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Homeschool Fail


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DD15 and her friend were in the car making up "commercials" for things as a game.  DD was told by her friend to make a commercial for "Norwegian death metal music" (no idea what that is thankfully)  She made a rather funny commercial and ended it with... "Get it on Itunes today, Norwegian death metal music, from Norwegia!"


Norwegia?  We have had geography for heaven's sake!  Norwegia????


*sigh*  Took us a while  to stop laughing though...

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I believe vocals for death metal sound like Cookie Monster. A lot of heavy metal comes out of Scandinavia. My 19yo aspired to be a heavy metal drummer when he was 13. Before that time I had no idea heavy metal had different genres.


I'm sorry about the geography. My dd seems to promptly forget anything and everything I've taught.

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LOL!! If my kids came out with that one my in laws probably wouldn't recover from the horror. My dh comes from a very Norwegian background.


As for kids not remembering geography though, my oldest just informed his sister today that Turkey was in North America. I'm pretty sure we've covered that a few times. At least she remembered a little bit and promptly replied with, "So the Trojan war happened near Canada?!!"

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That reminds me of the Friends episode ...


Chandler: Hey Joey, where do Dutch people come from?
Joey: Uh... well the Pennsylvania Dutch come from Pennsylvania.
Chandler: And the other Dutch come from somewhere near the Netherlands right?
Joey: Nice try, see the Netherlands is this make believe place where Peter Pan and Tinkerbell come from.

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That reminds me of the Friends episode ...


Chandler: Hey Joey, where do Dutch people come from?

Joey: Uh... well the Pennsylvania Dutch come from Pennsylvania.

Chandler: And the other Dutch come from somewhere near the Netherlands right?

Joey: Nice try, see the Netherlands is this make believe place where Peter Pan and Tinkerbell come from.

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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Today we were talking about Sir Walter Raleigh and how he named Virginia after Queen Elizabeth I.


Me: You know how he got the name Virginia, right?


*Blank stares*


Me: She was a virgin. You know that word, right?


*Blank stares suddenly turn to bright, knowing eyes*


DS11: Oh! Yes! A virgin! She never ate meat!



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Today we were talking about Sir Walter Raleigh and how he named Virginia after Queen Elizabeth I.


Me: You know how he got the name Virginia, right?


*Blank stares*


Me: She was a virgin. You know that word, right?


*Blank stares suddenly turn to bright, knowing eyes*


DS11: Oh! Yes! A virgin! She never ate meat!




DD came home from preschool around Christmastime one year asking about "vegan Mary"..."You know, vegan Mary had a baby!"


It must be a common condition!

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My step dad, who is a Vietnam vet, was talking to ds10 about going to see the traveling Wall for Memorial Day last week, and explained that he fought during that war. Ds10 said "Wow, I didn't think you were that old." Stepdad asked when ds thought the war was fought and ds answered "The late 1800's, right?"


:huh:  I am most concerned that ds10 thinks his grandfather is over 125 years old!

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the line used here everytime someone does or says something foolish is "stupid french!"

The story behind that was I was discussing current events with my teens, specifically the story of the woman in Ontario that was suing the family of the boy she hit and killed with her car.  DD14 got quiet for a bit as she pondered the story then piped up with "stupid french!".  For whatever reason she got it in her head that this story was taking place in Quebec, even though she has been to Ontario, and we have studied Canadian geography she still thought the story was taking place in Quebec. (and not it still wouldn't be right to label those in quebec as the stupid french, but she is a teen and knows there is a divide between quebec and the other provinces, but not why).  

So yeah after a good laugh, now if someone says or does something stupid we simply reply "stupid french".  She will be studying canadian geography again next year

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My 2nd son once told me the Phoenicians were from Idaho...



Oh, and my youngest thought Mississippi was the capitol of Louisiana. We live right outside Baton Rouge... The Mississippi River has been a source of great confusion for all my boys.

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Today we were talking about Sir Walter Raleigh and how he named Virginia after Queen Elizabeth I.


Me: You know how he got the name Virginia, right?


*Blank stares*


Me: She was a virgin. You know that word, right?


*Blank stares suddenly turn to bright, knowing eyes*


DS11: Oh! Yes! A virgin! She never ate meat!




:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:  :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:

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My sister is notorious in our family for mistakes like these. My favorite is when she was about 21 she met a new guy she was interested in dating. He told her he was Basque and her expression changed such that he was immediately defensive and asked if she had a problem with that (due to some local tension with another group). She hesitantly said no as he rambled on. She looked increasingly confused and finally asked, "Isn't that a cult?". They ended up dating for three years after he educated her on this point.


