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Am I crazy, or are you all like this too?


Typical Weekend?  

159 members have voted

  1. 1. Is this a typical weekend in your house

    • Yep, sounds about right.
    • I do quite a bit more than that!
    • Meh, I do a bit less than that.
    • No, I do way less than that in a typical weekend!!
    • Not AT ALL. I managed to read a book, does that count?
    • Other

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In another thread about learning to say no, I posted what I had to do today, which made me consider what I did over the weekend, and I thought "Wow, that's a lot." So I thought I'd post here to find out if, for you, this would consitute a typical weekend doing home-related stuff, or if I am crazy. DH thinks it's a lot, but normal.


Here's what I have done since Friday: Weeded our garden - just the area by the front door. Mulched the flower bed. Lay down a new rock border. Trim the roses and bring inside in vases. Began mowing our 2 1/2 acres but stopped because I needed to do other stuff LOL. 5 loads of laundry, folding etc. Rug Doctored all our wall to wall carpeting-this took about 4-5 hours as the rug, unbeknownst to me, was filthy and it took 11 passes with the Rug Doctor to get the water coming out reasonably not-black (okay, I wanted it to be clear, but it was more like dirty grey. I gave up at that point). Went through a few large piles of paper (school work, bills, stuff like that). Cleared out jnk drawer. Put away folded clothes of mine and DH's (he just returned from a trip so there was a lot). Made lunches for the week. Cleaned out chicken coop. Researched Geometry for older and math for younger. Emailed some clients back who need appointments early in the week. Other regular stuff like Bible reading, newspaper reading, making beds, making dinner, grocery shopping, walking the dogs.


Okay, so does this seem normal. It's pretty average for me, with the exception of the Rug Doctor which we only do once every 4 months (and Hallelujah we will be replacing all the rug with hardwood within the next 3-4 months!!!)


Does this look like your weekends in terms of what you do?


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My weekend has WAY less household stuff and way more fun. I don't have five loads of laundry the entire week. I have never rug doctored in my life, and the change to hardwood floors means I can clean the floors on entire 1st floor in 15 minutes. I do not prep lunches ahead either. I do not choose to do elaborate gardening; we travel over the summer, so it would be completely pointless to have anything that requires maintenance.


Our weekends look like this: typically (unless the weather is awful as it is today), we spend an entire day hiking. I have a few hours to work for my job, grading papers which I collected Friday and have to return Monday mornings, entering grades. Other than that, I like to cook nice big meals, bake, and relax. Maybe get some groceries - but that takes only 20 minutes.


Yesterday morning I took DS to Judo, went to the library, cooked lunch, had three teen friends of DS' and two moms over for a few hours and snacks in the afternoon, and went to a choir benefit dinner and concert (I sang) in the evening.

This morning I wasted time on the internet, did some laundry, cooked an elaborate lunch, went grocery shopping, finished my grading, and have now all afternoon and evening to do nothing. This is a lazy relaxing weekend.


Generally, I find household tasks are completely under the radar and not time consuming at all. And we are not slobs; our house is ready for company to drop in without notice. There may be stuff on the kitchen counter, but that's it. So, I really seem to be doing way less than you. I only work 25 hours per week, have two teens, (only DS needs interaction with schooling since DD is completely independent with her outside classes), and way too much free time on my hands. Frankly, I am pretty bored.

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Sometimes.  But I work 7 days per week, full time (usually with overtime), so that has an effect.  I'm also a sole parent, so I do all of the non-outsourced household (and car) maintenance.  You never know when the toilet is going to need fixing, an uninvited critter re-homed from the basement, etc., etc.  Sometimes I get the bug and I just work and work on the house, in between my paid job responsibilities.  Other times I have massive deadlines and I'm lucky to get the laundry and dishes done.

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Maybe half of the weekends in the month are that busy for us, the other half is less that that or sometimes...gasp...nothing but meals and dishes and laundry gets done. I am not sure I could survive being that busy every weekend. The week itself tires me out easily, so resting is just as important as staying busy for me.

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No way!  I did do several loads of laundry and one load of dishes.  I straightened the family room.  I should have worked on financial paper work, leading up to tax return prep., but I didn't.  I did take some bags of garbage out.  I rarely ever do work outside the house - chickens - no.  garden - no.  Landscaping - no.  Not my thing.  I never put clothes away for anyone except myself.  That's dh's job and dc's job.  And the only bed I make is ours; kids are on their own.  There is no way I could keep up with a routine like that and work a job on top of it.  You're amazing.


