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Can we talk about the debate without politics?

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The debates are a joke. The networks could just air 45 minutes of accusatory, based somewhat in fact political ads for each sides and we'd get the same thing.




Here's a question.

Candidate pretends to care for a moment.

Hits his talking points that somewhat fit the question.

Slams opponent. Attempts subtlety.

Runs over time.


Other candidate does same.


Lather, rinse, repeat.


Debate over.


Pundits for both sides declare their side the *victor* and explains why. Slams other side. Talks about up their side while downplaying any weakness. Talks up other sides weakness while downplaying any strength.


"Fact checks" come out and both sides ignore that or twist it to their talking points.

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Awesome! The whole nation would tune in for that.


I think it should be, "Scenes from a Hat". It would be VERY telling. :lol:




:lol::lol::lol::lol: I would TOTALLY watch that. Anything would be better than a lot of pre-planned sound bites and accusations that are then debunked by factcheck or politico immediately after the debate.

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The debates are a joke. The networks could just air 45 minutes of accusatory, based somewhat in fact political ads for each sides and we'd get the same thing.




Here's a question.

Candidate pretends to care for a moment.

Hits his talking points that somewhat fit the question.

Slams opponent. Attempts subtlety.

Runs over time.


Other candidate does same.


Lather, rinse, repeat.


Debate over.





How tired I get (despite strong political leanings toward one side) of BOTH candidates being asked a question about themselves and answering it, "My opponent blah blah blah..."

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Not only do I agree with all previous comments about the absurdity of the debates, I have a new one to add. I am particularly frustrated that only the Republican and Democrat candidates get to participate. Any candidates that are on a majority of states' ballots (even if you want to go with a 2/3 majority) should be permitted to participate. Are you all aware that Jill Stein (Green Party candidate who is on 85% of states's ballots) and running mate Cheri Honkala were arrested last night because they tried to come in to the debate.


Article from Forbes: http://www.forbes.com/sites/peterjreilly/2012/10/16/arresting-jill-stein-stupidest-idea-i-ever-heard/

Edited by Gailmegan
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[quote name=trinchick;4406611

I don't have a lot of patience' date=' either, for the squabbling over who gets last word or equal time to respond. And I also don't like when they use the first portion of their next response to answer to charges issued in the previous question. I want them just move on and answer the question at hand.[/quote]


It drove me up a wall when they each had to fit in at the end how everything the other said was a total lie. Yeah, we know. We know you think everything your opponent said is false. You don't need to tell us again.

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I almost wish they'd stop calling them debates. They're really just Q&A sessions that turn into "Did not." "Did too". I'm not saying the style is wrong (I haven't decided), but it's really not a "debate".

This is why I haven't even bothered to watch presidential debates in a decade or more.

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Not only do I agree with all previous comments about the absurdity of the debates, I have a new one to add. I am particularly frustrated that only the Republican and Democrat candidates get to participate. Any candidates that are on a majority of states' ballots (even if you want to go with a 2/3 majority) should be permitted to participate. Are you all aware that Jill Stein (Green Party candidate who is on 85% of states's ballots) and running mate Cheri Honkala arrested last night because she tried to come in to the debate.


Article from Forbes: http://www.forbes.com/sites/peterjreilly/2012/10/16/arresting-jill-stein-stupidest-idea-i-ever-heard/


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I actually think that there are very few people who want the truth or a true debate. Most people already have made up their minds - made them up long, long ago, and just want their "side" to "win" and "beat the other guy".


I can't believe we are all tearing each other apart like this, when I don't really think it matters who wins (IMHO). Neither party is interested in the long-term welfare of the middle-class citizen. Just check out the top 10 donors for each candidate. Those organizations, and the ones behind the super-PACs, are the ones really calling the shots. You can believe legislation favoring those industries & individuals is right around the corner, regardless of who wins. Not anything really helpful or good long-term for you, me and ours.

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Well, I doubt any living person could debate like Lincoln and Douglas did.


