getting a dog, but I am get where they are coming from and feel sympathy.

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I get it , and I sympathize but at the same time this is a little like saying 'I can't stand loud kids , children should be seen but not heard! " Having neighbors is part of being in a neighborhood.


I have never had a neighbor kid come in my yard and poop, puke or pee.   

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I get it , and I sympathize but at the same time this is a little like saying 'I can't stand loud kids , children should be seen but not heard! " Having neighbors is part of being in a neighborhood.

Wrong. My kids don't leave their noise in your yard for you to clean up.


If your pet is out of your yard, you are an irresponsible pet owner. Do you really think your cat is not pooping or marking in other's yards??

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My MIL let her dog run loose outside constantly, and was very upset when the dog got sick more than once, and eventually died from some poison she encountered.  She seemed really puzzled how it could happen.  It drives me crazy that my husband's family is like this.  My SIL lost one dog and several cats who were killed because they had been left out to roam, and got into trouble in the form of chemicals, cars, and once, a coyote.


They never seem to understand the cause and effect there.


I believe in controlling your domestic pets for their sake as well as your neighbors'. 

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I get it , and I sympathize but at the same time this is a little like saying 'I can't stand loud kids , children should be seen but not heard! " Having neighbors is part of being in a neighborhood.

I'm going to be super irritated if your kid poops or pees all over my property. Just like I am about your pets. Noise? Not the same.

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My cat poops in my yard. She have a spot. It is our tomato garden! (Formerly, of course).

BS!! And that is what every pet owner I've ever spoken to says about their animal. "My dog only poops behind our shed. It must be some other dog pooping in your yard." Total bull.

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I live in a community where you very rarely see dogs off leash. They come down pretty hard on it.


However, I am overrun with neighbors cats using my yard as their personal litter box. Beyond that, they hunt the birds and make my indoor cat territorial. 


I have a cat; I have always had cats. Never have I allowed one to go outside without being on a leash.  I've only had 2 cats in my 41 years who "needed" to go out to be happy. They had a run so they were kept in my yard (harness hooked up to a line - kind of like a clothesline). I don't think it's responsible to let cats roam free in neighborhoods.

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I have never had a neighbor kid come in my yard and poop, puke or pee.

We actually did. Weird homeschooling (hahahahahaha) family who thankfully moved. Their kids would run through our yard going home from the neighborhood pool, and more than once I saw their middle son peeing on a tree in my front yard. I saw it and yelled out the front door and the mom said, "Boys! What can you do?" Um, not let them PEE IN MY YARD MAYBE?! She probably let her cats roam too.

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If your cat needs outdoor exposure, build it an enclosure, just as responsible dog owners build fences. There are plenty of plans on the internet for very cool outdoor spaces for cats - it's a win-win - the cat is happy & safe, and the neighbors aren't being assaulted by your cat.



(who has and loves cats)

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BS!! And that is what every pet owner I've ever spoken to says about their animal. "My dog only poops behind our shed. It must be some other dog pooping in your yard." Total bull.


OK.  I'm sorry you are so angry.

The alternative to having cats in the neighborhood is (1) moving to where you don't have neighbors or (2) no one gets a cat. I know (2) is preferred by some. But *shrug*


I know some vets say cats should be indoors only for health and safety. I think that is untrue for many cats,  long, muscular ones .  I mean, it's true they will live longer if inside only but that is true of children as well.  Never take them outside the house and you will remove many big risks: automobiles and pools, for example. Doesn't mean it is good or smart parenting.


I'm not going to argue vehemently against it in a vent thread.  Sorry , I did not mean to hijack. Venting is healthy.

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OK. I'm sorry you are so angry.

The alternative to having cats in the neighborhood is (1) moving to where you don't have neighbors or (2) no one gets a cat. I know (2) is preferred by some. But *shrug*


I know some vets say cats should be indoors only for health and safety. I think that is untrue for many cats, long, muscular ones . I mean, it's true they will live longer if inside only but that is true of children as well. Never take them outside the house and you will remove many big risks: automobiles and pools, for example. Doesn't mean it is good or smart parenting.


I'm not going to argue vehemently against it in a vent thread. Sorry , I did not mean to hijack. Venting is healthy.

Wrong. Option 3--irresponsible pet owners learn to keep their pets on their own property. It is quite possible and many pet owners do it.


This isn't a vent. It is a PSA to people like you so you are aware that you are pissing off your neighbors.

