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I want to cry and scream


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More business drama. 


I don't want to post the details, but truly I cannot believe that someone I trusted and thought was my friend would behave this way. He has done something utterly, completely inexcusable and I am so livid and sad and angry all at the same time.


I have 10 more days in the space. I am considering asking if I can move into the space sooner. I just dont know if I can work in the same physical space as this person. 


I have tried very, very hard to stay professional, keep good karma going, good intentions, keep things amicable. 


I don't know what to do now.

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Uggh_sorry you have to deal with crappola your last ten days there. I guess, underneath any other response you might have, you can be grateful you don't have to stay partners with this guy anymore.

What he did doesn't jeopardize your moving, does it?

No, it doesn't. 

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Try to move now. If you can't get into your new office yet, reschedule your appointments until you are settled in your new place. Either way, pack up and leave your old office today.


You don't need this drama.




Well, i see most of my patients 2-3 times a week, so I can't reschedule them. I am going to ask if I can move into the space early, however. 

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Well, i see most of my patients 2-3 times a week, so I can't reschedule them. I am going to ask if I can move into the space early, however.

I hope you're able to get into your new space early, then -- it's so uncomfortable being stuck in an office when there's conflict.

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More business drama.


I don't want to post the details, but truly I cannot believe that someone I trusted and thought was my friend would behave this way. He has done something utterly, completely inexcusable and I am so livid and sad and angry all at the same time.


I have 10 more days in the space. I am considering asking if I can move into the space sooner. I just dont know if I can work in the same physical space as this person.


I have tried very, very hard to stay professional, keep good karma going, good intentions, keep things amicable.


I don't know what to do now.

I'm sorry. I'd move early if possible.


It's the people we trust that can hurt us more than random sh!tbags off the streets, right?

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Can you suffer through this week, and take an unscheduled "vacation" next week and get the heck out?  If your patients are repeats each week, you can tell them you are moving (personally, which is a good idea) and need next week to physically move. Then you can move, and be ready in your new place. And get away from the jerk!


Best wishes, and this too shall pass... quickly!

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1. Call the new landlord and ask her if you can move in immediately. If you can, then do whatever it takes to set up a basic treatment room so you can start practicing out of there immediately.


2. If so, contact your scheduled appointments and tell them to come see you in your new location. You may need to watch for them as they park and perhaps even have a volunteer helper escort them to the new location for a week or 2 so they don't even set foot in the other office again.


3. If anything he did is illegal, such as violating patient confidentiality, or taking liberties with records to which he has no legal access, or billing issues, write a formal letter of complaint to him, and copy his licensing authorities.


4. Remove any and all items of value that belong to you from his premises. This includes furniture, products, office supplies, linens, etc. If you are not able to move yet, treat your patients from a suitcase, basically. Get all your stuff out asap. Carry it around in plastic bins in your vehicle for a week or two if you have to, rather than leaving it in the current location.


5. Vent your emotions here and be a stone cold practitioner to him. Don't be emotional or petty. Don't get drawn in to any conversations or arguments. Be professional to a fault. Ignore him completely if possible. If he tries to engage you in any further squabbles, tell him, "I'm sorry, but I am not interested in this interaction. Please direct all future communications you wish to have with me through my attorney." (You do need to have an attorney available in case he asks for the address.)In essence, he is dead to you now.


6. Look forward, not back. He's a chump, too bad he has to live with himself. You, OTOH, are moving on to bigger and better things. Focus on happy, exciting stuff. Your new location, new promotions and business ideas. Focus on your patients and ways to give them even better service. Let the petty little man stew in his own juices, you are free of him!

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If it were me, I'd prep up the new space and then announce that you're leaving. I would not ask permission. Unless it were illegal to do otherwise, I would perkily announce, "I'm all set up at Y and today is my last day here. I have so loved working here. Thank you so much! Goodby." I'd be cheerful and pleasant and LEAVE!!

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Thank you all. I am talking to the woman I am going to share space with tomorrow to see if I can move in early. I know she is travelling next week so she just might be amenable. 


I am sick in the heart over this. Ex-partner and I are finalizing the bank account tomorrow (he hasn't touched the money, thank god-i don't think he'd go that far, but you never know) and I am getting a check of moneys owed to me. Luckily, it's not a ton--a good amount, but nothing that would devastate us if I didn't see. 


I never thought someone in the healing arts would be capable of doing this to another practitioner. Nothing he has done has so far affected my current patients and that's all I care about, to be honest.  But I am taking my patient files out of the office tomorrow. That's the most important thing to me.



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Oh my word. OK, I take back the things I said a thread or two ago about him not being crazy, and not expecting him to be a lunatic, or whatever other stupid things I said.


You're on the right road. Just move on as quickly as you can, and it'll all blow over. Run anything that worries you by your attorney, now, as he's obviously off his rocker. Sometimes a firm "cease and desist" letter from an attorney can work wonders, if what he is doing/did is along the lines of bad mouthing you. 




I hope your new space works out beautifully for you.

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Agreeing with everyone else. Leave now if you can and protect your assets (furniture, client list, etc). I hope you hear back with a positive answer from your new business partner.


You may also want to photograph the old space as you leave behind so the jerk can't claim you damaged something.


I'm sorry he has disappointed you this way.

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