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rear-ended last night...feeling weird


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I was rear-ended last night (by a cop, of all people!) and thought I was fine, but feel..off today. Headachey, low back pain, unfocused. 


Related? Or not? He wasn't going fast, I don't think. 


ETA: otherwise kids and I are fine. 

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A citation? No, I don't think so. And he had been tailgating me for at least a mile when it happened. 


I don't want to spend the money for the ER, to be honest. We have insurance but a very high deductible. I will go to my chiro once DH gets home from business trip.


Thanks. Just wanted to see if I was crazy or not. 

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If he hit you from behind, he's responsible. If he did not get ticketed in an accident with damage because he is a cop, the officer on scene could be in trouble. That's wrong!!!


Medical relating to car accidents should go through car insurance, not health insurance. Call your car insurance and give them his info.


Whiplash possibly, but also concussion even if you didn't hit your head.

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A citation? No, I don't think so. And he had been tailgating me for at least a mile when it happened.


I don't want to spend the money for the ER, to be honest. We have insurance but a very high deductible. I will go to my chiro once DH gets home from business trip.


Thanks. Just wanted to see if I was crazy or not.

If he hit you, your insurance does not pay.


Gentle hugs. I'm really sorry.

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I was rear ended last year, and the officer said they don't usually write tickets in that situation. It is obvious to the insurance company who is at fault. I would talk to the claim agent (from his insurance) about how medical issues are covered. 


Hope you feel better.   :grouphug:

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People have mentioned it being wrong for the officer to not get a citation. Citations are NOT always issued in an accident. The officer on the scene DOES NOT have to issue citations. They can simply put what happened in the report, and then leave it for the insurance companies to determine fault. When I think back over the 8 accidents we've been in (not all of were me driving- 3 dh, 3 ds, 2 me) over the past 25-30 years, only one had a citation issued. When I was the one who rear ended someone, I did NOT get cited, and when I got rear ended, the other guy did not get cited. I was still at fault when I rear ended the other, and my insurance paid his bills. When I was rear ended, the other guy's insurance paid my bills. I actually asked the officer if the other guy was getting cited. He said no, he only cites for that if the other party is being rude/obnoxious as that costs the person more money, and that the report will indicate fault.

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I was rear ended last year, and the officer said they don't usually write tickets in that situation. It is obvious to the insurance company who is at fault. I would talk to the claim agent (from his insurance) about how medical issues are covered. 


Hope you feel better.   :grouphug:


Wow, that's crazy!  I've been rear-ended three times, and the other driver was cited every single time.  My 16 year old was rear-ended a month ago (by a texting grandmother!), and Grandma was ticketed as well.  


But yes, I also would love to know if the officer was ticketed!


ETA:  What you said isn't crazy; I believe you.  It's just not how things work here.  I've been in eight or nine accidents, none of which were my fault, and the other driver was ticketed every time.  I had no idea the offending party was ever NOT ticketed.

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Was there documentation?  I'm sorry, but that's illegal and he should face the law the same as any other citizen of this country.  



oh yes, a traffic cop came, filled out paperwork etc. i called my insurance company this mornign and the Sheriffs Auto Insurance company (that's what it's really called) will likely cover everything. 

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What about making an appointment with an ortho?  Or a walk in clinic?


I don't blame you for not wanting to go to the ER.  Getting the bill will make you feel worse!



i cant do much now as DH is travelling but when he gets back i will visit my chiro. I like him and trust him and he's not too pricey. 

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If he hit you, your insurance does not pay.


Gentle hugs. I'm really sorry.



right, his insurance will cover it. the traffic cop already told me the sheriffs office (they cover the car as they own it, it was undercover) will pay. 

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Maybe it stressed you out?  Don't know, but yeah maybe have it checked out.

definitely stressed me out. I had the kids with me, and this poor car has had too many bumps and bruises to count. Not that I really care, mostly just stressed about the "what if" factor. 

