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A non-religious wedding?

Night Elf

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We were married in the chapel of a medical center. We wanted the chapel atmosphere more than the religious aspect. The medical center was because a family member worked there and suggested it. The chaplain (who was a woman) married us. We did have to sit down with her a few times, to get to know us. We were already living together, there was little religious aspect to her counsel (IIRC) more of marriage counsel. I think we had prayers during the service (which we didn't object to as I was christian, just not religious, if that makes sense). We used their organist, it was a small but lovely ceremony.

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We had a friends get registered to marry us, but if you look in the phone book there are usually listings of marriage officiants. We were originally going to hire one from the phone book. I believe the standard process is is you are supposed to interview them like you would a photographer, caterer, etc, then pick the one you like.

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To the best of my knowledge, in the US, anyone can be ordained to perform weddings through online "ministries". You don't have to be religious or belong to any church to do this. It satisfies th legal requirement for clergy to be able to perform legal marriages. You can do an internet search on how to be ordained to perform weddings. This way, you can have a friend or relative perform a wedding. You might find some that are free to do the ordination.


Best wishes.


ETA: internet search on how to be ordained online …

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Here in Colorado, one does not need anybody to marry them. You can literally both sign the paperwork the instant you receive it and you're married! Which means that in terms of a ceremony, it's a personal ritual and you can get anyone to do it, no ordainment necessary.


To find an "official" person, phone book (i.e. interwebz) is a good place to start.

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We had a non-religious wedding. It was held at a wedding hall. They had an indoor garden room. It was beautiful. I talked to the senior pastor at my dad's church. He was very progressive and agreed to adjusting the traditional Methodist wedding script. We removed the references to God and our vows were taken from the Wiccan handfasting ceremony.

My dad (also a minister) did say a blessing over us, but because he respected us, kept it neutral. He did reference God, I think, but not Christ. I'd have to look at the tape again to be sure.

The ceremony lasted about 15 minutes. The reception lasted 4 hours. The marriage has lasted 18 years so far. :)

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We were married by a friend who happened to be ordained as a "minister," not sure exactly what she called herself, but it was not religous in any way. She could have tailored the ceremony to be more spiritual, if we had wanted it, but she didn't do religious ceremonies. There are plenty of folks out there like that, you just have to find them! I know of a few in our area. We got married outside in the rose garden of a small state park nearby. It was simple, fast (five minutes for the official stuff, maybe!), and actually quite nice.

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There are many, many people who are ordained by online sources. Actually many of them take their job very seriously.I am one. It has been my experience that many gay couples are not only not welcome to marry in many. if not most churches. Thus I felt I needed to make myself and the nearby gorgeous park available for services of marriage between persons regardless of gender. I charge nothing. It is what i believe in doing. Just my conscience and certainly others feel quite differently as is their choice. Here is a link http://www.themonastery.org/ There are many Christians who do this as well. You should be able to find a Universal Life Church minister in your area. Another great option is a JP that is who we used as no rabbi would marry us so it would have been unseemly to only have a priest and alienate the entire guest list on dh side by not having both a priest and a rabbi. Silly but there you have it.

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Who comes to officiate a wedding when the couple is not religious and has no interest in marrying in a church?


For my first wedding, I used my sister's house and my aunt's pastor came to officiate. When I remarried, we just went to the JP.


Any attorney can be appointed a judge pro tem to perform a wedding.

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I'll follow up on some of these ideas. When DH and I were married by a JP, it was in his office at the courthouse. We had no friends or family with us. His secretary was the witness. Dd20 is dropping hints and asked me outright about getting married without a church. At least we have some leads. I told her she might have to do what we did and go to the courthouse to be married, then hold a nice reception for everyone to celebrate with them. And then she said this was hypothetical. :)

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We are not married in the states. We have a civil ceremony at the Registry of Marriage after "reading of banns" for 21 days. Than we have a few wedding receptions for different group of people. Hubby is a free thinker so it makes sense to have a civil marriage.

It is convenient for us because we need the marriage certificate for some papeprwork while we can take our time planning for the receptions.

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In California, anyone you choose can be deputized for the day to perform a marriage, as long as the date and time has been set. You just go down to the courthouse, fill out the paperwork, and bam! the person can perform your marriage ceremony. That is how DH and I were married.

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