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Fun Poll: How often do you go to the library?

How Often do you go to the library  

219 members have voted

  1. 1. How Often?

    • Once a year or less :)
    • Once a month
    • A couple or few times per month
    • Every week
    • More than once a week
    • Daily

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I'm just curious how often you go to the library.  I suspect for a lot of us it's often.  I love having books around and still own too many, but if I just bought books instead of borrowing we'd be even worse off with our bookshelves!


I go at least once a week, as my library will hold requests for one week.  I don't usually average twice a week  but probably about five to six times per month.  I prefer to go alone, dropping off and picking up holds without the kids.  I would love to just sit and read, though! 


And I wish there were a great sidewalk to get there for bike riding.  It's about 6-7 miles but partly without sidewalks on busy roads where we couldn't bike there if I wanted to with the kids. 

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I used to take the kids weekly for story hour. Then life got complicated and we stopped going regularly. It's hard taking 3 little boys to a quiet place, even though our library has a great play area. We may make it once a month if I'm lucky. I hadn't thought to just go in by myself, duh. I could do that on my way home from work as I drive right by it! We're in the midst of moving but when we get settled, I'm going to do that. Thanks for the idea!

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I used to go weekly or a few times a month. But the past 1.5 years have been insanely busy and it became necessary to stop going (there isn't a branch convenient to me or where I normally am). I was paying a lot in fines, so I switched to buying books at amazon for the boys. Typically, multiple boys will read the same book or series, so that helps me feel better about buying.

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We drive an hour to our library, so when I order books, I try to get all that I need for a six-week block. I answered once a month, but I try to stretch it a little longer than that, if I can. Sometimes, we're there multiple times a month, if we're in the city anyway.


ETA: Okay, that's not entirely true. DH usually has a meeting in the city once a month, so I also have him pick up/drop off books on those days.

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We go to the library a lot.  Not daily, but at least twice a week, often more.  Holds are for 5 days, necessitating multiple library runs most weeks.  In addition, our library has great children's programming - book clubs and reading programs, of course, but also Lego, chess, Minecraft, seasonal arts and crafts, and more.  A few times a year they bring in special venues.    Other groups use the meeting rooms when the library doesn't have programming scheduled.    It is a rare week that we don't have at least one event to attend at the library.  

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Unfortunately, never, unless you want to count how often I check ebooks out of the the library. Then I go all the time. :)


Seattle was the best place for the library. It was about two miles away so I could walk there and pick up holds from their gigantic library system.

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Ours has a drive through for dropping off books and picking up holds. I use that weekly. Sometimes we would end up not actually entering the library for a couple months. I just realized recently that it was causing DD to miss out on the fun of the library, so we've started planning go-in-and-spend-time trips to the library every other week.

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I'm a little erratic, but I'd say on average at least once a week, but probably less than twice a week.


Next question: how many different branches do you physically go to? We most often go to the branch that's closest to us (duh), but there is a branch further away with a play room for the kids, plus I like to go to different branches to just browse the shelves, so 2 branches we go to fairly frequently and a couple more I occasionally go to.


When I was a kid we had library cards in two cities.

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I voted every week, because I think that's what it averages out to.  Occasionally we'll go more than once in a week, and occasionally we'll skip a week.


I like it when I can go by myself and just pick up holds instead of dragging all three kids in.  Sometimes I'll try to go on a Saturday with just DD#1 and give her a chance to work on her library skills to find the books she's interested in.  And when I do need to bring all three kids, there's a good little play area that they enjoy.


Edit: Oh, and we pretty much only go to the branch closest to us.  I think we've been to the main library downtown maybe twice, for special programs.  They have a fun play area for the kids, but you have to pay for parking there, and you don't at our closest branch.

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I'm a little erratic, but I'd say on average at least once a week, but probably less than twice a week.


Next question: how many different branches do you physically go to? We most often go to the branch that's closest to us (duh), but there is a branch further away with a play room for the kids, plus I like to go to different branches to just browse the shelves, so 2 branches we go to fairly frequently and a couple more I occasionally go to.


When I was a kid we had library cards in two cities.


One, but we use materials from many.  In the next few years, I'd like to start taking my children to some of the larger libraries, more to get them used to the idea that different libraries have different layouts (and many floors) than for any real need.


When we lived in the city, we had and used cards for three public library systems.  We had cards for the two library systems with libraries within walking distance of our house, plus a card for the public library system of the city in which we actually resided.  (That city had grown around several smaller cities and towns which remained politically separate.) At the time, the libraries were not in the same consortium so books had to be returned to the lending library.  The first year or two after we moved, I made regular runs to city libraries.  Then those libraries joined the same consortium to which our local library belongs.   I love library consortia.  