ETA:  Just realized I skimmed over where you said you fixed lunches for the week.  I wouldn't do that either.  I never fix anyone's lunches.  They are on their own. 

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My weekend has WAY less household stuff and way more fun. I don't have five loads of laundry the entire week. I have never rug doctored in my life, and the change to hardwood floors means I can clean the floors on entire 1st floor in 15 minutes. I do not prep lunches ahead either. I do not choose to do elaborate gardening; we travel over the summer, so it would be completely pointless to have anything that requires maintenance.


Our weekends look like this: typically (unless the weather is awful as it is today), we spend an entire day hiking. I have a few hours to work for my job, grading papers which I collected Friday and have to return Monday mornings, entering grades. Other than that, I like to cook nice big meals, bake, and relax. Maybe get some groceries - but that takes only 20 minutes.


Yesterday morning I took DS to Judo, went to the library, cooked lunch, had three teen friends of DS' and two moms over for a few hours and snacks in the afternoon, and went to a choir benefit dinner and concert (I sang) in the evening.

This morning I wasted time on the internet, did some laundry, cooked an elaborate lunch, went grocery shopping, finished my grading, and have now all afternoon and evening to do nothing. This is a lazy relaxing weekend.


Generally, I find household tasks are completely under the radar and not time consuming at all. And we are not slobs; our house is ready for company to drop in without notice. There may be stuff on the kitchen counter, but that's it. So, I really seem to be doing way less than you. I only work 25 hours per week, have two teens, (only DS needs interaction with schooling since DD is completely independent with her outside classes), and way too much free time on my hands. Frankly, I am pretty bored.


Okay how!? I get that the gardening is a big thing--we have 2 1/2 acres and I actually enjoy the flower beds--very relaxing. The mowing? Not so much, But that's our property. The Rug Doctoring was a big PITA, to be honest and I hate doing it, but with wall to wall carpeting in the living room and pets, it just gets disgusting. 

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Holy cow you were busy! I wish I had that much energy, I won't even touch the yard for several more weeks, of course I can't even SEE the yard because its covered in a foot of white stuff with more on the way I hear.


Yes, but we're in Florida and it's 75 and gorgeous. :) Everything is beginning to bloom...and the lawn! It's gorgeous and I love it, but we didn't realize the upkeep when we purchased the property!!!

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Okay how!? I get that the gardening is a big thing--we have 2 1/2 acres and I actually enjoy the flower beds--very relaxing. The mowing? Not so much, But that's our property. The Rug Doctoring was a big PITA, to be honest and I hate doing it, but with wall to wall carpeting in the living room and pets, it just gets disgusting. 


You have an 11 y/o. Maybe it's time to pay the preteen to mow the lawn. :D

That's why we don't have to mow anymore. DS needs money.

And it is winter now, so we are off the hook until April anyway.

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I shampoo'd my rug once, I think.  That was at least a decade ago.  LOL.  Then again, I don't have pets.



Well, see, the Rug Doctor is a scary thing. I went over the LR one pass, and the water was BLACK. Not murky grayish black. Black as in opaque. So i did it again. Same thing. Again. again. Finally after 10 or so times the water was medium to light gray. I decided that was enough. TO look at the rug, you would never have known! But I have to say, it really looks great and is much softer, weirdly enough.

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I love working in my garden and on our property. I miss the dirty work of it all very much!  It wasn't unusual to spend the whole weekend moving plants, weeding, fixing fences etc. A sweaty day of playing in the dirt is one of the best endorphin highs for me. Getting eggs from nest boxes, getting eggplant from the garden and grilling it up, cutting flowers from the property to put on the tables and mantel...it's just so.. fulfilling.


Washing rugs, no so much. I don't do that. :) I also never cook ahead.

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Because our schedule is so odd, I might do all that in a weekend (no chickens though), but then I wouldn't be much use to anyone for a few days afterward. It's feast or famine around here for any projects or cleaning because of a weird work schedule and some exceptionalities we have to work around.

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I love working in my garden and on our property. I miss the dirty work of it all very much!  It wasn't unusual to spend the whole weekend moving plants, weeding, fixing fences etc. A sweaty day of playing in the dirt is one of the best endorphin highs for me. Getting eggs from nest boxes, getting eggplant from the garden and grilling it up, cutting flowers from the property to put on the tables and mantel...it's just so.. fulfilling.


Washing rugs, no so much. I don't do that. :)

Ha! I am with you, i really enjoy being out on the property. But man, it's tiring. And then I have to face the INSIDE of the house. Blech.

