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A large vent - I guess I just need someone to hear me.


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Hugs. I do hear you and I understand as best possible. We have a child with medical needs (adopted also) and we would be in a similar predicament if it were not for an angel of a provider we found for her several years ago that helped us out considerably financially when our insurance would not.


One of my soap boxes is SSI/SSDI for kids. I'm sure you probably understand.

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My husband's company felt like he and some others in his company were making too much for their positions, so a bunch got pay cuts or had their salaries capped. So, even when my husband gets excellent reviews for his job, he doesnt get a cost of living increase either because his salary has also been capped. The company is doing financially very well.

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I feel your pain. I'm currently in the market for a vehicle with a ramp for DSs power chair. The sticker shock may kill me. We're transferring in and out of a sedan now and using his manual chair when we go out, but that is no longer ideal for him or me. He's catching up to me weight-wise, so I won't be able to do this much longer.


We bought a two story house before my son was diagnosed. We got VERY lucky with the donation of a stairlift through the MDA. Still, I would love to live on a single story some day. We do have a roll-in shower that we put in AFTER A TREE CRUSHED OUR HOUSE. That was traumatic.


Add to that DH was furloughed for a week, then missed 3 more days to stay home with DS because I was hospitalized with a kidney infection two weeks ago. We definitely have days (weeks? years?) where we wonder why the Universe has it in for us. Oh, and our daughter will go to college next year and plans A, B, and C to pay for it have not panned out. We lived through a two-year unemployment when the economy tanked because NOBODY was willing to under-employ DH and nobody was hiring at this level. (This happened right after DS was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, so we were a bit of a mess.)


It's all maddening. It makes me wonder if we were a family of puppy kickers in a former life or something.


Yep, I feel your pain and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

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Too bad I didn't know about your van needs last month. We had a low mileage ramp van with some rust that we sold for what it was actually worth rather than a jacked up price. Those vans are ridiculously over priced. Yes! I'll take a used mini rampvan with over 100k miles on it for $30k! That's a steal! Insane. Everything in this industry is grossly overpriced. I just priced out a chair lift on a non-straight stairway. Since it's "custom", they'll charge us minimum $20k. For a cheapy seat on a rail. And now let's extensively tax overpriced medical equipment! That should really help disabled people get around and take care of basic needs even easier. Makes sense...yes, I'm getting a little bitter.

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Too bad I didn't know about your van needs last month. We had a low mileage ramp van with some rust that we sold for what it was actually worth rather than a jacked up price. Those vans are ridiculously over priced. Yes! I'll take a used mini rampvan with over 100k miles on it for $30k! That's a steal! Insane. Everything in this industry is grossly overpriced. I just priced out a chair lift on a non-straight stairway. Since it's "custom", they'll charge us minimum $20k. For a cheapy seat on a rail. And now let's extensively tax overpriced medical equipment! That should really help disabled people get around and take care of basic needs even easier. Makes sense...yes, I'm getting a little bitter.

We've only started needing heavy equipment a few years ago, so we're still learning. I swear I want to sell our house and move into an accessible senior community, but we're not nearly old enough :-/


If you don't mind my asking, HOW did you decide which and what type of vehicle to get? My head is spinning from it all. Side entry, rear entry, mini van, full van, dodge, Honda, Chrysler, ford. Ugh! I hate it.

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