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Brussle Sprouts...Hit Me with Your Best Shot

Tammi K

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Let me start by saying I HATE brussel sprouts - not as much as I hate lima beans ('cause nothing could be that bad :thumbdown:) , but still a really substantial amount of hate going on here in regard to brussel sprouts.


The things is, I want to like them. They are cute. They look like little cabbages and I LIKE cabbage. I like it raw, cooked, even fermented.


I really try to like the little guys. But no matter what I do to them, they still taste like stinky dirt.  I'm a grown-up and grown-ups should eat their veggies, even the stinky ones. So, I keep trying but they are still 'icky'.


So, hit me with your best tried and true brussel sprout recipes.  I'm game for anything - except for the addition of lima beans because there is nothing in this world short of starvation that is going to make that happen ( and I'm not really fond of peas, but I digress) - so let's hear it. How do you make brussel sprouts?




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Cut the ends off, and give them a couple good turns in the food processor (or coarsely chop them, or grate them, whichever you prefer). In a saute pan, cook some thick-cut diced pancetta (or bacon, your choice). Cook until mostly done, then set aside. Do not deglaze the pan, or drain the grease. Toss in the brussel sprouts, and saute in the drippings from the pancetta. When almost done (almost cooked down), toss in the pancetta/bacon, and cook until finished. It's delicious.


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I haven't tried this yet, but recently heard that they are delicious sliced in half and fried in bacon grease. Bacon makes everything yummy, right?

This is how I like them. Cut into quarters if they're big, half if they're small. Use enough bacon grease to lightly coat them, and salt and pepper them. Saute them until done...I actually like mine pretty brown. 


They do NOT smell good, but taste heavenly. 

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Roasted! Toss in olive oil, salt, and if you like it, balsamic vinigar. Put in a very hot oven until crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. I hated them until I tried them this way.

This! It's the only way I eat 'em, and I *really* like them this way. Had some for dinner, in fact, mixed with cauliflower and roasted together.


When buying the sprouts, go for the smaller ones, they're less bitter.

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I'll spare you, then, the delicious soup we had tonight made with ground beef, stewed tomatoes, beef stock, onion, Italian parsley, and lima beans!

Shivers!  :w00t:

Unlike brussel sprouts, I'm pretty sure I don't even want to 'like' lima beans. :tongue_smilie: 

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Oh, dear.  Does the animosity extend to every innocent legume?  :D


No actually, I'm mildly indifferent to kidney beans but I actually like most other beans. I have no complaint with the peanut. And I LOVE lentils. :drool5: But, lima beans...no, just can't go there. It's a mystery.


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Proof that bacon (or pancetta) makes everything taste better. Even Brussels sprouts.


Cut the ends off, and give them a couple good turns in the food processor (or coarsely chop them, or grate them, whichever you prefer). In a saute pan, cook some thick-cut diced pancetta (or bacon, your choice). Cook until mostly done, then set aside. Do not deglaze the pan, or drain the grease. Toss in the brussel sprouts, and saute in the drippings from the pancetta. When almost done (almost cooked down), toss in the pancetta/bacon, and cook until finished. It's delicious.

I haven't tried this yet, but recently heard that they are delicious sliced in half and fried in bacon grease. Bacon makes everything yummy, right?

This is how I like them. Cut into quarters if they're big, half if they're small. Use enough bacon grease to lightly coat them, and salt and pepper them. Saute them until done...I actually like mine pretty brown.


They do NOT smell good, but taste heavenly.

Chiffonade the heck out of them until they're little, unrecognizable shreds. Saute the shreds in something lovely (such as bacon or pancetta drippings), then toss in some lemon juice and poppy seeds.

We roast ours as well. First we half them (quarter if really big), slice up a shallot or two, toss it all with olive oil and salt; sometimes we'll add prosciutto or chopped up bacon. Roast until crispy outside and tender inside. And to make it all worse, I've been known to dip in mayonnaise while eating. :leaving:

I shred them and then saute with a lot of butter or bacon grease. I have impressed life long Brussels sprouts haters with that. It is an official dish for Thanksgiving.

cut in half, salt, proper, olive oil put in the oven and top with bacon, right before it's done sprinkle parmesan cheese on top.