The debates are a farce. They get the questions in advance. They choose which ones to answer. I personally think we all deserve better.


I thought this was the case, too, but Candy Crawley and Jim Lehrer both specifically said they did not give the candidates or their campaigns the questions in advance.

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I get annoyed when ANY candidate goes over their alloted time. They are supposed to be adults and possibly leaders of the nation! And they can't hold to a simple rule that you have X amount of time!?! Seriously... I lose respect for whatever they are saying and instead get annoyed that they couldn't follow the rule.


They should be allowed to finish the sentence they are on and then STOP.


:iagree: :iagree:

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We have been discussing the bad manners and extreme bias today in our house.

I admit I was waiting for someone to bring out the boxing gloves!


It was offensive, and I admit, I expected it to be. I would have chosen to turn it off, but dh wants to watch every debate.:lurk5:


Fortunately I accidentally missed the other one that got so much coverage for extreme bad behavior.:001_huh:

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For those who would like foreign moderator, why?


It would really not ensure that there was no bias. We non-Americans know you guys intimately and have strong opinions.


I think there have got to be some very well informed and intelligent American journalists who can recognize and deal with their own biases. Hiding somewhere in a PBS affiliate perhaps?

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I get annoyed when ANY candidate goes over their alloted time. They are supposed to be adults and possibly leaders of the nation! And they can't hold to a simple rule that you have X amount of time!?! Seriously... I lose respect for whatever they are saying and instead get annoyed that they couldn't follow the rule.


They should be allowed to finish the sentence they are on and then STOP.


...AND refrain from interrupting each other!!! :glare:

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Not only do I agree with all previous comments about the absurdity of the debates, I have a new one to add. I am particularly frustrated that only the Republican and Democrat candidates get to participate. Any candidates that are on a majority of states' ballots (even if you want to go with a 2/3 majority) should be permitted to participate. Are you all aware that Jill Stein (Green Party candidate who is on 85% of states's ballots) and running mate Cheri Honkala were arrested last night because they tried to come in to the debate.


Article from Forbes: http://www.forbes.com/sites/peterjreilly/2012/10/16/arresting-jill-stein-stupidest-idea-i-ever-heard/


I didn't know she was arrested. I had never heard of her until I did some really long quiz online to figure out which candidates I truly side with. The highest amount of my answers were in alignment with her, and my next highest was with the candidate for whom I'm voting. I agree -- if they're on the ballot, they should get to participate in the debates AND get equal time. I remember last election cycle during the the Democratic primary debates, only the top 2 candidates got significant time.

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They should cut the mic. I find that incredibly annoying, no matter if it's "my" candidate doing the blabbing on or the "other" one. :glare: What if they had a robot moderate?

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I agree with the turning off the mic comment and getting an unbiased moderator. Or at least letting one of the moderators be from the other side of the aisle. Debates are supposed to be one on one not 2 against one.


That is how it is.


Candy Crowley, last night's moderator, is a Republican.

Bob Shieffer has connections to the Bush family.

Martha Raddatz is a Democrat.

Jim Lehrer tends to favor Democrats.

Edited by Sis
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I thought this was the case, too, but Candy Crawley and Jim Lehrer both specifically said they did not give the candidates or their campaigns the questions in advance.


Interesting. I never watch the full debate, just the audio or video afterwards. I have always been told otherwise so I wonder if it changed this year or if I just have long be ill informed. :p


I do think third party candidates should be allowed to participate if they are running a real national campaign.

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I honestly wonder how far someone could get in a presidential race if he decided to be honest (admitting when he was wrong or didn't have an answer), said nothing mean about his opponent, and was kind to the other side (no partisan talk whatsoever). Because, seriously, I would vote for that person.


I'm fairly sure Dukakis tried the "just tell the people the harsh truth" approach. The results weren't pretty.


I think you are on to something there. We should have two moderators. Rush Limbaugh gets to question the Democratic candidate and Bill Maher gets to question the Republican candidate. I'd watch! :lol:


I miss Tim Russert, may he rest in peace. I remember how he pinned Bush to the wall in his interview one Sunday, and the next Sunday left Gore equally skewered. He didn't let any politician get away with weasel words, and always asked the tough follow-up question. And had the friendliest demeanor.

