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Seriously people, why do you let your children climb UP the slide?


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I haven't read all posts-but get the idea that most think going up is fine.


I do not allow my kiddos to go up the slides when we are at the park. We do not have one at home, but I wouldn't care if they went up at home as long as another kid wasn't going down. When I have been at the park, I also have seen a lot of rude kids making a long line wait so they can go up. I usually say something to them-yep I am that Mom. I think the rudeness and lack of parental supervision is more of a problem with me than the danger of going up-vs-down.

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The OP's later admission of a joke does make me angry. And it makes me angry no matter how you interpret it because the OP admitted that she simply wanted to get things stirred up around here.



I honestly don't understand why that would make you angry. Maybe it's not something you would do, but angry? I mean, we're talking about sliding boards.


(FWIW, my initial reading of OP's post was that it was not a criticism of anyone here, but more like that kind of muttering that you do when the driver in front of you does something stupid. I mean, how would she know whether any of our kids climb up slides?)

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My art teacher in elementary school was grumpy. I think she was about 80 then, so maybe just tired of kids. She once yanked a paint brush out of my hand to tell me I wasn't painting trees correctly. Apparently I only painted trees that been recently been pruned and she thought all tree had branches that elongated out and ended differently.



My grade school art teacher looked at a painting I was doing of a parrot, took my paintbrush out of my hand and dabbed it in some red paint, and then added a splotch of color on its head. I was angry and hurt that she felt the need to "fix" my painting without even asking if I needed her help, but I just sat there stunned and didn't say a word. I painted over her handiwork at home. In my world, that parrot didn't have a red splotch.

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I honestly don't understand why that would make you angry. Maybe it's not something you would do, but angry? I mean, we're talking about sliding boards.


(FWIW, my initial reading of OP's post was that it was not a criticism of anyone here, but more like that kind of muttering that you do when the driver in front of you does something stupid. I mean, how would she know whether any of our kids climb up slides?)



I think you misunderstand. I don't care about slides or playgrounds. It was the OP's later post where she admitted to wanting to stir things up that made me angry. Someone said they felt punked. I don't like to feel punked. This board is a place to air opinions as well as to ask questions. Some opinions mesh with mine and some don't. But I like the questions and the opinions to be genuine.

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I think you misunderstand. I don't care about slides or playgrounds. It was the OP's later post where she admitted to wanting to stir things up that made me angry. Someone said they felt punked. I don't like to feel punked. This board is a place to air opinions as well as to ask questions. Some opinions mesh with mine and some don't. But I like the questions and the opinions to be genuine.



OK, well, I think some of us like a little humor to be in the mix. Kilts anyone? I understand that the humor was not well expressed in this case and the OP apologized for that. However, I personally do not believe there is anything wrong with trying to be funny on this board. I also don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to start a lame discussion (like my "bad side" post). Honestly, I don't come here expecting to discuss how to save the world.

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THIS. You would not BELIEVE the number of times another parent has tried telling MY kid to get down from a tree.




Almost 2 1/2 years ago when Youngest was real young he got his cast off. :) A few days later we were at an outdoor festival and he climbed a very tall tree. At least to the point of a second story window. He would then yell out to passer byers, "I got my cast off, I can climb trees again!"


I must admit I was somewhat embarrassed. :p


(He got his cast in a non tree climbing accident)

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OK, well, I think some of us like a little humor to be in the mix. Kilts anyone? I understand that the humor was not well expressed in this case and the OP apologized for that. However, I personally do not believe there is anything wrong with trying to be funny on this board. I also don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to start a lame discussion (like my "bad side" post). Honestly, I don't come here expecting to discuss how to save the world.



IDK. Wanting people to argue over something so unimportant so it will be more interesting around here doesn't sound like humor but rudeness. Whatever. Some people around here do enjoy it but don't be surprised if it ticks some people off.

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Wait! There is a rule about touching things in a store? Why? The store wants things touched--people are more likely to buy them. Why is there a rule against it?

I completely agree.


