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How many days of school will you have completed by xmas?

How many school days will you have finished by xmas?  

264 members have voted

  1. 1. Same as title post

    • Less than 70
    • 71-75
    • 76-80
    • 81-85
    • 86-90
    • 91-95
    • More than 95
  2. 2. How many days do you school each year

    • Less than 165
    • 165-170
    • 171 to 180
    • 181-190
    • 191-200
    • 201-210
    • 211-220
    • More than 220

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The month of November was wrought with illness and then an unexpected visit from my in-laws last week, so we lost more days than I expected. I just counted today, and we're at 50 days (ugh); I'm hoping to get in 15-20 this month despite holiday things that are occurring. I hate feeling "behind".

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For those of you who count school year days, please answer.



We do 36 weeks (180 days) and we will have completed 15 weeks (75 days) by xmas. We took a week off for a fall break. We will take 2 weeks off for a winter break, and another week in the spring.

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We school pretty much year round, with a few planned breaks and days off as needed. Last year, we did 216 days. This year, we'll have done 96-100 days by Christmas, depending on whether we take any more days off between now and then. Our school "year" started July 1.

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We've done 90 since July 1st


I stop counting at 180 since that is what most of the cover schools around here recommend. We pretty much school year round with our new year starting the beginning of July. We seem to finish up most of our planned work for the year in May and then we just do basics through the summer.


This year we had a move in the fall and DIY remodeling going on so we are behind on days from where I had planned. We are ahead on basic school, but WAY behind on the science/history due to two moves in the past year.

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We will have done approx. 65. We got started late this year because we moved the end of August. We are legally accountable for 154? 156? or something like that. We always do more than that but once we finish one subject we kind of snowball the rest so we finish out the year differently than we start. I'm glad I don't have to actually keep track.

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18 weeks, 90 days.

we started school around August 15, one week before the semester at the university starts, school during our semester + finals week (16 weeks) and one more week to finish before Christmas.


I was unable to vote because we do not have a set number of school days per year. We school two full semesters and do lighter summer school over the summer which can not be quantified easily.

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We have had a hectic move this fall with 3 months living apart starting the 1st of August, and not closing on the house until November 1st. We moved into a foreclosure that has needed some work. We haven't even started school yet this year. I'm not sure where our books even are. :thumbdown: My current plan is to start after the New Year and just keep working until we have the school year finished. If that takes until September, then we don't get a summer break.

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We are at 65 days now, started Aug1 and have taken time off for vacation, a few days for sickness, and a few days just because. We'll school year round this year, with between 180- 190 days. 180 is required.


I hope to be at around 85 days by the end of the year and day 90, halfway through, by 2nd week of January.

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We do 180 and my goal was to be at 90. We are at 70-ish right now, and I'm hoping to hit 80 at this point. We probably won't be able to start back after Christmas until mid-January, so we will have a full spring and probably school a bit later than I like. (late June vs. May)

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I don't keep or plan exact days/weeks. I aim for mid-August to June. We take a long weekend break for T-giving and a week for Xmas and a week for Easter. July and a part of August is long enough for a summer break for us. I'm also willing to drop things for spontaneous trips/events. And then we have those illness/busy days.


But roughly counting we have completed a little over 90 school days. We're always doing something educational though. Even on breaks. And I tend to plan certain things to be done by xmas so we usually start new things in Jan.


Clear as mud?

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100 days when we break, but we started mid-June this year.


We are currently scheduled to have 200 days, BUT... if I take a sanity week off somewhere or we get sick, that will lessen it. I plan to go to May 24 (with a couple breaks scheduled) and then break for 3-4 weeks. Though we might still be reading Sonlight cores during our break, as we didn't start that at the same time we started the school year.

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We'll have done almost 90 that are countable. I start in July/August, though.


I really don't know how to count total days. We stop counting to reach our number for the state, but we do more than that. And beyond that we have plenty of half days. We only have a very few weeks where we are doing absolutely nothing.

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If we're counting from September, then less than 70 because we took three months completely off after DD the Elder's accident. We'll also be taking two full weeks off over the holidays... so unlike us. :w00t: However, we school year round, so we're still in good shape for the calendar year.

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For the Letter of Intent, we are at about 66 days since the town school start, However, given the diversity of our travels and ability to attend plays, concerts etc, I would say dc has done more. If you spend 3 hours at a DC or NYC museum, with discussion after, do you count it? I don't always, but the thoughtful connections made are not trivial.

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Our "school year" started the end of August and we will have completed 70 days by Christmas. I don't usually keep a count but went back in my plan book and counted. I don't do a certain number of days (need to do at least 180 according to the state) per se but just school until the end of June when summer camps and craziness starts. I usually try to start up again near the end of August.


I usually school 4 days a week with some work on Fridays but didn't count those half days for this though I could have since public school counts half days.

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We school year round. Taking 2 week and 2 4 week breaks a few times a year. The friday before Christmas will be our 110th day. We then will take a month off. The next 3 weeks we will light school. We had planned on being done and taking all of December off and going back Jan 3. But I thought about it and think the kids would prefer more time after Christmas to play with their new toys. So We have finished all the work I had wanted done before Our break so we have a few math review lessons or fun math a few days a week, We are doing a Christmas around the world unit study, watching some Christmas movies from other countries, Cooking and baking from around the world etc.. Then even on our Break we will find another unit study to do and more fun stuff. I will count less days as school then.(raking 20 days off maybe will count 8) When we go back MId January we will work for 9 weeks and take a 2 week break and then work till end of May and take June off. which will give us another 98 days. So our total will be 200-210 days. Of that we do plan 175 days of sit down book work and 30-35 days of field trips, fun stuff etc.. a year.

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