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Calling all prayer warriors: I NEED A MIRACLE

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I have a friend named Christy who is 29 years old and she is going to die.


1. Two years ago she found a funny looking mole. It was melanoma but they were able to cut it out. Problem solved.


2. Since then she married her high school sweetheart and they were expecting their first baby this October.


3. Last month the doctor finds a lump in her armpit. The cancer is back and it has spread to her lymph nodes. She is six months pregnant and they can't treat it...does she want to end the pregnancy? She says NO WAY. So they start pumping her full of steroids to develop the baby's lungs and they are going to take it early. Risky but it's their only choice.


4. Last week they operated on her and took out the lymph nodes. Even though she is still pregnant, they couldn't wait any longer. The cancer is too aggressive.


5. The next day after the surgery she goes into labor, two months early. They deliver the beautiful baby boy. He is 4lbs, 4oz. and is breathing on his own. Praise God!


6. Three days later they tell her the cancer has spread to her lungs. It is incurable. She is going to die.


7. Prognosis? Most patients die within 6-12 months. With aggressive chemo, 10-15% live up to 5 years. But no one survives. No one beats it.


Now I don't know about the rest of you, but I still believe that our God can do miracles and I'm praying big on this one. I'm not praying for comfort and peace and acceptance, blah, blah, blah. No way. I want her cured. I want a miracle so big that the doctors have no choice but to say "It's a miracle." I want a miracle so big that her family and friends are in awe of the power of our Lord. I am praying for a miracle so big that she will tell her son about it and he will tell his son about it and it will be like the stones the Israelites dragged out of the Jordan so that future generations would know of God's mighty act.


Will you join me?

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something uplifting to note:


Section of Medical Oncology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06520, USA.


Spontaneous regression of cancer is reported in virtually all types of human cancer, although the greatest number of cases are reported in patients with neuroblastoma, renal cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma and lymhomas/leukemias.


It happens. I've seen it.

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My mom has battled cancer a lot. It started with breast cancer. About 5 years ago she was diagnosed with lung cancer, they gave her 6 months and said that there wasn't anything that could be done. Several months later she went to a different doctor. He took out half her lung and she has been just fine ever since. She gets winded easily but that is the only problem. She chose not to have chemo or radiation, since she has an autoimmune disease.


I also have another friend that was diagnosed with breast cancer and decided not to do anything traditional about it. She decided to treat herself with herbs and diet. The lump has all but disappeared. The doctor refuses to let her have another mammogram because she wouldn't follow his orders so she isn't sure if it is all gone or not. I think the book she used was Nourishing Traditions.


When my son was in a car accident God healed his internal bleeding and some broken bones on the way to ER.


With God all is possible. I will definitely be praying. I would also encourage her to get other doctor's opinions.

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I also have another friend that was diagnosed with breast cancer and decided not to do anything traditional about it. She decided to treat herself with herbs and diet. The lump has all but disappeared. The doctor refuses to let her have another mammogram because she wouldn't follow his orders so she isn't sure if it is all gone or not. I think the book she used was Nourishing Traditions.







I actually just picked up a copy of Nourishing Traditions.

please keep us posted

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I am praying. A good friend of my dd's had stage 4 lung cancer. After 2 years she is in TOTAL remission. There aren't even stats for this! It does happen. I will join you in trusting that Christy is given more days on this earth! She is so blessed to have you for a friend. I was blessed to read your post:):grouphug:

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I'm agreeing with you in prayer. God's hand has not been stilled, miracles happen everyday, I think many people are just too afraid to ask for them and believe. Pray boldly for your friend.


Matthew 18:19-20

Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or more are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.

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I have a friend named Christy who is 29 years old and she is going to die.


1. Two years ago she found a funny looking mole. It was melanoma but they were able to cut it out. Problem solved.


2. Since then she married her high school sweetheart and they were expecting their first baby this October.


3. Last month the doctor finds a lump in her armpit. The cancer is back and it has spread to her lymph nodes. She is six months pregnant and they can't treat it...does she want to end the pregnancy? She says NO WAY. So they start pumping her full of steroids to develop the baby's lungs and they are going to take it early. Risky but it's their only choice.


4. Last week they operated on her and took out the lymph nodes. Even though she is still pregnant, they couldn't wait any longer. The cancer is too aggressive.