Sorry, everyone. I really was just trying to lighten things up and give us something else to think about. I didn't imagine that anyone would get upset over it. I posted this morning (I'm on the other side of the world) and when I checked later there were pages. I guess I must go back and edit the original post. :blushing:

I think it's fine. I saw you're wink on the first page and thought then that your OP was a joke.

I really don't know what the fuss is about. I thought slide, crockpot, shopping cart and kerfluffle threads in general were fun. :confused1:


LOL about art. Once in high school we had a watercolor project. At home, I painted a cabin based on a photo I had, and brought it in to see if that would work for the teacher. Teacher didn't think it was abstract enough and made me do it over, making all the trees look like green clouds etc. I kept both paintings and most people think my original was better, but whatever! Last quarter, both of my kids got "B" in art. (They are in 1st grade.) I found this a bit strange - I mean, how does a little kid mess up art class? One of them might have been a behavior issue, but both? Nah. Art teacher must be trying to prove she's needed or something.

That is just bizarre.


The OP's later admission of a joke does make me angry. And it makes me angry no matter how you interpret it because the OP admitted that she simply wanted to get things stirred up around here.

I really, truly cannot understand why people are angry with the OP. :confused1:

The thread was FUN, no one was arguing.

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Aren't all slides now built to a legally safe height where no child could possibly get hurt... Surrounded by soft non PVC plastic safety ground... With queuing lines.... And Helicopter parent guards?


Now the 25' high old-school, all-metal, no-railing, burn-your-flesh-off-in-the-sun slides - that's a different thread!


What about large, fast, metal merry-go-round etiquette? Oh, none of those left. Might as well climb up the 4ft plastic slide for fun....




I know a park that has one of those. I taught my kids to jump on and off it while it was moving - I saw it as a great place to work on physics. The horrified looks of helicopter parents were a fun bonus. My kids were even barefoot while they were jumping off and on the merry-go-round!

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So. . . if you're post backfired and was totally misunderstood why didn't you post right away to clear things up? Is it fun to start a kerfuffle? Make your life a bit more exciting? Not to mention that I don't quite understand why you would think that posting something that you don't agree with is fun anyway.. .




Sorry, but I was amused and OP is really only responsible for amusing herself. She doesn't really have an obligation to obsessively monitor any threat she starts. I thought it was funny to see how the hive sorted out on the sides of Uptight Slide Ladies and Fun Moms. I didn't catch that it was a joke post, but it was hysterical to me that someone could possibly have their small children preaching slide etiquette on the playground. Besides, didn't the OP edit her original post and add those jokers a few days ago?



Hmm, okay. You might want to add a smilie to "joke" posts. There are plenty of parents who feel that way in all seriousness (see my post re dirt and disney!), and people tend to get a little annoyed at being told a post that they spent time answering was just a joke all along.,



I'd agree with you if this were a serious issue, but getting all spun up over the 'right, way to use a slide IS funny to me. Maybe it's just me, but 99% of the time I come here it is for the purpose of wasting time.

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Because they enjoy it & its good exercise. I don't allow them to start climbing if someone is already at the top bit I see no problem with climbing up when nobody is waiting to go down.




We go barefoot in our backyard all the time. Not on a playground, though. I detest wearing shoes when the weather is warm and so do they!

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Oh, you are a much better person than I. I immediately assume the worst.....unfortunately, I am often correct, which perpetuates the negativity. :bored:




Turns out you were right (OP was trying to start something) and I was wrong (in trying to interpret her behavior in a benign way.)

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But did he or she climb up a slides when they were young? And did they do it barefoot while eating cupcakes? That is the sign of a true genius......or is it a sign they are headed for divorce? My husband attended a PAC 10 school, I need to know.



She only went to Stanfod--it's PAC-12. Her DH went to Harvard. :)

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Hell is other people. - Sartre. The obvious solution is to have your own equipment in the backyard. ;) I want a pool for the same reason: if there is pee in it, at least it will be OUR pee... ba ha ha.




:hurray: That's in my sig (but en franĂƒÂ§ais)! It's from Huis-clos (No Exit, in English). My favourite play!

