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Two weeks after move and the in-laws are here.

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I posted awhile back about my in-laws coming two weeks after we moved in. They are here now visiting. Comments heard thus far:


You've got quite a few weeds in your yard.


Where are the insides of the grandfather clock? (family heirloom. Answer = haven't gotten to that)


What is the purpose of all these sinks in your kitchen? (there are two).


What are those boards for? (shelves for a bookshelf my dh purchased and was assembling today)


This was all within an hour of their arrival. :glare:


Never mind the fact that, except for books and grandfather clock inards, we are box free. Never mind the fact that all our "art" is hung. Never mind the fact that the guest bedroom has (IMO) lovely new bedding. We contracted with a yard service TODAY.


It is never enough. Never. I have worked like a d@mn dog the last two weeks. All they notice are the things that are not done. Really frustrated, but I shouldn't be surprised. I KNEW it would be like this. Self fulfilling prophecy, so I should handle it better, but I don't.


Thank goodness for liquor!!

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You are a saint! I've been in my new house for 5 weeks and there are still boxes in pretty much every room. I don't know how you did that + homeschooling! Just laugh at how petty these comments are - they obviously have nothing to do with reality.


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My MIL used to be like that. Then one day after DH and I had been married about five years and she was visiting - she rearranged my kitchen. I'm one of those people where it takes me a couple of weeks to figure out where I want stuff in the kitchen. And it STAYS in that place unless I move it.


When I got back from shopping and discovered MIL had rearranged the kitchen, I was fuming. I grabbed her by the hand, walked her out the front door to the porch. Shut the screen door in her face and told her when she remembered whose house she was at and could respect said persons and how they choose to do things, she could come back in but NOT a minute sooner. Then I shut and locked the front door.


Took her about five minutes to apologize and the last thirteen years have been much less stressful when they're visiting! :D

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You are a saint! I've been in my new house for 5 weeks and there are still boxes in pretty much every room. I don't know how you did that + homeschooling! Just laugh at how petty these comments are - they obviously have nothing to do with reality.



No longer homeschooling. Ds is in a charter school, so that was not an issue to our "readiness" or lack thereof. I would NOT have had nearly as much done if we were still homeschooling.

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My MIL used to be like that. Then one day after DH and I had been married about five years and she was visiting - she rearranged my kitchen. I'm one of those people where it takes me a couple of weeks to figure out where I want stuff in the kitchen. And it STAYS in that place unless I move it.


When I got back from shopping and discovered MIL had rearranged the kitchen, I was fuming. I grabbed her by the hand, walked her out the front door to the porch. Shut the screen door in her face and told her when she remembered whose house she was at and could respect said persons and how they choose to do things, she could come back in but NOT a minute sooner. Then I shut and locked the front door.


Took her about five minutes to apologize and the last thirteen years have been much less stressful when they're visiting! :D


You are my new heroine! Wow! Wish I had that kind of gumption.

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Oh my, I am so sorry!!


They remind me of my Father; I was a senior in high school, had just earned straight A's (for the third year in a row), had a 4.0 GPA, my Father looks at it, and then says:" Why isn't this A- an A?"


Sigh. I feel your pain.


:grouphug::grouphug: How painful for you. I am sorry.

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Oh my gosh. :grouphug: Reminds me of my mom when she and dad came to sleep over at our home years ago when dh and I had to go on an overnight trip...the first and last time that ever occurred. They had my poor babies jumping up and cleaning morning till night. The stories I heard later from them made me want to cry. "Mom, Mamaw told us to move the couch out of the way so she could sweep and mop under it. We sure found lots of stuff under there!" :001_huh: Hope for the best that your visit will be short and sweet. Keep that liquor coming fast and furious until their departure.

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I posted awhile back about my in-laws coming two weeks after we moved in. They are here now visiting. Comments heard thus far:


You've got quite a few weeds in your yard. Isn't that why you came? To pull weeds? Get to gettin!!


