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Rant: To the woman sipping coffee outside Starbucks at 8:30pm . . .


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Venn diagram. Perhaps we could CC the officer and Starbucks lady. Will someone pitch in so we can buy them lattes or something? Maybe we could get a dancing goat wearing a kilt while balancing a cupcake on his nose - it wouldn't complicate or make things anymore silly than they already are. 

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I’m sorry you have had a stressful last twenty four hours.  Hugs. :grouphug:

*I will admit that I do get nervous if I see young children left unattended in cars.  Our ED has treated several children for automobile related heat stroke this summer.  Fortunately we have not had any fatalities so far this year, but we have had at least two children with poor neurologic outcomes as a result of hyperthermia, in spite of all of our best efforts as physicians.  Obviously if all other things are equal the risk of this is greater when the outside temperature is higher.  However, since all other things are not always equal, children have died when outside temperatures were in the sixties.*

For the record, I am not sharing the above as an indictment of SKL’s parenting but rather because of some of the tone that automobile related heat stroke is over hyped.  From my experiences as a physician, I would not say that this (or accidental drowning) are over hyped.  

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I know of two situations where the cops were called on kids in the car by themselves.


The first one was in a small town in a small strip mall (4 store and 1 restaurant all locally owned). Someone called the cops on a lady who left her teenager and two elementary-aged children in her car while she and the owner of the shop where loading her car up, going back and forth between the car and the shop. The customer also had an infant, which she had with her in a carseat. I would have left the infant in the car with the other kids. The cop came out and nothing came of it because the elementary-aged children were not left alone - there was a teenager in the car with them.


The second time was just last year. This mom left her one of her 6yo triplets in the car at the grocery store (huge, busy store in the suburbs) to run in and buy milk. She went home to find the police waiting for her because someone called about the child and gave the police her license tag. I guess she left the parking lot before the police could get there, so officers were sent to her home. She was reported to CPS and had to go to court. She hasn't shared the outcome, but she didn't go to jail (which she was told was a possibility).


SKL, I'm glad the cop didn't give you a hard time.

Those stories are sickening.


There was a mom here who was handcuffed and arrested bc she left her 9 yo son in the car alone for 15 minutes. It is horrible what this tattling mentality can do to people.

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I’m sorry you have had a stressful last twenty four hours.  Hugs. :grouphug:


*I will admit that I do get nervous if I see young children left unattended in cars.  Our ED has treated several children for automobile related heat stroke this summer.  Fortunately we have not had any fatalities so far this year but we have had at least two children with poor neurologic outcomes as a result of hyperthermia in spite of all of our best efforts as physicians.  Obviously if all other things are equal the risk of this is greater when the outside temperature is higher.  However, since all other things are not always equal, children have died when outside temperatures were in the sixties.*


For the record, I am not sharing the above as an indictment of SKL’s parenting but rather because of some of the tone that automobile related heat stroke is over hyped.  From my experiences as a physician I would not say that this (or accidental drowning) are over hyped.  



I wanted to comment on that post (as funny as it was), but I didn't have anything to back it up.  Glad you spoke up.

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I think the problem is that at times like this, you don't know whether to act jovial or serious.  If you're too friendly the cop could think you're flippant and give you a hard time over "not understanding the gravity of the situation."  Maybe I'm jaded since the last time I was stopped by a cop (with my kids in the car) the cop was very rude and nasty while I was trying to act calm/cheerful for the sake of my kids.  (It was a speeding ticket, nothing that called for all that drama.  He didn't like the fact that I didn't stop until I got to a place where there was space to pull over.)


Then again, I'm one of those people who can't fake a feeling.  I can be polite but I can't be sickly sweet when I really want to slap someone.  :P

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I'm confused.  If a child has to be FIVE by September 15 in Colorado to start KINDERGARTEN, how could they be 6 and start SECOND grade.  The only way that would be possible is if the completely skipped first grade.  There is ONLY one year between ages 5 and 6, but there should be TWO years between K and 2nd.

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I'm confused.  If a child has to be FIVE by September 15 in Colorado to start KINDERGARTEN, how could they be 6 and start SECOND grade.  The only way that would be possible is if the completely skipped first grade.  There is ONLY one year between ages 5 and 6, but there should be TWO years between K and 2nd.


