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So I can get to know you all better, and vice versa.....

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I thought I'd ask some questions.


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?


2.) What is your favorite food?


3.) What is your favorite movie?


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?


5.) What is your favorite book?


6.) What is your least favorite household job?


7.) What is your favorite season?


8.) What is your favorite sport?


9.) What is your favorite holiday?


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?



My answers....


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

Zach-7 Aiden-6 and Logan-3


2.) What is your favorite food?



3.) What is your favorite movie?

Any Harry Potter movie, Lord of the Rings is a CLOSE second


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Diet Coke


5.) What is your favorite book?

Any Harry Potter book


6.) What is your least favorite household job?



7.) What is your favorite season?



8.) What is your favorite sport?

FOOTBALL!!!!! (watching, not playing) GO COLTS!!!


9.) What is your favorite holiday?



10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


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Here are my answers:


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? Three girls; ages 16, 14, and 11 (on my signature line)


2.) What is your favorite food? Anything Italian; I have not one drop of Italian blood in my veins, but I really should have been born Italian.


3.) What is your favorite movie? Definitely The Return of the King


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Seven-Up for type of soda; almost always I just drink ice water.


5.) What is your favorite book? Also The Lord of the Rings


6.) What is your least favorite household job? Do I have to pick just one? How about three? :D Dusting, ironing, and grocery shopping


7.) What is your favorite season? Fall; it's a blessed relief after Missouri summers; I also like spring, but then I have to look forward to summer again!


8.) What is your favorite sport? Probably swimming and ping-pong, if it can be considered a sport. I was never very athletic! :(


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Christmas vacation; or any holiday where I don't have to travel and we get to stay home and relax.


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Also Walmart; it's also the store I shop in most frequently (we live in a small town).


Nice to meet you! Anyone else?

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

Seven: 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 2, 4 mos


2.) What is your favorite food?

Restaurant food, lol. At home, Tillamook chocolate ice cream.


3.) What is your favorite movie?

A Wedding for Bella


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Neither -- Lemonade or water.


5.) What is your favorite book?

Too hard to answer. OF LATE it would be The Great Neighborhood Book.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Cleaning out clutter.


7.) What is your favorite season?



8.) What is your favorite sport?



9.) What is your favorite holiday?



10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


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I thought I'd ask some questions.


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

Three boys - 10, 8, & 3

2.) What is your favorite food?

All Kinds - Especially Chinese

3.) What is your favorite movie?

Not sure that I have one

4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Diet Coke but I'm trying to stay away from all soda.

5.) What is your favorite book?

I enjoy reading anything by the Bronte sisters.

6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Cleaning the bathrooms. With 3 boys....enough said. :)

7.) What is your favorite season?

I like watching the new colors of Spring emerge.

8.) What is your favorite sport?

I love / loved playing volleyball. If I'm going to watch something it would be baseball or football.

9.) What is your favorite holiday?

I enjoy Christmas the most.

10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

I don't shop more than I have to but any store that I have to bring my 3 boys in is my least favorite.

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I thought I'd ask some questions.


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?


3-kids, ages 19, 7 1/2, and 5


2.) What is your favorite food?


Broccoli (seriously) and ice cream, but not together!


3.) What is your favorite movie?


Toss up between Ben Hur and Robin Hood (with Errol Flynn)


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?


Neither (Diet Rite)


5.) What is your favorite book?


The Bible


6.) What is your least favorite household job?


Cleaning the bathrooms


7.) What is your favorite season?




8.) What is your favorite sport?


To watch - college basketball Go UKy Wildcats!!


9.) What is your favorite holiday?




10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?




Welcome to the board!



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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? Brandon who will be 15 on Thursday, Dylan is 13, Meghyn is 11, and GraceMae is 9.


2.) What is your favorite food? Chocolate and rare steak, but not together.:001_smile:


3.) What is your favorite movie? Really, I have so many I don't think I can pick just one. Cast Away, Practical Magic, Sahara, Memoires of a Geisha are just a few.

4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Unsweet Tea


5.) What is your favorite book? Not sure.

6.) What is your least favorite household job? Bathrooms and folding the whites, all those darn socks.

7.) What is your favorite season? Fall, the smells, the baking, and the family.