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Hmm, okay. You might want to add a smilie to "joke" posts. There are plenty of parents who feel that way in all seriousness (see my post re dirt and disney!), and people tend to get a little annoyed at being told a post that they spent time answering was just a joke all along.,



I think it's more annoying to be involved in a serious post that is packed with heartfelt advice ... That the OP dismisses or doesn't respond to...and then comes back in days or weeks with a very similar problem.


I'd completely understand if it is a vent or JAWM...but it's not.

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Far better than I could have said it. Though mine are a bit young for some of those things. :-D


Near my parents house there is a newer playground that has one of those old-fashioned merry-go-rounds on it. It's super fun, though I think it will be better next year when the twins have brains enough to hold on. We've been to some really awesome newer parks in various places!


I'm not a fan of those super old-fashioned slides after DD got knocked off while climbing up the ladder, hit her head three times on the (metal) steps on the way down, then landed on the grass on her back. She got knocked off by a child being oblivious, but they were both going the right way. She was ok though after a bit.


And what on earth is wrong with bare feet?



You know those 25' tall metal slides? When I was very little I was going to go down one and my shoe lace got caught on the bar at the top and flipped me over the side. I dangled by my shoe string while one of my parent's kids from their youth group shimmied up the pole and untied my shoe lace so that I could drop down to my parents' arms. **shudder** Thoughts of those slides still give me the creeps. Gah!

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The OP's later admission of a joke does make me angry. And it makes me angry no matter how you interpret it because the OP admitted that she simply wanted to get things stirred up around here.




If a person tries to start an argument and it works, it's just as much the fault of the people arguing as the one who started it.

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So, he climbed up the slide the wrong way, right? ;)


Almost 2 1/2 years ago when Youngest was real young he got his cast off. :) A few days later we were at an outdoor festival and he climbed a very tall tree. At least to the point of a second story window. He would then yell out to passer byers, "I got my cast off, I can climb trees again!" I must admit I was somewhat

embarrassed. :p (He got his cast in a non tree climbing accident)

Of course, since it still feels a bit kerfluffley here I think this is helpful too. banana-with-kilt-smiley-emoticon.gif Which leads to questions like is that a banana in your kilt or.....????




I let my kids go up the slide when others aren't around. I will add though, that kids going down the slide can cause complications too. For example, standing at the top and not going down as a long line forms below...and not because you are afraid... just because.... and looking down seeing there is a long line of kids below...

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Aren't all slides now built to a legally safe height where no child could possibly get hurt... Surrounded by soft non PVC plastic safety ground... With queuing lines.... And Helicopter parent guards? Now the 25' high old-school, all-metal, no-railing, burn-your-flesh-off-in-the-sun slides - that's a different thread! What about large, fast, metal merry-go-round etiquette? Oh, none of those left. Might as well climb up the 4ft plastic slide for fun.... Cupcakes!!


I miss *real* playground equipment. The playground where I lived as a young teen had one of those huge metal slides. We'd race to see who could climb up the slide vs. the ladder faster. :laugh:


Do parks even have merry-go-rounds anymore?

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I fractured my arm falling off monkey bars onto concrete in 2nd grade.


I broke mine jumping from the low monkey bar to the high one in 3rd grade. I slid off and landed on the blacktop--completely missed the rubber pad under the bars.




I was safe on the monkey bars. It was the tree I fell out of that caused my broken arm. I think we need to rethink all these dangerous trees we have just growing everywhere.



I broke mine flipping out of a swing. Does that mean swings are as dangerous as the monkey bars, see-saws, and merry-go-rounds?

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I might have considered it ok at one point in my life to go barefoot at a park. But that all ended in sixth grade when our entire sixth grade was taken to the park at the end of the school year and my best friend took off her shoes. Her day there ended early with her mother coming to take her to the hospital to get the large piece of glass removed from her heal. This was 1977 so I am sure the parks aren't any safer in that aspect now.

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My art teacher in elementary school was grumpy. I think she was about 80 then, so maybe just tired of kids. She once yanked a paint brush out of my hand to tell me I wasn't painting trees correctly. Apparently I only painted trees that been recently been pruned and she thought all tree had branches that elongated out and ended differently.



