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I just wanted to say, "It's a boy!"

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He's absolutely BEAUTIFUL.

Born at home in the water last Friday.

SHORT labor. We had NOTHING but a leaking bag of water from Thursday night. So at 2pm on Friday we did nipple stimulation and castor oil. 4 hours later our baby was here! It was fast. Better than my 2 and a half days with the first kid!


We are all well and enjoying our babymoon.


He was 7 pounds - 19 inches - and his head was 13 and a half inches around.

He's perfect.

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He's absolutely BEAUTIFUL.

Born at home in the water last Friday.

SHORT labor. We had NOTHING but a leaking bag of water from Thursday night. So at 2pm on Friday we did nipple stimulation and castor oil. 4 hours later our baby was here! It was fast. Better than my 2 and a half days with the first kid!


We are all well and enjoying our babymoon.


He was 7 pounds - 19 inches - and his head was 13 and a half inches around.

He's perfect.


Oh, joy!

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Formalities out of the way . . . . CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!


Now, we need pictures and a name!!!!


LOL Way to go!! But, I'd love more details if you are up to giving them!!!



I was very near to posting your exact words (except that I was probably going to be rude enough to tag the Congratulations onto the end of the post!). Good thing I read the replies first so I could just say "what she said".


Karen, I know you must be wallowing in joy. I'm happy for you dear. Happy for the whole clan of you! :D

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COngratulations! That's wonderful! I'm so happy to hear all is well and "perfect"!


But can I just say Wow! Time went fast! It seems like just yesterday you were announcing your pregnancy. I'm sitting her shaking my head at how incredibly fast that went!


Enjoy your little guy!

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