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Naked and Afraid TV show on Discovery


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I had to google to know to what you were referring. Um...how low have we sunk?








Eta: unfortunately my next comment may be more crude than the show itself. How is that going to work for the woman? I know women have survived with basic necessities and no modern, um, shall we say toiletries, but what will she do during THAT time?

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I had to google to know to what you were referring.


Okay, guys - I don't have cable, and I'm a bit Afraid to type "Naked and Afraid" into google search... I'm worried I'd have to bleach my computer afterwards!


What the heck are these people supposed to be doing on this show while (apparently) naked???

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Sunburn in places you cannot imagine. That is all I am thinking after reading this thread... :lol:


This was one of the first things DH and I discussed after the show was over. They did roll around in the mud, covering themselves.

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I was trying to see if we could lower our cable bills based on the channels we watch. We can't. You see, what has happened is that those kind of shows that Discovery used to have they still have but on other channels. Other competitors have come in like Nat Geo (and Nat Geo Wild) and Smithsonian. So my dh is recording shows on Science, Nat Geo Wild, History 2, etc. Most of those channels are on the most expensive tier.

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Smithsonian is on Roku.


Find out how many of the shows you watch can be streamed.


You can also buy a lifetime subscription of Playon for $40 and stream to TV through a Roku.


We have no cable or satellite and haven't for over 2 years. There are VERY few shows we can't find a way to watch somehow. Those we can't we rent or buy on Amazon.com for a fairly low price. I think I have spent about $100 total on buying shows for the last 30 months.




I was trying to see if we could lower our cable bills based on the channels we watch. We can't. You see, what has happened is that those kind of shows that Discovery used to have they still have but on other channels. Other competitors have come in like Nat Geo (and Nat Geo Wild) and Smithsonian. So my dh is recording shows on Science, Nat Geo Wild, History 2, etc. Most of those channels are on the most expensive tier.


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Okay, guys - I don't have cable, and I'm a bit Afraid to type "Naked and Afraid" into google search... I'm worried I'd have to bleach my computer afterwards!


What the heck are these people supposed to be doing on this show while (apparently) naked???


It is a survival show. A woman and man, previously unknown to each other, are dropped in a remote location with only one item each. no clothes, no food, no water. They need to survive for 21 days.


The 2 shows so far: (they're different participants)

1st location and items: Costa Rica and a machete and fire starter

2nd location and items: Tanzania and a knife and a 1quart pot to boil water


The first pair fashioned loinclothes from foliage and the second fashioned shoes from bark.



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I read the thread title as "Naked and Afraid OF tv show on Discovery." :leaving:

Okay this made me LOL.


I'm with you OP, no way would I ever do this. Dh and I have been watching it. This last episode had a guy with a WIFE, everyone else was single. Yeah hun, sure, spend 3 weeks alone in the wilderness naked with another woman, protecting each other and helping each other, I'm sure it will be great!

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I'd do it. Anyone really gets in over their head there's a rescue team standing by. And in those conditions I strongly doubt tEa time is going to be on their minds. More like where to get water and food.

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Okay this made me LOL.


I'm with you OP, no way would I ever do this. Dh and I have been watching it. This last episode had a guy with a WIFE, everyone else was single. Yeah hun, sure, spend 3 weeks alone in the wilderness naked with another woman, protecting each other and helping each other, I'm sure it will be great!


Yeah, but it is really NOT sexy. At ALL. Was that the guy with the thorn in his foot?  :eek:


My kids found it on the hotel tv last week we were glued. Now I want to go see the new episode.

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I was trying to see if we could lower our cable bills based on the channels we watch. We can't. You see, what has happened is that those kind of shows that Discovery used to have they still have but on other channels. Other competitors have come in like Nat Geo (and Nat Geo Wild) and Smithsonian. So my dh is recording shows on Science, Nat Geo Wild, History 2, etc. Most of those channels are on the most expensive tier.

We have Netflix and Amazon prime. We haven't missed cable at all and I don't want to go back to watching commercials or having to wait until something is 'on' to watch it. There are more shows there, and online tan we have time to watch. It was really a painless change for us. You just watch other things and get used to it.

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We dont have cable TV, so imagine my surprise when I was sitting in the waiting room for labor and delivery, and on the TV I see two naked people walking around outside... Whaaa?? :huh:


Just glad my dd wasn't there. My first thought, "People/TV today are just getting ridiculous."

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It is a survival show. A woman and man, previously unknown to each other, are dropped in a remote location with only one item each. no clothes, no food, no water. They need to survive for 21 days.



Whoa, MULTIPLE people are doing this!? I thought one couple was bad enough. :laugh:


I seriously thought (from the commercial) that it was just one couple the cameras followed around. Like a man vs wild type of thing. (Sorry if Ive got my shows mixed up, as I said in my pp we dont have cable.)


The realization that enough people are doing this to have a new couple per show makes me feel loads better. LOL Good grief.

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I'd do it. Anyone really gets in over their head there's a rescue team standing by. And in those conditions I strongly doubt tEa time is going to be on their minds. More like where to get water and food.