When I was in elementary school our neighbor kept her trees pruned into perfectly round little lollipops. Maybe she had a run-in with your art teacher, and spent the rest of her life proving her point.

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I miss *real* playground equipment. The playground where I lived as a young teen had one of those huge metal slides. We'd race to see who could climb up the slide vs. the ladder faster. :laugh:


Do parks even have merry-go-rounds anymore?


If you go to Withee, Wisconsin, you can visit the Rod & Staff bookstore and the town playground with a tall metal slide, a merry go round, and one of those huge half-dome climbing structures, among other dangerous equipment. My boys love it, and almost don't complain when they realize I've purchased more books for school.

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My younger child is very artsy. He took an art class for awhile. The instructor was upset on a regular basis that he did different things with his projects. I thought they were great. Who ever heard of a stick in the mud art teacher?! Geesh


my bil once had a school paper that gave part of statement, and they were supposed to finish it.

art classes ______

he wrote: stomp genuis.


LOL about art. Once in high school we had a watercolor project. At home, I painted a cabin based on a photo I had, and brought it in to see if that would work for the teacher. Teacher didn't think it was abstract enough and made me do it over, making all the trees look like green clouds etc. I kept both paintings and most people think my original was better, but whatever! Last quarter, both of my kids got "B" in art. (They are in 1st grade.) I found this a bit strange - I mean, how does a little kid mess up art class? One of them might have been a behavior issue, but both? Nah. Art teacher must be trying to prove she's needed or something.

murphy brown once did an episode where she submitted her toddler son's "painting" to an art gallery and it started getting people bidding on it. it was based on an actual happening of an artist in london who was told her paintings "weren't primitive enough". so she submitted one of her son's - and it was accepted.


and for the slide question - if there is no line, go for it. if there is a line, get in line and go down the slide. I do confess to once having warned a kid to not climb the slide when there were kids coming down. He didn't want to listen to me and got feet plowed into his chest a couple minutes later. reality bites.

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Apparently the OP has never played Chutes and Ladders the more fun way, up the chutes and down the ladders.


My little nephews would love this. I wonder if they already have the game? Sounds like a good potential Christmas gift!

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Years ago my oldest was drawing a picture at the library. I think he was 3. It was a crafty type thing with other kids. One mother literally yelled at and berated her young child for drawing a picture of a person with two heads. I thought it was ridiculous.



Adults get stuck in their own heads too much about what is the right way to do things. I wish I could get inside my 5 yr olds head and see what she sees, how she sees it. She is my darling with the imaginary friend zombie, who is 5 yrs old and an orphan because her parents are dead. But she is not really dead she is a zombie etc.


She is also the one that gave a card to uncle that had no picture of ds14 on it because apparently he was dead and ds9 was laying down with x's for eyes because she has just killed him too.


Good lord teachers and other adults would have a heyday telling her these are the wrong kinds of pictures to draw, or psychoanalyzing her rather than seeing with her imagination, love of the scary and macabre, and propensity for expecting a full audience at all times, she may grow up to be a screenwriter or director for horror movies.


We have to let kids be kids, and do it there way(within legal and considerate ways of course), because we never know where those ways of playing, drawing, singing or whatever take them.

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and for the slide question - if there is no line, go for it. if there is a line, get in line and go down the slide. I do confess to once having warned a kid to not climb the slide when there were kids coming down. He didn't want to listen to me and got feet plowed into his chest a couple minutes later. reality bites.



They do say kids learn best from natural consequences. My son is the type that has to learn everything the hard way, he will not listen if you say "if you do x, y will happen to you" like if you climb the slide someone will crash into you. He is always completely surprised that I knew something was going to happen to him before it does. He is just one of those kinds of people.

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Adults get stuck in their own heads too much about what is the right way to do things. I wish I could get inside my 5 yr olds head and see what she sees, how she sees it. She is my darling with the imaginary friend zombie, who is 5 yrs old and an orphan because her parents are dead. But she is not really dead she is a zombie etc.


She is also the one that gave a card to uncle that had no picture of ds14 on it because apparently he was dead and ds9 was laying down with x's for eyes because she has just killed him too.


