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Six years ago tonight...


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I set my work partner up on a blind date. After working together in an ambulance with each other 50 hours a week for a year, I was pretty sure I knew the type of woman he needed and wanted. For his part, he had been so wrapped up in fire and EMS that he hadnt had a girlfriend in years. Knowing he did want a wife someday, I set up him on a blind date.


Five years of marriage, two kids and a mortgage later, we are very happy.

And some days we still even work together.

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So....if you really want details...


We had worked together for about two years at that point and been partners for about a year.  At the company we were working for at the time, you pretty much had a specific partner with whom you shared a schedule working 24 hours shifts, and it was the two of you fifty hours a week in the station together.  Coincidentally, I had actually roomed with his sister at college seven years prior for a semester, but we weren't really friends and hadn't kept in touch.  I vaguely remembered meeting him back then when I was 20, and thinking he was rather rude.  


He hadn't had a girlfriend in years.  He spent his time at his church, volunteering with the fire department he was in, and working.  That was it.  He said he didn't have time for a girlfriend, but honestly he is just someone who gets content with his life the way it is and doesn't consider change.  


I was madly in love with him, but I also knew he would be completely turned off if I hinted or flirted or asked him out, so I didn't.  He claims he had no idea I was interested, despite basically living together at the station fifty hours a week for a year.  I believe him; he's just clueless that way.  One day he casually mentioned that his best friend's grandmother was setting him up on a blind date with someone in her church.  I was not happy with this, and told him that if he was interested in dating, then he should let someone who knew him in and out(and knew how he snored through the paper thin walls in the station bunkrooms, and how he never wanted mayo on his sandwich, and all his annoying habits) set him up, since that person would be better able to pick someone he'd be compatible with.  He agreed, and I told him I had a girl in mind for him.  I called him the next day and said she would meet him at the mall the next week at and gave him the time and place.  He actually agreed that he would be there, which surprised me.  He asked me a few questions about her and asked for a picture, but I said I didn't have one.  He asked generic questions like what she did for a living and stuff like that, but never asked her name.  I told him complete lies.   :lol:


At the appropriate day and time, I showed up at the mall, and he laughed.  He handed me the flowers he had brought, paid for my dinner, and the next week came to my sister's wedding with me.  While dancing, he said, "You know, we should do this."  And I said, "What, dance?"  And he said, "No, get married."

And five months later, we did.  :-)

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It's not the most romantic story, but it's mine and I'm rather fond of it.


Someday though I will have to figure out how to tell my children that Mommy and Daddy went from first date to married in five months. Except we were waaay past the getting to know you stage. I already knew how badly his socks smelled when he took his boots off. :-)

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Hey, we got married pretty quickly too.  We'd known one another for ten years, both came home from college over the summer and ran into each other, and we were engaged less than a month later.  :D  And it's now been nearly 18 years.  So it can work out!!


I love your story!!  Congrats on your anniversary!!

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That's an amazing story! Congratulations!! Were you at all afraid of what would happen if he didn't feel the same? Afraid of what would happen to the working relationship? Just super curious!

Yes. I knew him enough to know that a woman pursuing him would be a major turn off, and he is generally clueless in the area of romance anyway, so I was just hoping that he was interested and and it wouldn't be too weird afterward. We were close friends and I was really afraid I was going to ruin that.


He now claims he had been giving me signals that he was interested for months, but for the life of me I still can't figure out what they were.

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Yes. I knew him enough to know that a woman pursuing him would be a major turn off, and he is generally clueless in the area of romance anyway, so I was just hoping that he was interested and and it wouldn't be too weird afterward. We were close friends and I was really afraid I was going to ruin that.


He now claims he had been giving me signals that he was interested for months, but for the life of me I still can't figure out what they were.


This seriously made me :lol:. 

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At the appropriate day and time, I showed up at the mall, and he laughed.  He handed me the flowers he had brought, paid for my dinner, and the next week came to my sister's wedding with me.  While dancing, he said, "You know, we should do this."  And I said, "What, dance?"  And he said, "No, get married."

And five months later, we did.  :-)




I agree that it sounds like a rom-com script! That took some serious nerve on your part--good for you for being so bold! What a fantastic story, thank you for sharing it. 

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