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Poll: How many of your kids know who Roy Rogers is?


How familiar are your children with Roy Rogers?  

126 members have voted

  1. 1. How familiar are your children with Roy Rogers?

    • Never heard of him
    • Heard his name, but don't know who he was
    • Know a little about him
    • Know lots about him
    • Other

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My children stumbled across Roy Rogers a couple of years ago, and have become very fond of his old TV shows, etc. Did you know that he spent a good part of his childhood living on a flat boat on the Mississippi River?


Anyway, my 12 year old son is wondering how many of children know about him. 


Thank you! 

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"Well he has a great drink!" says the 13 year old.  lol


(A Roy Rogers is a Coke with grenadine and a maraschino cherry, for those who might not know)  When I said something about his palomino, Trigger, he said, "Oh!  That guy!"  because they play re-runs on RFD-TV. 

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I don't know who Roy Rogers is. Well except we had a Roy Rogers restaurant in the city I grew up in. That's the extent of my Roy Roger's knowledge. They had good fried chicken.

Mmmmmm Roy Rogers chicken!! Man, do I miss that. You've got my mouth watering just thinking about it. DH and I took his parents on a long road trip to Pennsyvania, and I insisted we eat at every Roy Rogers we came across. Plus, they had a good Fixins bar for hamburgers long before Fuddruckers existed.


My Dad used to have me watch Roy Rogers with him when I was a kid, and now I'm pretty sure my 3 yr old DS will end up watching him with my FIL on RFD. I'd much rather him be watching Roy Rogers than being stuck watching Fox News all day because that's the only other channel FIL watches and he never turns the tv off. Plus I'm sure DS will see the Roy Rogers Muppet Show episode because I'm crazy about the Muppets.

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I learned about the alcoholic beverage Roy Rogers on an episode of American Dad. That is the extent of my knowledge on him.



The only Roy Rogers I've ever heard of is just as I mentioned; Coke, grenadine and a maraschino cherry.  

Like my kids, I've been drinking them since I was just a little sprout...  

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I don't know who Roy Rogers is!! So I'm guessing my kids don't know.

This. I'd never heard of the drink, either. I am vaguely aware of there being a restaurant with this name in some other part of the country.


As for the man, I feel like he is a cowboy actor from way back, but that's all I've got. Or maybe I'm thinking of John Wayne? Either way, I never watched any of those type of shows.

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Guys, Roy Rogers is an American legend.  

I knew who he was about 30 years before I ever saw him on a rerun on TV...  (He was on TV in the 50s, btw)


I completely understand that some of you don't have the cultural connection to this, but you certainly don't have to be a "TV family" to know who he is.   ;)  

Kind of like Mayberry.  You don't have to have a TV to know what Mayberry is...

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I don't understand why you are surprised that not everyone knows about Roy Rogers

If you'll re-read my last post, you'll see I wasn't saying anything of the sort.  

I was just pointing out that one doesn't have to watch TV to know who people like Roy Rogers or Barney Fife are. 

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Just asked my son, he doesn't know Roy Rogers.


I, on the other hand, grew up with Roy, and Dale, and Trigger. All the kids in my era had the plaid shirts, cowboy hats, and strapped-on six-shooters, Roy Rogers style.


Later, when I tended bar in college I would clear the place after last-call by playing "Happy Trails (To You)" off some vinyl in my collection as "exit music."




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The only Roy Rogers I've ever heard of is just as I mentioned; Coke, grenadine and a maraschino cherry.  

Like my kids, I've been drinking them since I was just a little sprout...  


Yes. I was a bartender for many years and a Roy Rogers has no alcohol. A Shirley Temple has 7-Up (or probably Sprite these days) but is essentially the same thing.


I voted Other because I don't know if ds knows who he is. If he does, he learned it from the internet or friends (doubtful). I'm more than old enough to know who he is but never liked watching him, so that would be his reason for not knowing. I never bothered to teach him that bit of cultural history.

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Later, when I tended bar in college I would clear the place after last-call by playing "Happy Trails (To You)" off some vinyl in my collection as "exit music."



