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Breaking news on Fox... 17yo Bristol Palin is pregnant and will marry the father


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"They're" saying that Bristol is 5 months pregnant, is that right?


And "they've" suggested that perhaps Bristol was actually the mother of Trig, who was born . . . 5 months ago, yes?


So, if Bristol is 5 months pregnant *now*, it would be impossible for her to be Trig's mother, correct? So, if SUDDENLY the Palin family announces that Bristol is 5 months pregnant, then that conveniently puts to rest the rumor that Bristol is Trig's mother.


It's all very, very convenient, and something doesn't add up. The only thing more convenient than the timing of Bristol's pregnancy would be for the pregnancy not to reach full-term, which is what I predict will be the next announcement (that Bristol has miscarried).




My husband made the EXACT same prediction when we heard the news earlier today. And the EXACT same scenario that you have -- that this is very convenient.

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I try to use something called facts. What you guys just spun was beyond suspicion or even assumptions. But you'd make good money working at The Enquirer.



It is a fact that Trig is 5 months old (according to the date of birth given by the family).

The Palin family has announced that Bristol is 5 months pregnant (I am willing to accept their announcement as the closest to fact we can know of the issue).


It is a fact that there is a rumor that Bristol is the mother of Trig.

It is a fact that the announcement of Bristol's pregnancy was made after the rumor circulated.


Yes, I am suspicious because I find those numbers to be very convenient for the McCain/Palin political agenda. I am suspicious because I have yet to find a candidate who I believe has been fully truthful. I am suspicious because I have known too many adults who were willing to sacrifice their children's reputations to further their own agenda.


I am simply saying that, personally, the family issues do not affect my vote. The thought that the campaign is being dishonest would. And the convenience of the numbers, and the timing of the announcement, makes me suspicious.


Best case scenario, all of these questions are resolved and we move on to a race that is focused on national issues, and not on personal family issues.

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I don't know what judgements voters made to elect President Clinton, I am simply saying we all have the right to make our own. It is the way we decide for whom we will vote. Have you not made personal judgements about Senator Obama? Or Senator Biden?




Obama, yes. Biden, no. If I am being honest. ;)



I see your point.

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John McCain is a maverick. He doesn't care what you think about her daughter being pregnant. Its a non-issue. It will not affect his nor Palin's ability to govern -- and govern well.


How is their character and honesty in question?


Wow....talk about blinders. Seriously? You really believe that?

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My oldest son is just 9... we're still discussing how we want to handle the whole s*x ed thing.


I do want my children to believe in abstinence, and have a desire to wait until they are married. But, at the same time, I don't want to "leave it at that" either. I want to be an approachable mom -- but not a permissive one. It's a hard line to find (I guess I should be grateful I have a few more years to figure it out!)

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I wish more than anything in the world people would understand that being a Christian does NOT mean I am judging anyone else. I do have standards and morals that I feel I am called to live by. If someone asks me about them, sure I will share. BUT - I do not live up to those standards and morals every single day. That is because I AM HUMAN. It doesn't make me less of a Christian, and it doesn't mean that the standards have changed. It means that I am human and have made a mistake.


By saying I'm a Christian, I'm not putting myself of a moral pedestal. I don't think Sarah Palin put herself on a moral pedestal. I think she is judged for being a christian and if she falls short, she must be a hypocrite. That makes me furious.


I was not talking about you. I do think that some conservatives put themselves on a moral pedestal, though. They think their way is the only way and are quick to criticize when someone falls short of their ideal. I am a Christian myself, and I know good and well that all Christians are NOT this way. I did not mean to imply that they are. Not by any means.


Some people are very quick to judge parents for talking frankly with their children about sex and the choices that go with it, providing them with birth control, letting kids watch rated R movies, etc and then blame those parents for all the world's problems that are caused by their terrible heathenistic children. Then when some "tragedy" happens in their lives, such as a daughter coming out of the closet, or a young unmarried woman getting pregnant, they are quick to defend the parents and feel sorry for the "poor fallen child."