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My library will only hold books for 3 days and they are shipped from all branches in the county.  So, when I request a book, I never know when it will arrive.  So, some weeks I have to go more than once.  It is close to other activities for the kids, but it is still 30 minutes from my house.

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I go to the local branch of our city library once a week to pick up holds & drop off books that are due.  I go to a branch of our county's library about twice a month.  And when the weather is nice, my kids and I walk to the local branch of our city library to browse (and for the exercise -- about an hour walk round-trip).  I voted "once a week".


When I was a kid, I fantasized about living next door to the library -- that would be the BEST THING EVER!  It never happened, but I've always lived within walking distance.

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I don't live close enough to any library to go multiple times a week most of the time. Ours have generous lending policies, though, several weeks and with multiple renewals, and they will generally hold for five days, more if I call and ask them to do so. I know we will head by two different library systems on the same day, so I usually time holds for those days (if it's in stock but at a different branch, two or three days in advance is usually plenty, so if I request things on the weekend, they'll usually be there later in the week when I'm out).


During cold and flu season, I do limit library trips because I have a lot of little ones who put hands all over things, and I just get tired of dealing with small colds. So I request things, and either DD or I run in and get them. But, my big kids like e-books for their Kindle, so we check out a lot of e-books and audio books from the internet libraries. And we have several hundred picture books here at home, so even if it's been a while since a library trip, we still have tons to read.


I will also admit to having a bit of a complaint about some of the libraries, and what they use to catch the children's eyes. One library is huge and lovely, but the computers are front and center, all shiny and glowy with edutainment. Now, I'm not opposed to edutainment, but shelves of books, since we have tons at home, are hard-pressed to compete with the screens. Another library doesn't have the computer games but has Star Wars and comic books directly in front of the eye as soon as we walk in. Again, not opposed to that, but my kids will tend to fixate on those and not want to look for other stuff. Yes, I do place some limits on the comic books, but I wish it weren't quite such a big thing, right in front of them. My favorite library is the sweet old church that was converted to a darling little library, with the sweetest librarians (and it's also the closest one, and the one where they know me by name, and sometimes my telephone voice, and they'll hold longer than five days for us), and overflowing shelves of books. They do have some educational toys that my little guys enjoy, but no computer games, and they emphasize the books. My little kids always find tons of books they want to bring home, not just comic books, and really, my main goal with library trips for the little ones is variety. This library has a knack for showcasing interesting new classics in enticing ways (my 6yo and I are both big suckers for that sort of thing!). The downside to this library is that its selection is limited for the older kids, but since they like e-books, it's not a big deal (and if they know we are heading there, they'll request books to be sent there anywa you).


So, a few times a month, not quite every week, but two or three times a month, more in warmer weather, less in winter.

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We also live in a small town with a small library. We go to our library 1-2 times per week, and about 3/4 of those visits are with the kids for story time or free play.


We visit the libraries in the cities on either side of us (also small cities, but bigger than us) 1-2 times a month, usually for local music performances. One has a piano and cello duet that we all enjoy.


We go to the big city library 40 minutes from us 1-2 times a year for special events. Again usually music performances (they can get a small orchestra in there), but they offer a variety of cultural events appropriate for families with littles.

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We go two or three times a month. There are some fun story times for different ages and an awesome children's section. Parking is a pain though. We also have a book mobile and I can pick up library reserves at the book mobile which is more convenient for a quick in and out. So we probably stop at the book mobile 2 or 3 times a month as well.

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Our branch library is 1.5 miles from my house. :) :) :)

And it has a playground with a big field, picnic tables and a creek!


We go at least once a week and sometimes more to pick up holds.

Love being able to reserve online and zip in to pick up with self check out!


Our library has events too, Lego club, storytimes for preschool and school age, puppet shows, cultural and holiday events etc.


We go to the big downtown library a few times a year too.

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My nearest library is 500 feet away, one traffic light crossing and plenty of sidewalks but is closed on Sunday. Sometimes we are at the library daily, driving to a further one on Sunday.


I find myself eyeing the houses across the street from the library.  I wouldn't actually buy one for that reason, but it would be joyful.  Particularly with a small child.  

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I didn't see a response for never. 😊 We've always purchased whatever books we need or want, either from garage sales, ebay, Amazon, thrift stores, etc. Nowadays we prefer ebooks if the title is available. I've just recently decided to get a library card soon, only to see what ebooks I can get through the library.

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When the kids were little, I would go weekly.  Now that two are out of the house and I just have one part-time homeschooler at home, I would say once or twice a month (if you don't count the times I drop her off at a regular class she attends there.)  I take it that browsing the library website for books to put in my kindle doesn't count.  I really should be reading more now that I have more time, but I think I need the motivation of having people to discuss stuff with.  As of now, I don't. 


