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Dh finally broke down.

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I've been waiting for it, I've been expecting it and it happened this morning.

He spent two weeks in the hospital with his dying sister, her husband and his parents. He did something no one should have to do. He watched her die slowly and agonizingly and he was the only one who could comfort her. Then he held the family together during the whole funeral thing, keeping our brother in law on his feet, his Mom together and there was so little I could do except to just be there for him and with him.


It's been 23 days since we buried her and he has been just carrying on, struggling, getting more and more stressed and panicked, grinding his teeth all night, all day. This morning he came up to me, soggy bowl of grapenuts in hand and just asked, "why?" And he cried himself out. For the first time since the day she went into the hospital. And I held him and cried with him. And the dog and the cats came in and sat at his feet and our oldest came silently and added her arms to the embrace, tears flowing down her face as well. It was really, oddly, rather beautiful.


My prayers for him now are that his heart eases, that he allows himself to mourn, that he knows it is ok to be angry and question his faith, God can take it. The holidays are going to be so hard this year, but I hope and pray this morning was the beginning of his healing.


Thanks for letting me share, I don't really have anywhere else sometimes.

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It sounds like it was cleansing and in the end will be good for him. But it has to have been difficult to wait for it. I pray he finds comfort and you find the strength to continue to be his rock while he works through his grief while you are working through your own. :grouphug::grouphug:


I'm sorry for your family's loss.

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I'm so sorry. :( :grouphug:


My DH's parents both died when he was young. His father died when he was 3, his mother when he was 6 (they were in the same accident, his mother was in a vegetative state for 3 years). He is now 36, and every year he spends the week leading up to the anniversary of the accident in a very bad state. This year was especially worse because it was 30 years since his mother died. It will get better, but don't be surprised if he gets upset around this time every year. Just be there to support him.

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