I have seen this play out IRL more times than I can count. And don't get me wrong, people have their right to their opinions and I will fight to my death for those rights. I have people I respect and admire in my life that think exactly this way. But for *me* that's just not how I roll.

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Why does having a (nearly adult) child who makes unwise choices (like that never happens; this one just happened to have public consequences) negate at all her ideology of pro-life values? Or family values? Would you expect someone who urges high morals to have spit-spot absolutely perfect children or their record is blemished and their toast?


More insightful is to look at how the Palins are dealing with the serious problem at this point. They are to be married and keep the baby. Now, if she encouraged her daughter to raise the child as a single mother or encouraged an abortion, then Palin's actions would have conflicted with her ideology.



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It's not like she drank the water and got pregnant. Just like there are signs of drug use, there are signs of promiscuity. It could be a teen cry, Palin needs to be home a little more.


What makes you think she was promiscuous? She got pregnant, but that doesn't mean . . . well -- it doesn't necessarily follow.


Aside from locking kids in their rooms when you can't watch them 24/7 -- and rooms still, hopefully, have windows -- and windows open (ask me how I know that?!), I don't see how Mom staying home will keep kids from doing anything they are intent on doing.


There might be clues, yes, when kids are "up to something" -- but my idea of staying home is to try to teach him to make responsible choices in the first place. Though I "trust, but verify" there is absolutely no way I can control his every waking moment.

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It's not like she drank the water and got pregnant. Just like there are signs of drug use, there are signs of promiscuity. It could be a teen cry, Palin needs to be home a little more.


I am very liberal, and can accept teen pregnancy, but its a big problem, and something that has to be dealt with, just marrying does not fix the problem, sometimes it can add.


It makes me really question her decision making skills to run. I would not, but I am kind of mom who closed up a thriving salon to stay home with my babies. They are nbr. one, my family always come first. That is kind of woman I would want to run. Not knocking working moms.




But the woman who closes up shop and stays home isn't, by definition, going to run for office. Right? Or am I misunderstanding you?


Oy. I SO don't want to get caught up in this, but y'all keep on posting and I keep on reading! ;)


Hilary was in the White House as first lady with Chelsea. She--Chelsea, that is--was pretty young at the time. Now, the argument might be made that Hilary was there supporting Bill, who had made a decision to thrust his young child into the national spotlight as first kid. And I guess that's OK because, well, because he's a man. (Grrrr.... Don't get me started.)


But folks, when Hilary was touting her "years of experience" over Barack, these are the years to which she was referring. So was it selfish of her to apparently devote so much time to public service when she had a young child? Or was she just full of it to equate being first lady with unparalled experience? I dunno. Chelsea seems like a bright, well-adjusted young woman to me--and one who loves, respects, and even admires her mother very much.

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It is a fact that Trig is 5 months old (according to the date of birth given by the family).

The Palin family has announced that Bristol is 5 months pregnant (I am willing to accept their announcement as the closest to fact we can know of the issue).


It is a fact that there is a rumor that Bristol is the mother of Trig.

It is a fact that the announcement of Bristol's pregnancy was made after the rumor circulated.


Yes, I am suspicious because I find those numbers to be very convenient for the McCain/Palin political agenda. I am suspicious because I have yet to find a candidate who I believe has been fully truthful. I am suspicious because I have known too many adults who were willing to sacrifice their children's reputations to further their own agenda.


I am simply saying that, personally, the family issues do not affect my vote. The thought that the campaign is being dishonest would. And the convenience of the numbers, and the timing of the announcement, makes me suspicious.


Best case scenario, all of these questions are resolved and we move on to a race that is focused on national issues, and not on personal family issues.



I read that they announced the pregnancy because of the rumors. I would also think that it wouldn't have been announced without first talking with her daughter.


It's a presidential election, there are months to go. I'm sure there will be more revelations to come from both sides.

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It is a fact that Trig is 5 months old (according to the date of birth given by the family).

The Palin family has announced that Bristol is 5 months pregnant (I am willing to accept their announcement as the closest to fact we can know of the issue).