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Well, see, the Rug Doctor is a scary thing. I went over the LR one pass, and the water was BLACK. Not murky grayish black. Black as in opaque. So i did it again. Same thing. Again. again. Finally after 10 or so times the water was medium to light gray. I decided that was enough. TO look at the rug, you would never have known! But I have to say, it really looks great and is much softer, weirdly enough.


Yeah ... but I figure, nobody is eating off the rug....


Once a Kirby guy came and tried to sell me a vacuum.  He kept showing me how much dirt there was *under* my carpet, which only a Kirby could suck out.  I guess he figured I'd be horrified.  My comment was, since it was under the carpet, nobody would ever know it was there, so who cares?  LOL.

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Well, see, the Rug Doctor is a scary thing. I went over the LR one pass, and the water was BLACK. Not murky grayish black. Black as in opaque. So i did it again. Same thing. Again. again. Finally after 10 or so times the water was medium to light gray. I decided that was enough. TO look at the rug, you would never have known! But I have to say, it really looks great and is much softer, weirdly enough.


We bought a rug cleaner, and after using it, I am fully convinced that carpeting is disgusting--I clean it several times per year, and it's always just as you described. No pets in our house either. Ours is in the kitchen (hopefully not for long), so it's really hard to keep clean. The other is off-white carpeting next to a patio that gets muddy every time it rains. It's the only door out the back of the house, and the only convenient door for getting to the back yard at all. We're stuck with the carpet for now.


And I love to dig in the dirt unless it's terribly hot or humid. I got out of the habit when I suffered from really bad allergies, but I'm working it back into life. We do veggies, not flowers, though we have some flower beds we maintain and mulch once per year or so--we're trying to get it down to a yearly event with careful planning.


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My typical weekend is more low key. I do more paperwork organization than anything. Saturday is the day to make sure I'm organize for My next schoolweek and glance at ds's work. I make the schedule for the next week, get ahead on reading, keep up with dishes, and will sometimes do laundry. Ds does his own laundry, so I can go more than a week without doing mine. I also nap on the weekends, I love my naps. I generally go to the grocery on Sunday. 


This weekend I got the privilege of shoveling snow :glare: , thankfully it's not heavy snow so I could shove most of it off the deck with a pushbroom. I usually have one project going at a time. Right now I'm working on the kitchen floor, but I won't really get into that until we have our week off of school later this month. I usually having something plotted anyway. 


I was busier when we lived somewhere the weather was nice year round. Winter irritates me. 

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I try to have all the housework, schoolwork, etc. done by Friday.  My house gets a deep cleaning one day a week and of course we keep up daily cleaning of the house--vacuuming, dishes, laundry and putting it up, etc.  On the weekends I cook 2 or 3 good meals and then I just want to veg.  I feel like I put in a full week and I need some down time.  Our 3 year old keeps us plenty busy so it's not like we are all just laying around lol  Yard work is done on the weekend but dh and ds1 keep up with that and right now the yard is in it's non-growing season.  They will probably have to start mowing again in the next few weeks.  When we put the spring garden in we'll all be out working in that.  I want the weekend to be as carefree as it possibly can be for all of us. 

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If you ever join in the tackle threads then you would see yes my weekends are like that, and up until yesterday also included shifts at work each day, excursions for the kids (such as dd6 having camp this weekend which including driving to and from, packing, unpacking etc).  Next weekend the teens have camp, then we get 1 weekend off and the next one dd6 has another camp and the teens have a shooting competition and I hope to be working again by then on weekends, oh and the older 3 start the new session of swimming lessons for 5 saturdays.  Then again my weeks are pretty busy too so it is no surprise my weekends are so busy.

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I retired last year; until then, yes - that is what "my weekends" looked like. I was on the road 3-4 days a week, and home 4-3 days a week depending on my current assignment. 


But since last year my weekends have really freed up! LOL It gets crazy during sports season, because naturally that coincides with spring and fall gardening weekends, but otherwise I now have an "extra" 3-4 days a week in which to spread out my workload.


And like you, on one level you know you're busy but you just keep doing the next thing ... and then when you see it all written out, it's like WHAT??! I must be nuts?!?! :lol: Sounds like you had a productive weekend!

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I voted that I do a lot less in a typical weekend. I have had intense, busy weekends like you are describing, but they are not the norm.


Also, when DH is not deployed or TDY, he mows/edges/weed-eats. Cleaning carpet is also what we call a Daddy Job around here (he is more meticulous and patient than I am, and just plain does a better job, lol).