8.) What is your favorite sport? I don't have a favorite


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Halloween

10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? WalMart

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?


One 8yo daughter


2.) What is your favorite food?


Any rich, fatty meat like bacon or a filet mignon with a garlic butter sauce or a good sausage . . . ("low-fat" is a dirty word in my house!)


3.) What is your favorite movie?


The Lord of the Rings trilogy (I know that's three movies, but...)


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?


Neither. Yuck. Water or tea. Or a dry red wine. ;)


5.) What is your favorite book?


The Lord of the Rings


6.) What is your least favorite household job?


Laundry -- all that work and you end up with the same boring clothes you had before.


7.) What is your favorite season?




8.) What is your favorite sport?


Is hiking a sport?


9.) What is your favorite holiday?


Halloween (it's that whole Fall thing)


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


Hmm, that's a tough one. I absolutely detest Wal-Mart, but that's why I don't shop there. I guess I'm spoiled -- I only shop in stores I like!

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

Two boys, 7 and nearly 4

2.) What is your favorite food?



3.) What is your favorite movie?

Sound of Music


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Diet Coke Plus


5.) What is your favorite book?



6.) What is your least favorite household job?

vacuuming, but that may change if we can get the 8 lb Oreck XL


7.) What is your favorite season?



8.) What is your favorite sport?



9.) What is your favorite holiday?



10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

JCPenney, because ours is crowded with a terrible floor plan. I feel like I walk laps and laps just to pick up a couple of items. And my kids always behave terribly when we're there. Not so much at other places. I think it is visually confusing or distracting to them.

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Can't resist....


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? You already know this, why are you asking?


2.) What is your favorite food? Chocolate, unless I'm at your house eating pork.


3.) What is your favorite movie? Harry Potters. Any Harry Potter. And right now "Hot Fuzz". If you haven't seen this movie, don't. It's disgusting. I really like it, grows on you. "Sean of the Dead" is up there too.



4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Rum. Oh, I'm sorry, that wasn't a choice. Okay, strawberry daquiri wine coolers.


5.) What is your favorite book? HP again. But I just finished Cold Mountain, and liked it too.



6.) What is your least favorite household job? Dishes?


7.) What is your favorite season? Fall, hands down. Cool and dry enough to ride daily.


8.) What is your favorite sport? See above. What is pickle ball?


9.) Favorite holiday? Christmas, Easter, Memorial Day.


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? I don't shop enough to know.

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?


dd 9

dfd 22mo


2.) What is your favorite food?

gourmet pizzas


3.) What is your favorite movie?

I don't really have a favorite. If I have to answer...I would say "anything I haven't already watched". I don't like to rewatch movies.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Coke baby!


5.) What is your favorite book?

I love the Anne of Green Gables books, just for the simpleness of them. The look into quieter times, and the way the author captures childhood.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Putting away laundry


7.) What is your favorite season?

Right now....Summer. Sun filled mornings, hot afternoons and warm evenings. Sitting on the patio in the evening, watching the birds and squirrels, drinking a cold beverage, and listening to the kids playing in the street.


8.) What is your favorite sport?

I don't play sports but I like to watch almost any athlete that is elegant. Does that make sense? For instance, I am not a huge swimming fan, But I love to watch how some swimmers glide on the water. It is like a dance more than a sport.


9.) What is your favorite holiday?

4th of July. I love the feel of the day. Family, food and watching fireworks. It is one of the few holidays left that we haven't corrupted with presents!


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

The mall. I like boutiques and small businesses better.

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

We have one dd who is almost 9.

2.) What is your favorite food?

My favorite food is most anything Greek

3.) What is your favorite movie?

All time favorite movie is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Harry and Sean together and my heart is all aflutter.

4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Mountain Dew or Arizona Green Tea with Ginsing

5.) What is your favorite book?

the Harry Potter series I really enjoy twaddle.

6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Cleaning the kitchen, which is what I need to be doing instead of answering these questions.

7.) What is your favorite season?

In order fall because it finally starts to get brisk, winter because I mostly like snow, spring because the flowers are blooming, then summer. I'm not fond of summer.

8.) What is your favorite sport?


9.) What is your favorite holiday?

Halloween is my favorite holiday.