If they were four (about to be five) before kindergarten then they would be six (about to be seven) before second grade.


Also private schools may have different cut offs than public schools.  Our oldest started in a private school that was happy to take her when she was "too young" to start by state cut-offs.  In all other ways she was ready to be off to school so we went ahead and enrolled her.  [We had selected the private school because we thought it was the best educational opportunity for her at the time based on other opportunities and our lives as they were then.  We didn't specifically pick private school to get around the state cut off.]

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I was 4 when I started Kindy in a public school, therefore 6 when I started 2nd grade. My oldest was also 4 when she started kindy at a DoDDs school. Several of my niece/nephews started at 4 in the local Catholic school. Not completely unusual and I certainly wouldn't call someone a liar because of it.


Since when did being CONFUSED automatically mean they are calling her a liar?  They were merely stating that in their area, 2nd graders are either 7 or 8 (not 6).

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I’m sorry you have had a stressful last twenty four hours.  Hugs. :grouphug:


*I will admit that I do get nervous if I see young children left unattended in cars.  Our ED has treated several children for automobile related heat stroke this summer.  Fortunately we have not had any fatalities so far this year, but we have had at least two children with poor neurologic outcomes as a result of hyperthermia, in spite of all of our best efforts as physicians.  Obviously if all other things are equal the risk of this is greater when the outside temperature is higher.  However, since all other things are not always equal, children have died when outside temperatures were in the sixties.*


For the record, I am not sharing the above as an indictment of SKL’s parenting but rather because of some of the tone that automobile related heat stroke is over hyped.  From my experiences as a physician, I would not say that this (or accidental drowning) are over hyped.  



It's a horrible problem, but I feel the solution of making it illegal for anyone to ever leave a child in a car does little to address the actual problem, and creates new problems.  I've seen situations where kids are clearly safer in the car than in the parking lot.  I've also been in a situation where I had to go home without being able to buy needed baby stuff because the weather was so bad I couldn't take my babies through a parking lot.  (Blizzard, deep slushy snow, two babies who can't walk, single mom, everyone sick.)  Parents should be armed with helpful information and then allowed to make a reasoned decision.

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To address another issue instead:


SKL: This could help you if the FedEx situation comes up again. I work from home and have UPS and FedEx supplies on hand (boxes, envelopes, slips, accounts set up with both companies). If I have to get something out to a client, I pack it at home and have them pick it up. This may help you so you don't feel so harried trying to get everything done (BTDT millions of times) and having pick up at home really helps. You can call for same day pickup almost all day. Hugs.

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.  He didn't like the fact that I didn't stop until I got to a place where there was space to pull over.)




I actually asked a cop about that once, and he said that as long as you slow down and it is not too far, that they would RATHER you proceed to safe point to pull over.  You never know I guess!  It makes sense to me, because it's safer for them also.

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I'm confused.  If a child has to be FIVE by September 15 in Colorado to start KINDERGARTEN, how could they be 6 and start SECOND grade.  The only way that would be possible is if the completely skipped first grade.  There is ONLY one year between ages 5 and 6, but there should be TWO years between K and 2nd.


If said child turned 5 on September 15, she would be 4 in August when KG started, and 6 in August when 2nd grade started.

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Let me blow your minds people. I was 5 when I started kindergarten and 6 when I started second grade. (I was actually moved up to 1st right after Christmas, so had one semester of each.) I'm so glad we can keep rehashing this because I've been doing some serious school avoidance the last two days!

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To address another issue instead:


SKL: This could help you if the FedEx situation comes up again. I work from home and have UPS and FedEx supplies on hand (boxes, envelopes, slips, accounts set up with both companies). If I have to get something out to a client, I pack it at home and have them pick it up. This may help you so you don't feel so harried trying to get everything done (BTDT millions of times) and having pick up at home really helps. You can call for same day pickup almost all day. Hugs.


Just last week, I actually tried going online so I could pay and print the label that way, but their system was not working at that moment.  I will try again.


I do keep a stash of the envelopes and the forms you fill out and stick on.  I had that all ready before I left home, and that is why all I had to do when I got to FedEx was give them my credit card to pay for it.


I should definitely look up the possibilities for at-home pickup.  I just assumed they would not do it on such short notice.  I have another request in my email today, so I will see what I can do with this one.


