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What time do you usually eat your meals?


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We eat early here. 7am, 11:00-11:30, 5pm.


We have sports in the evening that run late. We have always eaten before them. Sometimes we'll even eat at 4:30.


My dh is usually home from work between 3 and 4 and he is ravenous by then so it works fine. I work in the afternoons and need to have the boys to my mom's by 11:45 so sometimes they eat earlier and sometimes they aren't hungry yet so I pack it up for them (I don't like to impose on my mom for lunches).

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DH and I eat breakfast together, while watching last night's news program and if it is a day he is not running, it is around 6:30 am. If he is running, it is more likely to be around 8:30 (he does a full fitness routine on those days and it takes a long time). Then I don't usually have lunch at all but when I do it varies in time. Then our dinner is usually at the earliest at 6:30 pm but often not until 8pm/

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Oh, I just read that many of you eat early because your kids have sports. That is one of the reasons we eat late- my dd dives twice a week until 7:30pm so dinner can't be before 8pm. SHe doesn't want to eat right before diving and anyway, dh isn't ever home before she needs to go to dive. I don't like doing two dinners.

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Breakfast: 6:30 am for me, between 8 and 9:30 for everyone else.


Lunch: Usually between 11:30 and 12:30, depending when we finish our morning school work.


Dinner depends on the season:

Winter- 5:00 - 5:45

Summer- 7:00 - 8:00 most evenings, sometimes even later.

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Breakfast - 7 am

Tea/snack/fruit time- 10 am

Lunch - 1 pm

Tea/snack/fruit time - 4 pm

Dinner - 7 pm


That's the meal times I aim for as well. It fits in well with lunch times at work & PS here. Dh tends to eat differently, so I've given up trying to have us all eat at one time for the moment. Dh prefers to eat bkft at 7am, coffee & cake at 10am, lunch at noon, coffee at 2pm, toast at 5pm, & dinner at 9:30+pm. I can not eat dinner that late & hope to sleep well. I feed myself & any dc who are home at 7pm & fill plates for dh & any dc who are at sports to eat later. This allows me to get dishes, etc. done before it's really late. I hate doing dishes at 9pm & I really hate doing dishes at 11pm.

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Breakfast depends on what time the kids get up in the morning. If we have had a late night, then I let them sleep in. Lunch depends on when we have had breakfast, but usually anywhere between 11:30 and 1. Dinner is usually around 6.

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The boys and I eat breakfast around 8 and Molly eats when she wakes up at 9 or 9:30. The boys usually have a snack then too.

Lunch is around 12, maybe a little later.

On hockey nights, we eat at 4 and then have a small snack when we get home at 7:30. Other nights, we eat around 5:30.

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Fine. We're 'off'


8 a.m. Cup of tea w/milk and sugar


9:30 ish breakfast


1 p.m. (or 2) Lunch


4 p.m. Nother cup of tea and a snack


7:30 Dinner


11 p.m. herbal tea or chocolate milk. Maybe a snack.


Not everyone participates in ALL of those meals/snacks but generally 2-3 of us are sharing them. I do the bulk of my calorie burning after 5 p.m., so my eating times might be weird to normal people.

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In the winter, we're eating at about 7:30, 11:30, and 5:30.


In the summer, we eat around 7, 11, 3, and 7:30. We like to get up and do things before it gets too hot, take the afternoon break, and then eat dinner when the sun is still out but not boiling us. It lets us eat outside or keep the windows open when we cook.

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Times aren't terribly set now as I'm trying to find a schedule with the baby. It used to be that we'd do 8am bfast, 12lunch, and 6-6:30 supper. These days breakfast is usually 8:30-9am, lunch 12:30-1:30, and supper 6p-7p with a snack around 3-4p. We always eat later in the summer as well.

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Guest inoubliable

Question for those who eat just three times/day - do you eat large meals at that time? Do you never feel hungry in between meal times? How are your energy levels?


I'm truly interested. I grew up in a family eating just three meals/day and I remember everyone being grouchy a bit before meals and energy levels dropping before meals. As I got older and more in control of what/when I ate I started adding in my own snacks like fruit and veggies and I noticed that I was feeling better in so many ways. At one time I worked in a large office in D.C. and most of my co-workers were from Europe. Three different people told me that they noticed I don't eat "American". According to them, most people in Europe eat smaller (relative to typical American meals) meals and more often through the day and they'd notice that I was one of the few Americans they knew who did this, as well. They were of the strong opinion that American eating habits were decidedly unique from the rest of the world and unconvinced that it was healthy enough for most to eat large meals, three times a day. Any Europeans here to weight in on that?


Rambling thoughts and questions.

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My teens eat breakfast pretty much when they get up each day, usually between 7:30 and 8:30. I eat once I've finished making their stuff.


Lunches are DIY. My son is often heading into the kitchen to start food by 11:45 and likes to be eating by 12:00. My daughter snacks on something later in the afternoon. I eat when the mood strikes.


At the moment, there are very few evenings when we are all home for dinner. So, the kids usually pack up stuff to eat in between classes and rehearsals, and I leave something my husband can heat and eat easily once he gets home.


On the nights at least three of us are home, I aim for putting dinner on the table by 6:00-ish.

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