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  • Biography
    Mom to four!
  • Location
    North Alabama
  • Occupation
    Stay at home mom
  1. Our Aldi is new and the produce, eggs, bread and dairy prices beat everyone in town. We go through a lot of produce so it saves me a ton of money. I try to avoid shopping at WM, although it's closest to me so I do go there occasionally. I love the farmers markets in the spring/summer but even then they aren't always cheaper. I go to Target as well sometimes, and sometimes Kroger or Publix for their sales. We have a large garden as well as several fruit trees, so we do grow a lot of our own fruits and veggies.
  2. My Kindergartener flew through books A & B (we skipped a lot of A because it was so easy.) He's now in MM at the 1st grade level and doing well.
  3. We've been getting calls from them for at least a year, I'd guess. Asking to be removed from the list does nothing. I like the whistle idea!
  4. Our dog is 8 and she spends most of her day either sitting at our feet or sleeping in her bed. On warm days she goes outside and lays in the sun and chews on sticks, hunts for moles, and eats grass. When it's cold/rainy, she sleeps most of the day. She's always up for playing when offered though. She loves tug of war and loves to chase/race.
  5. Since it has as much sugar as store bought cake frosting, I can't say I think it's healthy! It's more of a dessert option ocassionally than a breakfast option, imo.
  6. No, although I did once straighten the pictures at my inlaws house. They were SO crooked it drove me nuts. It occured to me later how rude it probably seemed, so I wouldn't do that again. My mom once rearranged my silverware drawer and it annoyed me greatly.
  7. Marilla, Hazel, & Vivian are my favorites from your list. I think they are all lovely! You have nice taste in names :)
  8. We have a 2006 Kia Sedona and have not had problems with it in the 6 years we've had it. We bought it new at the tail end of 2006. There was one minor issue with a sensor being broken last year but it was fixed quickly and it was under warranty. Other than that, we've never had any other issues. I really love our van!!
  9. A heated mattress pad. I SO hate getting into a cold bed at night. A bigger crock pot, ours is really too small for our family. A new camera, but I'm selling our old one to get money for that and I'll pick out my own new one.
  10. We schedule 185 days for the year. By Christmas we'll be right around 100 days.
  11. We like Dizios, even the adults have fun playing it. Ours are 7,5,4 and 3 so we needed something the younger ones can play too. Uno is good for all ages, and I've heard tons of raves about Ticket to Ride.
  12. Huntsville, AL (or Madison, AL) I know what you're thinking when you hear Alabama, most likely. I thought the same thing when my husband got a job here 8 years ago.
  13. I only read the first page, but I don't find it offensive. I'd probably respond. Maybe they want to make the system better! I kind of wish our local district was even slightly interested in parent feedback.
  14. My oldest turned 7 in March. Some of his chores include: feeding pets sweeping picking up toys, books, general mess in his room and the rest of the house Setting and clearing the table including washing it. Simple cooking tasks (supervised only) Hang and fold and put away his own laundry Washing windows Helping with siblings if needed (limited)
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