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Lance Armstrong confesses to doping


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Jerk. Just like Pete Rose, except I never thought Pete Rose was innocent. I did think Armstrong was. So much for giving an athlete the benefit of the doubt.


Now they can strip him of every title he ever had except two - liar and cheater.

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He should be stripped of every penny he made off his charity.



I don't know that he made money off the charity. He actually gave that charity millions of dollars of his own (perhaps ill gotten) money, and raised much more for cancer research. I would actually hate to see that charity suffer.


Which is not to say that I feel well disposed to Liar Liar Pants of Fire Armstrong.


It is all very disappointing. I can't imagine how his children must feel.

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Wow! I'm not surprised he did, just surprised he admitted it. The man is seriously a jerk. DS13 went to the same school as his son back in kinder and first grade. They were also on the same baseball team and Lance hardly ever showed up. DH said he was nice enough when he did show up but just not involved like the other dads. His ex was nice and really involved with the school. His reputation around here is that of an arrogant jerk.

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Yes. Remember the heated discussion this board had a while ago about him? I never understood why so many stood behind such a lying loser.



I didn't feel like I was standing behind a lying loser or defending him. I just like everyone to have their day in court. At the time, I don't think all the evidence was widely publicized either.


I'm not surprised. I read his book and have always throught his tone and demeanor was narcisstic in nature. I'm still sad though. I used to love following the tour and I'm sure I never will again.

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Guest inoubliable

Not surprised. But then I was one of those sitting on the side of the prosecution for OJ Simpson and I was one of those rooting for Tiger Woods' wife to kick him to the curb. Celebrity status, star athlete, award winning architect, best seller novelist, movie star - all human. Humans do dumb sh*t sometimes and most of the time, it's easy to smell it a mile off. Even easier if you realize that the smell is coming from behind the shield of celebrity instead of being blinded by that shield and thinking it means "hero" instead of "PR team".

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Yes. Remember the heated discussion this board had a while ago about him? I never understood why so many stood behind such a lying loser.


Yes, I remember those discussions. I didn't get it either.



And to think how he sued people who tried to speak out against him. What a scumbag.
He lied, sued (and was awarded $$$) people who questioned him and threatened a number of people.


He bullied so many people - anyone who told the truth.


I'm not listening to his public plea for attention.


Yep. Will he do the talk show circuit now? He'll do the "I'm-so-sorry-please-forgive-me." bit, then write a book or find some other way to make money from his lies and bullying tactics.

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He should be stripped of every penny he made off his charity.


Unless new information comes to light, the tragedy here is the position Livestrong has been left in. He's already left the board. I've seen nothing to suggest there are any improprieties; it's a well respected charity filling a niche that wasn't previously addressed on a large scale in terms of awareness or services.

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Unless new information comes to light, the tragedy here is the position Livestrong has been left in. He's already left the board. I've seen nothing to suggest there are any improprieties; it's a well respected charity filling a niche that wasn't previously addressed on a large scale in terms of awareness or services.




He stopped by to apologize to them, before going to the interview. They are (apparently) innocent in all of this.

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Yuck. I hate cheaters.


My DH and I have had a hard time talking about this because (up until now) he's always been a huge Lance Armstrong fan. I've thought he was guilty for some time but DH had so much faith in him that he didn't believe it. It makes me feel sad for him and a lot of his friends who also like Armstrong. DH says that Armstrong is quickly distancing himself from his charity and removing all his ties to it to try and save it. I find that honorable at least but I still overall think the man is a pig.

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Yep. Will he do the talk show circuit now? He'll do the "I'm-so-sorry-please-forgive-me." bit, then write a book or find some other way to make money from his lies and bullying tactics.



Yes. He filmed a 2 1/2 hour interview with Oprah. All of this "confession" news is out because he admitted it to her ... supposedly. If you read/listen to the sound bites, Oprah is being just cagey enough to leave you wondering did he or didn't he come right out and say "I doped and cheated" but also just slick enough to make you want to watch her 2-part special airing of the interview.


It's all a game to these people. A big PR game. Lance gets his touching confession with tender-hearted Oprah by his side to hand him tissues. Oprah gets a boost to her network's tanking ratings and sales revenues.


:001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes:

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Not shocked at all. I knew he was lying the whole time. We used to be heavily involved in the competitive weight training and bodybuilding industry and owned a sports nutrition store. Contrary to popular belief, it is nearly impossible to be a "Super Athlete" without some form of chemical enhancement.


Every time he swore he didn't dope, dh and I would just laugh.

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I'm disappointed. I wanted to believe he just trained longer and harder than everyone else--had more talent...


As a baseball fan, I've gotten used to being disappointed in chemically enhanced players. It takes the shine off the game....



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He's a sociopath, IMO.


We're in the DFW area and Armstrong lives in the Austin area. Local news were going ga-ga over Oprah's arrival to interview him.


An additional story they had was an Austin area Bicycle store owner who was a close friend of one of Armstrong's assistant (and accuser in a lawsuit). She said how mean and nasty Armstrong got with bullying her friend to drop his accusation. Can't say I am surprised by any of this. Remember back when Armstrong divorced his wife -- and left her and the kids for Sheryl Crow? Back then, I recall the gossip of how glad the wife was to get rid of him - after all of her years of standing by him when he had cancer and she knew of the doping too. Apparantly, he was not a nice guy??


If anything, it brings to light the ENTIRE sport of cycling. Sounds like everyone cheats.

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I believed in him way, way back. But over the years I began to think it was more and more likely that he did dope. Once the report came out, it seemed almost impossible that he didn't dope.


I guess the only reason he is coming forward is that he can't compete in marathons and tri-athelons. So it is only when it inconvenienced him did he come forward.


I guess he'll will have to pay back the damages he won from the defamation lawsuits that he aggressively pursued against journalists that wrote about doping.

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We're in the DFW area and Armstrong lives in the Austin area. Local news were going ga-ga over Oprah's arrival to interview him.


An additional story they had was an Austin area Bicycle store owner who was a close friend of one of Armstrong's assistant (and accuser in a lawsuit). She said how mean and nasty Armstrong got with bullying her friend to drop his accusation. Can't say I am surprised by any of this. Remember back when Armstrong divorced his wife -- and left her and the kids for Sheryl Crow? Back then, I recall the gossip of how glad the wife was to get rid of him - after all of her years of standing by him when he had cancer and she knew of the doping too. Apparantly, he was not a nice guy??


If anything, it brings to light the ENTIRE sport of cycling. Sounds like everyone cheats.


Maybe Crow and Armstrong both had cancer from the banned EPO and PEDs? Why would she take them though?

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The headline I heard today was about the possibility of cycling being removed from the Olympics if he starts naming names, the idea being that there are massive coverups that include cycling authorities. Cycling would be removed until they can clean up the sport.


Will there be some way to watch the interview online?

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