So, out of curiosity... You say your DH thinks that is a lot, but normal... What was he doing while you were doing all this?

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I voted that I do a lot less in a typical weekend. I have had intense, busy weekends like you are describing, but they are not the norm.


Also, when DH is not deployed or TDY, he mows/edges/weed-eats. Cleaning carpet is also what we call a Daddy Job around here (he is more meticulous and patient than I am, and just plain does a better job, lol).


So, out of curiosity... You say your DH thinks that is a lot, but normal... What was he doing while you were doing all this?



Hmmm. Well, he got back from a business trip at about 2 am Friday night, and was bushed--it was non-stop for him on the trip. So he unpacked, organized is stuff, went to the nursery, did some lawn stuff and then headed to Miami this morning for another business shindig (yes, on Sunday. We talked about that LOL). He will be back at 11 pm--it was a social thing.

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I do love to write it all out on days when I've busted my butt.  LOL.  For me, that is more likely to be Wednesday, which is garbage day as well as hump day.  It often starts with getting up super early to finish some project I promised to email by Tuesday night.  :P  Then I get the garbage out, pick up yesterday's mail, clean the snow off the car while getting the kids ready for school.  When I get home from dropping the kids off, I think of a few things that would be good to clear out since it's garbage day ... junk that's been cluttering up the car / basement / garage / shed, the fridge / freezer, etc.  Then I'm on a roll and I think, why not start a load of laundry, and I'll just pick up "a few things" in the kids' play area since I'm walking from one room to another anyway....  Around 10 or 11 I head back to my computer, feeling like I've accomplished more than some people accomplish in a whole day.  Then I go on to finish all of the laundry (including putting everything away) on my work breaks, since I can't stand to leave it halfway done.  About 5:30 I go into active Mom / Afterschooler mode and then I'm back to work from about 10pm to 1am.  Ahh, a good day!

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I try to do as much as possible during the week so I can relax on the weekends. We're usually either doing kids' activities or going somewhere as a family. Especially when DH was traveling a lot, I hated having chores on the weekend that took me away from time with him.


I get up early to do chores, do quick cleans during mini-breaks, and keep a week-day schedule to accomplish everything else. I usually work in the afternoons and after the kids go to bed. I try to limit client interaction to work days as I've had access to my availability abused in the past.


No garden work for me though during this season. There's too much snow. But once the ground thaws, DH and I have a big fence building project planned. Too many predators and deer here to do without a fenced enclosure. So I may be just as busy in a few months. Is it weird to dream about owning chickens?

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A little bit less, but I don't have chickens and there's snow all over outside, so...


This weekend is fairly lazy for me.  An average weekend when it isn't winter might include trimming and mulching branches, garden chores, cleaning out the fridge, sweeping decks, picking up dog poop, mopping floors, laundry, grocery shopping, school planning, small home improvements...


I won't clean my carpet b/c dh finally agreed to get hard floors. Someday. Maybe it'll be quicker if I keep it dirty. :-)

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Our weekends vary. Some are really busy and others are low key.  Right now other than shoveling snow and doing horse chores we can't do much other work around the yard.  We did go skiing 3 times this weekend. 


Can you kids help you?  I would think (barring special needs) that your 11 year old could mow the lawn.  Your 8 year old could help with some of the other stuff as well.

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I have 7 kids at home, and usually do less than what you've listed.


The 5 loads of laundry, folding, putting clothes away, making beds, cooking dinner, paying bills, e-mailing and researching sound about right for our house. We also had two basketball games yesterday and one hockey practice today. Most weekends, we have a couple hockey games, and Saturday baseball clinics should be starting up within the next month.


It's winter up here, but I usually pay Ds14 to mow the lawn, and he takes care of a lot of the other outside chores as well. Dog-walking is Ds9's job. Rug Doctoring, if we had carpet, would be Dh's. 

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In another thread about learning to say no, I posted what I had to do today, which made me consider what I did over the weekend, and I thought "Wow, that's a lot." So I thought I'd post here to find out if, for you, this would consitute a typical weekend doing home-related stuff, or if I am crazy. DH thinks it's a lot, but normal.