10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

My least favorite store is Wal-mart. I always end up buying junk from there.

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? 4 kids - 14, 12, 9 and 8


2.) What is your favorite food? Tex-mex


3.) What is your favorite movie? Gone with the Wind


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Pepsi


5.) What is your favorite book? Gone With the Wind


6.) What is your least favorite household job? all of them


7.) What is your favorite season? fall


8.) What is your favorite sport? tennis or hockey


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving or Christmas


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? Super Walmart

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

Alicia--almost 14, Bailey--almost 12, and Christopher 10


2.) What is your favorite food?

any seafood and anything with cheese


3.) What is your favorite movie?

Pride and Prejudice (the one with Colin Firth), Finding Neverland (when I want to cry), and it's a toss up between The Patriot and Gladiator


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Coke, no contest but, if I had a choice it would be Mountain Dew


5.) What is your favorite book?

OHHH I have so many! Anything Jane Austen, anything Charles Dickens, Jane Eyre, Anne of Green Gables series, Little House series, and pretty much anything Russian


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

vacuuming because I have allergies


7.) What is your favorite season?

In this order: Winter, Fall, Summer, Spring


8.) What is your favorite sport?

FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!! to watch and volleyball to play


9.) What is your favorite holiday?

In this order: Christmas, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Easter, Valentine's Day


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

In Guatemala, the Bodegona (the only big-ish grocery store here in my town), in the States, any clothing store.

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

3-ds17, ds14, dd11


2.) What is your favorite food?

Mexican, Chinese, Indian, Thai, Greek, Italian....NO SEAFOOD!!!!!


3.) What is your favorite movie?

Sleepless In Seattle and You've Got Mail


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Neither. Grape juice, cranberry juice, water


5.) What is your favorite book?

The Bible


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

ALL of them, that's why I had kids!!!


7.) What is your favorite season?

Fall and Spring


8.) What is your favorite sport?

To watch: Baseball To play: Volleyball


9.) What is your favorite holiday?

Any one that my dh can be home with us instead of at work!


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Hmmm, I don't have a least favorite store. I don't really like shopping, so anytime I can be in and out in 30 minutes or less, I'm fine. More than 30 minutes, and I start getting the urge too bolt! I know, I'm strange!

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I thought I'd ask some questions.


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? 4 kids ages 17yods, 15yodd, 13yods, 11yods

2.) What is your favorite food?


3.) What is your favorite movie?


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Sweet Tea

5.) What is your favorite book?

Probably an atlas of some kind since I don't read fiction.

6.) What is your least favorite household job?

All of it.

7.) What is your favorite season?


8.) What is your favorite sport?


9.) What is your favorite holiday?

New Year's Eve

10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

I don't have one.


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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

Caitlin 5, Ian 3, and Lauren 5 mo


2.) What is your favorite food?

Fruit and Stroganoff


3.) What is your favorite movie?

Where the Heart Is, The Notebook and Stranger Than Fiction


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Ewwww no carbonation ever for me I am juice kinda gal


5.) What is your favorite book?

I have read the Twilight books and enjoy them for a fluff read. I love Les Miserables by Victor Hugo


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Laundry and dishes


7.) What is your favorite season?

Fall- hands down


8.) What is your favorite sport?

Anything that I dont participate it! :)


9.) What is your favorite holiday?



10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

My local grocery store...way over priced. I never shop wal-mart because I despise them so!

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Ooooh, fun!


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? 4 kiddos: 13,11,10,3


2.) What is your favorite food? chocolate. duh! (see the quote in my siggy...) And if you say chocolate doesn't count as a food... then I pick cheesecake. :tongue_smilie:

3.) What is your favorite movie? There are so many, do I have to pick one? I'll stick with a classic - The Princess Bridesport012.gif.

4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Coke. But I rarely partake.


5.) What is your favorite book? Again, there are so many... I'm going to say The Hobbit. So beautifully written, I literally get chills whenever I read it. But then, I'm a weirdo... many books give me chills. whacky099.gif

6.) What is your least favorite household job? dishes. With 4 children and no dishwasher (other than myself), rest assured I do not look like this whilst doing dishes: chores004.gif


7.) What is your favorite season? fall.acorn.gif


8.) What is your favorite sport? UFC, baby violent090.gif!