Good lord teachers and other adults would have a heyday telling her these are the wrong kinds of pictures to draw, or psychoanalyzing her rather than seeing with her imagination, love of the scary and macabre, and propensity for expecting a full audience at all times, she may grow up to be a screenwriter or director for horror movies.


We have to let kids be kids, and do it there way(within legal and considerate ways of course), because we never know where those ways of playing, drawing, singing or whatever take them.



When I was little, my Barbie's job was 'grave digger.' She buried people (chicken bones) in the flower bed because it would always smell nice there.


Before anyone gets all armchair analyst on me, in my defense, I was a little Navy brat during the Viet Nam war living around other kids, some of whose daddies did not ever come home. So, ya know... I was just playing out what I knew around me.


Imagination is a good thing. It is creative, but sometimes it also helps people work through some really tough stuff in their lives. Any so-called teacher who would stifle that ... well, cruel just doesn't even begin to top the list of choice words I'd have for that.

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They do say kids learn best from natural consequences. My son is the type that has to learn everything the hard way, he will not listen if you say "if you do x, y will happen to you" like if you climb the slide someone will crash into you. He is always completely surprised that I knew something was going to happen to him before it does. He is just one of those kinds of people.


dh calls natural consequences "the crime is it's own punishment."


I do a lot of walking dudeling through - what happens next? . . . ? just to try to help him understand.

I'm all for natural consequences if that's the only way someone will learn.

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When I was little, my Barbie's job was 'grave digger.' She buried people (chicken bones) in the flower bed because it would always smell nice there.


Before anyone gets all armchair analyst on me, in my defense, I was a little Navy brat during the Viet Nam war living around other kids, some of whose daddies did not ever come home. So, ya know... I was just playing out what I knew around me.


Imagination is a good thing. It is creative, but sometimes it also helps people work through some really tough stuff in their lives. Any so-called teacher who would stifle that ... well, cruel just doesn't even begin to top the list of choice words I'd have for that.

dh is an army brat. His df was a japanese POW for three and a half years, but he stayed in after being repatriated. dh had friends from high school go to 'nam, and never come home. very, very warped and twisted sense of humor - but that's also how you mentally survive is by making jokes. When we were first married, he taught me some of the songs with their twisted lyrics they would sing. and if you have a warped and twisted sense of humor, they are funny. (what does it say about me that I laugh at them?)

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dh is an army brat. His df was a japanese POW for three and a half years, but he stayed in after being repatriated. dh had friends from high school go to 'nam, and never come home. very, very warped and twisted sense of humor - but that's also how you mentally survive is by making jokes. When we were first married, he taught me some of the songs with their twisted lyrics they would sing. and if you have a warped and twisted sense of humor, they are funny. (what does it say about me that I laugh at them?)

That happens in law enforcement too.

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If a person tries to start an argument and it works, it's just as much the fault of the people arguing as the one who started it.


No one was arguing until the op came back and revealed her intent was the opposite of what she first posted. That made some people feel foolish and annoyed. The wording on the original post was obnoxious to begin with and I kinda rolled my eyes at it. Then it was all, "ha! Just kidding! Can't believe you guys took me seriously." Not exactly, but that's how I took it. If the post wasn't made just to cover the misstep of the first post, then it's a joke at the expense of the reader. It was badly done, in any event.

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How's this:


I once put one of those Little Tyke's slides on my trampoline and let the kids climb up it barefoot while eating cupcakes that I bought with my food stamps. I also didn't return the cart to the cart corral when I was finished loading the cream of mushroom soup for my crockpot recipe, cupcakes and coke into my car because I was too busy trying to get my kids' expired carseat straps strapped over the top of their coats. :D


Honey, you weren't by any chance wearing a bikini in public, sporting a muffin top while doing all of this, were you? You KNOW how we all feel about that, which is about how we feel about serving up the sacrificial goat for Halloween instead of all that sugary candy.