Here's what I have done since Friday: Weeded our garden - just the area by the front door. Mulched the flower bed. Lay down a new rock border. Trim the roses and bring inside in vases. Began mowing our 2 1/2 acres but stopped because I needed to do other stuff LOL. 5 loads of laundry, folding etc. Rug Doctored all our wall to wall carpeting-this took about 4-5 hours as the rug, unbeknownst to me, was filthy and it took 11 passes with the Rug Doctor to get the water coming out reasonably not-black (okay, I wanted it to be clear, but it was more like dirty grey. I gave up at that point). Went through a few large piles of paper (school work, bills, stuff like that). Cleared out jnk drawer. Put away folded clothes of mine and DH's (he just returned from a trip so there was a lot). Made lunches for the week. Cleaned out chicken coop. Researched Geometry for older and math for younger. Emailed some clients back who need appointments early in the week. Other regular stuff like Bible reading, newspaper reading, making beds, making dinner, grocery shopping, walking the dogs.


Okay, so does this seem normal. It's pretty average for me, with the exception of the Rug Doctor which we only do once every 4 months (and Hallelujah we will be replacing all the rug with hardwood within the next 3-4 months!!!)


Does this look like your weekends in terms of what you do?




Ok, let me preface my comments by saying that I have only two children, I live in a suburb, and Mr. Ellie works a standard 40-hr, Monday-through-Friday job.


I try to avoid, at all costs, doing any sort of major household chore on the weekends. No laundry, no carpet cleaning, no grocery shopping.


Heavy-duty gardening--and I consider mulching, mowing 2 1/2 acres, cleaning the chicken coop, and laying down new rock borders to be heavy duty--would have been done on the weekend because Mr. Ellie would have done it, not I. I would have trimmed roses, and maybe weeding, but not the other stuff. Would probably not have made lunches for the week, unless we happened to be home. 


I might have researched stuff, but that probably would have been in the evening when the dc were in bed.


I tried to keep our weekends free, so that we could go goof off somewhere. Many Saturdays were dance or band competitions, or soccer (depending on ages and stages of the dc). If nothing was scheduled, then we just hung around the house and pursued our own interests.

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Depends on the season, unfortunately. 


Because it is still winter here, lighter than normal. Saturday I went to the dump, the library, the bank, and the jewelry store to drop off a repair.  Otherwise it was a normal day, one load of wash, a little picking up, and cooking.


Come summer, Saturdays will be mostly outside chores.  The joys of having over an acre to mow and a garden.  We left it last summer for 2 1/2 weeks, and the lawn was fine, but parts of the garden died.  I didn't have enough to can until the fall apples.  We probably will limit the garden to tomatoes, potatoes, beans, herbs, and greens.  That makes it easier.


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We are still in the depths of winter here, so weekends are pretty lazy. Once summer comes, we will be very busy.


Yesterday, I went skiing, made a run to Costco, washed two loads of laundry and watched Raiders of the Lost Ark with Dd12 after she cooked dinner. Today we did church, lunch and are settling in to watch a football game. Dinner tonight is chili dogs and fritz pie (traditional super bowl food), so I may just watch the next Indiana Jones movie. No schoolwork prep for this week since I did it last week.


I love quiet winter weekends. Which is good because we have so many of them!

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I do a bit less than that. 


Since I work full time during the week now (and have no energy by the time I get home), the weekend is when I do the big cleaning.  I do all the laundry on Saturday usually but I've been doing it today and still have a couple loads left.  I vacuumed and straightened up the living room, straightened the kids room (actually kept on the kids until they did it), I probably should be cleaning off the kitchen table but I'm not. 


This weekend was a little unusual in that I actually went out and was social yesterday.  Oldest Dd and I went out to a movie in the afternoon, then I went to a book club run by my nanny's mother after dinner.


We go to church most Sunday mornings but not the first Sunday because they don't have Sunday School for ds's class on the first Sunday, and some Sunday's dh takes ds to Pokemon League.


It's way too cold here to do any gardening stuff but in a few months that will likely become part of the weekend.


I did have to run out to the library to pick up books, and the store to pick up an under tank heater for our new snake.  Oh yeah, yesterday while I was out at the movie, dh decided to take the younger guys to the store and buy a snake.  He's a very small red corn snake.

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Our weekends vary. Some are really busy and others are low key.  Right now other than shoveling snow and doing horse chores we can't do much other work around the yard.  We did go skiing 3 times this weekend. 


Can you kids help you?  I would think (barring special needs) that your 11 year old could mow the lawn.  Your 8 year old could help with some of the other stuff as well.