It is a fact that there is a rumor that Bristol is the mother of Trig.

It is a fact that the announcement of Bristol's pregnancy was made after the rumor circulated.


Yes, I am suspicious because I find those numbers to be very convenient for the McCain/Palin political agenda. I am suspicious because I have yet to find a candidate who I believe has been fully truthful. I am suspicious because I have known too many adults who were willing to sacrifice their children's reputations to further their own agenda.


I am simply saying that, personally, the family issues do not affect my vote. The thought that the campaign is being dishonest would. And the convenience of the numbers, and the timing of the announcement, makes me suspicious.


Best case scenario, all of these questions are resolved and we move on to a race that is focused on national issues, and not on personal family issues.



Ok-Time and the media may yet prove my assumptions wrong but speculation like this is just cruel! It doesn't matter if it comes from a board or the media.


Gov. Palin has put herself in the limelight and knows full well how her life will be examined from every angle. Her daughter is 17, planning a wedding and expecting a baby. If those are all actually true, speculation and commentary like this will ruin her life far faster than teen pregnancy or teen marriage. Someday that baby will grow up (as will Trig) and read all the things people are currently saying about them. Is that really fair or necessary?


I am a huge cynic when it comes to politics and politicians but this youngster is neither. I will err on the side of caution in this case. Leave Bristol alone, she certainly doesn't need any added pressure right now.

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No, of course not.:001_smile: And, FWIW, I hold the same Biblical belief. Now, with that being said, I am not ready to stand in judgment of another mother's decisions, not that I think you are, its just my own feeling.


I hope that you didn't think I was throwing tomatoes at you, (no pun intended) I was really just trying to understand what you were saying. Tone is hard to convey here.


Elaine - felt a bit like a tomato was on the way - and I appreciate the clarification. :)


General audience :D - I'm not about to judge Sarah Palin based on what little we know. It is our business to make our voting decisions as objectively as possible, and to do that, we MUST make judgments about what we know about her.


I'll say it again: none of us knows when they found out, or what sort of discussions the Palin family had about Trig having a mom who happens to be VP and how they as a family might seize this amazing opportunity AND succeed as a family. I have no objective reason to think they have been dishonest. I think it is entirely possible that they are doing their level best to support Bristol AND encourage her to do her best with the responsibilities that are now hers. I choose to believe that they are an American family with a mom who is in this particular place for a reason, and they're working out their imperfect lives along the way. Hm. That could be any of us, couldn't it? I may not be up for VP, but I cannot see the future, I cannot make my kids follow the path I dream they will take, and I have to deal with what life hands me as best I can.

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It makes me really question her decision making skills to run. I would not, but I am kind of mom who closed up a thriving salon to stay home with my babies. They are nbr. one, my family always come first. That is kind of woman I would want to run. Not knocking working moms.




I'm sorry but, when I vote for the POTUS and the next in line for POTUS (a very real possibility), I'm not voting for Best Mommy.


If Palin were in charge of the entire country, especially at this time, I prefer to know that she can handle enormous challenge and NOT put her 17 year old or her 5 month old ahead of the country.



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Until and unless I hear otherwise, I am going to assume that the Palins discussed the ramifications with Bristol. I am going to give them the benefit of that doubt. In general, I try to assume that people want to do what is best for their children, and that we are not privy to what has taken place in this family.


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John McCain is a maverick. He doesn't care what you think about her daughter being pregnant. Its a non-issue. It will not affect his nor Palin's ability to govern -- and govern well.


How is their character and honesty in question?


Here's some speculation you might appreciate, Beth.


What if McCain didn't pick Palin because her pro-life, pro-family, pro-2nd amendment stances might win him a few votes? What if the fact that she is female didn't come into play either?


What if he picked her because she reminds him of himself? A reformer who doesn't shy away from speaking her mind and cutting through the bs? What if she is the one that he would . . . *gasp* . . . most like to govern with?


Wouldn't that be scandalous?

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But the woman who closes up shop and stays home isn't, by definition, going to run for office. Right? Or am I misunderstanding you?