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Maybe it's regional? DH tapped someone when I was pregnant with my oldest and State Patrol responded. There was no visible damage, which was why the officer said he was not writing a citation. Perfectly nice, polite guy smushed DH's car's back end and got Following Too Closely. We were in a very serious, multiple-car collision and the girl who started it got several (Failure to Yield, Improper Lane Change...). From clients as well, citations seem common in clear-cut cases that involve property damage or injuries. Maybe changing though? Our last personal accident was 5 years ago, and our clients tend to be of an ethnic group that seems more likely to be ticketed...


Anyway, rear-end collision is pretty straightforward liability wise. I hope his insurance company does right by you!

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The Sheriff's auto insurance company should cover all your health related costs pertaining to this accident. The sooner you seek treatment, the less likely the insurance company will try to claim the injury was not related to the accident. I would go to an er first to rule out whiplash.

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The Sheriff's auto insurance company should cover all your health related costs pertaining to this accident. The sooner you seek treatment, the less likely the insurance company will try to claim the injury was not related to the accident. I would go to an er first to rule out whiplash.

That's exactly what I was thinking. I don't think you should wait to get yourself checked out.


I'm so sorry about your accident. :grouphug:

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You need it documented. Seriously. Sometimes immediate effects aren't too bad, but you could end up with an issue that becomes more obvious over time, and then insurance will pretend it might not be related to the accident. You need to report it to your insurance and his and see medical staff to get it documented. At this point you can't know how long it will persist or be sure that it is not something possibly serious.

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Did you tense up when it happened?  That itself could cause some stiffness and soreness.  I was once hit while riding my bike.  I didn't get any scrapes or bruises and really didn't fall hard, but tensed and clenched up my body and so the next day I was very sore.  Kinda like the sore you get when you exercise too much after not having exercised for a long time.  It took awhile until I felt better, but I didn't do anything in particular about it.  Of course I was a hell of lot younger. 



yes, i think this is it. i definitely tensed up. my younger son says I screamed but I don't even recall that!

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I would say it's normal to feel 'spacey' after a traffic accident. There's definitely a shock / trauma aspect even if no one was hurt. And of course stiff and sore for a day or two. In my case I turned in front of someone. Definitely not my best moment. I got to spend the next day - Christmas Day! - dealing with police and insurance (Muslim country so everything was open). We had McDonalds for Christmas lunch. Yes, I definitely recall feeling disconnected and 'off'. Hope you feel better soon.

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Yes, it's all related.  Definitely not just a coincidence.  The back pain/headache is probably whiplash, the spacey feeling could be mild concussion.  I was rear-ended about 5 years ago and felt a bit air-heady for a few days.  It was related to the accident.    I'd get it checked out and documented.  I'm in Canada, so not sure how it works South of the border, but up here you need to have everything documented otherwise you get hosed by the insurance company.



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What zoobie said.  I sure hope a police report was filed, so you have documentation.  Get checked out and let your insurance know it was from being rear-ended, and give them the insurance info and/or police report file number and let them handle it. 

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A citation? No, I don't think so. And he had been tailgating me for at least a mile when it happened. 


I don't want to spend the money for the ER, to be honest. We have insurance but a very high deductible. I will go to my chiro once DH gets home from business trip.


Thanks. Just wanted to see if I was crazy or not. 


His insurance should pay for it, even if he didn't get a citation. Give the ER his auto insurance information, they will file the claim. When you talk to the insurance company, make sure they know you went to the ER and why. 

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Two things...His insurance pays so it doesn't matter what it costs (make a visit to the ER) and you need to document feeling off as quickly as possible or his insurance company will likely attempt to say it wasn't the accident that caused it but something that happened between the accident and when you sought medical attention (again, make a visit to the ER).

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I was thinking minor concussion too, because of the spaceyness.  It could happen even if your head didn't hit anything, just from jerking back and forth with enough force.  I am sorry you have to deal with this, and hope you feel better soon!

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My hubby is in LE here in CA and he say here they never cite unless there is obviously an adjacent crime like the accident killed someone or it was a stolen car etc. Other wise since the cop rolls up after the fact it would be a misdemeanor committed outside the officers presence and it would be your word against theirs.


OP I would go to the ER or your DR.  If you inform them that this is stemming from an accident you can have them send the bill to the Sheriff. So sorry you were hit! 