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving. yum.eatdrink021.gif


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? Walmart.angry013.gif

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

dd13, dd two weeks away from 11, and ds8


2.) What is your favorite food?

Phad Thai


3.) What is your favorite movie?

BBC Pride and Prejudice, Little Women... and my new fave... Mama Mia!!!


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Pepsi, of course.


5.) What is your favorite book?

The one I am reading at the moment someone asks. This moment it's "A Separate Peace."


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

You mean I'm supposed to take care of the house??


7.) What is your favorite season?



8.) What is your favorite sport?

I don't do sports. I grew up on Long Island. I had a brother, a dad and 17 uncles that all watched the Giants, the Jets, the Nets, the Knicks, the Islanders, the Rangers, the Devils, the Mets, the Yankees, and golf and tennis just for fun. I joke that I married my husband because he doesn't watch sports! :lol:


9.) What is your favorite holiday?

Halloween. Too much fun!


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Wal-mart..... I avoid it whenever I can.

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

Three - Ds (13), Dd (12 - almost), and Ds (9)

2.) What is your favorite food?

Anything I get to cook - I love to cook. And Chocolate Creme' Brulee with raspberries!

3.) What is your favorite movie?

Pride and Prejudice, Ocean's Eleven, and The Lord of the Rings movies

4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Caffeine Free Diet Coke

5.) What is your favorite book?

Little Women, and a Henry VIII novel

6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Laundry - ugh!

7.) What is your favorite season?

Spring, then Fall, although I hate winter!!!

8.) What is your favorite sport?

I like to watch baseball.

9.) What is your favorite holiday?

Christmas, without a doubt!! :001_smile:

10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?Wal-mart - I go twice a month for groceries, and I always dread it!!

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I thought I'd ask some questions.


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?


2.) What is your favorite food?


3.) What is your favorite movie?


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?


5.) What is your favorite book?


6.) What is your least favorite household job?


7.) What is your favorite season?


8.) What is your favorite sport?


9.) What is your favorite holiday?


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?


2 boys. Ages 11 & 8


2.) What is your favorite food?


Steak Au Poivre with a sweet tater!


3.) What is your favorite movie?


Spanglish w/ Adam Sandler


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?


Don't drink much of either these days, but DEFINITELY COKE (pepsi blech!)


5.) What is your favorite book?


Hmmm. Anything Vince Flynn w/ Mitch Rapp


6.) What is your least favorite household job?


Cleaning toilets


7.) What is your favorite season?




8.) What is your favorite sport?


Anything where I'm a spectator! :tongue_smilie:


9.) What is your favorite holiday?


Festivus ;) Seriously, Christmas


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


Wal*Mart (just cause it's not as clean and tidy as Target usually

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We have 4 kids, ages 12, 10, 2, and 10 mos.


I love chocolate and Diet Coke


My favorite book is probably Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


My favorite movie is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


I hate dealing with clutter


I love the fall


Christmas is my favorite holiday


I really dislike Wal-Mart!


What did I forget? Oh, sports. Well, the kids are enjoying Nascar right now. I did gymnastics as a kid and like to watch that. I also like to watch figure skating and tennis.:)

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? 14d, 12d, 10s, 8d, 4s


2.) What is your favorite food? caramel flan


3.) What is your favorite movie? The BBC Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries with Harriet Walter.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Diet Coke


5.) What is your favorite book? You're kiddin' right? Oh the angst...Narnia stories? Tolkien? Austen? Lovin' Patrick O'Brian again right now...


6.) What is your least favorite household job? Tie between laundry or toilets...


7.) What is your favorite season? Fall


8.) What is your favorite sport? Texas Longhorn Football...or my kids' basketball (don't like professional much)


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Christmas...very unoriginal


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? I have a love/hate relationship with Walmart

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I'll play!

My answers....


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

dd 11, ds 9.5


2.) What is your favorite food?



3.) What is your favorite movie?

inspirational sports movies (Remember the Titans, etc) or inspirational teacher movie (Mr. Holland's Opus, etc)


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Diet Dr. Pepper


5.) What is your favorite book?

Narnia books


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

cleaning the shower/tub


7.) What is your favorite season?

I love all 4, but especially summer!


