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Are there any common foods that you can not stand the smell of?


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I HATE (yes, truly Hate) the smell of bananas. Especially if a little kid is eating bananas and then breathes in my face. Hot banana breath... just the thought makes me shudder.


Ds18...popcorn. He loathes finding a pan of popcorn to wash in the morning. (He does all the dishes in the house). He says it is the worst when he has to hand wash a pan of popcorn, because wet popcorn is the stinkiest of all. LOL


Dh...white vinegar. I can't use it in anyway if he is home. Not for cleaning. Not for cooking. I can use balsamic, just not white (which is why it seems so odd to me). He will even eat balsamic with oil on bread. If I use a white vinegar rinse on the towels to get rid of soap/mineral build up, I have to rewash the entire load before I dry it. Otherwise, when he dries off with the towel he can smell the vinegar.



How about you....any weird food-smell aversions?

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Canned green beans. Also, the canned corned beef hash fil makes for his lunch sometimes. Oh, and any type of microwave "meal." I literally smell the chemical cocktail, and it will drive me from the house if I can't get the windows open fast enough. They are also fil's lunch foods of choice.

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I was so glad when my youngest graduated from the Cheerio age. She never had them, but every other toddler and preschooler we came across (parks, restaurants, planes, even church!) would have them, drop them, try to share pre-wettened ones ... ick ick ick. I hate the smell of Cheerios.

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I was so glad when my youngest graduated from the Cheerio age. She never had them, but every other toddler and preschooler we came across (parks, restaurants, planes, even church!) would have them, drop them, try to share pre-wettened ones ... ick ick ick. I hate the smell of Cheerios.


Haha...this made me laugh. I can't say we necessarily hate the smell of Cheerios, but we definitely think they smell weird. We actually call them "Meatios," because they weirdly smell vaguely of some unidentified type of meat. Strange. I completely understand your aversion.

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Not a food, but the smell of toothpaste makes me sick.


Toothpaste and mouthwash odor make me sick during pregnancy. I'm using the kids' toothpaste for now, and I can use the mouthwash myself okay but the smell of DH using it is nauseating.


As far as foods, I can't stand the smell of fish sticks or mango.

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Tuna and pickles. Yuck! My boys used to love tuna out of the can. I hated draining it for them. I would throw the trash away quickly and wash their dishes immediately. I hate even the smell of pickles. I always ask at restaurants not to even put it on my plate because it is so unappetizing to smell on my plate.


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Haha...this made me laugh. I can't say we necessarily hate the smell of Cheerios, but we definitely think they smell weird. We actually call them "Meatios," because they weirdly smell vaguely of some unidentified type of meat. Strange. I completely understand your aversion.




Now I have to find a toddler so I can sniff and see if I can smell the meaty smell, too :rofl:


Guess we're going to the park tomorrow!

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I was so glad when my youngest graduated from the Cheerio age. She never had them, but every other toddler and preschooler we came across (parks, restaurants, planes, even church!) would have them, drop them, try to share pre-wettened ones ... ick ick ick. I hate the smell of Cheerios.



Haha...this made me laugh. I can't say we necessarily hate the smell of Cheerios, but we definitely think they smell weird. We actually call them "Meatios," because they weirdly smell vaguely of some unidentified type of meat. Strange. I completely understand your aversion.


Cheerios smell awesome when the factory is baking them!

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Cheerios smell awesome when the factory is baking them!


I just read a college brochure that touts how good the campus smells due to its proximity to a cereal factory.


After more than 25 years, I found out that my husband really dislikes the smell of fresh strawberries. He never told me because he knows how much I enjoy them and didn't want to ruin them for me.

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After more than 25 years, I found out that my husband really dislikes the smell of fresh strawberries. He never told me because he knows how much I enjoy them and didn't want to ruin them for me.



THAT is love :001_wub:


Googled it. Buffalo, NY? This may be worth a side trip next time I'm working on the east coast.


Wonder which would kill me first, the ridiculous curiosity or the inescapable smell of factory-fresh Cheerios ...

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Eta...We also have weird texture issues in my house too.


We have texture issues too. Indy, Han Solo and I all have issues with texture. James Bond thinks we're nuts.


I can't stand the smell of coffee. I think it has an undernote of sewage-y-ness.


