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For fun: What is the most unusual compliment you have received?


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A co-worker, out of the blue, said she admired how I never got myself entangled in office politics and never seemed ruffled by anything.  It struck me as very weird because I didn’t really work with her much, and I wondered how she could possible come to such a conclusion!

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I had a classmate in college tell me I was brave to be going back to school. When I acted confused she asked me how old I was, wasn't I 30? When I told her I was 20, she said I was way too calm and practical to be the same age as everyone else. 




A year later, in the Philippines, I was frequently mistaken for Meryl Streep. Which would be great but she was 50 at the time and I was in college. Apparently I look mature beyond my years. 

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I had a classmate in college tell me I was brave to be going back to school. When I acted confused she asked me how old I was, wasn't I 30? When I told her I was 20, she said I was way too calm and practical to be the same age as everyone else. 




A year later, in the Philippines, I was frequently mistaken for Meryl Streep. Which would be great but she was 50 at the time and I was in college. Apparently I look mature beyond my years. 


:lol:  This makes me think of my sister. Quite a few years ago, we went to eat at IHOP. In her state, folks who are 85+ get a % discount. She paid & as we walked out, she looked at the receipt & saw they had put her in for the age 85+ discount. She was in her 30s at the time. I, of course, have given her grief about it ever since.  :laugh:  I'm older by 5 years, but by looks, most everyone has always thought she was older; in IHOP's case, waaaaaaaay older!


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My history teacher when I was a senior in high school once went on and on during class about my smile...the part I remember most clearly was that he thought I could rob a convenience store and smile at them on my way out and get away with it. I don't remember what else he said, just that there wasn't much of a lecture that day since he went on so long about my smile...it was pretty weird.

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" you have amazing calves." Said by a man at the gym. I have the kind of calves men want on themselves. They are ridiculously muscular. At the time they were the only part of my body I hated. Thanks to that odd compliment I learned to be OK with them and not care about what I look like buy how I feel instead

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A friend and I were going into a liquor store in college, and a 50ish year old man was walking out. As he passed by us he said, "Oh those are some nice (insert slang word for a woman's chest)!" My friend and I looked at each other, very confused. The man saw our expressions, walked back to us, and said, "I apologize ladies, I truly did mean both of you!"


Oh thanks for clearing that up.

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My Mom use to tell me I had a beautiful shaped head and that I should shave my head. 


When I was bald from chemo, my adult son said, Mom, you can do the bald look. You have a great shaped skull.' A week or so later a good friend said you have cute shaped ears...


The things you learn when your appearance changes....


A gal who had mostly seen me in tee-shirts and jeans had a fun remark when she saw me in a dress, heels, and a power jacket...'this is the most 'unscruffy' I've ever seen you.'


Somedays my goal is to simply be unscruffy.

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I had someone track me down at the airport luggage carousel to tell me what a great job I had done of entertaining my boys on the twelve hour flight.  It was sweet, but I was left wondering what the alternative was....


My cousin once ran out of conversation with a girl he was dancing with.  He came up with, 'You have nice warm ears.'

The alternative is that you leave me to entertain your kids for 12 hours as they play peek-a-boo with me over the back of the seat while you sleep with headphones on.   :glare:

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Oh, and when I worked in the hospital, the paramedics were all in love with my veins. :o They used to drag me around the hospital and show the veins in my arms and hands to the other paramedic students, and they would bring the students to me to let them practice starting IVs. Apparently, I have big, healthy, gorgeous veins that are easily seen and palpated for a IV. :o

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When my oldest was about 5 mos old, she used to stack both hands and shove them in her mouth. Once, when she was doing this maneuver, a random (and not necessarily creepy-looking) man admired her in her stroller, and then said something along the lines of, "Wow, she's gonna make her future husband happy some day." And he walked off.


DH and I just looked at each other, confused and a little disturbed. Like....what?! Was he saying something incredibly inappropriate?! I still get skeeved out -- and a little angry -- whenever I think about that "compliment."

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These are so funny.


One time my dentist told me that I had "nice big, strong teeth."


Also, once on Easter, my sister (who is 9 years younger than me) and I went to church with some family members. Our parents didn't come for some reason. After services, we were standing around talking to some people, and a lady we didn't know complimented my sister's Easter dress. Then she turned to me and said "us moms don't get new dresses for Easter do we?" I was about 12 or 13 at the time. So basically she thought my dress was ugly and I looked much older than I was.

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I get the good veins compliments too.


I once had a lady follow me out of a public restroom to compliment me on the way I spoke to my son (who was probably 3ish) while we were in there.


I've shared this before, but at a Mother's Day tea, the girls were asked to each say something nice about their moms. As we went around the room we heard things like "She's really nice" or "She takes good care of me". DD, age 9, said "She's a really good driver." 😄

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Apparently my body recovers well/quickly from childbirth. My ob/gyn came in the morning after I gave birth after feeling my belly went, "You have such a marvelous little uterus!"


We both laugh\ed.

Me too! The day after I delivered my firstborn my 80-year-old OB told me he wouldn't have guessed I'd given birth the day before except for the baby in my arms :) (he didn't make it to the actual birth so another OB filled in)

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The most unexpected compliment I have ever gotten was when I was at the deli counter, wearing a skort a few summers ago. A man that was about eighty-six years old shuffled in my direction. He was smiling at me; I thought he was going to ask me if the olive loaf was any good or something. Instead he says something like, "Miss, I'm sure you've heard this plenty of times before, but I must say you have a great-looking pair of legs!"