What cracks me up is we grew up in a town with streets and parks named for Basque families. We had teachers and friends with Basque names and who talked about the annual Basque dancing festival. We ate at a Basque restaurant. There was even a Basque sheepherder's wagon outside a local shop that she passed every day for over 10 years!

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We live outside DC and were driving past the Key Bridge the other day.  My little 2.5 year old DS looked out the window and goes, "Look - the Roman Empire!"  


DD and I decided that yes, it does kind of look like an aqueduct when you are looking at it from below.   :lol:


(Here's what this particular bridge looks like: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/83/Key_Bridge,_Washington_D.C.jpg)

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My step dad, who is a Vietnam vet, ..


This reminds me of when my teenaged daughter asked once why veterinarians were so often out of work. She'd just seen a man on a corner with an "out of work vet" sign.


Here's a thread on the same topic (with the same title).




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And then there's my other son. Today we were reading a story about Louis Pasteur and the question at the end of the story asked, "what country was Pasteur from." He can't remember off-hand, so we find a sentences that says ".... the Frenchman..."

And I say, " so, what country was he from? " and he says, "Spain?"


Someone help me! Please!

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So out of curiosity I asked my middle girls, "Where do Norwegians come from?"


In unison they reply, "Norway."


"Hooray!" and "Whew!" I think.


Then my 15yo adds, "....And the Polish come from Sweden, right?"



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So out of curiosity I asked my middle girls, "Where do Norwegians come from?"


In unison they reply, "Norway."


"Hooray!" and "Whew!" I think.


Then my 15yo adds, "....And the Polish come from Sweden, right?"



Just when you think you've covered it...

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You know, I just finished watching one of those "man on the street" video clips, (from O'Reilly, if anyone wants to know, not that it matters) asking college kids at the beach questions about the US Military in honor of Memorial Day. Pretty basic questions - "Who did we fight in the Revolutionary War?" "Who attacked Pearl Harbor", etc. and it got me thinking about this thread. I mean, we pride ourselves in giving our kids a good education and I know the mistakes in this thread are funny and that our kids do know a lot and they are a lot younger (for the most part) than the college kids the guy interviewed..... but still.... the answers those college kids were giving ("Who attacked us in Pearl Harbor?" "Korea? Russia? Am I close?").... were like the responses from our own kids. And sometimes I think, good grief, how many times do we have to go over this for it to sink in? How did I learn it? (and I am not putting any kids down here, it was just kind of ironic, I thought.)

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LOL!! If my kids came out with that one my in laws probably wouldn't recover from the horror. My dh comes from a very Norwegian background.


As for kids not remembering geography though, my oldest just informed his sister today that Turkey was in North America. I'm pretty sure we've covered that a few times. At least she remembered a little bit and promptly replied with, "So the Trojan war happened near Canada?!!"

Everyone knows the actual location of the Trojan war was Topeka, KS. ;)

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SIGH, my dd is about to be 12 and is smart, I swear she is, honest....but no matter how many times I correct her...that northern, east coast state near Canada, is apparently Spain, not Maine :svengo: .

...because the rain in Maine stays mainly on the plain... :svengo:

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We had to replace dd's library card.  She is eight but looks ten.  She can write her name but the librarian decided to ask her how to spell her last name, verbally.  Dd froze and could not do it.  So there we were, clearly homeschoolers as we were at the library at one in the afternoon on a school day.  

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...because the rain in Maine stays mainly on the plain... :svengo:


But, amazingly, she got the Norway question correct. I'm like, "really?" Then she tells me, "Yeah, see my fish show pays off." :huh:


She was referencing River Monsters. I thought that guy mostly stayed around South America, but apparently he was off the coast of Norway and mentioned Norwegians. So, in my dd's words, "yeah, I put 2 and 2 together. It's 4 ya know." Yes, thank you, dd. :glare:  I guess if I want her to remember it, I need to find Geography as taught by Jeremy the River Monster guy. :001_rolleyes:

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But, amazingly, she got the Norway question correct. I'm like, "really?" Then she tells me, "Yeah, see my fish show pays off." :huh:


She was referencing River Monsters. I thought that guy mostly stayed around South America, but apparently he was off the coast of Norway and mentioned Norwegians. So, in my dd's words, "yeah, I put 2 and 2 together. It's 4 ya know." Yes, thank you, dd. :glare: I guess if I want her to remember it, I need to find Geography as taught by Jeremy the River Monster guy. :001_rolleyes:

This made me laugh. I've learned (or re-learned) some unusual world geography by watching House Hunters International 😄

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