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Pope Benedict resigned...


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I can't help but wonder what the real reason is. Old age? They are all old. None of them have retired for that reason. So what's the scandal?!


The sad thing is that I clicked through on the news link this morning to find the answer to that question (What's the scandal?) I didn't even consider that he might be retiring for any other reason.


I think I'm more upset at my reaction than his announcement.


I've turned cynical.

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I was quite surprised. I read the headline to dh and he had to come over and see the computer. I kept saying "they don't know anything yet!" He didn't believe me. Sure enough, at the time the article basically said "the Pope announced his resignation." with no details.


I do believe that it's his age. Maybe I'm naive. But he's only been pope for, what?, 7 years. Maybe his health is declining faster than they are letting on. Maybe he is feeling very old in the face of "new" technology - he is 85 (I think). I don't know. I do like to think the best of people.

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Sending prayers up for all Catholics, for Pope Benedict, and for a godly successor.


My dd and I watched The King's Speech a couple of nights ago, and I told her how unusual it was for the king to resign (Edward). I said the same thing, this morning, regarding the Pope. (Actually, when the news came on, I started to say Holy Crap! but that didn't seem appropriate...Not to joke...)


In all seriousness, I am inclined to think he might be suffering some lessening of his mental acuity and energy levels, as is natural. He truly is in my prayers.

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I was quite surprised. I read the headline to dh and he had to come over and see the computer. I kept saying "they don't know anything yet!" He didn't believe me. Sure enough, at the time the article basically said "the Pope announced his resignation." with no details.


I do believe that it's his age. Maybe I'm naive. But he's only been pope for, what?, 7 years. Maybe his health is declining faster than they are letting on. Maybe he is feeling very old in the face of "new" technology - he is 85 (I think). I don't know. I do like to think the best of people.

My husband wondered if it was a neurological issue of some sort - he has stated before that he would step down if he were ever unable to fulfill his duties, cognitively.

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Sending prayers up for all Catholics, for Pope Benedict, and for a godly successor.


My dd and I watched The King's Speech a couple of nights ago, and I told her how unusual it was for the king to resign (Edward). I said the same thing, this morning, regarding the Pope. (Actually, when the news came on, I started to say Holy Crap! but that didn't seem appropriate...Not to joke...)

("Holy crap" is a lot less than what I said....)

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My husband wondered if it was a neurological issue of some sort - he has stated before that he would step down if he were ever unable to fulfill his duties, cognitively.


I just "liked" this and want to be clear that I am really just agreeing, not "liking" the idea that he may feel impaired.

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A new pope (and the first resignation of one in 600 years) is a big, complicated, kind of emotional deal for many, many faithful Catholics. I, for one, wouldn't mind if the scandal talk could be quieted down unless there is good reason to think such a thing.



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I told my hubby that now his dad (89) can feel good about winding down his law practice....after all, if the younger Pope can step down.....



I am sure the Pope prayed and got permission from his "boss" before making his decision.Waiting to hear from my sil the Dominican Sister what she thinks.

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I think it is just the world we live in these days. I thought the same thing.


The sad thing is that I clicked through on the news link this morning to find the answer to that question (What's the scandal?) I didn't even consider that he might be retiring for any other reason.


I think I'm more upset at my reaction than his announcement.


I've turned cynical.

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Well, you really need to keep up. The last papal resignation was a mere 600 years ago. :laugh:


I am not catholic so I am not up on all the rules, but I didn't know a pope could resign. I thought it was a "til death" kind of job. I am very surprised.

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I heard on the news that he's been told that he should not be taking any long flights, which would certainly curtail visits to foreign countries. If you notice, he's been walking with a cane for a while now too. I think it's likely due to failing health. The College of Cardinals has more Cardinals now than it ever has (IIRC), so it will be an interesting Conclave. I wonder though why, if the Pope is simply resigning, they have to wait until he has actually stepped down to enter the Conclave. Wouldn't it be better to just elect a Pope who can step right in?


When we were in Vatican City a few months back, there was almost nothing with Benedict on it. It was almost exclusively John-Paul. He was like the rock star of Popes.

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I am not Catholic, but I do understand the BIGNESS of this. Praying for all my Catholic friends as they process this. I agree with a PP who asked for a restraining of "it must be a scandal" talk till we find out more.


((hugs)) to all our Catholic friends!



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His brother said that he is having trouble walking, so it sounds like he's quite weak.


FWIW, I give the man a lot of credit for knowing when he's no longer up to the task, and resigning his position. It's a tremendously powerful position, and it couldn't have been an easy decision to give it up.

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I didn't know the Pope could resign, so that's something new for me.



Until 1979, most people thought the Pope had to be Italian. Customs die hard :)


Before he was pope, Cardinal Ratzinger had asked the Holy Father for retirement more than once. The man is a scholar and a musician and had dedicated his life to serving his Church. I don't think any faithful bishops want the job of pope. I hope he is able to end his life quietly and with dignity and perhaps have enough mental faculties to have a bit of the retirement he has so long wanted.

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I think it is good. I don't like the idea of people serving until they die since so many have medical issues that affect their performance at the end. I am not a Catholic but I think stepping down when one is unable to do a job, even if it is a lifetime appointment, is a very honorable thing to do. Being an American, we only have judges that are lifetime appointments. I would hope that more of them would step down as their health dictates. I know some do but I also know some continue to serve when they are not fully able.