8.) What is your favorite sport?

FOOTBALL!!!!! (watching, not playing) GO SEAHAWKS!!!


9.) What is your favorite holiday?



10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

We have 4 monkeys -- 11, almost 8, almost 5 & 15 months


2.) What is your favorite food?

Good, sweet corn on the cob (with butter & salt)


3.) What is your favorite movie?

All I see anymore are kid flicks. From my childhood, the first three Star Wars. :) I like the Harry Potter movies, too, but that may be because I am a fan of the books.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Diet Pepsi back in the day -- but I prefer Starbucks lattes now :)


5.) What is your favorite book?

I need more time to think on that one...too many to choose from...but I really do like the Harry Potter books (as do my kids!)


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Ironing ( I actually don't do it -- dh irons his own shirts!)


7.) What is your favorite season?



8.) What is your favorite sport?

To watch? Probably figure skating?


9.) What is your favorite holiday?



10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Home Depot lol

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? 2 (12 1/2 & 8)


2.) What is your favorite food? Indian


3.) What is your favorite movie? The Third Man


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Neither


5.) What is your favorite book? Desert Solitaire by E. Abbey


6.) What is your least favorite household job? Cleaning the cat box


7.) What is your favorite season? Fall


8.) What is your favorite sport? Cycling or climbing


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Christmas followed closely by Halloween


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? WALMART.. which I got to as little as possible. Maybe once a year. :lol:

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?


2 They are 8 & 6.


2.) What is your favorite food?


My former answer would have been my homemade chocolate chip cookies. Now that I'm starting Eat to Live I don't know. Fresh fruit I guess.


3.) What is your favorite movie?


Mmmm. Not sure. I'm not really a movie person. I guess BBC's Pride & Prejudice?


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?




5.) What is your favorite book?




6.) What is your least favorite household job?


Mopping floors


7.) What is your favorite season?




8.) What is your favorite sport?

don't have one


9.) What is your favorite holiday?




10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


I hardly ever go there, but Wal-mart drives me nuts. It's just so packed with stuff & people.

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

Two kids, dd6 and ds4.


2.) What is your favorite food?

In general: Lebanese. Specifically: salad. I know: I'm a freak. But a salad can be different every time you make it! :001_smile:


3.) What is your favorite movie?

I have to pick *one*?! Gee. Maybe A Room with a View. Or Lawrence of Arabia. Or Cinema Paradiso. Or.... Does PBS count? Because I could watch Bleak House overandoverandoverandover....


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Blech. Water or milk for me, thanks. :001_smile:


5.) What is your favorite book?

Again, just one?! ACK! Not possible. All-time faves include Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, The Mayor of Casterbridge, the Jeeves and Wooster and the Psmith stories of Wodehouse, the Lord Peter Wimsey novels of Dorothy Sayers, the Holmes stories of Conan Doyle, and Amusing Ourselves to Death.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Cleaning in general--pretty much hate it all. Give me a checkbook to balance any day!


7.) What is your favorite season?



8.) What is your favorite sport?

To participate in: Um, next question. To watch: competitive swimming, men's gymnastics, college basketball.


9.) What is your favorite holiday?

Thanksgiving--foodies, unite!


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Sporting goods stores; electronics stores; and those teen stores with the blaring, pulsating music.


ETA: I didn't notice the whole "you have to shop in" qualifier. Big difference! In that case, it's Costco, hands down. Great store--dreadful crowds.


Thanks for asking, and it's nice to "meet" you! :001_smile:

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

3. Levi-6, Luke-4, Leif-almost 2


2.) What is your favorite food?

Sigh. Pizza, M&Ms (or homemade chocolate chip cookies), and Dr. Pepper.


3.) What is your favorite movie?

Hmmm. I like many different movies, but I'll go with North and South or Anne of Green Gables for a favorite.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Neither. I'm a Dr. Pepper kind of girl.


5.) What is your favorite book?

The Count of Monte Cristo. No contest. :)


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Cleaning the bathroom.


7.) What is your favorite season?

Christmas. Or early summer.


8.) What is your favorite sport?

Reading. Oh, is that not a sport?


9.) What is your favorite holiday?



10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Wal-Mart. Except I don't shop there.

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I thought I'd ask some questions.


