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Had another chemo treatment yesterday...


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This one (so far) has been easier than the last one was.  I am actually going to be able to drive myself down there today to get the shot.  The day after every chemo treatment I have to get a shot to help my white-blood cells.


I'm still very sore from the port they put in, but overall it is looking like that was a good thing for them to do.  They can take blood and put the medications in via the port instead of using my veins in my arm all the time.

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I'm so glad you're feeling well enough to post an update -- I'd bumped up your previous thread last night in the hope you might see it, but I wasn't sure you'd be up to getting online.


I'm praying that the chemo treatments will be tolerable and it's so encouraging that this one was better than the last one. I hope it continues that way for you!


I hope the area around the port stops hurting soon. I'm sure it takes a while for your body to get accustomed to it, but the people I know who have had them have said they were so much better than having to get all those needles.

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The port was a lifesaver for me and my veins!


I practically lived on lemon popsicles during chemo. Don't ask me why, but they were the one thing that always tasted good to me. My sense of smell and taste got really wonky for awhile, but it all cleared up.


:grouphug: :grouphug:

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I'm not feeling quite as well today, but am much better than I was Saturday after the first treatment.  That day I spend the entire day in bed.  I will be going to lay down in a minute though.  I was able to take my daughter to donate plasma this morning and then to work at 4 pm.

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I'm not feeling quite as well today, but am much better than I was Saturday after the first treatment. That day I spend the entire day in bed. I will be going to lay down in a minute though. I was able to take my daughter to donate plasma this morning and then to work at 4 pm.

I'm so impressed by how well you are dealing with all of this, Luanne. Everything is happening so quickly, yet you seem to be rolling right along with it and staying so strong.

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