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I actually don't mind the cats.  They eat mice.  There is an entrance to the sewer right in front of our house.  We often see the neighborhood cats going down into there.  Come to think of it, the lynx may have something to do with the lack of vermin around here.  Yes, we have a wild lynx living next door in the empty lot.  In the middle of a city.  Surrounded by houses and people.  (She's very pretty and we've gotten a glimpse of her baby a couple times now, too.)


We have a neighbor down the street with many dogs.  I'm pretty sure they have more than the HOA allows.  The dogs get out all the time.  The owners are rarely at home when the dogs get out and calling the number on their tags usually results in a "play with my dog until I feel like showing up."  Um, no.  We call the security for our neighborhood and they come get the dog.  They've got kennels at the main station to put them in until the dogs are claimed.  We don't even have to tell them where these particular dogs live.  They are very much frequent flyers to the security station.

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OK.  I'm sorry you are so angry.

The alternative to having cats in the neighborhood is (1) moving to where you don't have neighbors or (2) no one gets a cat. I know (2) is preferred by some. But *shrug*


I know some vets say cats should be indoors only for health and safety. I think that is untrue for many cats,  long, muscular ones .  I mean, it's true they will live longer if inside only but that is true of children as well.  Never take them outside the house and you will remove many big risks: automobiles and pools, for example. Doesn't mean it is good or smart parenting.


I'm not going to argue vehemently against it in a vent thread.  Sorry , I did not mean to hijack. Venting is healthy.


Many vets say it's healthier for cats to be inside.   When I adopted cats from a refuge league I had to sign something promising I would keep my cats inside.  This isn't some sort of fringe belief.


Keeping cats inside is not anywhere near the same thing as keeping children inside.   If you can't control your cats and you are ticking off your neighbors, keep them inside.   It's an incredibly simple solution.   Cats do not have a right to live outside, where they choose.   I do have the right as a property owner to not have cats on my property.

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My MIL let her dog run loose outside constantly, and was very upset when the dog got sick more than once, and eventually died from some poison she encountered.  She seemed really puzzled how it could happen.  It drives me crazy that my husband's family is like this.  My SIL lost one dog and several cats who were killed because they had been left out to roam, and got into trouble in the form of chemicals, cars, and once, a coyote.


They never seem to understand the cause and effect there.


I believe in controlling your domestic pets for their sake as well as your neighbors'. 




Even when we're out walking I don't let my dog go in yards.  First because it's rude, even though I always carry bags and clean up after him.  But truthfully it's mostly because I don't know who's been spraying what in their yard. :eek:

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Wow, you've had 5 conversations about cats that all ended up that way? I honestly don't think I've ever had to complain to 5 different neighbors in my life.  That's too bad, I'm sorry for your experience.


I know not everyone likes cats.  To me it's just..... I don't know. It's like knowing some people are terrified of dogs.  It won't stop me from getting a dog, but I am get where they are coming from and feel sympathy.

Yep, 5 conversations, because they were the type of people who say "if there is a problem, let me know! I will fix it"......but in reality, they don't want to bother.

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We have two different neighbors with little dogs and for some reason, they think it's ok to let them out to use the bathroom on their own.  No, they don't have fences so the dogs will just go in any of the neighbor's yards.  Once I was having a birthday party for one of my kids and I took all the kids in the front yard to make some homemade snow (it was science themed).  One of the kids tracked dog poop through my house that had been left in my front yard by the neighbor's dog!!!  I knew it wasn't my own dog because my dog uses our backyard as his toilet. 


There is also an outdoor cat who liked to get on my front porch furniture, getting hair all over it.  Then the front porch area began to smell like cat pee.  We used to enjoy sitting out there but not so much anymore.  :glare:  I understand cats wanting to be outside and all but they can be a big nuisance to the neighbors. 

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Cat lover here who believes in keeping kitties indoor or having an enclosure.  Same principle as all other rights.  Your rights end where they infringe upon the rights (or intrude upon the property) of another.  Strays, skunks, wild animals -  not within anyone's control. But once you take ownership of an animal, you become responsible for what the animal does. 


Your animals (or kids) should not be trespassing on another person's property without that person's permission.  That is responsible pet ownership.



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Ugh. This is not hard. If you have a pet, contain it to the space you pay taxes on. Even if you think Fido only poops in his special spot in your yard, I can promise you he is also pooping elsewhere.

I once had a neighbor who walked his dog over into my (then unfenced) yard all the way over to my driveway area to do its business.  Then back in his yard. 


When I confronted said neighbor, he said, and I quote, "Well, YOUR dog goes there." with a confused look on his face.  I actually had to say that yes, I bring my small dog out to go there, but then I clean up after my dog in my yard, and does he feel it is fair I should have to clean up after my dog AND after his dog in MY yard?


