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I can't handle ANY junk food in the house! JAWM!


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I am trying to diet, eat healthy, lose weight.


It is now Jan 3rd.  I did well Jan. 1.  Jan. 2 I was very busy and running around and the doritos and cookies were calling my name.


Today any remaining cookies or chips that are tempting are going down the garbage disposal.


I cannot say no to ranch doritos or homemade fudge or brownies apparently.


Fig Newtons, oreos, cheese doritos…….they can all stay.  I don't like those.


UGH!  Why is this is hard?



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I have the same problem. Which is how I justified eating all kinds of junk the past two weeks. :lol:  Once it's gone, I'll be good to go!


ETA: yeah, we eat pretty clean most of the time, but I did a TON of baking and cooking for the holidays (we hosted our big Christmas Eve bash with my family) and my husband bought me an awesome cake for my birthday, so...yep. FAR too much junk in the house. Funny thing is, though, I've lost about 3 pounds. :glare:  I know, however, that will quickly turn around if I keep on like I have been. I re-upped my weight watchers online membership a few days ago so I can hold myself accountable.

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Tossing it is the way to go! My in-laws were still leaving the driveway yesterday when I chucked all the junk food she'd brought (she's a teacher and evidently ALL her students gave her sweets for Christmas). I didn't tell my kids otherwise when they guessed she'd carried it all back home with her. Heh.

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I did the same thing.  Directly in the garbage.  DH was mad and said I was wasting stuff, but I told him too bad, we've both committed to trying in earnest to lose some weight, and we won't do it with junk food we like sitting around. 


Some stuff stayed because the kids like it and I don't, like the Oreos (where did those even come from?) and BBQ potato chips.   

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We had a Polar Bear Plunge Party on Wednesday. A friend brought no bake cookies.....and no one touched them because there was so much food. She refused to take them home with her. :/


I hate wasting food....but why is it better to eat junk that is bad for me than to throw it away.....it isn't. So I will JAW you.

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Ugh I have the same issue but it's all year round. I buy healthy food and stay away from the bad at the store but my dh is a storefront away from the grocery store and brings sweets home when he wants. I can't resist them when they're around.


We're experimenting with once a month shopping so this may help me. I got some sweets for dh but if I know it needs to last him a month I don't think I'll touch it. We'll see

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Yes, I'm right there with you. We're left with all the food (not even junk food, just food I don't want to be left with!) from our big family get-togethers from the holidays, plus the candy my grandmothers brought for the kids, plus the bag of mini Reese's PB cups DH bought to fill the giant mug he bought me for Christmas, plus all the bread bought to go with the cabbage and ham and lunch meat, plus the Chinese food, plus the ice cream, plus the lemon bars brought home from our New Year's gathering... Thankfully, most of it is old enough now to be thrown away without guilt, but the peanut butter cups and Lindt truffles are torturing me. 


DH and I are starting a cleanse on Monday, and I'll be purging the house over the weekend in preparation for that. It hurts to do it, but we both agree it has to be done.

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, but the peanut butter cups and Lindt truffles are torturing me.



Make yourself a nice hot cup of superior coffee and have a pb cup and a couple of the Lindt truffles and you've got yourself breakfast :D Though I have to say I prefer darker choc but nothing wrong with chocolate for breakkie ;)

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UGH!  Why is this is hard?




Because a lot of marketing executives spent a lot of time studying psychology to learn how to make it that way.


When I was quitting smoking, I had to get then-13 year old ds to tear up my cigarettes, soak the tobacco, put it in the trash, and cover it with kitty litter for me. He still doesn't think I was a weak person for asking him to do that for me and I still think I'd have smoked them and been back to a pack a day within a week if he hadn't.


I honestly don't see any difference if this is a New Year's resolution and you were accustomed to eating that way.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Toss it, hit the co-op or Whole Foods, and treat yourself to something fresh, organic, and yummy.


If you like Doritoes, you might like this:




only I spritz them with Braggs Liquid Aminos before I bake them.

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I'm right there with you, we finished everything off on the first and then dh and I fasted yesterday and I'm fully back on weight watchers today.  I've gained quite a bit in the last few months and we are ttc and I really don't want to start a pregnancy this heavy when I've gained 65 pounds every pregnancy so far.  :(

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Throw them out -- no guilt!  


I tossed a huge canister of homemade cookies yesterday.  I had a bunch of computer work to do and knew I'd want just one or two with some coffee while I worked.  So, out they went.  We all had our share of cookie yumminess last week.


We don't buy any junk.  It's too hard to ignore it when I'm here all day with the boys schooling.  



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I don't buy stuff like that at all in the normal course of things. Since I need to do 100% of the grocery shopping, there is no junk if I don't buy it. I throw all the junk I buy after halloween and New year's parties. I don't buy junk for other occasions.

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I totally agree. I cannot have that stuff in the house and expect not to touch it.


I usually send it to work with dh. If it comes down to throwing it away or eating it, I toss in the garbage with no guilt. The food would be wasted either way, IMO.

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This sums up my feelings on chocolate. I feel so alone in the world. :cheers2:


Salty foods on the other hand....


I'm primarily a salty/savory food lover too but chocolate is my one go to sweet though even then it has to be 70%.


Sorry OP not to derail your thread which is entitled JAWM so I am JAW you :D

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Yep. If it's in the house, I want it. Unless I don't like it.




If I go shopping when I am hungry, junk food sneaks into my cart. But a good portion of gets eaten before I ever get home :-(


When I feel strong-minded, I sometimes fill a potato chip bag with water before throwing it out. Just in case….

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Agree!  For years I never had junk food, and now the kids/hubby don't know any different so they don't feel put out.  I don't do it to diet, but because I know I have no self control and I'll eat a whole pack/bag of whatever.


Of course I ruined it all by buying a 5kg tub of Nutella for xmas.

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My mom used to have us keep chips and peanut butter hidden in our rooms, and we were not to tell her where! She would eat them if she knew where they were, this way we could eat them when we wanted to but my mom could avoid their lure.


And my mother kept the Fudgeos hidden in her room and wouldn't tell us where they were. She would dole them out by twos at dinner :lol:


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I can't see where you're coming from on the Ranch Doritos because I think those things are just plain nasty! But, I agree with the snack food monsters that are tempting. I'm asking myself why I felt the need to make a double batch of sand tarts two weeks ago and then not give them away to friends and neighbors. They are still here taunting me!

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Completely agree with you!


We try to eat healthy for various reasons.  I can generally resist junk food better than DH can, and DS15 has almost no self-control when it comes to processed sugar foods.  With DS19 and DDIL here, they are constantly buying junk food for DH and DS15 to get into.  Not that I want to rush them out the door (and we're trying to stop them from doing that), I will on some levels be glad when they move out.

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