Oy. I SO don't want to get caught up in this, but y'all keep on posting and I keep on reading! ;)


Hilary was in the White House as first lady with Chelsea. She--Chelsea, that is--was pretty young at the time. Now, the argument might be made that Hilary was there supporting Bill, who had made a decision to thrust his young child into the national spotlight as first kid. And I guess that's OK because, well, because he's a man. (Grrrr.... Don't get me started.)


But folks, when Hilary was touting her "years of experience" over Barack, these are the years to which she was referring. So was it selfish of her to apparently devote so much time to public service when she had a young child? Or was she just full of it to equate being first lady with unparalled experience? I dunno. Chelsea seems like a bright, well-adjusted young woman to me--and one who loves, respects, and even admires her mother very much.


Being first lady and VP are two different things. Also, Chelsea did not get pregnant. When there are large issues, like special needs and pregnant teens, yes close up shop. Both need a lot of attention.



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Until and unless I hear otherwise, I am going to assume that the Palins discussed the ramifications with Bristol. I am going to give them the benefit of that doubt. In general, I try to assume that people want to do what is best for their children, and that we are not privy to what has taken place in this family.


According to the McCain campaign, as quoted in The Anchorage Daily News (http://www.adn.com/politics/story/510777.html):


"At approximately 11:00 a.m. Thursday August 28, 2008, John McCain formally invited Governor Sarah Palin to join the Republican ticket as the vice presidential nominee on the deck of the McCain family home.


"Later that morning, John McCain departed for Phoenix and Governor Palin departed with staff to Flagstaff, Arizona. Governor Palin, Kris Perry, Steve Schmidt and Mark Salter proceeded to the Manchester Inn and Conference Center in Middletown, Ohio. They were checked into the hotel as the Upton Family. While there, Governor Palin's children, who had been told they were going to Ohio to celebrate their parents' wedding anniversary, were told for the first time that their mother would be a nominee for Vice President of the United States of America.


[bolding mine]


Maybe a day is enough time to discuss the ramifications with daughter, baby's father, and baby's father's family. Or maybe the possibility of the Governor taking the vp slot was considered even before that.

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It is a fact that Trig is 5 months old (according to the date of birth given by the family).

The Palin family has announced that Bristol is 5 months pregnant (I am willing to accept their announcement as the closest to fact we can know of the issue).


It is a fact that there is a rumor that Bristol is the mother of Trig.

It is a fact that the announcement of Bristol's pregnancy was made after the rumor circulated.


Yes, I am suspicious because I find those numbers to be very convenient for the McCain/Palin political agenda. I am suspicious because I have yet to find a candidate who I believe has been fully truthful. I am suspicious because I have known too many adults who were willing to sacrifice their children's reputations to further their own agenda.



So now John McCain is colluding with the Palins on this conspiracy? Wouldn't it have been so much easier for him to...not pick her to run on the ticket? And all of these savvy adults are relying on a 17-year-old girl to pull off this entire charade to save their political careers?


I love a good conspiracy theory--really, I do. But this one needs a little work. ;)

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Hi Everyone,

Well I don't think the race is over....I'm sorry I don't mean to come off mean but what about Hollywood? Jamie Lynn Spears was 16 when she got pregnant. I personally feel the liberals will not stop at anything to get what they want - The White House. I know what Sarah Palin and her husband are going through, I have 2 daughter's who are unwed Mom's that live with my husband and I and 5 other children.

I feel as the Palin's do, a child is not a mistake not matter what way it was conceived, you love your children ( does'nt mean you agree with them) on everything but I would never throw my children away because they got pregnant. They have been raised the right way, but sometimes they get off the beaten path. But love them through these situations, I love both of my grandson's dearly.

I have read today about digging dirt up on Palin's husband when he was 22, a DUI etc....OMG-

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I am saying that it is bad enough for the poor girl for this to happen when her mom was already governor. But for her mom to choose to go into a more public position with the knowledge that her daughter was pregnant is, in my opinion, selfish.