Knock me over with a feather.

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I was informed by a fellow classmate my junior year of high school that I had great birthing hips. He said that since he worked with his dad on their hog farm that he was trained to look for these things and if I'd been a sow, I'd be one of their best breeders. Just what every girl wants to hear in high school!


When I was in college a friend told me I had beautiful collarbones.

I was told the same thing by my college boyfriend! He was from a hog farm in the research triangle part of NC.


The weirdest compliment was when I was somewhere in a bathing suit and told by a random male stranger I had the best real boobs he had ever seen on a middle aged woman. I was in my early 40's and obviously with my husband!

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I've shared this before, but at a Mother's Day tea, the girls were asked to each say something nice about their moms. As we went around the room we heard things like "She's really nice" or "She takes good care of me". DD, age 9, said "She's a really good driver." 😄


LOL -- that made me think of something ... When my older son was in kindergarten, the teacher had the kids make a Mother's Day card and write something nice about their mom: "I love my mom because ..." The other kids wrote things like "she takes care of me when I'm sick"; "she reads to me"; "she cooks nice dinners"; etc. My son wrote: "I love my mom because she makes furniture for the living room."  :lol:


I had been putting together furniture from IKEA, and I guess that was what impressed my future-engineering-major son! :D It still makes me laugh to think about it.  :001_wub:

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:lol:  This makes me think of my sister. Quite a few years ago, we went to eat at IHOP. In her state, folks who are 85+ get a % discount. She paid & as we walked out, she looked at the receipt & saw they had put her in for the age 85+ discount. She was in her 30s at the time. I, of course, have given her grief about it ever since.  :laugh:  I'm older by 5 years, but by looks, most everyone has always thought she was older; in IHOP's case, waaaaaaaay older!


Ahhhh! This reminds me of something I had forgotten! Definitely the best "backwards compliment" of my life. When I was 22 and a newlywed,  my husband and I decided we needed to buy a new car.  we went to the dealership together.  We took my sister, who was 17 at the time, with us--just b/c she was around that day and she liked hanging out with us. :)  I decided to test drive a car and my sister rode in the passenger's seat.  The smarmy car salesman sat in the back.  As we drove around town, he leaned forward and said to my sister in silky-smooth tones, "you know, your mother is so young she could be your sister."  My sister said "SHE IS MY SISTER!!!"  He shrunk back into the backseat.


He did not get the sale. 

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One time my dentist told me that I had "nice big, strong teeth."


My dentist told me I have a really strong tongue. More of a passing comment during a procedure and not a compliment, but still rather odd.

I guess it's from all the lectures I have to give my students.  :tongue_smilie:

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I was told the same thing by my college boyfriend! He was from a hog farm in the research triangle part of NC.


The weirdest compliment was when I was somewhere in a bathing suit and told by a random male stranger I had the best real boobs he had ever seen on a middle aged woman. I was in my early 40's and obviously with my husband!


Apparently pig farmers feel that they can comment on any woman's hips at any time! That's crazy that it happened to you too!


My husband loves the fact that the guy told me that. Every time I'm pregnant or pregnancy comes up in conversation, he'll tell people, "Well, I knew Chel won't have any trouble. The pig farmer said so." That's always met with strange looks as my dh bursts into laughter and I give him the evil eye.  :glare:

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When I was a freshman in high school, my German teacher, after meeting my parents at the open house and discovering that they were both totally blind, said to me, "You must be a saint!"


And continued to talk about it for the next four years. The man thought I could do no wrong. I know that sounds like a good thing, but it got really old.


I don't think blind parents qualifies one for sainthood, but what do I know...it was just my life!

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"You have such nice long hair for a mom with that many kids!"  (First, it was shoulder length.  Second, what is with the unwritten rule that moms have to cut their hair short?  Third, what is the kid limit for keeping hair longer?  I only had 5 at the time, not Dugger family by a long shot, and LOOK!  She has long hair!!  LOL)

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My mom said

"you look better now ....that your butt is bigger"......um, gee thanks ma, for you approval on my butt-size status.  LOL



Odd because it was from a 19yo teenager who works for the same company I do:

"you look really cute dressed like that.....for your age I mean"   :lol:  I was in my Physical Therapy clothes which are yoga pants, t-shirt and jacket. He is used to me being dressed in slacks and a sweater.  




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Apparently pig farmers feel that they can comment on any woman's hips at any time! That's crazy that it happened to you too!


My husband loves the fact that the guy told me that. Every time I'm pregnant or pregnancy comes up in conversation, he'll tell people, "Well, I knew Chel won't have any trouble. The pig farmer said so." That's always met with strange looks as my dh bursts into laughter and I give him the evil eye. :glare:

Apparently it works in the reverse as well. I knew a woman who married a cow farmer's son. Upon meeting her, the future FIL disrecommended her as a wife for his son, "on account of she has small hips and bad teeth. Those are not good for breeding."



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I have a friend who was told that she has 'great lips' by her male OB.  Yes, those lips. :blink:  LOL   


How do you even respond to that? 




My OB once said, "You have the tiniest hands I've ever seen." I thought THAT was weird.


Now I don't really think it was so weird after all...


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I once a received a compliment to my rear end from a stranger in a parking lot. Which is not that unusual, I guess, but the fact that he prefaced it by asking first in the most polite terms if he might compliment me was really unusual. I would have found it roll your eyes demeaning if it hadn't been so hilariously phrased.

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