I wish!! And so does he! It's 2.5 acres on a ride-on mower. Takes about 3 hours. And no, he can't do it. :(

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Friday was school with the kids, kettlebell workout, lunch with dh, scrubbed my kitchen floors, 3 loads of wash, dinner, then game night.   Saturday was pancake breakfast, strip beds and wash sheets, 90 minute yoga, get kids to clean living, I steam cleaned my living room and entrance area (which is huge!) rugs.  I only did 3 passes, took 3.5 hours.  The water was still brown (it was jet black 1st pass), but a lighter brown. :).  Sunday was a 8 mile run, church,nap, then cook food and get stuff out for the game tonight.  All that is fairly normal (except for the lunch with dh!) for those days. :)

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This is a bit more than a typical weekend for me, but not by a long stretch. I do a lot of the bigger chores on weekends. Some weekends do look like this - kind of "constant motion" weekends when I'm washing all the windows, doing a bunch of cleaning/declutter/organizing or going through a bunch of paperwork stuff. 



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In another thread about learning to say no, I posted what I had to do today, which made me consider what I did over the weekend, and I thought "Wow, that's a lot." So I thought I'd post here to find out if, for you, this would consitute a typical weekend doing home-related stuff, or if I am crazy. DH thinks it's a lot, but normal.


Here's what I have done since Friday: Weeded our garden - just the area by the front door. Mulched the flower bed. Lay down a new rock border. Trim the roses and bring inside in vases. Began mowing our 2 1/2 acres but stopped because I needed to do other stuff LOL. 5 loads of laundry, folding etc. Rug Doctored all our wall to wall carpeting-this took about 4-5 hours as the rug, unbeknownst to me, was filthy and it took 11 passes with the Rug Doctor to get the water coming out reasonably not-black (okay, I wanted it to be clear, but it was more like dirty grey. I gave up at that point). Went through a few large piles of paper (school work, bills, stuff like that). Cleared out jnk drawer. Put away folded clothes of mine and DH's (he just returned from a trip so there was a lot). Made lunches for the week. Cleaned out chicken coop. Researched Geometry for older and math for younger. Emailed some clients back who need appointments early in the week. Other regular stuff like Bible reading, newspaper reading, making beds, making dinner, grocery shopping, walking the dogs.


Okay, so does this seem normal. It's pretty average for me, with the exception of the Rug Doctor which we only do once every 4 months (and Hallelujah we will be replacing all the rug with hardwood within the next 3-4 months!!!)


Does this look like your weekends in terms of what you do?


This is a typical weekend for me.  I did stuff just like this.  My husband built and painted a cabinet style dishwasher door, did some work on preparing our garden for spring, repaired a large section of our rock patio (re-mortared and sealed), and did multiple other around the house repairs/chores -- all on Saturday.  He then packed and flew out on a business trip this morning.


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On Saturday I took ds6 to a birthday party while dd13 and dh tidied up a bit, and hung a load of washing (4 of us, average 2 loads a week). I went to the shops and prepared dinner. On Sunday dd and I went clothes shopping for her brother, then had a coffee and snack at MacDonalds. Dh and ds played board games while we were out. I folded the laundry while the kids sorted the small items. We all tidied up. I printed out lots of recipes.


Dh did quite a bit of DIY work in the kitchen, which is unusual. We usually go to the beach for a few hours each day, but it was too windy. Otherwise it was a typical weekend. We like to keep weekends quiet and lazy - we read, watch TV, go to the beach. Apart from big DIY jobs, housework mostly happens during the week.

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Hmmm. Well, he got back from a business trip at about 2 am Friday night, and was bushed--it was non-stop for him on the trip. So he unpacked, organized is stuff, went to the nursery, did some lawn stuff and then headed to Miami this morning for another business shindig (yes, on Sunday. We talked about that LOL). He will be back at 11 pm--it was a social thing.

Fair enough. As long as his expectations for you are not greater than his expectations for himself. But I also think it is fair for you to set your own pace to whatever extent what must be done by you will allow.

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Yes, but we're in Florida and it's 75 and gorgeous. :) Everything is beginning to bloom...and the lawn! It's gorgeous and I love it, but we didn't realize the upkeep when we purchased the property!!!

This is a picture that is seriously hard for me to imagine at the moment!  :laugh:  Granted, today was the warmest we've had in weeks and dh did take advantage of it by cleaning out the garage 100% and power-washing it, but...gardening still seems ages away. Yesterday, I cleaned ashes out of the fireplace and intended to put them on my garden (the soil was low on carbon when I tested it last fall). Well, I couldn't even chip through the solidified ice/snow mass on my garden, let alone turn in any ashes!  :laugh:  Not sure what I was thinking! 

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