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If you started in August, what day are you on?


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I dont keep track but I know they are approaching the 100th day in public. I know the girls are on track with history but not with math and I have no idea what happened there! I think one is in the 70's and the other in the 60's. Guess we will be going into July more than I thought.

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102 today, which surprised me when I tallied it up. I was expecting 80's tops. We started August 6th and I've only counted days we managed to do at least the 3R's. I intend to school year-round, though. The good news is you have about 170 days to complete the remaining 102. ;) And if your state is like mine and is actually based on hours, then you have even more flexibility.

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I think ds is at 92 and dd is at 80ish. Much further behind than I'd like to be at this point, but I have to take into account that we had a very stressful move this last year. Now that that is behind us, I hope to plug away more steadily for the remainder of the year.

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Scholaric says dd is on day 118 and ds 115... Hmmm, I must have messed up marking as complete somewhere... :lol:


I hate it when that happens! :lol: I don't have everything in HST+ for my K'er, so sometimes he gets days where he does school but isn't marked as "present" in the system. I just have to go in and edit that. If he's here in my house, I consider that a school day. :tongue_smilie:

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I just checked. We are on week 27. But don't go thinking we are close to finished for the year. We do field trips often and a day out of the house at co-op every week. No math is done on Fridays though they usually do some over the weekend. So we are only on like lesson 90 in math for each child, and less than that for English. We are in week 18 of Latin which we didn't start until mid Sept, and only in chp. 21 of SOTW which we started in Sept, etc. We spent the month of Aug. reviewing Latin and finishing up last year's SOTW. We do start the new math and English in Aug.


We usually school full time for around 41 weeks, then go part time for another 3 or 4 doing mostly math and light reading for everything else. Then we take one full month off a year: July, before we start back up in Aug.

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We started in late July, I don't know what day I'm on but I'd hazard a guess that it is no more than 50 or 60. I had pregnancy complications then a preemie so school was really derailed this year. We may need to make up our lost ground in the summer.



Oh my goodness! Hope your little girl and you are doing well now. With 7 and 5 yo's, I wouldn't worry terribly about making things up during the summer. Maybe some math, phonics/reading, and handwriting so skills aren't lost over too long of a break, but otherwise you probably all need some rest & to start fresh in the fall. They'll be fine :).

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We are finishing up week 11, so I guess that is Day 55. My DS2 had a bone marrow transplant last year and then some complications and 7 different hospital stays, so that put us behind. I dropped everything except the 3Rs. Again. We were behind last year, too, b/c of DS's leukemia and BMT. So, the only year done remotely on schedule was K for DS1. I'm hoping next school year will be smoother, and that all these fabulous plans I always make I will actually get to use!

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