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?


3, ages 20, 10 and 10


2.) What is your favorite food?


vegetables prepared by someone other than me


3.) What is your favorite movie?


I don't think I have a favorite.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?


Diet tonic water


5.) What is your favorite book?


Maybe Anna Karenina?


6.) What is your least favorite household job?


Cleaning up dog vomit


7.) What is your favorite season?




8.) What is your favorite sport?


Tennis (to watch, not play)


9.) What is your favorite holiday?




10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


I'd say WalMart, but no one really *has* to shop there.

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?


Three kids, a 7 year old son, an almost 5 year old daughter, and a 2 year old son.


2.) What is your favorite food?


Anything Italian, with ricotta.


3.) What is your favorite movie?


Whale Rider


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?


Wild Cherry Pepsi (very occasionally), but I prefer Reeds Spiced Cider.


5.) What is your favorite book?


I can't pick just one, either. Anything by Robin McKinley, ditto to Jane Eyre and Jane Austen (hated her in school, love her now), Prodigal Summer and Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, both by Barbara Kingsolver, Tom Perrota novels, Nick Hornby novels, and any kind of social sciences non-fiction.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?


Litter box changing and trash take-out...but in my defense, I muck out the chicken coop more than anybody.


7.) What is your favorite season?


Autumn, hands-down


8.) What is your favorite sport?




9.) What is your favorite holiday?


Samhain...we spend a lot of time in remembrance of departed loved ones, and it's a very special time to me.


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


I hate department store shopping. I get cold-air-buzzing-light-canned-music sickness, and I have to get out. Give me a book store any day!

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? 3 Boys- William 22, Michael 18, and Nathan 10


2.) What is your favorite food? Homemade Bread


3.) What is your favorite movie? ? It Changes


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Water!


5.) What is your favorite book? The Hiding Place


6.) What is your least favorite household job? Cleaning the toilets


7.) What is your favorite season? Fall


8.) What is your favorite sport? Football


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Christmas


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? Walmart

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

see sig line :)


2.) What is your favorite food? pizza, but it's gotta be Pizza Hut thick crust!


3.) What is your favorite movie? um... True Lies, Return to Me, Zorro [Antonio Banderas!]


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? coke-- but pepsi or even generic will do.


5.) What is your favorite book? besides the Bible? William Tell by Terry Small. wonderful kids picture book.


6.) What is your least favorite household job? washing dishes.


7.) What is your favorite season? summer -LOVE this Texas Heat!


8.) What is your favorite sport? horse racing :)


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Halloween. see avatar ;)


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? any store that is expensive. love thrift stores!

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

4- dd almost 10, ds 6, dd 5, dd 2 1/2

2.) What is your favorite food?

NY bagels, NY pizza-I miss NY

3.) What is your favorite movie?

Jane Erye -with Orson Welles (oh baby), Sound of Music-with Christopher Plummer (again oh baby).

4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?


5.) What is your favorite book?

Jane Erye

6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Folding laundry

7.) What is your favorite season?

Fall, hands down

8.) What is your favorite sport?

Baseball (to watch) go Yankees!

9.) What is your favorite holiday?

Thanksgiving-it starts the Christmas season.

10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Any that I have to take the kids with me.:tongue_smilie:

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?


6, you can see their ages in my sig line.


2.) What is your favorite food?




3.) What is your favorite movie?


My Big Fat Greek Wedding


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?


Ick. Sweet ice tea for me, please.


5.) What is your favorite book?


The one I am reading currently, whichever one it happens to be.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?




7.) What is your favorite season?




8.) What is your favorite sport?


Internet Surfing


9.) What is your favorite holiday?




10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


I don't have to shop any particular place, but my least favorite (and least shopped at) store would be WalMart.

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?


We have 3 children, all domestic adoption the girls are special needs. There ages are 17 and 11 for the girls and 8 for ds


2.) What is your favorite food?


Seafood (especially shrimp, fish, clams and crab cakes)


3.) What is your favorite movie?


To Kill a Mocking Bird


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?


neither, prefer Diet Rite Cherry Cola


5.) What is your favorite book?


To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee


6.) What is your least favorite household job?


