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MMR reaction or chicken pox? Updated with pic.

Miss Peregrine

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ETA: this post is no good without the pic and I can't get it to post.



MMR shot 10 days ago. Also exposed(pretty sure, timeline fits) to chicken pox.


The lack of other symptoms leads me to think MMR reaction but part of me wonders since she was around the girl we know who just had Chicken pox.


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My youngest had a reaction from the MMR. She had cold symptoms (cough, runny nose), fever around 102, and a rash on her face and torso. It started just 2-3 days after the shot.


The rash she had looked like this. It didn't have the spots that you expect with chicken pox and was not itchy. I'm betting on chicken pox based on the time since the vax and the itchiness.

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Sounds like chicken pox to me.  All my kids had it, as the youngest is now 18....my kids pre-date the vaccine.   Stock up on oatmeal bath (Aveeno) and calamine lotion.


You can call your doctor's office and have them come out to the car to peek at the kidlet and give their opinion (they will NOT want you in the waiting room!)


The other kids could come down with it too, any time within the next three weeks.  Although my middle dd, three weeks plus a couple days after her brothers were down with the pox, we were out in a park and went to change her diaper....oops. Chicken pox.  Sorry, other families in the park, we thought it was safe to go out, that dd had not caught it.


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There are a lot of spotty diseases that kids get.  It could be a lot of different things.


If she was exposed to chicken pox in the right time frame, then that would be the best guess.


But... Our neighbor assured us our daughter had chicken pox based on the spots (no health ins at the time to get a dr's opinion).  It looked like a mild case.  But a couple years later, my daughter came down with actual chicken pox from a known and diagnosed source.

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Last generation, it was common knowledge that chicken pox often came with cold symptoms like runny nose and a very slight cough. All of mine had very mild cold symptoms when they had chicken pox, in the 90s before the vax was available.


I was going to say what Jrap said -- you'll know soon because with chicken pox this crop of spots will blister over and a new crop will appear, within a day or two.


MMR reactions usually show up 8-14 days after the shot,according to the CDC.


I'd probably call the doctor.

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My son had cold symptoms with the chicken pox.  I thought he had sinus infection at first, which is I why I had taken him into the doctor.  At that point, he had about 5 blisters on him and the doctor thought it was something else.  The next day there were more, so I knew then that it was chicken pox.  

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My daughter is having a vax reaction rash right now to mmr but it doesn't look like that. Of course we can't be positive it's vax reaction but it is the most likely. It started 9 days post vax and she ran a fever of 103-104 for two days, clear for a day, then rash. No other symptoms. My oldest had roseola before and this doesn't fit that. A friend's daughter also had a reaction to mmr and she said the rash matches. The cdc says 5% will get this reaction 7-12 days after (at least the page I read, I see other numbers listed here)

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I think it looks like chicken pox that are just starting to blister, but it's hard to really tell from the pictures.  It looks like some of the bigger spots have a blister center forming?  I'd give it a day, unless there are other signs like shortness of breath or other trouble breathing.

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The rash in that photo does not look like chicken pox to me.  (I've done chicken pox with 8 children - 2 of which were vaccinated.)


Please let us know what the doctor has to say.

Agree.  This is not chicken pox.  CP has the "dewdrop" shiny look of blisters.  This is just bumps, an allergic reaction. 

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I honestly don't think it is chicken pox but both of my dc's started the chicken pox with maybe 5 small heat rash looking spots in one area and broke out with chicken pox blisters the next day on brand new spots so I wouldn't completely discount it until tomorrow. Chicken pox was obvious the second day.

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My older three had chicken pox... and my husband and I had them (again) at the same time.  That doesn't look like chicken pox OR a measles shot reaction rash (googled pictures for that one).  It DOES, however, look like allergy rashes (contact dermatitis) my third kid has had.

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That doesn't look like chicken pox.


The redness (not the bumps themselves) makes it look like an allergy. However, my son got a horrible rubella-like rash as a reaction to MMR. Nothing relieved the itching - the ped said it was internal itching which is why nothing gave him relief. It was several days worth of screaming.

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