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Unwatchable movies (s/o celebrities)


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On the topic of celebrity crushes/hatred... I adore(d) Sean Connery. However, he has been in some of the most dreadful movies.

We ended up walking out of Medicine Man (oh my, that was bad). During a time when we weren't going to the movies and before you could rent DVDs, we'd buy ones we wanted to see. That's how I own a copy of (IMO) the all time worst movie made...The Avengers.


The trailer looked good...Connery...in a kilt! Ralph Fiennes...Uma Thurman...

My husband refused to stay in the living room with me and watch the whole thing.

I think the teddy bear costumes were the last straw for him. I did watch the whole thing...and it was that awful.


Not sure link will paste...

This is the scene.


What's your worst ever movie? Ideally with actors you otherwise like.

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I hate most movies. ;) But how about Chicago? That was awful, and they hyped it up like it was the best thing ever. The worst movie I ever saw was American Beauty, which IIRC won the movie of the year or something. Weird.

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I'm going to cause a riot by saying this, I think, but I absolutely hate The Lord of the Rings movies. They're the most boring things I've ever seen. Here's the plot summary:


Walk through the woods. Then walk some more. And then it gets exciting when they keep walking. Blah.

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Hm. I liked Chicago. And American Beauty. I think maybe my standards are lower. You see, I have actually seen the worst movie ever made. Multiple times. My mother loved it, precisely because it was so bad. So.Bad. So compared to it, anything is decent. Well, almost. Rock of Ages was atrocious.



The worst movie in the history of movies, by the way, is Duel.

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I can get into most movies, but my unwatchable one is Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I got dragged to see that in the theater by DH and wanted it to be over the entire time. It gave me an awful headache.



The whole time it was playing I kept wondering if it only made sense if you were actually on drugs when you watched it.

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I'm such a movie snob and so limit my movie viewing, I can't even think of any that I don't like that also have actors that I normally like.


How about Spiderman? I like Toby McGuire, I like Kirsten Dunst, but the movie was terrible. Too much CGI. Oh, there was some Steve Martin/Queen Latifah movie I was dragged to see in the theatre that was really bad too and I like Queen Latifah.


This quote from George Carlin sums me up pretty well:


"If a movie is described as a romantic comedy you can usually find me next door playing pinball"



ETA: In Spiderman, Kirsten Dunst leaving her job waiting tables in 3' heels. I found that to be so unrealistic that, next to the CGI, it ruined the movie for me.

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I paid to see Water World in the theater. I'm still bitter 20+ years later.


That's terrible!! I remember going to see Dances with Wolves in the theater. I went with my family and tried to sneak out. I think I now I have a problem with anything Kevin Costner because he holds such bad memories.

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What's your worst ever movie? Ideally with actors you otherwise like.


I used to have a small thing for Mitch Pileggi, and a friend mentioned she'd read he was in It's Pat*. We sat aghast through the entire &*^%*^ movie, always certain it couldn't get worse, and always wrong. He didn't appear until the very end. We had to watch Raiders of the Lost Ark in its entirety, twice, to reset our poor brains after that.


It's hands-down the worse movie ever.**





* I had a roommate in university who was the spitting image of Pat (this was before any of us had seen Pat), right down to the cheaply detailed western-style shirt (though it wasn't all he wore). It was painful.


** And it pains me at bit to say this, because I adore Julia Sweeny.

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I can get into most movies, but my unwatchable one is Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I got dragged to see that in the theater by DH and wanted it to be over the entire time. It gave me an awful headache.



That one made me physically ill plus giving me a headache. Shows what I'll put up with for some Johnny Depp.

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I've seen bits of a lot of movies I didn't bother to finish. The worst movie I ever saw in a theater was Point Break. The plot was so dumb, and the acting was horrid. I kept making snarky MST3K-type comments in my head and occasionally to a friend, so it was still fun in a campy sort of way. I didn't want to go in the first place but that's what our group picked. The movie that has set me off on a rant most often was Ella Enchanted. It was a terrible adaptation of the book and I hate what they did to the story.

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I think I have successfully blocked the memory of the worst movie ever. I remember going to the theater and paying for the popcorn, but the next 2 hours are a blank.


Lucky me! B)



Must have been the same one I watched and totally blanked out.

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It took me over a month to watch 2012; any more than a few minutes at a time was too much to handle, it was so maddeningly ridiculous. However, I stuck it for John Cusack and the special effects. Turned out the only worthwhile thing in the movie was Woody Harrelson. Is he ever anything but great?

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I also hated Bridges of Madison County. Another one that some others love. Why must every movie contain adultery?



No adultery in It's Pat.

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From Dusk till Dawn. I only went to see it because my bff adored George Clooney and I owed her for making her sit through a pretty bad stage version of MacBeth (done in an overly clichéd Road Warrior style).


And, speaking of Shakepeare, Branagh's Much Ado About Nothing was pretty much rendered unwatchable by bad casting in one role (and you know who I mean).

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Not the worst, but the most traumatic: Meet the Feebles.

Seeing a muppet, any muppet, triggers something akin to PTSD because of that film. I am now hearing *that* song. Gah! I'll never get to sleep.


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I also hated Bridges of Madison County. Another one that some others love. Why must every movie contain adultery?

Well, not every movie, but every romance! I am with you, SKL.


The biggest letdown when watching a movie and seeing a scene that had been in all the previews was The English Patient. The scene with the man carrying the woman out of the cave. When I watched it, and saw that THE WOMAN WAS DEAD, I was aghast. And yes, what a shocker, another adulterous "true love."


Much Ado About Nothing....I liked that one! I saw that in the theater with my English class! I think we all cheered when Denzel walked across the stage. Awesome. He made up for Keanu.

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Green Lantern is probably the worst movie I've ever seen. Not that I really saw much, because I gave up and shut it off after half an hour. I normally love Ryan Reynolds and action movies, so I really don't know what happened there.


Both Red Dawns are craptastic, too. Couldn't make it through the old one or the remake.

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I think it's interesting how I really liked many of the movies people are mentioning. I love Avengers. I watch Point Break every time it's on TV (despite the bad acting and my hatred of Keanu Reeves). Same with the original Red Dawn. I adore Les Miserables.


And who can possibly hate Raiders of the Lost Ark or Rainman? Probably the same people who love the LOTR movies. :tongue_smilie:

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Obviously none of you have seen Johnny Neumonic. Worst movie ever. EVER. Physically painful to watch. Made Point Break look like art. Ugh.



I did see it in the theater. It's why I refused to watch The Matrix even when my husband said it was good. "I don't believe you. I saw Johnny Mnemonic. This is Keanu in a futuristic sci fi movie. Not gonna do that's again!"


Avengers was worse...unless I've blocked so much of Johnny...but did you watch that teddy bear scene?!

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I did see it in the theater. It's why I refused to watch The Matrix even when my husband said it was good. "I don't believe you. I saw Johnny Mnemonic. This is Keanu in a futuristic sci fi movie. Not gonna do that's again!"


Avengers was worse...unless I've blocked so much of Johnny...but did you watch that teddy bear scene?!


Never seen Avengers.


But I will say, although I put off seeing matrix for many years for the same reasons you mention, it was better.

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