Woah, I think that the 17yo girl and her boyfriend should have thought of all of the implications of their actions before they decided to have sex. It didn't happen TO her, she chose a course of action that had one of 2 very specific outcomes--you sleep with your boyfriend and you get pregnant or you don't, *this* time.


I feel bad for Sarah Palin that her dd was so dumb, quite frankly. Now they all have to live with the consequences (what about the dd thinking of her MOM? Old enough to be having sex you should be old enough and mature enough to think of the people your actions will affect!) and I think she's handling it with all the love and grace I'd expect from a Christian, pro-life mom who is in the spotlight. What a tough situation.


I am disappointed in the turn of events, I'm disappointed *for* Palin, but it doesn't affect my voting choice.

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I am a huge cynic when it comes to politics and politicians but this youngster is neither. I will err on the side of caution in this case. Leave Bristol alone, she certainly doesn't need any added pressure right now.


I am hardly "picking" on Bristol, and I must either be expressing myself very poorly or you're misreading my posts, if you think that I am sitting here taking some sort of perverse pleasure in trying to make Bristol look bad. Her family came out on national news and announced to the world that she's five months pregnant; whether or not I comment on the situation is rather beside the point now, don't you think?


My point is this: Bristol was first the object of a rumor, and now the focus of an official family announcement. This poor girl has, by no fault or choice of her own, become the proverbial goldfish in the bowl.


I would be sadly, sadly disappointed, but not surprised, to discover that Bristol was conveniently used by those who had a political agenda.


I'll say it one more time: the issue at hand is not a special-needs baby, or a working mother, or a pregnant teenager. The issue at hand is the integrity of a political party, and the question of just how far will people -- any people -- go to get what they want?

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There are way too many generalizations and assumptions here.


I don't know anything about what the Palin family knew/didn't know. I know Christian Democrats. I know Republicans who are atheists. I know plenty of Christians who don't consider themselves to have a higher anything. I don't know of any people who encourage or think sex at 17 is okay. I know a wonderful family who are Christians, deeply involved at our church, whose 18 year old daughter is unwed and pregnant and deeply loved/protected by our church family because they came to the congregation for forgiveness and help. It CAN happen to anyone. If any of us think our children are protected or inoculated against sin (or errors in judgment or mistakes or whatever you want to call it), I'm afraid we're in for some serious shocks. Our children will make their own choices, sometimes they will go completely against all we think we taught them, some will have to suffer serious consequences for it. But don't delude yourself into thinking "MY kids would never ___ because *I* raised 'em RIGHT..."


Thank you for saying this. And that's all I'm going to say about the post you quoted.

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Originally Posted by georgiagirl viewpost.gif

I personally feel the liberals will not stop at anything to get what they want - The White House.


Gasp! No wonder the conservatives have been demonizing them for years and years.

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I think the fact that the Republicans chose her shows that they don't think they have a prayer this election. They're treating it like a throwaway. I'm betting nobody viable for future races would run with McCain.


Those Republicans who say Obama doesn't have enough experience are ready to accept her as president? McCain is 72. If elected he would be the oldest person to ascend to the presidency in American history. I absolutely think you need to be prepared the VP might need to take the job.


Obama is only 3 years older than Palin. When he was working as a community organizer in Chicago she was a beauty queen. Around the time he was elected president of the Harvard Law Review she was working as a sportscaster. When he was leading voter registration drives, teaching Constitutional law and serving as a civil rights attorney she was serving on the city council in a town of 9,000 people. He was elected to the state Senate the same year she was elected mayor. I could go on but the whole thing really makes me shake my head and wonder.


Do I think what's going on in her family is relevant? Yes. It's as relevant as Clinton's affair, McCain's treatment of his first wife and the personal family lives of every other political person who has been thrust into the limelight.

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That's what I was thinking...


Should we no longer go to movies and support those kiddos who are under the age of 17 - as a protest to the child acting industry? What about Charles and Di's kiddos, Charles should have renounced his position. What about kiddos of actors/actresses, that is a selfish profession?