Folding the laundry, can wash and dry all day


7.) What is your favorite season?


the fall


8.) What is your favorite sport?


not really into sports, but enjoy the Olympics


9.) What is your favorite holiday?




10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?



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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

3 dds 11, 10, and 8 and one step-dd who visits a few times a year (almost 19)


2.) What is your favorite food?

Indian or Thai (it's the curry... love the curry)


3.) What is your favorite movie?

I don't know- changes depending on my mood. I really did like the movie "Cousins" though


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Depends on the whim of the day. I like an iced coffee for my "cold caffeine" in the afternoons most of the time


5.) What is your favorite book?

Many... I like both twaddle and non-twaddle... I'm a sucker for a good story!


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Paperwork. I hate going through the mail and filing the important stuff. Folding laundry comes next.


7.) What is your favorite season?



8.) What is your favorite sport?

Trail Riding


9.) What is your favorite holiday?

The Autumn Holidays... Halloween and Thanksgiving... as long as I can keep them casual and low pressure


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Home Depot. The ones here are sooo disorganized. You know they have what you want somewhere... but no one can find it if they're actually looking for it. The only way to find things there is by looking for something else and walking past that other thing (that's not on the list but is in the back of your mind) that you know you wanted in the past or will want at some point.

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

3 girls, ages 14, 12, and 7


2.) What is your favorite food?

Maryland crabcakes made with lumb crabmeat, no breading, and broiled


3.) What is your favorite movie?

Pretty Woman


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?



5.) What is your favorite book?

I don't have just one favorite book, but my favorite modern author is Patricia Cornwell


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Cleaning bathrooms


7.) What is your favorite season?

Autumn in the mountains


8.) What is your favorite sport?

Participation - hiking

Watching - basketball


9.) What is your favorite holiday?



10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Food Lion, but my dh does 95% of the grocery shopping, so I don't have to go to the store very often.

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I thought I'd ask some questions.


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

See Sig line

2.) What is your favorite food?


3.) What is your favorite movie?

The Princess Bride

4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Neither...Ice Tea and Lemonade...ie Arnold Palmer

5.) What is your favorite book?

a childrens book titled, "Astrella, Daughter of the Stars" by Mary Crary

6.) What is your least favorite household job?

it's a toss up between laundry and the dishes

7.) What is your favorite season?


8.) What is your favorite sport?

Horse Racing

9.) What is your favorite holiday?


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Walmart...I avoid it like the plague




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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?


In my sig :)


2.) What is your favorite food?




3.) What is your favorite movie?


Hm, there are too many. I love classic movies though.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?


Coke, I'm an addict. Yes, I know how terrible that is.


5.) What is your favorite book?


Again, there are too many.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?




7.) What is your favorite season?




8.) What is your favorite sport?


To watch? College football. To play? I'm not much of a "sports" person although I like to swim, hike, etc.


9.) What is your favorite holiday?




10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


The grocery store.

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?dd7 and ds6


2.) What is your favorite food?Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream


3.) What is your favorite movie?Lord of the Rings trilogy


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?Diet caffeine-free Coke


5.) What is your favorite book?Do I have to pick just one? Lord of the Rings, Anne of Green Gables series, Lori Wick's books, Little Women


6.) What is your least favorite household job?Dusting, hands down


7.) What is your favorite season?Spring -- I love the colors after the drab of winter


8.) What is your favorite sport?Tae Kwon Do


9.) What is your favorite holiday?Christmas, definitely


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?Whatever store I'm looking for bathing suits in

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Okay, here are my answers -


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages? 2 - 12dd and 10ds


2.) What is your favorite food? chocolate


3.) What is your favorite movie? Spaceballs


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither? Coke, diet cherry Coke to be specific


5.) What is your favorite book? The Witching Hour by Anne Rice


6.) What is your least favorite household job? putting away laundry


7.) What is your favorite season? fall


8.) What is your favorite sport? tae kwon do to do, college football to watch


9.) What is your favorite holiday? Christmas


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in? Wal-Mart which is why I only go there about twice a year

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My partner and I have Jasper, 2, Bear, 5, Verdi, 8, Sterling, almost 11, and Alyx, who is grown-up, and has added his fiance Gina to our family.


My favorite food is spinach, followed closely by marzipan.