I loathe coffee. LOATHE. The smell is just heinous. When I was pregnant it nearly sent me over the edge many times.


peanut butter

any kind of 'greens' being cooked (except spinach)




ETA: Cilantro. Thanks for reminding me helen! I hate that stuff and it seems to be THE thing to put in food right now. Blech.

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I agree on Bananas. I actually don't eat them when they are ripe. I like them green and scentless.


I also hate the smell of avocados and cous cous.


I could never cope with coriander when I was pregnant but don't mind it these days.


I hate cloves and cinnamon too, the smell gives me a headache.

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Maple sausage. :ack2: I don't like lingering maple syrup smell anyway (though I like maple syrup) but with the meat smell? Oy!


I don't like the smell of bourbon, either. No negative associations, just don't like the smell of it.

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Popcorn. Particularly movie theater popcorn. I nearly gag when I first go into the theater.

Coffee, both brewing and the beans themselves. I avoid that aisle of the grocery store like the plague.

Cilantro - it smells like stink bugs to me. I use it for my animals but the smell and taste are both disgusting.

Ground beef. :ack2:

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peas. But that is because I hate the taste of them and they taste like they smell.


More odd is that I really really dislike the smell of salmon, but LOVE to eat it. Every single time I make it I smell it after I take it out and think, "GROSS! I am NOT going to be able to eat this." Then I take a bite, and it is soooooo yummy and I eat a ton of it. EVERY time.

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Hominy offends all my senses, but the smell (or even the memory of the smell) puts me in a really unhappy place.


Beets. They smell earthy, and not in a good way. More like plain old dirt.


oh yes, beets DO smell like dirt. And taste like it too. yuck. I wanted to like beets so much...all the cool people seem to like beets. But even roasted, with butter and brown sugar, it still tasted like dirt.

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Bananas. Even the sight of them on my kitchen counter makes me flinch. Guess what dh's favorite breakfast food is?! :ack2:


Also damp graham crackers. I worked in a nursery school for a number of years and must have built up some kind of aversion to the daily snack. I refuse to drink apple juice and I can't stand graham crackers, especially when they're slightly wet. So that's a problem when I make a certain kind of pie because it MUST be made with a graham cracker crust. I just hold my breath and work fast. And the funny thing is that I love graham cracker crust.....as long as I don't think too hard about what's in it. :blushing:

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Not me, but my ds gets really bad headaches from the smell of cooking popcorn with butter. He takes a preventative Excedrin Migraine pill before going to a movie theater. And we only go to Target in the early morning or late evening, when they don't have their popcorn cooking.


There are a couple of less common foods I cannot stand the smell of -- like chitlins.

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I agree with the beets tasting of dirt. Yuck.


Tuna and canned peas are vile.


I also cannot stand cherry flavored, well, anything. Black Cherry cough drops will do in a pinch, but in everything else it makes me quesy. Those maraschino cherries are just as bad. *shudder*

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I can't stand the smell of coffee. I think it has an undernote of sewage-y-ness.



Funny -- I love the smell of coffee, but I can't drink it straight. I do have a cup of French Vanilla Cappuccino every morning, but that's more like sweet milk with a little coffee flavoring added.

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Cantaloupe, especially when it's a little overripe. :ack2: I have to make an effort to breathe through my mouth in the produce section when cantaloupes are in season. I even had a big fight with my mother over serving cantaloupe in the fruit salad at my wedding. She won because she was paying for it.


I also have trouble with refrigerated lettuce. It gets a smell after storage I can't describe or stand. No one else can smell it.

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Vanilla...Icks me out. Yuck. Ick. Blech.

My kids love to bring candles or other scented things and say, "Smell this, Mom" and then laugh. I don't fall for that any more.

Don't really love the taste either. But, oh the smell, yuck.


Vanilla-scented things make me gag and give me a headache. Gross. Awful.

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Ground turkey...I just can NOT cook it or be in the house while my DH cooks it.


I was thinking there weren't any common foods I couldn't stand but then you mentioned ground turkey. I didn't think of it because we don't use it because I can't stand it. Bleah.


Dh can't stand the smell of vinegar. He loves vinegar-based dressings but can't stand the smell of straight vinegar.

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