We always played Good Night Irene. :)




Nobody in my family is into (or ever was into) cowboy type movies.  I suppose if my parents had been into that I might have heard about it.  We didn't discuss cowboy or western type movies (or even stories) in school.  I never picked that as a theme for any book I chose.

Same here. My nuclear family consisted of a single mom and a younger brother. I'm certainly old enough to know who he is, but never watched the show (and I was born in the 50's) because cowboy movies or tv shows were just not a thing in our household. Except Bonanza, and even that was only sometimes.


Dh has 2 older brothers, so he's seen a lot more of that kind of thing than I did.

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Just asked my dc....


15yo dd: Yes. She knows about him because she reads tons upon tons of horse-related books. And, then she added that she could probably tell you more about his horse than about him. LOL.


12yo ds: No. He said the name sounds familiar but he does not know who he is.


Neither has ever seen tv/movies of him. (In fact, neither have I. I know who he is because when I lived in VA growing up, there was a chain of fast food restaurants called "Roy Rodgers". Do they still have those???)

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I don't know who Roy Rogers is. Well except we had a Roy Rogers restaurant in the city I grew up in. That's the extent of my Roy Roger's knowledge. They had good fried chicken.

Did your Roy Rogers have plastic horses you could sit on to eat? That used to be so much fun. And unlimited pickles from the fixins bar.


I know who Roy Rogers is. My day's horse was named Trigger. My kids don't know.

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My kids don't, but when I taught in HeadStart there was this one little boy who loved Roy Rogers. He brought in a picture of Roy Rogers for show and tell more than once. He preferred to watch Roy Rogers videos.

I will say that this kids lives on a ranch and his dad is a cowboy. His older brother wore real, child size spurs to school the day I substituted for that class.

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I'm one of "the old-school" who believe a proper Shirley Temple is always made with ginger-ale, and not 7-Up or Sprite. But standards have slipped. Sort of like making a martini with vodka. *shudder*


Bill (traditionalist)


Finally!  A drink about which I can intelligently comment! ;)  And yes, a REAL Shirley Temple is made with ginger ale.  Only slackers use 7-UP. :lol:


As far as Roy Rogers...yes, my kids know him well.  But I raised my kids on 50s and 60s television, not the schlok that is considered good programming for kids nowadays.  My kids can quote "The Andy Griffith" show ad nauseum (and I will argue that that show was the single best TV show ever made).  And they watched "Leave It to Beaver", "Father Knows Best", "Donna Reed", "I Love Lucy", and "Dennis the Menace" every single day.  Oh, and "Bewitched"...in spite of rampant alcoholism on that one.  It went unnoticed by me as a kid, but sheesh, those people drank all. day. long. :D

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I just asked my 15yods.  He said he knows he was a famous cowboy, that he learned about him from watching Pawn Stars. :lol:


He always come up with things like this. He learned about Jane Austen from Phineas & Ferb.  He has spent half of his life trying to convince me he DOES watch educational tv.  :huh:

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I'm from Apple Valley, we know all about him!  Our roads are named after Him and Dale, Happy Trails Hwy.  The bowling alley used to be a museum.  My brother is good friends with his grandson.  Yes, you can say we know who he is.  My kids just know he's someone famous from Oma's town.  LOL

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I'm from Apple Valley, we know all about him! Our roads are named after Him and Dale, Happy Trails Hwy. The bowling alley used to be a museum. My brother is good friends with his grandson. Yes, you can say we know who he is. My kids just know he's someone famous from Oma's town. LOL

Awww...is the museum not in Victorville anymore?


My kids know more about him from music and touring the Cowboy Hall of Fame than from tv.

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Awww...is the museum not in Victorville anymore?


My kids know more about him from music and touring the Cowboy Hall of Fame than from tv.


The museum went from Apple Valley to Victorville sometime in the 80s.  When we moved there, you could still see all the markings on the bowling ally.  Then, several years ago, 2003, it moved to Branson, MO and has since closed.  I know there's been a push to get Trigger back to AV.



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