Where are the insides of the grandfather clock? (family heirloom. Answer = haven't gotten to that) We hollowed it out for you to sleep in. Isn't it cozy?


What is the purpose of all these sinks in your kitchen? (there are two).One for each inlaw. Look at all those dirty dishes. Whatcha waitin on?


What are those boards for? (shelves for a bookshelf my dh purchased and was assembling today) To beat you with if you don't pull weeds, wash dishes, and sleep in the clock.


This was all within an hour of their arrival. :glare:


Never mind the fact that, except for books and grandfather clock inards, we are box free. Never mind the fact that all our "art" is hung. Never mind the fact that the guest bedroom has (IMO) lovely new bedding. We contracted with a yard service TODAY.


It is never enough. Never. I have worked like a d@mn dog the last two weeks. All they notice are the things that are not done. Really frustrated, but I shouldn't be surprised. I KNEW it would be like this. Self fulfilling prophecy, so I should handle it better, but I don't.


Thank goodness for liquor!!

My answers in red LOL have I mentioned I've maged to pretty much run my I laws off? Sorry they are so thick headed, may their visit be short!

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love Ghee's answers! :lol:


My MIL went off on me about the state of my house before.


This after I'd spent the better part of 2 wks working my butt off, gobbling narcotics like tic tacs to not want to die (pushed way too far w/the RSD) and collapsing into bed at night in tears just to get ready for her. Steam cleaning rugs, etc.


She told me that she'd have to clean it for a wk to get it up to standard.


I told her to tie an arm behind her back and see how well she managed. :glare:

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Well, I'm sure we all hate to say we told you so, but.... :D :D :D


I vote for putting them to work.


You might as well, because it's not like you can just kill them and be done with it. Think about how long it would take to dig the shallow graves out in the back yard, and then there's the nuisance of planting new grass there and watering it all the time... not that I would know firsthand or anything. :rolleyes:

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Holy carp! I would have a super hard time not being the most sarcastic I've ever been. And I'm extremely sarcastic. They mention the weeds I would say, "Oh, you forgot to point out XYZ." The clock inards. I would get the box out and say, "I saved them just for you to do!" Lather, rinse, repeat.

Enjoy your drink! I would need a couple!

Edited by Kalah
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As my dad would say to complainers "There's the door. Don't let it hit you in the a$$ on the way out!" I would confront them, using your best condescending teacher voice, say "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" or "Guests who complain don't get asked back." If they continue, blow up at them, grab the bottle of wine, storm off to the bathtub with a good book for a fragrant soak. You could always blame it on working like a dog so that you could be hospitable.

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My MIL used to be like that. Then one day after DH and I had been married about five years and she was visiting - she rearranged my kitchen. I'm one of those people where it takes me a couple of weeks to figure out where I want stuff in the kitchen. And it STAYS in that place unless I move it.


When I got back from shopping and discovered MIL had rearranged the kitchen, I was fuming. I grabbed her by the hand, walked her out the front door to the porch. Shut the screen door in her face and told her when she remembered whose house she was at and could respect said persons and how they choose to do things, she could come back in but NOT a minute sooner. Then I shut and locked the front door.


Took her about five minutes to apologize and the last thirteen years have been much less stressful when they're visiting! :D


This! This is so me!

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My MIL used to be like that. Then one day after DH and I had been married about five years and she was visiting - she rearranged my kitchen. I'm one of those people where it takes me a couple of weeks to figure out where I want stuff in the kitchen. And it STAYS in that place unless I move it.


When I got back from shopping and discovered MIL had rearranged the kitchen, I was fuming. I grabbed her by the hand, walked her out the front door to the porch. Shut the screen door in her face and told her when she remembered whose house she was at and could respect said persons and how they choose to do things, she could come back in but NOT a minute sooner. Then I shut and locked the front door.


Took her about five minutes to apologize and the last thirteen years have been much less stressful when they're visiting! :D


I don't share many posts here with my husband, but I just shared this. That.is.AWESOME.