Thanks for the tip.


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I actually asked a cop about that once, and he said that as long as you slow down and it is not too far, that they would RATHER you proceed to safe point to pull over.  You never know I guess!  It makes sense to me, because it's safer for them also.


That's what I'd been told too.  Just goes to show, you never know how a given cop is going to react to things.


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What I'm most upset about reading this thread is: if those are all the cut off dates, why are my June and July kids always the youngest ones in their grades? And why do things like camps say "grades 9-12", but the child must be 15 by May 15 or something? It's getting terribly aggravating.

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It's a horrible problem, but I feel the solution of making it illegal for anyone to ever leave a child in a car does little to address the actual problem, and creates new problems.  I've seen situations where kids are clearly safer in the car than in the parking lot.  I've also been in a situation where I had to go home without being able to buy needed baby stuff because the weather was so bad I couldn't take my babies through a parking lot.  (Blizzard, deep slushy snow, two babies who can't walk, single mom, everyone sick.)  Parents should be armed with helpful information and then allowed to make a reasoned decision.


Having kids is difficult.  Taking them in and out of cars repeatedly can be tiring, but I don't have a problem with the laws.  They do protect children.  I don't feel like it's safe to leave my kids in the car.  I would not think it was safe to leave them in the car in the situation you described, above.  I would worry they would be too cold left in the car with no heat.  So, you have to do what you have to do, even if it's tiring.  I am trying so hard to understand your situation.  I really feel for you and I'm sorry you've gotten so many harsh responses on here.  However,even those of us who are married have to deal with the situations you describe.  I have four kids and my husband can't just take off work to help with the smaller stuff, and if I was in the scenario you described, above, and DH couldn't get off work (and I couldn't wait until he got home) I would just have to take all four of them out.  I think you are more tired because you are a single mom and that may be what is giving you a hard time.  So, you might be looking at what is easier under your circumstances, rather than looking at WHY these laws are in place.  If I am way off base, feel free to tell me.  Also, I want you to know that I really do feel for you.  *hugs*

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I'm confused. If a child has to be FIVE by September 15 in Colorado to start KINDERGARTEN, how could they be 6 and start SECOND grade. The only way that would be possible is if the completely skipped first grade. There is ONLY one year between ages 5 and 6, but there should be TWO years between K and 2nd.


Mine skipped K. She went Pre-K at 4, skipped K, and did 1st at 5. It happens.

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Having kids is difficult.  Taking them in and out of cars repeatedly can be tiring, but I don't have a problem with the laws.  They do protect children.  I don't feel like it's safe to leave my kids in the car.  I would not think it was safe to leave them in the car in the situation you described, above.  I would worry they would be too cold left in the car with no heat.  So, you have to do what you have to do, even if it's tiring.  I am trying so hard to understand your situation.  I really feel for you and I'm sorry you've gotten so many harsh responses on here.  However,even those of us who are married have to deal with the situations you describe.  I have four kids and my husband can't just take off work to help with the smaller stuff, and if I was in the scenario you described, above, and DH couldn't get off work (and I couldn't wait until he got home) I would just have to take all four of them out.  I think you are more tired because you are a single mom and that may be what is giving you a hard time.  So, you might be looking at what is easier under your circumstances, rather than looking at WHY these laws are in place.  If I am way off base, feel free to tell me.  Also, I want you to know that I really do feel for you.  *hugs*


I am very clear as to *why* these laws are in place.  I have studied the hyperthermia problem in depth.  I still know that there are lots of times when a child would be perfectly safe in a car for a short time.  The laws and proposed laws that prohibit this are overly broad.  Thankfully most states only make it illegal under certain dangerous circumstances, but the proposals to expand these laws are misguided IMO.  And so is the push for people to report every incidence of a child in a car, even where there are no indications of danger.


Although I personally had no intention of leaving my babies in the car alone in the blizzard situation I described (because they would get scared - just how they were), I use that as an example of how a law against doing so could cause more problems than it prevents.  I managed through that and many other difficult situations, but I still want parents to have the right to choose when it would actually be better for their kid to sit in the car for a few minutes.