It's all good. :D

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My art teacher in elementary school was grumpy. I think she was about 80 then, so maybe just tired of kids. She once yanked a paint brush out of my hand to tell me I wasn't painting trees correctly. Apparently I only painted trees that been recently been pruned and she thought all tree had branches that elongated out and ended differently.

We had the same art teacher. Mind grabbed my paint brush and painted a weird looking branch on my tree. I was really mad.
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I haven't read all posts-but get the idea that most think going up is fine.


I do not allow my kiddos to go up the slides when we are at the park. We do not have one at home, but I wouldn't care if they went up at home as long as another kid wasn't going down. When I have been at the park, I also have seen a lot of rude kids making a long line wait so they can go up. I usually say something to them-yep I am that Mom. I think the rudeness and lack of parental supervision is more of a problem with me than the danger of going up-vs-down.


Exactly- it's rude to misuse the playground equipment. If slides were meant to be climbed up, there would be a slide part on both sides and no ladder. Then the kid would go up one side and down the other.

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But did he or she climb up a slides when they were young? And did they do it barefoot while eating cupcakes?


Bare feet, frequently. Cupcakes, sometimes. Climbing up slides, absolutely not. My mom expected my brothers and I to behave at playgrounds or we'd be spanked and taken home. I don't spank, but I do take my kids home from the playground if they don't follow the rules about proper behavior.

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No one was arguing until the op came back and revealed her intent was the opposite of what she first posted. That made some people feel foolish and annoyed. The wording on the original post was obnoxious to begin with and I kinda rolled my eyes at it. Then it was all, "ha! Just kidding! Can't believe you guys took me seriously." Not exactly, but that's how I took it. If the post wasn't made just to cover the misstep of the first post, then it's a joke at the expense of the reader. It was badly done, in any event.



Agreed. I'm not mad, but it did make me feel stupid for taking the OP seriously.

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Agreed. I'm not mad, but it did make me feel stupid for taking the OP seriously.



Oh, it shouldn't make you feel that way! So what if she was being sarcastic and it didn't come across right away? I thought the thread was kind of fun and funny. I don't think anyone should feel bad for having played along, even if they didn't know they were playing along at the beginning. I don't for one minute believe that the OP was trying to "punk" anyone (hey, I had to look up what the heck that was supposed to mean -- so, who should feel stupid, eh?). I don't think she had any ill will toward anyone. It was/is a fun little thread, IMO.

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Exactly- it's rude to misuse the playground equipment. If slides were meant to be climbed up, there would be a slide part on both sides and no ladder. Then the kid would go up one side and down the other.



Oo! That WOULD be a fun slide!!


Unfortunately, they don't make fun playground equipment anymore. Alas, your totally awesome idea may never be engineered to fruition. Too bad... because I'd totally climb/slide that sucker. Especially if it was a 25-footer!


ETA: Oo! Oo! Oo! I just remembered this broadcast of Q I heard a few weeks ago about a German playground equipment manufacturer that actually does make cool stuff. The interview is about "the dangers of safe playgrounds." Zip ahead to the 30 minute mark for that interview.


ETAA: The company's website is here. Neat looking stuff actually. I wish we had stuff like that here.

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There's a playground near us that still has one of those things. I can't believe it hasn't been taken away. And as a mom, yup, I see all the potential injuries, but I've never actually seen anyone get hurt on one. A few kids crying when they fell off, but not hurt. Ah, the good old days of a little risk.......


We have one here. All of my kids have gotten pinched or injured on it. They still love it and go back for more. Lol

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I loved Margaret O'Brien in Meet me in St. Louis. She buried her "dead" dolls. Her one concern when the family said they were moving was that she would need to dig up her dead dolls.






When I was little, my Barbie's job was 'grave digger.' She buried people (chicken bones) in the flower bed because it would always smell nice there.


Before anyone gets all armchair analyst on me, in my defense, I was a little Navy brat during the Viet Nam war living around other kids, some of whose daddies did not ever come home. So, ya know... I was just playing out what I knew around me.


Imagination is a good thing. It is creative, but sometimes it also helps people work through some really tough stuff in their lives. Any so-called teacher who would stifle that ... well, cruel just doesn't even begin to top the list of choice words I'd have for that.


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