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I'm fairly sure Dukakis tried the "just tell the people the harsh truth" approach. The results weren't pretty.




I miss Tim Russert, may he rest in peace. I remember how he pinned Bush to the wall in his interview one Sunday, and the next Sunday left Gore equally skewered. He didn't let any politician get away with weasel words, and always asked the tough follow-up question. And had the friendliest demeanor.


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I miss Tim Russert, may he rest in peace. I remember how he pinned Bush to the wall in his interview one Sunday, and the next Sunday left Gore equally skewered. He didn't let any politician get away with weasel words, and always asked the tough follow-up question. And had the friendliest demeanor.


:iagree: He was amazing, and sorely missed.

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I'm fairly sure Dukakis tried the "just tell the people the harsh truth" approach. The results weren't pretty.




I miss Tim Russert, may he rest in peace. I remember how he pinned Bush to the wall in his interview one Sunday, and the next Sunday left Gore equally skewered. He didn't let any politician get away with weasel words, and always asked the tough follow-up question. And had the friendliest demeanor.



I really liked Tim Russert!



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I miss Tim Russert, may he rest in peace. I remember how he pinned Bush to the wall in his interview one Sunday, and the next Sunday left Gore equally skewered. He didn't let any politician get away with weasel words, and always asked the tough follow-up question. And had the friendliest demeanor.




RIP Tim Russert, he is missed.

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Another thought we be to bag the debate and do a reality show: make each one of them work an 8-hour shift in a day care, fast food restaurant, cleaning hotels, etc. and air the results. That would be must-see-TV!


Or like that one mayor did--live on a food stamp allotment for a month and see how they fare. Or off the grid for a few days. Oh, the possibilities.

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Another thought we be to bag the debate and do a reality show: make each one of them work an 8-hour shift in a day care, fast food restaurant, cleaning hotels, etc. and air the results. That would be must-see-TV!


I think this would become the number 1 watched show in America!!!!


Oh man, you know what would be fun???? Put them on that Discovery Channel show, "Dirtiest Jobs" and broadcast it on every channel. This would be a riot!


:lurk5: Save me a front row seat. "And the Emmy goes to ______________ for his performance in, "Mr. Out-of-touch-with-Reality works on the New York City Sanitation Crew for 10 days!"


Oh dear presidential candidate...I've got some duck runs for you to clean today! :D



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Having the timer show up in the background due to the camera angle really made it harder for me. After the clock went red and then black, I just felt like shouting, "Stop talking!" If I hadn't seen the clock, I don't know that I would have even noticed that they went over time.


I don't have a lot of patience, either, for the squabbling over who gets last word or equal time to respond. And I also don't like when they use the first portion of their next response to answer to charges issued in the previous question. I want them just move on and answer the question at hand.


It was so distracting to see the clock! BUT, as I was watching, I did notice that you could see the clock far, far more often behind one candidate than the other.


And, just for the record, I'm so disgusted with the whole thing that I likely won't even vote for the offer of president.:glare:

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It was so distracting to see the clock! BUT, as I was watching, I did notice that you could see the clock far, far more often behind one candidate than the other.


And, just for the record, I'm so disgusted with the whole thing that I likely won't even vote for the offer of president.:glare:


Now that you mention it, the clock really was mor visible behind one than the other. Go figure.


I'm disgusted but will vote, though I'm not sure how much my vote really counts. ((Ducking))

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I too really hated the disrespect both of them showed the moderator and each other. It looked like a couple of naughty children who whined about getting their fair time and "he got extra, why can't I?" arguments. They should cut off their mikes and let them know, "this will happen, be prepared". We might actually get a good debate instead of what we're getting. Half the time, you can't even make out what either candidate is saying because they're both talking at the same time trying to get more time for their point of view. I've watched very civil and ordered presidential debates in the past where each took his turn and time was honored. This whole thing is just sad.