Another situation was where one of my kids was puking sick, and the other had to go to school.  The sick kid puked on herself during the drive to school.  I was late getting the older to school, so I had to go sign her in etc.  I left the 5yo in the car because she was covered in vomit as well as feeling horrible.  I do not feel that bringing her into the school that way would have made me a better mom.  Thankfully the law in my state did not require me to.

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Since when are 6 year olds second grader? Are they going into second grade? I'm confused.



Let me blow your minds people. I was 5 when I started kindergarten and 6 when I started second grade. (I was actually moved up to 1st right after Christmas, so had one semester of each.) I'm so glad we can keep rehashing this because I've been doing some serious school avoidance the last two days!


Obviously this has already been said but I just don’t have anything else to add to this thread. :) I have a 6 year old who is going into 2nd grade and who I would call a “second grader†if I was talking to someone even though school hadn’t started yet. 


I personally didn’t turn 7 until Feb of 2nd grade, so the term “second grader†invokes a 6-7 year old in my own mind. It’s all about your own perspective. 


And to SKL, sorry about your experience. One thing you mentioned that has you concerned about potential CPS calls is that your daughters have birthmarks and get hives that could look like abuse. I often purposefully document that in a patient’s chart (that they have such and such a birthmark and where it is or that they get very swollen or bruise with bug bites) just so that there is a record for the parents in case a well-meaning person sees the marks and makes a call for possible abuse. You could ask your doctor to do the same. 

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What I'm most upset about reading this thread is: if those are all the cut off dates, why are my June and July kids always the youngest ones in their grades? And why do things like camps say "grades 9-12", but the child must be 15 by May 15 or something? It's getting terribly aggravating.


I agree.  In my kids' class, the next youngest kid was born in early June.  I guess all the parents of kids born between June 10 and September 30 decided to red-shirt them.  As a result the schools adjust their expectations upward, making it that much harder for the young kids to succeed, and then they give us parents a hard time for not redshirting.  :/  Just our reality, I guess.


As for the arbitrary activity age cutoffs, that hasn't been a huge deal for us so far.  My kids are in activities that have a pretty broad age range.  They did have to wait until age 5.9 to qualify for "grade school" level classes at the Little Gym.  And while they are on the young side in most classes / camps, they are probably the only 2nd graders in the zoo camp, which is leveled by age (5-6).  No biggie, though.

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One thing you mentioned that has you concerned about potential CPS calls is that your daughters have birthmarks and get hives that could look like abuse. I often purposefully document that in a patient’s chart (that they have such and such a birthmark and where it is or that they get very swollen or bruise with bug bites) just so that there is a record for the parents in case a well-meaning person sees the marks and makes a call for possible abuse. You could ask your doctor to do the same. 


Good advice.


Once I took my dd to the doctor for a bug bite on her eyelid, only because I wanted it documented that I had not punched her.  ;)  Seriously, it looked that bad.  Just yesterday I told her camp counselor how she reacts to bug bites, because she said she'd been bitten that day (and could hardly walk this morning thanks to the pain and swelling on her foot).  Thankfully the counselor understood, as she has the same problem.


I was always going to photograph the birthmark when it was really dark, but never got around to it.  It has faded a lot, but I can still see it if I look.  Of course most people are not looking at her backside, but it used to show when she crawled around, so I'd tell everyone about it right away.

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Wow, what a thread. I admit I have worried when I have seen very small children (under school age) alone in a vehicle, though I have never called the police. SKL, I hope you are having a better day today.


Now to the really important part...cupcake party at my house with adult beverages for all!!! (Just don't leave your kids in your car in front of my house. We don't want any trouble.)

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Wow, what a thread. I admit I have worried when I have seen very small children (under school age) alone in a vehicle, though I have never called the police. SKL, I hope you are having a better day today.


Now to the really important part...cupcake party at my house with adult beverages for all!!! (Just don't leave your kids in your car in front of my house. We don't want any trouble.)

I'm in.


All in.

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Shoot, I was a cop, married to a cop, sister of a cop, daughter of a retired cop. If I get pulled my hands start to shake like I've got a body in the trunk I don't want exposed.

Lol. I'm so boring. I won't even drive after a sip of beer. But I drive by a cop and my paranoiameter goes off the hook. It makes me think I'll be thrown in jail for some obscure crazy regulation I never knew existed. In fact, every time I've been in the car and a cop has stopped us or stopped to help with a break down, I've cried uncontrollably for like an hour.