My favorite movie . . . hm . . . nothing comes to mind. Robin William's Birdcage always makes me laugh.


I prefer root beer to Pepsi, and Coke is a killer.


My favorite fictional book is The Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk.


My least favorite household job is . . . Wait. I don't have any favorite household jobs. My most despised household job is dishwashing.


My favorite season is autumn.


My favorite sport is quidditch. Also, the only sport whose rules I have managed to learn.


My favorite holiday is Halloween.


My least favorite store I have to shop in? Gosh, I don't have to shop anywhere, I think. Am I lucky that way?


I guess I really don't like going to the grocery store. I hate coming home with so much useless plastic and cardboard packaging.

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

3 dd's 9,6,4yo


2.) What is your favorite food?



3.) What is your favorite movie?

Anything with John Cusack :001_wub:


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Pepsi! I'm addicted....


5.) What is your favorite book?

The Red Tent


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Laundry, bathrooms, kitchen cleaning, vacuuming, mopping, sweeping, dusting...you get the picture! ;)


7.) What is your favorite season?

Spring and Fall


8.) What is your favorite sport?



9.) What is your favorite holiday?



10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Wal Mart....ugh.

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I thought I'd ask some questions.


1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

3 kids~son 13, daughter 11, son 4 months


2.) What is your favorite food?

Mexican Food


3.) What is your favorite movie?

Not really sure~I like a lot of movies


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Coke, but I drink lots of water~about one Coke a day for me :001_smile:


5.) What is your favorite book?

I don't have a favorite, I like to read a lot though


6.) What is your least favorite household job?



7.) What is your favorite season?



8.) What is your favorite sport?

None :001_smile:


9.) What is your favorite holiday?



10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Wal-mart~even though I shop there often

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

I have two, a son who's almost 21 and a daughter who's 10.


2.) What is your favorite food?

Right now it's Mexican food.


3.) What is your favorite movie?

I like musicals and right now, Phantom of the Opera tops my list.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Pepsi, or Dr. Pepper


5.) What is your favorite book?

To Kill a Mockingbird is my all time favorite.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

Cleaning the bathroom.


7.) What is your favorite season?



8.) What is your favorite sport?

eww, none.


9.) What is your favorite holiday?



10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?


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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?


2--1st and 3rd grade


2.) What is your favorite food?




3.) What is your favorite movie?


I loved 300 but my all time favorite is Breakfast at Tiffany's.


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?




5.) What is your favorite book?


Jane Eyre


6.) What is your least favorite household job?


Dusting--I forget about it.


7.) What is your favorite season?


Fall but I really like the constant 70 degrees of Hawaii best.


8.) What is your favorite sport?


I hate sports.


9.) What is your favorite holiday?


I should say Christmas but I really like dressing up the kids and going trick or treating on Halloween. It is a great way to meet and greet all the neighbors.


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?





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Two dd's, 12 and 14.




Casablanca and Gone with the Wind, tie.




Recently, Frankenstein, and Don Quixote


cobwebs and cat throwup




Like to watch gymnastics.


Kids birthdays


Wal mart

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1.) How many kids do you have and what are their ages?

sig block


2.) What is your favorite food?

fruit and gourmet salad. Fresh parsely. Seafood. butter. chocolate. nuts. chocolate with caramel and nuts. chips. but I digress...


3.) What is your favorite movie?

The Scarlett Pimpernel (with Jane Seymour)


4.) Coke, Pepsi or neither?

Neither. Good coffee or rooibos tea


5.) What is your favorite book?

Too many to list.


6.) What is your least favorite household job?

I don't mind any particular job. It's the endlessness of them...


7.) What is your favorite season?

It used to be Fall until we moved to SD. Now I LOVE summer. Winters here are long. and. cold. and. endless. (though fun and beautiful in thier own frozen kinda way). Yep, definitely summer.


8.) What is your favorite sport?

squash, tennis, ping-pong - anything with a racket :)


9.) What is your favorite holiday?

Christmas - my dh is a Christmas NUT and it's rubbed off on all of us. We have zillions of twinkle lights and decos and HAVE to go pick out a tree at a tree farm every year. Good, good memories :)


10.) What is your least favorite store you have to shop in?

Wal-mart. I loathe Wal-mart.

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