All of this is just idealistic thinking. To think that all kiddos are going to live normal, average lives like ours is just not realistic.


Sadly, there are going to be kiddos subjected to this spotlight as long as we have the internet, print media and other forms of communication.

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Hi Everyone,

Well I don't think the race is over....I'm sorry I don't mean to come off mean but what about Hollywood? Jamie Lynn Spears was 16 when she got pregnant.


And do you think her Lynn Spears could be elected dogcatcher in most of the US?


I have read today about digging dirt up on Palin's husband when he was 22, a DUI etc....OMG-


Politicians live their life under a microscope. This should be obvious by now. It isn't only Palin that is experiencing this.

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It's not like she drank the water and got pregnant. Just like there are signs of drug use, there are signs of promiscuity. It could be a teen cry, Palin needs to be home a little more.


I am very liberal, and can accept teen pregnancy, but its a big problem, and something that has to be dealt with, just marrying does not fix the problem, sometimes it can add.


It makes me really question her decision making skills to run. I would not, but I am kind of mom who closed up a thriving salon to stay home with my babies. They are nbr. one, my family always come first. That is kind of woman I would want to run. Not knocking working moms.


This assumes a direct parental causal agent that I am no longer naively buying into. Pregnant teen does *not* automatically mean an inappropriate level of parental time and involvement.


Choosing to end a traditional, compensated outside the home career does *not* automatically mean better parenting/mothering.


"Family comes first" is a phrase that, for me, does not carry a scripted list of absolutes. I've seen too many hurting or thriving families in many configurations, work situations, and lifestyles.

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I think the fact that the Republicans chose her shows that they don't think they have a prayer this election. They're treating it like a throwaway. I'm betting nobody viable for future races would run with McCain.


And you are making this assumption how? I think that her addition has energized the base quite a bit, no matter today's news.


Most people I know are fired up now! I think that perhaps you are gauging this inaccurately.

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And you are making this assumption how? I think that her addition has energized the base quite a bit, no matter today's news.


Most people I know are fired up now! I think that perhaps you are gauging this inaccurately.


I agree. It's interesting how we can only see one side sometimes. I know a lot of people that have gotten excited and this hasn't changed anything.


I thought the Biden pick was weak but obviously I'm not the voter they were courting, most Democrats seem happy with him.

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I think the fact that the Republicans chose her shows that they don't think they have a prayer this election. They're treating it like a throwaway. I'm betting nobody viable for future races would run with McCain.


I dunno. I assumed that McCain didn't have a prayer, but I've been amazed by the polls. I still find it hard to believe that Obama isn't trouncing him, but we've a long way to go 'til November in a country with an incredibly short memory.


Those Republicans who say Obama doesn't have enough experience are ready to accept her as president? McCain is 72. If elected he would be the oldest person to ascend to the presidency in American history. I absolutely think you need to be prepared the VP might need to take the job.


I agree--although I think I'd rather have Palin than, say, Dan Quayle. Whew. ;)


Obama is only 3 years older than Palin. When he was working as a community organizer in Chicago she was a beauty queen. Around the time he was elected president of the Harvard Law Review she was working as a sportscaster. When he was leading voter registration drives, teaching Constitutional law and serving as a civil rights attorney she was serving on the city council in a town of 9,000 people. He was elected to the state Senate the same year she was elected mayor. I could go on but the whole thing really makes me shake my head and wonder.


I agree with you. Neither Obama nor Palin have enough experience to suit me. But I also don't see hers as superior to his. (Yes, I've been the one saying that she was chosen for her executive experience in elected political office. And I'm sure that's true. But it's scant, IMHO.)


Do I think what's going on in her family is relevant? Yes. It's as relevant as Clinton's affair, McCain's treatment of his first wife and the personal family lives of every other political person who has been thrust into the limelight.


Totally tracking with you on Clinton, McCain, etc. But in those cases, those men were (or should have been/should be) held responsible for their own actions. I think that an important difference here, though, is that Palin's *daughter* is the one who got pregnant at 17. This is not something that Palin herself did.