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Lol. I'm so boring. I won't even drive after a sip of beer. But I drive by a cop and my paranoiameter goes off the hook. It makes me think I'll be thrown in jail for some obscure crazy regulation I never knew existed. In fact, every time I've been in the car and a cop has stopped us or stopped to help with a break down, I've cried uncontrollably for like an hour.


You need a beer.  Just don't cry into your beer.  Watery beer isn't good. 

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Let me blow your minds people. I was 5 when I started kindergarten and 6 when I started second grade. (I was actually moved up to 1st right after Christmas, so had one semester of each.) I'm so glad we can keep rehashing this because I've been doing some serious school avoidance the last two days!

. My birthday was the age cutoff and I had the same experience. I started senior year when I was 16. I was the youngest in my grade.
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SKL, if it makes you feel any better I once told a cranky ex-LEO who was chastising me about my parenting to, "Go ahead and call the cops if it makes you feel better. I'm leaving now but they can find me at the RST store, then the ABCD library and then the XYZ park."


He had already threatened to call and threatened that, because he was a retired officer, he *knew* people. I tried to be nice, but he was rude and belligerent. I was 100% confident that my parenting choices that day were right in the situation AND legal, so I let my filter slip a *ahem* touch. He wandered away calling the police while I got the name and contact info for the cashier who had witnessed the whole exchange. (And who was apologizing to me for his behavior.) The man had the gall to follow me out to the car, to take down my license plate number, and continue to berate me while I loaded the car.


Had some fun conversations with the kids about that one! Punk was about 7 at the time and want to know if we could invite the police in for cake and ice cream when they showed up. And yes, he LOUDLY asked me if the police would be waiting for us when we got home while I was trying to shop in the grocery store.


Rude people and kids, both inspire such great stories.

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You need a beer. Just don't cry into your beer. Watery beer isn't good.

The thing is that I have no rational reason for this. I've never even been arrested. Driving on expired insurance when I was an unemployed single mom was the closest I've ever been to trouble. I think it's the financial aspect. The thought of paying a fine terrifies me. That would be my grocery money for the month.

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The thing is that I have no rational reason for this. I've never even been arrested. Driving on expired insurance when I was an unemployed single mom was the closest I've ever been to trouble. I think it's the financial aspect. The thought of paying a fine terrifies me. That would be my grocery money for the month.


I've gotten a few tickets in my day (mostly for speeding).  It's definitely not worth it.  The tickets themselves weren't that bad, but the cumulative impact on my car insurance was a doozy. People always talk about how they get let off with a warning. That has never happened to me.  I've gotten a ticket every single time I've been pulled over.  Even when 9 months pregnant.  I'm always friendly and respectful to police officers.  I don't get it. 

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On the infamous Shopping Cart Thread, I confessed that I occasionally did not put away my shopping cart because I had once put my baby in her carseat and pushed the cart back into its corral two parking spaces away. In the seconds I was away from the car, a woman walked by and started to freak out because there was a baby "all alone." She didn't even look up to see if anyone was around before she started to panic. If I hadn't been right there at the car door where she was peering in, I'm sure she would have called the police. I was kind of snippy when I assured her I had been there the whole time in full view of the car and only steps away. Her over-the-top reaction was enough to make me avoid taking a cart back if I was too far from a corral. (Don't worry—I was taken to task on that thread for not lugging the child with me to return the cart previously, so no sense beating a dead horse. It's no longer an issue, as I usually send a DD to return the cart if I'm shopping with the kids.)

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I returned my shopping cart yesterday after I had already let DD5 into the car.  The car was locked, but I was about 6 parking spaces away from the cart corral (the whole trip and back took about 30 seconds) .  Made me think about this thread and chuckle.  ;)

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Just last week, I actually tried going online so I could pay and print the label that way, but their system was not working at that moment. I will try again.


I do keep a stash of the envelopes and the forms you fill out and stick on. I had that all ready before I left home, and that is why all I had to do when I got to FedEx was give them my credit card to pay for it.


I should definitely look up the possibilities for at-home pickup. I just assumed they would not do it on such short notice. I have another request in my email today, so I will see what I can do with this one.


