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Prayers/Good Thoughts - 17yo son has DVT

Lang Syne Boardie

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Thank you all so much. We saw the hematologist. This is cut and pasted from my FB update:

The hematologist said that he doesn't know yet why this happened or what it might mean for Nathaniel's future. The initial labs aren't back yet, and we'll be called to come in for lots more testing before we have answers. He said he is confident that Nathaniel will fully recover from this -- he's young and healthy and has good circulation. The fact that there are multiple clots is not important b/c they are mild and they will be gone within a few months on this medication. The biggest risk period for PE (pulmonary embolism) has already passed and the doctor isn't afraid of that now. (Although we were reminded of the symptoms, of course.) He's more concerned about complications from the blood thinning medication, so we got LOTS of instruction on keeping Nathaniel safe. He has to quit his Taco Bell job, for one thing. We go back in 3 weeks, by which time the doctor will have been able to study the labs, check his progress and decide on future treatment and testing. In the meantime, Nathaniel is to walk often but not stand, lie down instead of sitting at home, not hurt himself, etc. and take his meds.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I'm updating for Tibbie. Her son ended up with another large clot requiring surgery. They were blessed to be able to have the same surgeon working on him, and are very hopeful. The hematologist thinks they know why things reoccurred and are optimistic about preventing it from happening again. I know Tibbie and her family deeply appreciate every prayer and good thought. Keep them coming :)

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


I have a friend who went through this. A clot from calf to groin. There were two issues in her case. The first was a coagulation problem, as PPs have mentioned. The other is that there is a place in her lower bad where the blood vessels come together that's a little curved. The two issues are what caused the extensive clotting in that leg. I don't know if that's something you may want to explore at some point. From what I remember, the filter was not good for her. The good news is that she got over it just fine and is doing very well. 

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