That's what my brother said, too.


I don't watch much tv, but what I do watch is unabashed trash LOL.  I'm not into this kind of show, and hadn't heard of it until I saw it at my brother's.  I'd be fine to never have watched it, or to ever watch it again, but the episode I caught was kind of interesting.  I wouldn't seek it out but I'd not leave if it were on again.


They're in survival mode.  Basic needs first, so only if they're really successful early on will they make their way up the ladder to "extra" needs LOL.


I'm not even brave enough for Amazing Race.  If I were going to be on any "reality" show, it'd have to be something a/c and comfy ... like something on Food Network or HGTV ;) B)!

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I think it's much less "low" than the shows that follow "families" such as Kardashians, Duggars, Jersey Shore, etc.


At least there is some skill, knowledge, preparation, and the potential for intelligence and fortitude to emerge.


Sure, the naked part adds a marketing ploy to engage more viewers. But the "naked" part does not ring sexual bells for me immediately, anyway. Most people look better with clothes on. ;)



Edited to add: Back before a crisis in my life, I was going to lose weight, get in shape and apply for Survivor. It's still not completely off my option list. Although now I am much older, more out of shape and have missed many seasons of the show.



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Does anyone else remember when Discovery channel was about things like Scientific discoveries, nature, etc.


And remember when the History Channel was more about like, you know....History????


Where do they find these people?


And TLC was actually The Learning Channel?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, that made me laugh.....the juxtaposition of Jersey Shore gals or the Kardashians put together with the Duggars~!



I think it's much less "low" than the shows that follow "families" such as Kardashians, Duggars, Jersey Shore, etc.


At least there is some skill, knowledge, preparation, and the potential for intelligence and fortitude to emerge.


Sure, the naked part adds a marketing ploy to engage more viewers. But the "naked" part does not ring sexual bells for me immediately, anyway. Most people look better with clothes on. ;)



Edited to add: Back before a crisis in my life, I was going to lose weight, get in shape and apply for Survivor. It's still not completely off my option list. Although now I am much older, more out of shape and have missed many seasons of the show.




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I think it's much less "low" than the shows that follow "families" such as Kardashians, Duggars, Jersey Shore, etc.


At least there is some skill, knowledge, preparation, and the potential for intelligence and fortitude to emerge.


Sure, the naked part adds a marketing ploy to engage more viewers. But the "naked" part does not ring sexual bells for me immediately, anyway. Most people look better with clothes on. ;)



Edited to add: Back before a crisis in my life, I was going to lose weight, get in shape and apply for Survivor. It's still not completely off my option list. Although now I am much older, more out of shape and have missed many seasons of the show.



I could see you doing really well on Survivor!

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Does anyone else remember when Discovery channel was about things like Scientific discoveries, nature, etc.


And remember when the History Channel was more about like, you know....History????


Where do they find these people?


And MTV showed...music videos!


Those were the days...

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Wow. I saw it advertised in the lower RH corner of the screen when I was flipping through the channels last night. Wondered vaguely what it was. Now that I know. . . No interest in watching or participating :p


I have to revise my former statement.  After this thread, DH DVRed and watched a couple and now we are hooked! 

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I dvr'd tonight's but DH watched it at his friend's. He said the conditions were horrible.


It was in Louisiana.


The idea of walking around our woods here in Ohio naked makes me want to find some sandpaper to scour with.  Louisiana?  It's worse there than it is here.

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According to Good Morning America there is no prize at the end. The participants are doing it for the experience.



Wow! What an experience, something I'm sure they would like to share with their grandchildren someday :glare:  Just proves that some people will do absolutely anything for their 15 minutes of fame. 

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What in the world!  I watched a portion of the show and I think my mouth was touching my knees the entire time.  Where do they find these people!? 


Perhaps I am just a little paranoid but there are a few areas of my body that I prefer not to have exposed while I am traipsing through who knows what kinds of poisonous plants.  I mean that is some serious itching if I rubbed against some poison ivy or stinging nettle!  And bug bites?  Eww no way!

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I've seen a couple of episodes.  It is actually very interesting.  The people seem very real, not the fake politicking and backstabbing in most reality TV shows.  It is about basic survival needs.  Everyone who is on the show is a survivalist by trade or hobby, so they come in with skills.  These people are already attracted to challenging themselves in this way.  I fell asleep in last night's episode, but in the beginning, the couple did have a conversation about being uncomfortable with eachother's nakedness (mostly the man as the woman was a natural beauty.)  But that dissipated pretty quickly when it meant getting down to the business of water, shelter, and food.  I don't get any voyeuristic vibe from it.  The nakedness is just another part of the challenge.  The risk of hypothermia can be great.  Even surviving the personality clashes that can come up due to the effects of starvation are challenging.


I saw an episode where the man came down with a serious fever and had to be taken out of the jungle to get medical help.  The woman decided to continue, but wasn't mentally up to the challenge after several days of being alone and eventually quit.   


ETA:  No way in H E double hockey sticks would l do it - a few nights of camping with good equipment and a cooler in the car is the limit of my survivalist abilities.  But I kind of like the show.

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