Thanks for the tip.


You can also open an account with FedEx so you can handle everything online and then either schedule a pickup or put the package in one of the big FedEx drop boxes if there is one near your home. (The only downside of the drop boxes is that you have to pay attention to the pick-up times on the boxes, to be sure you get there before the packages have already been picked up. In my area, the drop box deadlines range between 6PM and around 7:30PM.)


I know FedEx charges around $4.00 extra to pick up the packages at your house unless it's a regularly scheduled kind of thing.

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If they were four (about to be five) before kindergarten then they would be six (about to be seven) before second grade.


Also private schools may have different cut offs than public schools.  Our oldest started in a private school that was happy to take her when she was "too young" to start by state cut-offs.  In all other ways she was ready to be off to school so we went ahead and enrolled her.  [We had selected the private school because we thought it was the best educational opportunity for her at the time based on other opportunities and our lives as they were then.  We didn't specifically pick private school to get around the state cut off.]


I misunderstood.  I thought she said they TURNED six in August.

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Well...I had a run-in with the law today.  I had a feeling all day that it was going to happen.  I seem to be the one in the family who gets singled out...like getting hit by two vehicles while sitting still in traffic, and no one who hits me gets a ticket.  Of course, if it were me doing the hitting, I'd be cited :/


Anyhow.  I drove my dh's car to the Navy Yard today, taking my two oldest daughters to day-camp.  We take the HOV lanes.  My oldest daughter is still on the short-side, and the back seats sit really low.  I just *knew* someone was going to pull me over for "cheating."  And, sure enough...just as we get out of the city (where there is no right shoulder and the left shoulder isn't even a car-width wide), I see the state trooper behind me lights flashing.  I move to the left hand lane and he follows...I pull off onto the shoulder and start getting out my stuff (just in case I'm being pulled over for something of which I am completely clueless).  Sure enough... he looks in the back window and tells me I can go...he didn't see my kids.


Thankfully, he made way for me to get back ON 395, as rush hour is in full swing and cars are moving at 70mph+...and without a shoulder or anything to use to get up to speed it would have been a mess.


So...I got pulled over for appearing to break the law, when in fact I wasn't.  And, of course...we're going back tomorrow.  Shall we take bets on whether I get pulled over tomorrow, too?


(FWIW, dh has taken the kids in this car to & from the Navy Yard on the HOV lanes and *never once* gotten pulled over for an HOV violation...I swear, I'm a magnet for these things.)

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I've gotten a few tickets in my day (mostly for speeding).  It's definitely not worth it.  The tickets themselves weren't that bad, but the cumulative impact on my car insurance was a doozy. People always talk about how they get let off with a warning. That has never happened to me.  I've gotten a ticket every single time I've been pulled over.  Even when 9 months pregnant.  I'm always friendly and respectful to police officers.  I don't get it. 


I have the same problem.  Since I was about 21, I have never been able to talk my way out of a ticket.  I've tried everything short of tears, sex offers, or lying about having diarrhea (have seen others do all three, though).


What worked for me was finding out that I could save a ton of money by driving between 55 and 60 mph.  After that the only time I got pulled over was the time mentioned above.  I'd gotten off the freeway and didn't realize how fast I was going in a 25.


I'd better shut up now or Murphy's Law will kick in . . . .


You're right, who can afford to speed?


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After reading most of this thread, I see I will never again be able to leave my kids in the car for a couple minutes while I run into the library (they are 7 and 11).


Heh. Mine are about the same ages, and I do the same thing. They never want to run in places with me and would always rather stay in the car. I always tell them that if anyone tries to question them while I'm inside, to tell them they refused to come inside with me :lol:



I returned my shopping cart yesterday after I had already let DD5 into the car.  The car was locked, but I was about 6 parking spaces away from the cart corral (the whole trip and back took about 30 seconds) .  Made me think about this thread and chuckle.  ;)


I think about the Shopping Cart Debacle every single time I let the kids into the car and go to put the cart away. Now I'll be thinking of this thread too :D

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After reading most of this thread, I see I will never again be able to leave my kids in the car for a couple minutes while I run into the library (they are 7 and 11).


Those of us with fragile hearts and gianormous imaginations thank you.

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I return my cart without even locking my door (with my kids in the car).  I probably should not admit that.