OP- I will be in your shoes here shortly and am not looking forward to it. :grouphug:

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Well, I'm sure we all hate to say we told you so, but.... :D :D :D


I vote for putting them to work.


You might as well, because it's not like you can just kill them and be done with it. Think about how long it would take to dig the shallow graves out in the back yard, and then there's the nuisance of planting new grass there and watering it all the time... not that I would know firsthand or anything. :rolleyes:


I know, I know. But at least it will be over with. F-I-L complained this morning that he couldn't spread his newspaper out over our new, smaller kitchen table (we downsized our house with this move) when M-I-L and I say down to eat. Said he had plenty of room when he first got in the kitchen and was by himself. I asked if he'd like me to go eat upstairs so he'd have more room. He grunted. I then said if he wanted to eat at the island he could spread his paper out as much as he liked. More grunting.

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I know, I know. But at least it will be over with. F-I-L complained this morning that he couldn't spread his newspaper out over our new, smaller kitchen table (we downsized our house with this move) when M-I-L and I say down to eat. Said he had plenty of room when he first got in the kitchen and was by himself. I asked if he'd like me to go eat upstairs so he'd have more room. He grunted. I then said if he wanted to eat at the island he could spread his paper out as much as he liked. More grunting.


I feel so bad for you! How long are they staying again? Be strong!

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I know, I know. But at least it will be over with. F-I-L complained this morning that he couldn't spread his newspaper out over our new, smaller kitchen table (we downsized our house with this move) when M-I-L and I say down to eat. Said he had plenty of room when he first got in the kitchen and was by himself. I asked if he'd like me to go eat upstairs so he'd have more room. He grunted. I then said if he wanted to eat at the island he could spread his paper out as much as he liked. More grunting.


Hopefully he won't go into the powder room 6 feet away from the kitchen to do his long term bathroom business after coffee.


We have a house guest like that. He prefers that bathroom to the much larger, more private one in the upstairs hall.:confused::confused::confused: :glare:

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I know, I know. But at least it will be over with. F-I-L complained this morning that he couldn't spread his newspaper out over our new, smaller kitchen table (we downsized our house with this move) when M-I-L and I say down to eat. Said he had plenty of room when he first got in the kitchen and was by himself. I asked if he'd like me to go eat upstairs so he'd have more room. He grunted. I then said if he wanted to eat at the island he could spread his paper out as much as he liked. More grunting.


PLENTY of room on the floor. Do you have dogs? Next meal, I suggest you put his plate on the floor next to their bowls. Wheeeeee!!! so roomy!!!

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I posted awhile back about my in-laws coming two weeks after we moved in. They are here now visiting. Comments heard thus far:


You've got quite a few weeds in your yard.


Where are the insides of the grandfather clock? (family heirloom. Answer = haven't gotten to that)


What is the purpose of all these sinks in your kitchen? (there are two).


What are those boards for? (shelves for a bookshelf my dh purchased and was assembling today)


This was all within an hour of their arrival. :glare:


Never mind the fact that, except for books and grandfather clock inards, we are box free. Never mind the fact that all our "art" is hung. Never mind the fact that the guest bedroom has (IMO) lovely new bedding. We contracted with a yard service TODAY.


It is never enough. Never. I have worked like a d@mn dog the last two weeks. All they notice are the things that are not done. Really frustrated, but I shouldn't be surprised. I KNEW it would be like this. Self fulfilling prophecy, so I should handle it better, but I don't.


Thank goodness for liquor!!


That is just cr@ppy! Know that the problem rests with them, not you. It just says what kind of people they really are. I say, take it easy and rest the rest of the time they're there.


Or put them to work.

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I know, I know. But at least it will be over with. F-I-L complained this morning that he couldn't spread his newspaper out over our new, smaller kitchen table (we downsized our house with this move) when M-I-L and I say down to eat. Said he had plenty of room when he first got in the kitchen and was by himself. I asked if he'd like me to go eat upstairs so he'd have more room. He grunted. I then said if he wanted to eat at the island he could spread his paper out as much as he liked. More grunting.