Our library is biking distance, but I never seem to plan enough time to be able to bike there.  We live in a very walkable/bikable area of town (bought at this location for that purpose.)  However, I don't seem to plan in the time to do that as often as I should.  So, I end up taking the dog with me a lot when I am just dropping off dd and we stop for a little walk someplace he hasn't sniffed before. 

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I used to take the kids weekly for story hour. Then life got complicated and we stopped going regularly. It's hard taking 3 little boys to a quiet place, even though our library has a great play area. We may make it once a month if I'm lucky. I hadn't thought to just go in by myself, duh. I could do that on my way home from work as I drive right by it! We're in the midst of moving but when we get settled, I'm going to do that. Thanks for the idea!

I would never go either if I brought the kids all the time.  10 minutes or less to drop off and get holds, usually while I'm out doing other errands.  I'm glad it may be helpful to you in the future!  Good luck on your move. 

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I used to go weekly or a few times a month. But the past 1.5 years have been insanely busy and it became necessary to stop going (there isn't a branch convenient to me or where I normally am). I was paying a lot in fines, so I switched to buying books at amazon for the boys. Typically, multiple boys will read the same book or series, so that helps me feel better about buying.


I'm somewhat embarrassed to "own" some books from the library, after not finding them for weeks.  But I do get a lot out of my fines to the library and feel that it's a donation so I don't feel bad for late fees. 

If I suspected I'd have multiple readers of a series or books I'd probably buy too.  But DS doesn't have a favorite series and I'm too busy just reading literature for now. 

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We drive an hour to our library, so when I order books, I try to get all that I need for a six-week block. I answered once a month, but I try to stretch it a little longer than that, if I can. Sometimes, we're there multiple times a month, if we're in the city anyway.


ETA: Okay, that's not entirely true. DH usually has a meeting in the city once a month, so I also have him pick up/drop off books on those days.

That's smart since it's so far away.  I'd have a hard time coordinating books for that long of a time.  And probably not enough of a limit on my card, either!

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I'm a little erratic, but I'd say on average at least once a week, but probably less than twice a week.


Next question: how many different branches do you physically go to? We most often go to the branch that's closest to us (duh), but there is a branch further away with a play room for the kids, plus I like to go to different branches to just browse the shelves, so 2 branches we go to fairly frequently and a couple more I occasionally go to.


When I was a kid we had library cards in two cities.

I usually only go to one branch.  Ours are spread out, and the one closest was just renovated so it's nice.  There's a nice kids area but I don't tend to take them because the librarians and patrons are occasionally not very flexible and we have enough extracurriculars already. 

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I'm somewhat embarrassed to "own" some books from the library, after not finding them for weeks.  But I do get a lot out of my fines to the library and feel that it's a donation so I don't feel bad for late fees. 

If I suspected I'd have multiple readers of a series or books I'd probably buy too.  But DS doesn't have a favorite series and I'm too busy just reading literature for now. 


My life is about to slow down considerably (by June), and you've inspired me to make a point to take at least the younger boys to the library once that happens.  There's nothing quite like browsing the shelves for treasures :). 


I should check my card and make sure I've got all the "donations" cleared up :D.

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We all go once a week, then I pop in usually a second time to pick up holds or ILL's, or drop off.


I wish ours had a creek and a playground!!


They spend about 45 minutes a week looking thru books to choose and asking the librarians to help them.


Our small branch is 2 miles from home, but we do go to the larger branch once a month as they have so much more selection.


It's great when the see the big book bag and say hurray it's library day!



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My library will only hold books for 3 days and they are shipped from all branches in the county.  So, when I request a book, I never know when it will arrive.  So, some weeks I have to go more than once.  It is close to other activities for the kids, but it is still 30 minutes from my house.


That's unfortunate about only holding for 3 days (IMO), and not knowing when it will be there.  Can you at least check on online option?  Mine states how many days are left until the books get shipped back, so maybe if you wait until the last day it may help some.

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I go to the local branch of our city library once a week to pick up holds & drop off books that are due.  I go to a branch of our county's library about twice a month.  And when the weather is nice, my kids and I walk to the local branch of our city library to browse (and for the exercise -- about an hour walk round-trip).  I voted "once a week".


When I was a kid, I fantasized about living next door to the library -- that would be the BEST THING EVER!  It never happened, but I've always lived within walking distance.


I always thought being a librarian would be the best job ever.  Then I got a little older and realized they were not actually just sitting around and reading books all day.