I seriously had to say this.  I later fenced the yard. 

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Cat lover here who believes in keeping kitties indoor or having an enclosure. Same principle as all other rights. Your rights end where they infringe upon the rights (or intrude upon the property) of another. Strays, skunks, wild animals - not within anyone's control. But once you take ownership of an animal, you become responsible for what the animal does.


Your animals (or kids) should not be trespassing on another person's property without that person's permission. That is responsible pet ownership.

Trespassing? Lol

You do make a good point about the squirrel and raccoon poop all over everyone's yards.

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I get it , and I sympathize but at the same time this is a little like saying 'I can't stand loud kids , children should be seen but not heard! " Having neighbors is part of being in a neighborhood.


It's like saying, "I can't stand kids digging up my yard, relieving themselves in my yard, screaming in  the middle of the night constantly because they're left alone outside and want in, and damaging my house/yard furniture/car/property."


Having neighbors is part of being in a neighborhood, but so is *being* a *responsible* neighbor who respects the rights of others. One should no more routinely allow their animals to deface or damage others' property or knowingly be loud and disruptive during normal sleeping hours than they should let their children do so or do so themselves. Unfortunately, we have a neighbor who routinely does all of the above despite repeated requests and contact from the HOA.


For the record, we have 3 cats, which are all indoor-only and always have been, as have all of our previous cats.

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My cat poops in my yard. She have a spot.  It is our tomato garden! (Formerly, of course).



My mother has spent hundreds of dollars replacing dirt because she could no longer use it for a garden on property she paid for. No, I don't have a problem with cats. I have a problem with cat owners like you. BeckyJo on the other hand seems like a considerate person to live by. I told my mother to trap it and take it to the pound. The person went and got it out of the pound. Really if your pet is caught on someone elses property you should pay damages. It is not ok to paint, burn, or otherwise trash people's property. Why are cat owners exempt? 

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My mother has spent hundreds of dollars replacing dirt because she could no longer use it for a garden on property she paid for. No, I don't have a problem with cats. I have a problem with cat owners like you. BeckyJo on the other hand seems like a considerate person to live by. I told my mother to trap it and take it to the pound. The person went and got it out of the pound. Really if your pet is caught on someone elses property you should pay damages. It is not ok to paint, burn, or otherwise trash people's property. Why are cat owners exempt?

Did she ask the neighbors to pay damages?


My cat came from the pound and is microchipped by them - they would just call me if she was sent in.

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I wish whoever owns those skunks would keep them in their own yard. ;)


I know, right?  Squirrels, chipmunks, and birds too.  All of them dig in my garden and poop everywhere.  And the lack of cats means there are more of them!


And don't get me started on the tomato horn worms.  I wish their owners would keep them inside so they would stop eating my tomato plants year after year.

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Even when we're out walking I don't let my dog go in yards.  First because it's rude, even though I always carry bags and clean up after him.  But truthfully it's mostly because I don't know who's been spraying what in their yard. :eek:

I wish my dog would be like this.  He rarely poops in our yard.  He needs to be out walking to poop.  And, of course, he seems the maximize the amount of time I have to carry said poop (like we have been walking for 20 minutes and we passed a garbage can at the park 5 minutes ago, but we have another 30 minutes before we get home.)  The only times he poops in our yard is when he is sick or he knows I'm too sick to take him on his 40+ minute walks or it is 10 below outside. 


Regarding the spraying, I keep him off lawns that have the little signs, but I also make it a habit to wash his paws when we get home.  He really has to sniff on his walks.  If we do an "all business" walk, we stops and lays down (like a mile from home.)  It's kind of hard to carry a 65 lb labradoodle home. 

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Birds too! I don't want your "lovely free range" chickens in my yard leaving disgusting land mines on my lawn for toddlers to play with. I don't want your turkeys terrozing my dog. And, for $&@/ sake keep your loud obnoxious peacocks to yourself. I'm tired of having to fix the holes their feet make in my roof, paint, and woodwork.


Eta: aw drat. I tried to upload a video of just how loud peacock screams can be, but it isn't working. I'll try again later.


Phew! I've been bottling that up for a while now.

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Poppy, the neighbors had a cats will be cats attitude.



I also teach my children not to trespass on people's property. What part of "Private Property" is so hard to understand.


I'm thankful that this thread taught me that there are responsible cat owners. With this much animosity towards cats you are probably putting your cat in danger by letting them roam the neighborhood. I feel bad for the cats that some owners are so negligent that they don't care about their cats well being or their neighbors property.

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