He could take his food and paper outside. Lots of room on the lawn.

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Oh, rude! Don't put any weight into their comments. Rise above. :001_smile: sounds like that part can be easy.


Cope with liquor. Put headphones on.:tongue_smilie:


When do they leave? Oh I hope you don't find yourself feeling unwell. That would be awful. But if you do, take frequent naps.;)


Edited by Denisemomof4
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It sounds like your new home is wonderful, and your hard work is allowing them to nit-pick on the teeny-tiny little things. They need to get a life, and bless their hearts as my mom would say.


Snort:lol::lol::lol:....Interesting...In-laws are the kind of people who make you need a drink;).

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Nice work on getting unpacked in two weeks!! That is a huge accomplishment especially with a down-size. :party: You should take a moment to celebrate that accomplishment with a beverage of your choice in your box-free living room. :D


Oh and I'm adding this to the list of things never to do when I visit my future DILs' houses. The more I read this board, the longer that list gets.

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Fil - I'm leaving for the game.


Me: kick off is in four hours.

Fil: I have a lot of stuff I have to do.

Me: oh. Well, you are going to miss my Tex-Mex appetizers. I have guacamole (his favorite).

Fil: I'm still full from lunch. Pause. Is it made?

Me: yes. It's just that stuff in the pouch. Would you like some now?

Fil: it's not homemade?

Me: no. I made homemade last time you came, and you didn't say a word about it, so I decided it wasn't worth the effort.


I'm getting better. I'm also drinking tequila.

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Fil - I'm leaving for the game.


Me: kick off is in four hours.

Fil: I have a lot of stuff I have to do.

Me: oh. Well, you are going to miss my Tex-Mex appetizers. I have guacamole (his favorite).

Fil: I'm still full from lunch. Pause. Is it made?

Me: yes. It's just that stuff in the pouch. Would you like some now?

Fil: it's not homemade?

Me: no. I made homemade last time you came, and you didn't say a word about it, so I decided it wasn't worth the effort.


I'm getting better. I'm also drinking tequila.


Oh, tequila you are a friend of mine!!! You rock, Hoggirl.

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I posted awhile back about my in-laws coming two weeks after we moved in. They are here now visiting. Comments heard thus far:


You've got quite a few weeds in your yard.


Where are the insides of the grandfather clock? (family heirloom. Answer = haven't gotten to that)


What is the purpose of all these sinks in your kitchen? (there are two).


What are those boards for? (shelves for a bookshelf my dh purchased and was assembling today)


This was all within an hour of their arrival. :glare:


Never mind the fact that, except for books and grandfather clock inards, we are box free. Never mind the fact that all our "art" is hung. Never mind the fact that the guest bedroom has (IMO) lovely new bedding. We contracted with a yard service TODAY.


It is never enough. Never. I have worked like a d@mn dog the last two weeks. All they notice are the things that are not done. Really frustrated, but I shouldn't be surprised. I KNEW it would be like this. Self fulfilling prophecy, so I should handle it better, but I don't.


Thank goodness for liquor!!


I'm sorry! I tend to notice only problem things, and not the stuff that is done perfectly...hazard of dealing with rental real estate for so long, I guess.


I hope you get some compliments too! Tell them to compliment your hard work and not just criticize the things you have not gotten to yet.

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Reminds me a bit of my mother. Years ago when we lived 1,000 miles away from my parent's home, dh and I drove straight through (part of the way in a snow/ice storm) to get to his grandfather's funeral. We arrived at my parents house exhausted late evening. In the span of 1 hour, my mother had commented about my weight not being to her liking, hair style, and make up (lack there of). She spent the rest of the evening and breakfast the next morning sighing and lamenting repeatedly about not being able to get me a hair appt before we had to leave that day and drive another 250 miles to attend the funeral. By the way, I had just gotten a hair cut the previous week.

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