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I think it's interesting how many people also discussed e-book checkouts.  I didn't even think about that while making the poll.  I tend to forget to check out e-books anyway unless I'm going on vacation and will read in a hotel or something at night.  Which happens so rarely. 

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I didn't see a response for never. 😊 We've always purchased whatever books we need or want, either from garage sales, ebay, Amazon, thrift stores, etc. Nowadays we prefer ebooks if the title is available. I've just recently decided to get a library card soon, only to see what ebooks I can get through the library.


Thanks.  I changed it to once a year or less.  :)

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My life is about to slow down considerably (by June), and you've inspired me to make a point to take at least the younger boys to the library once that happens.  There's nothing quite like browsing the shelves for treasures :). 


I should check my card and make sure I've got all the "donations" cleared up :D.

I heard on NPR a story about a library system that had annual times where patrons could get their charges cleared for free.  I forget where it was but it sounded great.  It discussed how a lot of people were embarrassed and ashamed of their charges and a lot of people couldn't pay and the library didn't want that to be such a burden that the people never went because of it.  I'm still always embarrassed when I pay though.   

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My county library system offers free delivery--so I request whatever books we want online and they show up at my doorstep about a week later by courier. The library courier has gotten to know my home very well. ðŸ˜


I do have to go to my local branch to return them though, so I still end up there once a month.

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We would probably go more often if we were closer.  We are in a rural area that is not actually in any library district, but I pay for out of district cards for a library that is the closest to us. As it is, we have a library day (to correspond to when a friend of my ds can also often go, so they can meet there), but we do not make it every time it is "library day." Sometimes we go on a non-library day if there is a hold to be picked up or some specific reason. So, I think it averages out to still less than once a week, but more than once per month.  It is the only place for us that we can get fast enough internet for much of what we would like to do on computer, (at home we have only dial-up, and cannot get You Tube, Duolingo, Khan Academy etc.) so that is a significant reason that we go there in addition to books, events, and meeting with friend.  If it were close enough, I'd probably go daily just to do (have my ds do) Duolingo and check on world news.

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For many years, we went to the library weekly.


There were a couple of reasons for this: (1) we were out of the house but still by ourselves; and (2) since all books had to be returned whether they had been read or not, I avoided overdue fines. :glare:

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I didn't vote because we go in spurts.

We avoid going anywhere we don't have to during the frigid snowy winter.

Right now we've been going every week.

I have a love/hate relationship with the library.  It's a smaller library, so we do have to request books from other libraries. It's nice that they do this, BUT you only have 48 hours to pick up your hold.  That makes it a bit of a pain as the holds come in at different times and we are not that close to it (about 20 minutes).  Everywhere else I can remember, they gave you a whole week.  :glare:

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Once weekly to our local library. That is about a fifteen to twenty minute drive.

Once every other week to the big library which is a three hour round trip.


We have a super awesome library about 45 minutes from here. The kind where you hear angels sing when you step off the elevator onto the children's FLOOR. It has crossed my mind to start going on a regular basis now that my youngest ones are a little older. We could make a day of it.  Spend all morning in heaven (at the library) and have lunch and enjoy our afternoon at the super awesome playground.  Then hopefully have everyone sleep on the way home. :) My only fear is the FEES.

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We're five minutes from a small branch. We go every Friday. Holds arrive at random and are only good for four days (that the branch is open), so sometimes I have to pop in another day as well.


There's a slightly larger branch five or ten minutes in another direction, but it is temporarily closed.

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My county library system offers free delivery--so I request whatever books we want online and they show up at my doorstep about a week later by courier. The library courier has gotten to know my home very well. ðŸ˜


I do have to go to my local branch to return them though, so I still end up there once a month.

Now I'm envious! 😄

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We have a super awesome library about 45 minutes from here. The kind where you hear angels sing when you step off the elevator onto the children's FLOOR. It has crossed my mind to start going on a regular basis now that my youngest ones are a little older. We could make a day of it. Spend all morning in heaven (at the library) and have lunch and enjoy our afternoon at the super awesome playground. Then hopefully have everyone sleep on the way home. :) My only fear is the FEES.

What? And I thought book delivery was awesome? I can't even imagine living there.


ETA - though that's kind of far away, and I saw in your other post they only hold books for a couple days. I guess we all have our good and bad.

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ETA - though that's kind of far away, and I saw in your other post they only hold books for a couple days. I guess we all have our good and bad. 


Same with the big library I go to. Additionally, holds come in at a more or less random pace. It kind of limits me to what happens to be on the shelves when I arrive. Thankfully, there are branches of this library in multiple locations in the city. It is not uncommon for me to visit three branches on the same day to get what I need. But so far I have always been able to find what I want or what will work. I'm not too picky. :001_smile:

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