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Roasted! Toss in olive oil, salt, and if you like it, balsamic vinigar. Put in a very hot oven until crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. I hated them until I tried them this way.

This is how I make them. Sometimes I add thinly sliced red onion over them before roasting. I sprinkle with basalmic vinegar after they are cooked.

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Another vote for roasting them. I hated them until last Christmas, when I wanted to make something different with our dinner. I discovered that prepared that way, I actually like them!


I still hate lima beans though, and I have no interest in correcting that. Lima beans aren't even allowed in our house...why would I do that to my children?!?

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Didn't read the other replies, so sorry if this is a repeat.

I cut the larger ones in half and then toss them all with some olive oil and salt and pepper.  Then roast in the oven (you can google for times).  Meanwhile, I slice up 4-6 slices of bacon and then cook it until nice and crispy.  Pull the bacon out and then caramelize some onions or shallots in the bacon grease.  When the brussel sprouts are done roasting, toss them with the bacon, caramelized onions, and bacon grease.  Sooooo good - probably because of the bacon!

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I buy them frozen and just prep them in boiling water per the instructions on the bag.  ;)  I love Brussels sprouts.  If you need to make them better, try a little butter.  :)


The key for me is to not cook them too long, as they then become mushy.


They have a distinctive enough flavor that when it comes to recipes, more is not better.  I can't imagine them tasting good when mixed with other competing flavors.

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First of all I have to say that I HATE LIMA BEANS.  My husband bought some brussel sprouts recently, and when I asked for help in making dinner, he decided to make them.  Just the thought of them started me complaining.  Then I realized my "rule" was that everybody can have one thing they hate to eat and mine were lima beans.  So I had to put on a good face and eat them for the sake of encouraging my kids to eat them.  Given a choice between lima beans and brussel sprouts, I'll choke down the brussel sprouts.  As far a how to cook them, I think the roasted method many are sharing would be the best way.  Love the idea of balsamic vinegar too.  

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I actually have a kid who likes Lima beans. Disgusting!


I also think that butter beans deserve a place right up there with Lima beans. Blech.

Agreeing with many PPs that roasted is the way to go with Brussels sprouts. Also agreeing that Lima and butter beans are dis.gust.ing. I'll add another bean to the dislike/hate list: wax beans. Blech. My dad loved those things. I still have to shudder when I think of the dinners when any one of the trifecta of nastiness was served.

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We either roast or saute with garlic, thinly sliced red onion and liberal salt aand pepper, and we do it at a pretty high temp to brown and crisp the outside but not overcook the middle. Use bacon or pancetta if we have it, then toss in a small handful of craisins. You get the whole range of flavors and textures and it so yummy!!!


I had only ever had them steamed before, and thought I hated them.

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Roasted! Toss in olive oil, salt, and if you like it, balsamic vinigar. Put in a very hot oven until crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. I hated them until I tried them this way.


I'm glad you posted this, thank you!  I bought 6 Brussels sprouts (one for each of us) yesterday to try this recipe out, and you saved me having to search for it on here.


I hated sweet potatoes until I roasted them this way (olive oil, salt), and I hope my family ends up liking Brussels sprouts.  They aren't my favorite veg, but if they are tiny, they are edible.  I bought the normal size ones yesterday.

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I hated Lima beans until an Amish woman I know gave me a raw one to try. I was so good! So the only time we eat them is when we grow them ourselves. My dc eat them right out of the garden or if they make it into the house, I sauté them lightly in butter.


Hated Brussel sprouts too until I had them roasted. They are tastier if you get ones that were picked after the first frost.

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I like them very lightly steamed with butter and cracked salt and pepper.  They're best if they've been hit with a couple light frosts before you harvest them.  As much as I love "good" brussels sprouts, I can't stomach them if they've been boiled to death.  That's like trying to eat mushy overly strong cabbage.  Can't do it.

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Roasted! Toss in olive oil, salt, and if you like it, balsamic vinigar. Put in a very hot oven until crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. I hated them until I tried them this way.


This is how I cook brussels sprouts, except I cover the pan with foil for the first part of the cooking time.  Otherwise they burn before they get tender on the inside.  Maybe I cook them at the wrong temperature and that's why?

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