I hope it's OK that I stuck my comments right into that quote. Never done that before. But I'm too dense to figure out how to separate the quotes. ;)

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for Palin due to a pregnant unwed teen and another I have heard because she is a women. This comments have come from the most fundamental of Christians. I did not become a Christian till I was older. My father was a pastor and I was not saved. I had sex out of marriage and was lucky not to have been pregnant. The church needs to stop judging the parents for the kids sins/mistakes. This drives me nuts. My parents took me to church every service but my heart was the problem not my parents. My guess is Bristol has been raised with the right moral but since she is a individual who has free choice. She made a bad decision. I don't know who knew what before the VP announcement but lets leave the girl along.


I also hope that Palin releases photos showing her pregnant. I didn't look pregnant until my 2 months. I was also a runner. I can't see covering up a daughter pregnancy and taking the child as own by saying said daughter is now pregnant. It just sounds so bizarre.


I hear the most fundamental of the church saying they can't vote for Palin because a women is not suppose to lead men and now they will say she is a bad mother and her daughter became pregnant because she was a working mom.


My mom stayed home and was very much the traditional Mom. It did not stop me from being wild. This is a heart issue not a parenting issue.


I am holding judgment and will continue to cast a vote for the ticket. I would have to see medical documentation or something before It would affect my vote.

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And you are making this assumption how? I think that her addition has energized the base quite a bit, no matter today's news.


Most people I know are fired up now! I think that perhaps you are gauging this inaccurately.


A point of view is exactly that. Among the people *I* know? Many of whom are Republican? Came down on the Obama side of the fence. Either one of us could be looking at it inaccurately. We all look at things through our *own* lens and experience. I'm speaking from what *I* see. Only the election results will tell the story.

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And you are making this assumption how? I think that her addition has energized the base quite a bit, no matter today's news.


Most people I know are fired up now! I think that perhaps you are gauging this inaccurately.


So there were no other choices that would have inspired the base? I really am curious.

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For those who are saying that the liberals are going overboard in digging up dirt, might I note that I've received no fewer than 20 copies of the e-mail sent out by conservatives claiming that Obama is a Muslim. My mother was asked just last week by her hairdresser if she wasn't worried about a Muslim being so close to getting into the White House. There is absolutely not a shred of truth about the rumor, but it sure served its purpose in getting people scared.

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I am hardly "picking" on Bristol, and I must either be expressing myself very poorly or you're misreading my posts, if you think that I am sitting here taking some sort of perverse pleasure in trying to make Bristol look bad. Her family came out on national news and announced to the world that she's five months pregnant; whether or not I comment on the situation is rather beside the point now, don't you think?


My point is this: Bristol was first the object of a rumor, and now the focus of an official family announcement. This poor girl has, by no fault or choice of her own, become the proverbial goldfish in the bowl.


I would be sadly, sadly disappointed, but not surprised, to discover that Bristol was conveniently used by those who had a political agenda.


I'll say it one more time: the issue at hand is not a special-needs baby, or a working mother, or a pregnant teenager. The issue at hand is the integrity of a political party, and the question of just how far will people -- any people -- go to get what they want?


No-your commenting is exactly the point. The family made an announcement of what they say is a fact-Bristol is pregnant and how it will be handled-she and the father are marrying. You then expound on and further promulgate rumors about her, her child, and her brother. That is the issue.


Sadly the Palins had no choice. Their options 1) admit the pregnancy, 2) hide the daughter and have the media speculate everything from pregnancy to drugs or 3) lie and claim not pregnant. Option 1 was the only honest choice. I'm not sure that this would in any way aid either party. It is a fact they have to confront or have thrust upon them. They chose the direct approach.


I'm not sure how Palin's having a pregnant daughter is a ploy by the Republicans or even one that could help them. This is really delving into the realm of conspiracy theories. None of the goldfish in this particular bowl need that now or later in life.


You must not be expressing yourself because this really doesn't seem to be anything from rumor mongering, which I will now try to desist from commenting on in order to protect those who should be presumed to be innocent.