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There are too many comments to quote, but I thank everyone who has expressed their sympathy to Catholics at this time. To see the compassion from my sisters of other faiths here is heartwarming and has truly touched me. :grouphug:


I accept the Holy Father's decision as being guided by the Holy Spirit but it has not kept me from feeling sad.

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Wow! I have to admit, the first thought was wondering what sort of scandal this involved. The resignation of a pope, as with a monarch, is just something we're not used to hearing about absent some scandal. I do hope it's truly for health reasons.


Wow. I didn't expect to see 2 new popes so close to each other.

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Wow. I didn't expect to see 2 new popes so close to each other.



There were three in one year in 1978.


In modern times, it's become kind of a practice to follow a long-reigning pontiff with someone who is expected to serve a much shorter amount of time. I haven't checked but I'm betting Catholic news sources have "papabile" charts up already (supposed "candidates" for the papacy) and many are probably saying that the cardinals will be looking for a younger pontiff this time around.

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I too am feeling ... unsettled by this. He's only my second Pope and I don't like not knowing what's going to happen.


Very strangely though I was wondering how old he was yesterday in Mass and how much longer we'd have him. One of DH's friends made a comment (and I've heard it from others) that the Church will end with this Pope and while I don't believe silly predictions of the future I'd sure like another nice Pope appointed quickly.

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There are too many comments to quote, but I thank everyone who has expressed their sympathy to Catholics at this time. To see the compassion from my sisters of other faiths here is heartwarming and has truly touched me. :grouphug:


I accept the Holy Father's decision as being guided by the Holy Spirit but it has not kept me from feeling sad.



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I too am feeling ... unsettled by this. He's only my second Pope and I don't like not knowing what's going to happen.


Very strangely though I was wondering how old he was yesterday in Mass and how much longer we'd have him. One of DH's friends made a comment (and I've heard it from others) that the Church will end with this Pope and while I don't believe silly predictions of the future I'd sure like another nice Pope appointed quickly.



He's thinking of the prophecies of Malachy. I put them in the same reliability category as the Mayan calendar, personally. All the same, I'll probably try to get to confession this month :)

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I too am feeling ... unsettled by this. He's only my second Pope and I don't like not knowing what's going to happen.


Very strangely though I was wondering how old he was yesterday in Mass and how much longer we'd have him. One of DH's friends made a comment (and I've heard it from others) that the Church will end with this Pope and while I don't believe silly predictions of the future I'd sure like another nice Pope appointed quickly.


There's a prophecy of sorts that predicts as much, I believe. Something about "how many popes" before The Church ends... but I liken that to the world ending in 2012 that was predicted - when, in all reality, the Mayans probably just got tired of making calendars :D

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I wish him good health and comfort, no matter what. I can't imagine working through that sort of system and stepping down. It's not like being the president where you know you have a limited term.


If he truly feels that he cannot perform his duties due to his health, I laud him for knowing when he needed to turn it over. The Catholic church worldwide deserves competent, strong leadership.


Praying for my Catholic brothers and sisters, for Pope Benedict (will he retain his title? I'm not sure what to call him. I'm sure God will understand) and for the cardinals as they pick a successor.

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I'm curious as to why. There have been 6 Popes in my lifetime, 5 of them while I still called myself Catholic. Popes, like presidents, come and go.

Popes do not generally resign and I think this lends to the feeling of unease among many Catholics - if only for the very sudden nature of it.

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I have to say I am somewhat unsettled too. I am in the middle of an exploration of religion and was raised Catholic. I am at the point where I go to Church sometimes, but not regularly, but I have used Catholic schooling materials in my afterschooling.


I don't think there's anything scandalous occurring though. Scandal does not stop the Church. It's not going to make a Pope resign. Heath though is a big deal. That's pretty impressive to resign such a high position knowing you aren't feeling up to serving it.


Things are going to be rocky for a while.



Edited: Timing is a bit odd. Right before Lent. You'd think he would have done so prior to beginning of Litergical year?

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I'm not Catholic so I'm not exactly sure how these things are handled. JPII was Pope throughout my life and it was interesting to see all the pomp involved in selecting a new Pope. My first thought when I heard the news was the immense humility of his actions. To voluntarily set aside all that power because you know, due to your health, someone else could do the job better, is very touching. I"m assuming of course, that that's the reason for his resignation.


My prayers to all our Catholic boardies and to the worldwide Church in general.

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He has not been well for quite some time. Who knows? Maybe he's incontinent or prone to fainting, falling, etc.


A classmate of mine from college worked for 20 years in the Vatican for their press department, IIRC. I'd love to hear what he thinks.


Anyway, I wonder who the new Pope will be?

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Popes do not generally resign and I think this lends to the feeling of unease among many Catholics - if only for the very sudden nature of it.


I'm aware of that. I was born into an Irish-Italian-American Catholic family. I was Catholic until the age of 37. Most of my family members are still Catholic, None of the ones I've heard talking about this today are uneasy or unsettled.


ETA: Is my family Shocked? Surprised? Yes. Concerned? No. Well, they're concerned about his health but nothing more.

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I'm aware of that. I was born into an Irish-Italian-American Catholic family. I was Catholic until the age of 37. Most of my family members are still Catholic, None of the ones I've heard talking about this today are uneasy or unsettled.

All of those I've spoken with are sad and feeling unsettled about it. You and I may have a different vision of the *why* behind unsettled though.

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