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Poll: Do you know who Xena Warrior Princess Is?

Jean in Newcastle

Do you know who Xena Warrior Princess Is?  

242 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you know who Xena Warrior Princess Is?

    • Why Yes, I do!
    • No, I admit to Xena Ignorance.

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It came to my attention last night that Rough Collie did not know who my alter ego, Xena Warrior Princess, is. I was shocked at this egregious lack of Neo Classical knowledge. I was wondering how many other HIve members might be lost in the mire of Xena Ignorance. So, tell me. Do you know (without googling) who Xena Warrior Princess is? Once you've voted then you can google and imagine me in my leather bikini.

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Yes. Yes I do. It is a source of vast amusement to dh and I. I will also forever picture Kevin Sorbo as Hercules.


Some time back I heard Lucy Lawless giving a radio interview and they asked if her kids knew about Xena and her trademark battle cry. She said no, but she had discovered in act of desperation that her warrior cry would cause all the kids crying and fussing in the car to instantly silence. Whether from concern, shock or surprise.


And yes, both dh and I have at least once used the Xena warrior cry on tantrum fussing toddlers. And it does indeed hush them. For about 3 minutes. But hey, it's a blessed 3 minute reprieve.

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Yes. Yes I do. It is a source of vast amusement to dh and I. I will also forever picture Kevin Sorbo as Hercules.


Some time back I heard Lucy Lawless giving a radio interview and they asked if her kids knew about Xena and her trademark battle cry. She said no, but she had discovered in act of desperation that her warrior cry would cause all the kids crying and fussing in the car to instantly silence. Whether from concern, shock or surprise.


And yes, both dh and I have at least once used the Xena warrior cry on tantrum fussing toddlers. And it does indeed hush them. For about 3 minutes. But hey, it's a blessed 3 minute reprieve.




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when my dc were little, the entire family watched both Xena and Hercules. My dd had tons of Barbies, the dream house, the van, the convertible, etc. My ds wanted to play Barbie with her but he did not want to play with the Barbies so we got him Xena as his doll. Also got him Captain Kirk Ken doll and he was fine with those 2 dolls.


We all loved both shows

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I know Xena all too well. Surprised my younger sister (who I think was 16 at the time) with two tickets to the first Xena con way back when... And it was not until I pointed it out that she noticed our normal tree topper had been replaced with a Chakram, like in A Solstice Carol.

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It's in my Instant Queue on Netflix right now. I've been reminiscing. The later episodes have much better production than the early ones.


And are surprisingly nuanced. I'm dead serious when I say Xena foreshadowed (and while they ran together echoed) many of the complexities of character we saw in Buffy, and I don't think there have been many female characters since (outside the Whedonverse) who were so fully realized. I miss Xena.

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Yes. I totally know who Xena Warrior Princess is. And no, I have never watched.


Interesting, it is, that one could completely avoid even passing knowledge of such things.


Heh heh... Kalanamak said "stiffy"... Heh heh.


That seems to happen to my often.


I still remember when my cousin saw Lady Gaga at the airport. My cousin got her daughter's picture taken with her. It ended up in the news.


I had no clue who Lady Gaga was. None what so ever.

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I have never seen the show, but I know who Xena is, and I recognized her when she was on the X-Files and now that she's Ron Swanson's girlfriend on "Parks and Recreation."



Whoa, I didn't realize that Xena was Ron Swanson's girlfriend! But I just started watching Parks and Recreation, so I think I have an excuse.


I thought knowing Xena was basic cultural literacy, sort of like Star Trek and Captain America and the episode of I Love Lucy where they're working in the candy factory.

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Yes, I know who Xena is.



I didn't say that I look like Xena. She's my alter ego - you know, how I picture myself in my mind - esp. when I picture how I want to be - strong, healthy and ready to kick you-know-what.

Oooh. I want an alter ego!!! Mine is going to be Jennifer Garner as Agent Sydney Bristow. :D

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The show was on from 1995-2001. I had triplets in 1994, and DD in 1995. I never watched television during those years, except for a few PBS shows (for kids) and a few episodes of Power Rangers. What else did I miss while I was watching Barney?



Excuses, excuses! :D Actually, I'm glad that you're being a good sport about me outing your Xena ignorance! :hat:

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Let's see, Jean... what should I out you about? :smilielol5: I need to know if you are a good sport, too. PS I liked Barney, and I think I'm the only mom who ever did! I do not, however, think of myself as a large, purple dinosaur.



Eeek! I never thought about the fact that you could out me on anything! Back pedal, back pedal! I like Barney. I still sing the Clean Up song to my tween and teen and the I Love You song. And they still love me.

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I haven't watched many episodes, but I've certainly seen it. My dd age 7 is really into the idea of strong women fighters (who like to kick people and use swords). I saw amazon had the Xena dvds on sale on Black Friday and I bought her the first season as a Christmas present. Hoping it's kid friendly enough...

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I haven't watched many episodes, but I've certainly seen it. My dd age 7 is really into the idea of strong women fighters (who like to kick people and use swords). I saw amazon had the Xena dvds on sale on Black Friday and I bought her the first season as a Christmas present. Hoping it's kid friendly enough...


You could look up here http://www.xenaville.com/epguide.html

My 6.5 year old has similar interests but I don't think she is ready for Xena, much as I loved it.

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You could look up here http://www.xenaville.com/epguide.html

My 6.5 year old has similar interests but I don't think she is ready for Xena, much as I loved it.



Thanks! I think she'll be alright with it. It's kind of funny, she is a super sensitive girl about a lot of things, but tv fantasy violence is something she enjoys. I think any dark story lines will probably go a little over her head. She will probably really just watch it for the fight scenes and ignore the rest.

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You know what is funny? I really haven't watched that much Xena. I know who she is and what she symbolizes to me (strong woman who can kick butt) but other than having watched a few shows here and there, I was never a groupie or anything! You know the comic strip "Rose is Rose" where the mom turns into a leather wearing motorcycle mama? It's like that for me and Xena.

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I don't believe I ever watched a whole epsiode, but heck yeah, I know who Xena is. In fact, back in my VS days, I would sometimes tag my comments with "::assumes the Xena Warrior Princess position::" when stating an opinion that would not necessarily be a favorite of others. :laugh:

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