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Warning: totally frivolous carping below:


I hope I'm not offending anyone here (oh, I really do hope I'm not!), but...BRISTOL?! :001_huh:


That's a place, not a person. I don't understand people's weird baby names.


I now return you to your regularly scheduled intelligent, thoughtful discussion....

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This is troubling to me. I was one who was very excited over Sarah Palin's selection for VP. But now, knowing that this woman has a 19 year old shipping off to Iraq, a 5 month old baby with Down Syndrome, and *also* a 17 year old pregnant daughter who is getting married.... no, I can't say that I think this was a good time in her life to pursue such a high political office. I have to agree with the others who said that it seems likely that she may not have known about this when she agreed to become McCain's running mate. If she did... it just doesn't seem like a wise choice.





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I didn't read the replies but my question is why is the election over? What does her daughter's problem have to do with Palin's election? Her daughter's problems only makes her more real to me. Palin is a parent who is going through what most parents go through in dealig with their teenage daughter's pregnancy. Can you imagine the shame she is feeling now that the public is saying stuff like this? I would never put that on a child like that.


I haven't voted yet so in my opinion this election is not over!! Her dd's situation has NO bearing on my voting choices.



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So many people felt that he should have stepped down from the race for her benefit. But somehow I imagined her saying, "No way. I don't want my illness to run our lives. I don't want to die knowing that I kept you from doing what you were destined to do. Please please, for my sake and the sake of the country, run."


Now, it's fine for the American people to still say, "We don't want you, we think you will be distracted by this. Thanks but not thanks." But I never felt Edwards should stop campaigning unless EE wanted him to. (obviously knowing what I know now about his personal conduct, I do think he should have quit, but that's another issue).


So I guess I feel the same about Palin and her daughter. For all we know, Bristol has told her, "Mom, please don't even think about dropping out because of me. I'm going to be fine. Please don't let me live thinking that my pregnancy ended your chances to make a difference in this country. Run, Mom, run."


We are, of course, free to personally think that Palin is going to be too distracted by family obligations to be a good VP. Just as we might have thought that about Edward. But that's a decision each of us have to weigh. No part of me feels able to say that she "should" drop out because of this pregnancy. We don't really know how any of the major players are feeling about it.

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And you are making this assumption how? I think that her addition has energized the base quite a bit, no matter today's news.


Most people I know are fired up now! I think that perhaps you are gauging this inaccurately.


He shouldn't need to use his VP pick to energize his base; he should have been able to do it himself. And the base isn't enough this year:


In the 29 states (plus the District of Columbia) where voter affiliation is kept by party, the Democrats have scored perceptible gains since the presidential election of 2004 while the Republicans have suffered significant losses. To be specific, the number of registered Democrats in party registration states has grown by nearly 700,000 since President George W. Bush was reelected in November 2004, while the total of registered Republicans has declined by almost 1 million.




I do think Palin is probably the best choice he could have made (or at least I did; the more I hear about her, the less I think this). But I also think he never would have chosen her if he didn't feel like he HAD to do something dramatic to shore up conservative support.

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It makes no difference. Does the number matter? Humiliation is what it is. 100 people knowing does not hurt less than 1000.


I appreciate your making this statement because it does help me see things from a different perspective. Personally, were I the 17-year-old girl, I would feel humiliated if the entire state of Alaska knew about this situation. (That's assuming, of course, that she is humiliated at all about it.) But that doesn't compare to the mortification I would feel if the entire country were abuzz about it and pictures of me and my belly were being plastered everywhere.


I was making an assumption that everyone felt that way, so it's good to be able to see it from a different angle. Indeed, if 100 people knowing is as humiliating as 1000 to some, I understand where the people who are saying that it would have happened regardless of her mother's candidacy are coming from a little better now.

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I'm quite surprised by this attitude here, too.


Why can't Todd and Sarah Palin be given the unjudged opportunity to make their own decisions about what is right for their family?


Just as we on this board like having the opportunity to determine what is right for ours?


If Sarah Palin was a man, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.



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