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It was the Lincoln/Douglas debate. No, I don't think most people these days have that kind of attention span. It's a shame. I also don't think many politicians could articulate their position for that long or that well now.


Having only a minute or two to answer questions on important matters is hardly worthwhile. I would love to watch a debate that allowed candidates to actually expound on their views instead of spouting canned answers. It would be refreshing to hear candidates talk about their political philosophies as well as getting into details of whatever plans they have instead of taking cheap shots at each other. It would definitely weed out some of these candidates! :001_smile:

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I agree they should cut the mic!


:iagree: And maybe use a giant hook to take them back to their seats. :lol:

I also think there should be someone behind the scenes to make a noise like a buzzer or turn on a red light or something to let everyone know when something one of them says is not the truth.

Edited by Donna
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I think they all need to learn to follow the clock. However, I also think it's insane the way ALL the media is promoting the debates as some sort of American Idol/boxing match. Watch it and vote who won!! I think that's awful.Who had the best zingers, who was polite, etc. Almost as disgusting as listening to the commentators declare that certain ones soundwd manic, depressed, or demented....it's as if the must tell us who "won" because we can't think for ourselves.


I agree. I wonder, would it be like this if there were a woman? It really seemed to me like a "who's the manliest?" competition. It drives me crazy to hear the talk of who "won" as if it is a sport with a score where everyone agrees on the outcome.


That being said, after the first debate I heard analysis of viewers in China. It was really interesting. Both their perceptions of what was said, and who they thought did better, and their interest in the very concept of politicians debating at all.


I also did not understand why after their time was up, the countdown clock went away. Why not have a big sign that read, "Time's Up!" flashing in red?

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It was so distracting to see the clock! BUT, as I was watching, I did notice that you could see the clock far, far more often behind one candidate than the other.


And, just for the record, I'm so disgusted with the whole thing that I likely won't even vote for the offer of president.:glare:


You know, I didn't even notice the clock, and I watched every minute of it on CNN.



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Another thought we be to bag the debate and do a reality show: make each one of them work an 8-hour shift in a day care, fast food restaurant, cleaning hotels, etc. and air the results. That would be must-see-TV!


LOVE this idea!


We HAVE the technology. We should USE it. Automatic timers that shut down the mics would be useful. Also, I see no reason not to hook 'em up to a lie detector and let us watch that little needle jump around at the bottom of the screen. :D


And this one! Lie detectors! :lol:

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You know, I didn't even notice the clock, and I watched every minute of it on CNN.




:iagree: I watched the whole thing too, and I remember seeing the clock exactly once, for a brief moment. I don't even remember which candidate was standing in front of it.

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I love the Drew Carey idea. Wish that show would come back.


Dd thought that the moderator should have a squirt gun and shoot the candidates each time they went over time. I suggested one of those water blaster/bazooka things. The candidate who was the wettest at the end of the debate would be the loser.

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I love the Drew Carey idea. Wish that show would come back.


Dd thought that the moderator should have a squirt gun and shoot the candidates each time they went over time. I suggested one of those water blaster/bazooka things. The candidate who was the wettest at the end of the debate would be the loser.


That's funny! My kids have been enjoying it all. They like to listen while doing some of their school work and insert their ideas. I've taken them to the polls since they were young. Their dad is going for the first time this year. They are excited for him, lol!

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Nope. I didn't miss it.


I think both these answer your, "I wonder if it would be like this if there were a woman?" question.




Actually, your answer shows that some men do need to jocky with women to prove they are "the man." I had been thinking most men were a bit classier. Thanks for setting me straight, Alpha-Bill.

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I love the Drew Carey idea. Wish that show would come back.


Dd thought that the moderator should have a squirt gun and shoot the candidates each time they went over time. I suggested one of those water blaster/bazooka things. The candidate who was the wettest at the end of the debate would be the loser.


Paintball gun. If we went with squirt guns, the candidates would just laminate themselves pre-debate.

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