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Wow, that's crazy!  I've been rear-ended three times, and the other driver was cited every single time.  My 16 year old was rear-ended a month ago (by a texting grandmother!), and Grandma was ticketed as well.  


But yes, I also would love to know if the officer was ticketed!


ETA:  What you said isn't crazy; I believe you.  It's just not how things work here.  I've been in eight or nine accidents, none of which were my fault, and the other driver was ticketed every time.  I had no idea the offending party was ever NOT ticketed.


OP, just saw this and hope you are ok.  Would love an update.


We're in another area where there aren't always citations.  Youngest had an accident a year ago where he pulled out in front of a car he didn't see after stopping at a stop sign.  It was deemed an accident with no citations.  Our insurance still paid.

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Huh, in my area there is always a citation. Heck, I got a citation when I got rearended! I had a concussion and couldn't remember what happened right away, I was totally shaken up. The other guy heard me say I couldn't remember, and made up some bull story about me cutting him off. Cop had to write me a ticket, and then we found out later the guy lied about insurance, lied about something else, and once I remembered what had happened, lied about how the accident occured. But too late then. 

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I was thinking minor concussion too, because of the spaceyness.  It could happen even if your head didn't hit anything, just from jerking back and forth with enough force.  I am sorry you have to deal with this, and hope you feel better soon!


Yep, the mass of your brain can hit the inside of your skull and cause a brain injury.  I'm not trying to scare you, but brain injury is very serious, even "just" a concussion.  http://www.biausa.org/about-brain-injury.htm#coup%20contre%20coup 


This is why I'd head to an ER or your PCP ASAP.

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Please go to a regular dr first. My parents were in a MAJOR crash when I was in high school and obviously injured, but refused transport to ER and instead went to their chiro the next am (I sat up and watched both for concussion all night, pretty sure my mom had one. We took pics of the black eyes/cuts etc.). Let's just say the insurance wasn't as "convinced" by the chiro records. That may vary by state, but at least get something on record with a MD. Many offices will bill an insurance if it is auto accident related (or delay payment till you can file a claim), just ask. Or try an urgent care center. And I think you have like 48 hours (or maybe 72) to report symptoms, but again that could vary by state.

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got to the er and get it checked out.  His insurance (aka the police dept) is responsible for the costs.  I would also be contacting a higher up and letting them know what happened and that you are getting checked out at the er and why.  You need the documentation from the dr not a chiro because if this is related to the accident and you have whiplash you will be looking at furhter costs for treatment and would be out of pocket if you don't have the documentation showing it was from this accident kwim.

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If he hit you, your insurance does not pay.


Gentle hugs. I'm really sorry.

Unless you are in a no fault state like Michigan. His insurance or more appropriately, the department's insurance would have to pay the deductible on her car insurance. That's it. Her insurance would pay out. This is why car insurance is so high in this state. Your premiums go up every single time you make a claim related to an accident even when you aren't at fault. It's nuts.


But, the medical should be paid through the car insurance anyway.

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My hubby is in LE here in CA and he say here they never cite unless there is obviously an adjacent crime like the accident killed someone or it was a stolen car etc. Other wise since the cop rolls up after the fact it would be a misdemeanor committed outside the officers presence and it would be your word against theirs.


OP I would go to the ER or your DR. If you inform them that this is stemming from an accident you can have them send the bill to the Sheriff. So sorry you were hit!

But most traffic citations are civil, not criminal, and in an accident there is evidence besides just what the officer saw...damage to vehicles, bystanders and victims, and in certain ways the statement given by the person at fault.


Not that I'd complain about LE not being citation-happy.


I agree with the others: seek evaluation ASAP.

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But most traffic citations are civil, not criminal, and in an accident there is evidence besides just what the officer saw...damage to vehicles, bystanders and victims, and in certain ways the statement given by the person at fault.


Not that I'd complain about LE not being citation-happy.


I agree with the others: seek evaluation ASAP.


True some of it is department policy and if they want to do the paperwork on a civil matter. Most don't LOL.


Not citation happy is a good thing.  :laugh:

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