There was a time I didn't return my carts because my tots would scream if I went away from the car without them.  I do seem to remember that not being a popular decision on here . . . .


I really think that everyone should have to be a single parent of two non-walkers for a week - in winter.  It would bring so many people down to earth.  ;)

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I return my cart without even locking my door (with my kids in the car).  I probably should not admit that.


There was a time I didn't return my carts because my tots would scream if I went away from the car without them.  I do seem to remember that not being a popular decision on here. . . .

OK, now you're just looking for trouble... :D

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I have the same problem.  Since I was about 21, I have never been able to talk my way out of a ticket.  I've tried everything short of tears, sex offers, or lying about having diarrhea (have seen others do all three, though).



This one won't work for you, but I managed to get my husband out of a ticket last time we got pulled over.  


We were going to the bank to sign our closing documents on our house, and he didn't realize this particular town has NO cross streets.  There is one intersection, and he turned the wrong way, so we were heading the wrong way out of town. We were looking for a good place to turn around, and didn't realize there was a school zone.  So now we're going to wrong way down this country road, pulled over, and still need to get to the bank and sign papers.


The officer did all of the "license, registration" stuff, and asked what we were doing in the area since we hadn't changed our license information over yet.  We said where we were going, and the guy asked if we were lost.  Because of course the bank was a mile behind us. My husband was like "No, no, we're fine." And I said, "Uh, no we're not.  We have no idea where to turn around." And the officer felt so bad for my husband because he has to live with a horrible shrew of a wife who will out her husband for being lost, that he just gave my husband a knowing look and told us where to turn around, and let us go on our way.

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Well...I had a run-in with the law today. I had a feeling all day that it was going to happen. I seem to be the one in the family who gets singled out...like getting hit by two vehicles while sitting still in traffic, and no one who hits me gets a ticket. Of course, if it were me doing the hitting, I'd be cited :/


Anyhow. I drove my dh's car to the Navy Yard today, taking my two oldest daughters to day-camp. We take the HOV lanes. My oldest daughter is still on the short-side, and the back seats sit really low. I just *knew* someone was going to pull me over for "cheating." And, sure enough...just as we get out of the city (where there is no right shoulder and the left shoulder isn't even a car-width wide), I see the state trooper behind me lights flashing. I move to the left hand lane and he follows...I pull off onto the shoulder and start getting out my stuff (just in case I'm being pulled over for something of which I am completely clueless). Sure enough... he looks in the back window and tells me I can go...he didn't see my kids.


Thankfully, he made way for me to get back ON 395, as rush hour is in full swing and cars are moving at 70mph+...and without a shoulder or anything to use to get up to speed it would have been a mess.


So...I got pulled over for appearing to break the law, when in fact I wasn't. And, of course...we're going back tomorrow. Shall we take bets on whether I get pulled over tomorrow, too?


(FWIW, dh has taken the kids in this car to & from the Navy Yard on the HOV lanes and *never once* gotten pulled over for an HOV violation...I swear, I'm a magnet for these things.)



Same thing happened to me, but the officer didn't believe me when I said there was a child in the backseat. He walked around the van to look and dd waved at him and smiled. He smiled and waved at her, and then came back and told me she is tiny ( she was), and let me go.

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I've never left either child in a car at the age of 7 while I did an errand. I did have both kids in gymnastics when they were younger than 7. I'm thinking that may be statistically riskier behavior.


I DID let my 10-year-old wait in the car while I ran into the bank. Car locked, parked in the shade, window cracked, and a 50 degree day. The drive-through was out of envelopes so I ran inside and grabbed one. DS did NOT want to transfer in and out of his wheelchair for a two-minute trip. I came out and a cop was talking to my son. He was just checking up on him and asking his age. DS is older than he looks and in Maryland there IS a minimal age to legally leave kids alone.


The cop was just doing his job and we didn't get in trouble because we weren't breaking the law. Nobody called him, he just happened to pull up near us.

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I have never successfully talked myself out of a ticket. I've only had a few, one I KNOW the cop clocked the speeder beside me and I got the ticket. I wasn't speeding because cops sat there every day. I once got pulled over on a six lane interstate because of expired tags and the cop was going the opposite direction. Yup, I'm a magnet. 

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