5. The next day after the surgery she goes into labor, two months early. They deliver the beautiful baby boy. He is 4lbs, 4oz. and is breathing on his own. Praise God!


6. Three days later they tell her the cancer has spread to her lungs. It is incurable. She is going to die.


7. Prognosis? Most patients die within 6-12 months. With aggressive chemo, 10-15% live up to 5 years. But no one survives. No one beats it.


Now I don't know about the rest of you, but I still believe that our God can do miracles and I'm praying big on this one. I'm not praying for comfort and peace and acceptance, blah, blah, blah. No way. I want her cured. I want a miracle so big that the doctors have no choice but to say "It's a miracle." I want a miracle so big that her family and friends are in awe of the power of our Lord. I am praying for a miracle so big that she will tell her son about it and he will tell his son about it and it will be like the stones the Israelites dragged out of the Jordan so that future generations would know of God's mighty act.


Will you join me?


Yes, Heather, I will join you. I have the faith to believe that our God can do "immeasureably more than anything we can ask or imagine!" Do keep us posted as Christy will be going on my daily prayer list.

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You bet I'll pray with you!


Now as a catholic, I have prayed to St. Rita for intercession with our Lord and I can tell you from personal experience, she has His ear!







O holy patroness of those in need, St. Rita,

whose pleadings before thy Divine Lord

are almost irresistible,

who for thy lavishness in granting favours

hast been called the Advocate of the hopeless

and even of the impossible;

St. Rita, so humble, so pure,

so mortified, so patient

and of such compassionate love

for thy Crucified Jesus

that thou couldst obtain from Him

whatsoever thou askest,

on account of which all confidently

have recourse to thee expecting,

if not always relief,

at least comfort;

be propitious to our petition,

showing thy power with God

on behalf of thy suppliant;

be lavish to us,

as thou hast been in so many wonderful cases,

for the greater glory of God,

for the spreading of thine own devotion,

and for the consolation of those

who trust in thee.


We promise, if our petition is granted,

to glorify thee by making known thy favour,

to bless and sing thy praises forever.

Relying then upon thy merits and power

before the Sacred Heart of Jesus,

we pray thee grant that...


(Make your request here...)


as soon as God deems fit.



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Guest kacifl

Thanks for telling us her name, so it will be easier to pray for her. My neighbor was diagnosed with Colon cancer which traveled to his lungs and liver. He survived, even though they told him, he'd has a 5% chance. Another friend had kidney cancer the traveled to his lungs and he survived! Both of these guys were young.


Tell her to be sure to eat a lot of fresh vegetables, especially broccoli sprouts, both of these men did exactly that, besides the radiation and chemo. Kaci

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I have a friend named Christy who is 29 years old and she is going to die.


1. Two years ago she found a funny looking mole. It was melanoma but they were able to cut it out. Problem solved.


2. Since then she married her high school sweetheart and they were expecting their first baby this October.


3. Last month the doctor finds a lump in her armpit. The cancer is back and it has spread to her lymph nodes. She is six months pregnant and they can't treat it...does she want to end the pregnancy? She says NO WAY. So they start pumping her full of steroids to develop the baby's lungs and they are going to take it early. Risky but it's their only choice.


4. Last week they operated on her and took out the lymph nodes. Even though she is still pregnant, they couldn't wait any longer. The cancer is too aggressive.


5. The next day after the surgery she goes into labor, two months early. They deliver the beautiful baby boy. He is 4lbs, 4oz. and is breathing on his own. Praise God!


6. Three days later they tell her the cancer has spread to her lungs. It is incurable. She is going to die.


7. Prognosis? Most patients die within 6-12 months. With aggressive chemo, 10-15% live up to 5 years. But no one survives. No one beats it.


Now I don't know about the rest of you, but I still believe that our God can do miracles and I'm praying big on this one. I'm not praying for comfort and peace and acceptance, blah, blah, blah. No way. I want her cured. I want a miracle so big that the doctors have no choice but to say "It's a miracle." I want a miracle so big that her family and friends are in awe of the power of our Lord. I am praying for a miracle so big that she will tell her son about it and he will tell his son about it and it will be like the stones the Israelites dragged out of the Jordan so that future generations would know of God's mighty act.


Will you join me?


Joining you in prayer, right now.

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